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New Knight Castellan Revealed!


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So who saw my meltdown on the stream? Lol

You're bragging about that?


Nah, just getting the nerd rage out, lol.


I've rearranged my force, and am proud to present my new knight list.




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If the things we heard today prove to be representative of the knight codex, I'll probably do the following. Not buy the codex, then wait for the first FAQ cycle. If they haven't fixed the debilitating force organization issues by then, I'll sell all of my knights. Fingers crossed that this is more of a communication issue.

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Ooooh... there's a relic that gives you an ion shield in close combat. If it benefits from the ion bulwark warlord trait then thats pretty strong, a 4++ against shooting and close combat.


Just checked the wording of rotate ion shield, and it works when you are targeted until the end of the phase. So it could boost your save in close combat... so 3++ in close combat (assuming the warlord trait buffs the relic). I guess that solves the captain smash problem. :D

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If the things we heard today prove to be representative of the knight codex, I'll probably do the following. Not buy the codex, then wait for the first FAQ cycle. If they haven't fixed the debilitating force organization issues by then, I'll sell all of my knights. Fingers crossed that this is more of a communication issue.

Honestly, you selling your Knights won't tell GW anything, since they were already bought and they don't track them after they are out of the store!  ;)  I've still got my orders coming for Renegade, the codex, cards, sacristan terrain, and 1 box Helverins.  I'm sure I'll use all of it at some point, I just hope the Knight-only army composition is good or gets FAQed to be more feasible.  I remain cautiously optimistic, but I am still invested!

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We're so lucky there is 10k Custodes, what with nearly every imperial army consisting of 3 Shield captains on bikes, 32 guardsmen and whatever or whoever is left in the barracks that day.



I think I might just have to go with a guard battalion, 182 points, and then just leave them to the side/in the box.


Without using the relic/trait but getting the +5 CP that the rest of the list needs to work.




Guard mini cp battalion


3 questoris/Cerastus chassis and then topped up with armigers

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If the things we heard today prove to be representative of the knight codex, I'll probably do the following. Not buy the codex, then wait for the first FAQ cycle. If they haven't fixed the debilitating force organization issues by then, I'll sell all of my knights. Fingers crossed that this is more of a communication issue.

Honestly, you selling your Knights won't tell GW anything, since they were already bought and they don't track them after they are out of the store!  :wink:  I've still got my orders coming for Renegade, the codex, cards, sacristan terrain, and 1 box Helverins.  I'm sure I'll use all of it at some point, I just hope the Knight-only army composition is good or gets FAQed to be more feasible.  I remain cautiously optimistic, but I am still invested!


Godspeed. If the rumours are true, you are still 1 big GW knight away from being able to use relics, warlord traits, having command points etc. I own mostly FW knights, and with the lack of rules support from FW the past year, I'm very skeptical of them going in and saying that they count as "big knights" for the aforementioned purposes. In the stream they did specify "minimum 3 questoris or dominus-class" after all. Again, fingers crossed that they miscommunicated terribly in the stream.

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If the things we heard today prove to be representative of the knight codex, I'll probably do the following. Not buy the codex, then wait for the first FAQ cycle. If they haven't fixed the debilitating force organization issues by then, I'll sell all of my knights. Fingers crossed that this is more of a communication issue.

Honestly, you selling your Knights won't tell GW anything, since they were already bought and they don't track them after they are out of the store!  :wink:  I've still got my orders coming for Renegade, the codex, cards, sacristan terrain, and 1 box Helverins.  I'm sure I'll use all of it at some point, I just hope the Knight-only army composition is good or gets FAQed to be more feasible.  I remain cautiously optimistic, but I am still invested!


Godspeed. If the rumours are true, you are still 1 big GW knight away from being able to use relics, warlord traits, having command points etc. I own mostly FW knights, and with the lack of rules support from FW the past year, I'm very skeptical of them going in and saying that they count as "big knights" for the aforementioned purposes. In the stream they did specify "minimum 3 questoris or dominus-class" after all. Again, fingers crossed that they miscommunicated terribly in the stream.

Yes!  Will hold out on that 3rd big Knight to see if I want Canix Rex or its variant or another category all-together, but that box set is a great price....  That and it'll give me some time to assemble and paint!  LOL!    Fingers crossed indeed!

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If the things we heard today prove to be representative of the knight codex, I'll probably do the following. Not buy the codex, then wait for the first FAQ cycle. If they haven't fixed the debilitating force organization issues by then, I'll sell all of my knights. Fingers crossed that this is more of a communication issue.


