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House Lepalia

The Effulgent

Upon Dust of Iron

The Tip of the Spear

The Windswept

The Monumental

The Fangs of the Bat

The Coils of the Hydra

The Desire & the Darkness

The Ashes of Civilization



Pic capture of Unknown, Unidentified, probable Sergeant of "the Effulgent" Space Marine Chapter.
Modified Mark X Power Armor, additional components in knees, added ports and modified shoulder protection, fortified helmet.
Note heraldic seahorse symbol, not related to other chapter symbols or designations.

Some of you might know me or know off me from Heresy-online or Warseer, where I frequented as Xenobiotic or Leoparden. It was back in 2010 when I first decided to get my work up on the internet to allow others to criticize and give me pointers and tips. At the time I had dabbled with the hobby on and off again for a couple of years, painting miniatures I liked and trying my hand at building a small playable Space Marine force in a black and white color scheme (two colors I've since had more luck with but did not have at the time). Admittedly these endeavors where poorly executed and never finished. Not finishing projects is the only constant in my life so far.
The plan when I started the project log back in 2010 was to paint a Blood Angels Successors army to a gaming standard rather quickly in order to get more games under my belt to get more enjoyment out of the hobby. In order to limit the time spent on the miniature to enable quicker progress I decided to keep the amount of colors as low as possible (mostly red, white, silver and green) and try my hand at assembly line painting.
As it would turn out I'm not one for quick work but rather a sucker for quality and skill improvement – as well as rather easily influenced by suggestions from other people. With the aid of many helpful fellow hobbyists on the forums my insight into the hobby process quickly grew as did my creative goals. I kept being inspired by many of the project logs out there (and on here), gasping in awe at their creations and the ease with which they appeared to create these masterpieces.
From a background in art (due to my mother working in the field) I was given the zest to try more advanced techniques and to bridge different approaches from my creativity into the hobby. Freehand quickly became a major factor in the Successor army and suddenly the time spent on each piece had snowballed from a handful of hours to a bundle, even reaching such heights that it almost killed my enjoyment of the hobby for a while.
In the end the positive and insightful feedback on the forums kept me going and pushed me along. The interaction with other hobbyists proved to be addictive and kept my interest in the hobby without having to focus on playing the actual game which gave me time to spend creating the actual gaming pieces instead. Truth be told I must admit that I'm a horrible strategist and my luck with dices fluctuates horribly (as I would assume it would with most people but some of my gaming buddies appear to set statistics askew in a positive and a negative remark).
The last few years I’ve been lost in my hobby progress and aimlessly wandering around different projects while Games Workshop has thrown wrenches in the few plans that I could establish (such as my 30k Alpha Legion project that was more or less brutally cut down by the reveal and release both of Primaris and the fact that the Horus Heresy rule-set would stay in 7th edition). While these releases have slowed me down they have also given ample opportunity for new ideas and realizations of ideas from the past.

I lost a lot of mojo trying to piece together where I wanted to take my miniatures, what influences to use and how to use them, as well as what standard I aim for in my finished pieces. I don’t want to end up with a lot of small fragments of finished miniatures that can’t be used for anything collectively (I do want to play some 8th edition 40k with an actual army in the future) and since I’m an incredibly slow painter (builder/converter/hobbyist) I need longevity on my side in the projects that I choose in order to achieve anything.
My one true motivator for the last few years was the fact that I used to meet up once a week with a friend and do about 4-6 hours of hobby each session, it got things done even if slowly and we kept each other going. He has since moved away, and we cannot meet with that regularity. Work has since also ramped up and I lost a lot of hobby time. Things are slowing down somewhat in the life department and now I want to find my way back into the hobby.
Instagram has given me a lot of perspective on my creativity when it comes to 40k. The Ironsleet community for one but all the talented converters/sculptors/painters have shown me that hobby butterflying can be a good thing and that you can aim the vector of your butterfly towards something bigger so that many different pieces can interact within a whole.

And so, as faith would have it, I stumbled across an idea for something to tie my many hobby desires and ideas towards a similar goal / setting. It’s still being roughed out in my head, but I know the pieces that it will contain. It all started when I was considering what I wanted to do for a conversion based on the Aleguzzler Gargants (the Age of Sigmar giants) I ordered a while back and somehow pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place after that. It’s a story-line that I’ve had stuck in my head for a long time and it was suddenly given room within the miniature hobby instead of the looser fragments in my head from previously.
If this will blossom into the vision in my head or morphs into something completely different as time passes only time will tell but I feel invigorated for the first time in a long time.

Therefore, for 2018, I present the beginning of the story of Lepalia. A Segmentum of Space, a sisterhood of solar systems, a conglomerate of planets, a Queen-ruler, a concept, an idea fighting for survival in a universe in turmoil, where desires and thoughts can be as poisonous as an assassins blade or even as dangerous as an invasion by an overwhelming opponent.

What will this “project log” contain?
- House Lepalia – The Royal family of Lepalia, her guardians and their Knight Household. 30k / 40k based army composition with some fluff miniatures added.
- The Effulgent - A Primaris Space Marine Chapter. 40k based army composition. Only Primaris units and conversions (no old-marines).
- The Iron Dust - 'Battlegroup: Omega' (Ω) of the Cult Mechanicus. A 30k / 40k Mechanicum Cross-over Forgeworld with mixed army composition. Conversion heavy.
- The Tip of the Spear – 144rd (CXLIV) Rapid Insertion Cohort of the Solar Auxilia, 30k based army composition. Straight forward miniatures.
- The Windswept – Human operatives / Militia / Necromunda gangs(?). Mixed army composition. Conversion heavy.
- The Monumental - Abhuman Avatars of War. Fluff based army composition. Conversions exclusively.
- The Desire & the Darkness – Daemons and Monsters and the devotees of she whom thirsts. 30k / 40k army composition.
- The Fangs of the Bat – ‘The Crimsoned Wings’, Night Lords 55th (LV) Company of the Legiones Astartes. Night Lord Terror cells and harassment units. 30k based army composition. Old-school marines, primarily mk III and mk IV.
- The Coils of the Hydra'Circle II', ‘Battlegroup: Pi’ (Π), Alpha Legion 102th (CII) Company of the Legiones Astartes Alpha Legion Company. 30k / 40k based army composition. Old-school marines, primarily mk VI.
- The Ashes of Civilization – Scenery & Gaming Board, Battlefield Terrain, Zone Mortalis & Necromunda Terrain.
How these separate projects will unfold, if I will add to the list or remove something, and what inspirations will fuel each part is yet to be fully determined and I will surely need your ideas and guidance in some parts (paint schemes – Halp!). I hope this will be an inventive project log that keeps evolving as time passes and hope you will join me on this journey and hopefully it will last a long time. Be prepared that most posts in this thread will be WIP pictures of a myriad of different things, do not expect to see finished miniatures with any regularity, you have been warned. Future post will probably include a lot of rambling and ideas thrown out along with pictures, in an attempt to document my process both for my own sake (helps when you work intermittently with things) and for you, the viewer, to be able to comment with ideas and suggestions.

The Defenders of Lepalia will stand clad in ever light against the desires of the humans and their seed in that which is inhumanity.
To start things off I leave you with more pictures of the first finished miniature for the Effulgent Primaris marines.




Oh now this looks interesting. Also very ambitious. I like, I like :tu:


Also, that Primaris Marine looks AWESOME. Are we going to get some interesting backstory for him? 'cause the Heraldic plate looks interesting. Who are they descended from? I'm getting a very Dark Angels or Imperial Fists vibe from him actually.

I'm looking forward to following your progress on this project. I've been 'following' you since you started your original log over on Heresy-Online for your stunning Blood Angels successors and if this pans out anything like that we'll all be in for a treat!

Yeah it’s great to see you are still at em mate! I remember your BA really fondly, such awesome and ballsy conversions, and the paint schemes and techniques were amazing! All the feathers and galaxys and moons. I remember being totally blown away by that army.