Was the Codex written by Robin Cruddace? 


...or was it written by Cruddy Robin? 


Could go either way right now it seems. We may need an effigy to burn ladies and gents!

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Wanted to collate these after re-listening to the stream and noting down the various points.


Credit to MagicHat for doing the original legwork (and catching almost all of it on a single listen!!)





Tradition: On Advance or Charge. Roll 3D6 for distance, and discard the lowest result.

Warlord Trait: Warlord can Re-roll failed Charges.

Strat: 3CP. Glory and Honour. After a Terryn unit Fights, it may Fight again immediately.





Tradition: Can HI as if a character, +1 attack during a HI or when charging.

Warlord: After a charge, roll a D6. On a 4+ score D3 mortal wounds on the target.

Relic: Mark of the lance. On a 2+ enemy takes D3 mortal wounds, on a roll of 6, take 3 mortal wounds.

Strat: 2CP. Dragon Slayer. When you attack a unit with more than 10 wounds, you get +1 to wound rolls.





Tradition: Wounds count as double for the purposes of wound degradation.

Warlord: Select a unit, gain +1 to hit against that unit.

Strat: Can over watch on behalf of an allied unit, then counter charge the attacking unit.

Relic: 4+ save vs mortal wounds in the psychic phase.





Tradition: Hunters of the foe. Re roll 1's to wound against anything with 12 wounds or less.

Warlord: Reduce all damage suffered in the fight phase by 1. (Cannot reduce below 1)

Strat: Cogitator array. Knight version of an auspex.

Relic: No saving throws against the units ranged attacks. (? Mechanics not explained well)





Tradition: +1 to hit in the fight phase.

Warlord: -1 to hit at ranges greater than 18"

Strat: Slayers of shadows. Can shoot ignoring negative penalties against the targeted unit.

Relic: Honours Bite. Chainsword - Each wound roll of 6, also inflicts D3 mortal wounds.





Tradition: Heavy weapons count as assault weapons after advancing. No penalty is incurred.

Warlord: +1 to saving throws (not invulns) if hit by a weapon with an AP of -1.

Strat: At the start of the shooting phase, pick a house Raven model, that model can reroll ALL dice rolls in that phase. Hit rolls, wound rolls, number of shots etc.

Relic: Banner Inviolate. Questorus only. Re-roll all rolls of one in the fight phase, if within 6" of the bearer.





Tradition: 6+++ save against anything but Mortal Wounds.

Warlord: If you roll a 6 to wound when shooting, the attacks AP increases.

Strat: 2CP. Our Darkest Hour. If a Knight is destroyed, it may return with D3 wounds on a 4+

Relic:  Thermal Cannon. 'Fury of Mars'.





Tradition: Reroll failed hit rolls in the fight phase if charging, performing an HI, or vs Titanic.

Warlord: First Knight. Reroll hit rolls of 1.

Strat: Controlled aggression. Exploding 6's in the fight phase. Each 6 to hit counts as two hits, or three hits against Chaos.

Relic: 'Headsmans Mark' +1 damage vs units with 10 or more wounds. +2 damage if the target is Titanic. 





Tradition: Reroll hit rolls of 1 when targeting the closest enemy unit in the shooting phase. (only counts against the first unit targeted.)

Warlord: Adamantium Knight. Wound rolls of 1, 2 or 3 against this model are ignored.

Strat: 1CP saturation bombardment. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 in the shooting phase count as two hits instead of 1.

Relic: Auric Mask. Enemies within 12" must roll an extra D6 when making morale tests and take the highest result.





Strat: Full tilt. Charge after advancing.

Strat: 2CP Valiant Stand: Shoot or fight before removing the model when it dies (not 100% sure on the wording), but it was specifically locked to questor imperialis. So I imagine there will be some stratagems that are locked to Questor Mechanicus too.

Strat: 2CP: Overload reactor, explode on a 4+. 

(Thanks to Mushkilla for the two above)


Extra A and WS for Gallant. Finally.

285 points for Questoris knights?

Avenger 75 points.

Reaper Chainsword now S+6

Stratagem can give another Knight a WL trait.

SHD knight lance rule: 1 knight becomes Character, can take relics, WL trait. Needs 3 big knights, armigers don't count, including for CP generation.

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I was already looking at a guard battery or mechanicus battery for obsec anyway. I honestly want to just play knights though, I might take a break to look into AoS just to breath.


AoS 2 is releasing soon. I would be real careful about going into AoS hard right now. Not sure if they are going to rerelease all the battle tombs or not.