It’s great you’ve found a way to intergrate your butterfly syndrome in an overarching narrative, looking forward to seeing where this goes!

Welcome to the forum! That's a very promising outline for this log, and a rather spectacular first model! Love the Primaris Marine, that paintjob is just sublime!


Really looking forward to seeing more of your work -- or reading your ramblings, really, as the worldbuilding part of our hobby can be just as entertaining and rewarding!

So, to continue this journey I might as well mention that before I usually responded to every comment as soon as I made an update, but as time between updates grew kind of long in my other project logs I’ll respond to some things quicker (say questions or specifications about how I did something or a recipe for a particular color or effect) as to not leave people hanging. I tend to write things down these days as to not forget how I did something a year later when I’m working on something similar.
The goal is to post about once a week or so with an update, and hopefully I can keep that up at least during the summer months when I have more time, but we’ll see how things progress. If this thread gets my motivation running I might do quick updates in between bigger posts as well.

That looks awesome! The paint job and weathering are just phenomenal.
And the list of things to come are mouth watering!

Thank you. The paint job was mostly a proof of concept to see how far I could take the metallic paints when it comes to weathering. I've been experimenting more and more with the metallic paints, maybe as a counterpoint to all the awesome NMM painters out there whom I am eternally envious off but also cognizant of the fact that if I go down that rabbit hole I will never ever produce a finished miniature again (due to time constraints and the impossibly high standards I tend to push on myself).
The list is long, the project is ambitious, but be prepared to wait for each part to develop. My Mechanicum units and conversions have been WIP for about 2 years and I have finished converting one (yes, 1) miniature so far and haven’t even sprayed primer on it since I can’t make my mind up when it comes to their color scheme. More on that project in another post – that’s a subject ripe for almost endless rambling…

Definitely going to keep an eye on this thread :biggrin.: we'll be more than happy to help you if need be :happy.:

I'm glad for any input! I'll most likely need suggestions to keep this going, I have a hard time making my mind up so anything that pushes me along is very helpful to stop me from getting caught in details and just thinking myself into endless circles of non-productivity.

Oh now this looks interesting. Also very ambitious. I like, I like :thumbsup: Also, that Primaris Marine looks AWESOME. Are we going to get some interesting backstory for him? 'cause the Heraldic plate looks interesting. Who are they descended from? I'm getting a very Dark Angels or Imperial Fists vibe from him actually.

Maybe too ambitious? But I do have an goal in mind that this will at least produce a couple of playable forces (even if just at minimum point levels) along with a project log worthy of the ages (much like my old one). It will also give me something to do when there's a lull at work, so there's a clear bonus.
I haven’t given much thought to their lineage just yet. The helmets are from the Forge World Dark Angels Horus Heresy helmets so that might have something with that influence to do, along with the somewhat knightly path I’ve gone with. I’m not that fond of the Dark Angels or Imperial Fists story wise so I’m not sure if I want to go down that route but challenging those preconceptions might not be a bad thing. We can discuss those options as we go along I guess :biggrin.:

Excellently done, I already follow you on Insta, so it's great to see bigger shots and discourse from you here on the forum, welcome, by the way!

And more discourse you shall have! Hopefully also more pictures, more angles, more rambling. But you might recognize a lot of the stuff to begin with since I'm so slow and many of the conversions evolve rather slowly to be honest. And thanks for the welcome, even though I've been on here for a while only posting intermittently in very specific subjects.

Very much looking forwards to this.

I shall try not to keep you waiting!

I'm looking forward to following your progress on this project. I've been 'following' you since you started your original log over on Heresy-Online for your stunning Blood Angels successors and if this pans out anything like that we'll all be in for a treat!

Since my aim is to get this to at least the level of the BAs (but hopefully beyond) I hope not to disappoint!

Yeah it’s great to see you are still at em mate! I remember your BA really fondly, such awesome and ballsy conversions, and the paint schemes and techniques were amazing! All the feathers and galaxys and moons. I remember being totally blown away by that army.
It’s great you’ve found a way to intergrate your butterfly syndrome in an overarching narrative, looking forward to seeing where this goes!