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One thing with the Taranis Darkest Hour stratagem, you spend it when the knight is destroyed, but you only make the roll at the end of the phase. Which makes it really good, for 3CP (2CP + 1CP for a command re-roll), giving you a 75% to back up is pretty powerful. Especially if its your warlord and relic carrier. Then use Machine spirit resurgent to use your top profile. Pretty expensive CP wise, but potentially game changing.


Also the from the battle report:


2CP Valiant Stand: Shoot or fight before removing the model when it dies (not 100% sure on the wording), but it was specifically locked to questor imperialis. So I imagine there will be some stratagems that are locked to Questor Mechanicus too.


2CP: Overload reactor, explode on a 4+.

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The strat that is 2cp iirc for charge after advancing could be huge.

Indeed! I said this earlier this week but this combined with the House Raven tradition on an Atropos is going to be bananas. Throw in the Landstrider warlord trait for good measure...

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One thing with the Taranis Darkest Hour stratagem, you spend it when the knight is destroyed, but you only make the roll at the end of the phase. Which makes it really good, for 3CP (2CP + 1CP for a command re-roll), giving you a 75% to back up is pretty powerful. Especially if its your warlord and relic carrier. Then use Machine spirit resurgent to use your top profile. Pretty expensive CP wise, but potentially game changing.


Also the from the battle report:


2CP Valiant Stand: Shoot or fight before removing the model when it dies (not 100% sure on the wording), but it was specifically locked to questor imperialis. So I imagine there will be some stratagems that are locked to Questor Mechanicus too.


2CP: Overload reactor, explode on a 4+.


Good catches Ser Mush, I'll add them to the list. Cheers buddy.

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The SHD restriction needs more info. It sounds unusual since the Armigers were advertised as a quick and easy way to get to the SHD. If you can't bring them to get the SHD, that would be a kick in the pants.


So much this.


We have to hope that either what was being stated on the stream was very confused, or that something will be FAQ'd in the near future to fix it for dedicated Knight lists.

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The SHD restriction needs more info. It sounds unusual since the Armigers were advertised as a quick and easy way to get to the SHD. If you can't bring them to get the SHD, that would be a kick in the pants.

I'm hoping that this is only if you want the extra warlord trait and character.

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The SHD restriction needs more info. It sounds unusual since the Armigers were advertised as a quick and easy way to get to the SHD. If you can't bring them to get the SHD, that would be a kick in the pants.

So much this.


We have to hope that either what was being stated on the stream was very confused, or that something will be FAQ'd in the near future to fix it for dedicated Knight lists.

Just make it a Questoris or bigger + 2 Armigers is fine as they said in the original piece when forgebane arrives.


That's still 6/700 points worth of investment, 3 1/2 times more than that stupid guard battery battalion.

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The SHD restriction needs more info. It sounds unusual since the Armigers were advertised as a quick and easy way to get to the SHD. If you can't bring them to get the SHD, that would be a kick in the pants.

So much this.


We have to hope that either what was being stated on the stream was very confused, or that something will be FAQ'd in the near future to fix it for dedicated Knight lists.

Just make it a Questoris or bigger + 2 Armigers is fine as they said in the original piece when forgebane arrives.


That's still 6/700 points worth of investment, 3 1/2 times more than that stupid guard battery battalion.



I think personally that seems very fair, yeah. It's a big chunk of points. The three detachment rule stops any real potential 'abuse' of Armigers pretty swiftly anyway O.o


One thing to note for those that didn't catch it, RAW Cerastus and Acastus Knights will also NOT give CP in SHD's currently. This isn't intended and according to Robin should be FAQ'd swiftly. It's worth knowing though.

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Robin Cruddace is one of the designers for Games Workshop. He's nowhere near as good as Jeremy Vetock or Phil Kelly, he is considered the Bane of Necron and Tyranid players due to his Tyranid and Necron Codices.


Mostly, his Codices are just boring. 




Although they work on the books in teams, and have external play testers these days. So far the book sounds like it has lots of interesting mechanics in it (aside from the drama with the Lance detachment). Fingers crossed. :)

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Robin Cruddace is one of the designers for Games Workshop. He's nowhere near as good as Jeremy Vetock or Phil Kelly, he is considered the Bane of Necron and Tyranid players due to his Tyranid and Necron Codices.


Mostly, his Codices are just boring. 




I don't know who did the Drukhari Codex, but that guy, or whoever has been doing some of the AoS stuff recently, have really knocked things out of the park. Guessing this wasn't Mr Cruddace :)

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