Can't let it go, even if the wallet often begs me. There's enough boxes of unfinished and unstarted projects to last a lifetime so I better get at it so I at least have something nice to look at in the display cabinets...
We'll see how much of the freehands I care to carry over into this, some of them are a bit to much I think, but some of the more fluff-driven pieces could have quite a lot of added details without being over the top. I'm also open to suggestions on the Knight Household, they have a lot of space for that kind of artistic freedom. We'll discuss it as we go along in the project.
I think the narrative will be a good motivator, even if it might be hard for me to jot it down sometimes. I'll probably keep it kind of fragmented to begin with and let it evolve as we go along and see where it goes. There's a lot of possibilities and I have some general themes in my head but nothing to conclusive or decided yet.

nice painting, and more especiallly, nice concept-work. Looking forward to next installment!

And the next installment you shall have.

Welcome to the forum! That's a very promising outline for this log, and a rather spectacular first model! Love the Primaris Marine, that paintjob is just sublime!
Really looking forward to seeing more of your work -- or reading your ramblings, really, as the worldbuilding part of our hobby can be just as entertaining and rewarding!

Thank you, glad to not only be here but to be starting something finally, I’ve obviously been missing the forum experience seeing as how happy I am to finally be back at it and planning the project log and updates and what not.

YEESSSSSSSSSSS. Your stuff is some of my favorite on the internet man and a big inspiration, looking forward to this.

Aw, man, I suddenly feel a lot of pressure, what if I can’t live up to this praise?

Some of the best weathering I have ever seen.
Where can I see more of your stuff?

Thanks, it’s a complete experiment at this stage, and shamelessly stolen from a multitude of sources and inspirations I’ve found online.
I think these days my Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/vurrak/) is the easiest place to see what I’ve been up to recently; the old project threads are probably lacking some images by now. My Instagram doesn’t cover all the old stuff though (such as the freehanded tanks for example) but I guess I could do some blast from the past posts to cover that in the future.

I remember your entry in an alpha legion colour scheme thread, the very thread that gave me the final push to get back into the grimdark and paint the XX legion. Great to see you posting content again. Primaris marine looks boss !

Ah, yes, the Alphas. The biggest backburner project of all mentioned in the first post. I sadly haven’t painted that much on them since the posts in that thread, but the army has been growing as far as built and planned additions go (they are pretty much a fully mechanized army now, rhinos galore). I’m starting to warm up to painting them again, especially with the release of Alpharius and the Lernaean terminators, so I think we’ll be seeing some progress there very soon.



The Monumental


Eternal guardians.

Protectors of our very hopes, our very dreams.

As if there was an essence, the very essence of Lepalia,

to be shielded from an uncaring universe

by the hands of unflinching giants.

Have they not always been?

Will they not always be?


I saw the cragged peaks, the churning valleys, the bubbling fissures and the tearing plains. I felt the presence of evil with every step I took. My mind slowly filled by the existence of monsters, as a fanged mouthed ruler sat upon a throne of the dead, laughing at me, taunting me. Meanwhile it’s voice whispered words of defeat in my ears, pocking at the sores in my psyche, dragging out every rotten part of my personality for all to see. Asking me to join them – or die.
I had become a giant, clad in the brightest of silver armor with pieces of blinding white cloth pulled by the winds. Fighting through the very maw of hell. Through the most gruesome of demons the most wicked of men could ever imagine. Fighting till the silvered armor was stained pink with the foulest of blood until I had reached the ruler upon the throne.
As the eyes of the beast and the giant met all but the wind fell silent. And the battle began, like no other ever fought. And the giant fell.
Defeated I listened to the beast’s voice, felt it caress my very soul, and I smelled the betrayal of my courage as it left me there, stranded. Gloating, it told me of every aspect of my weakness and how deeply I had fallen. And as I was plunged into the abyss something shuddered in my fingers – and from my grip the spear was thrusted into the chest of the beast. Suddenly positions was reversed, panicked thrashing couldn’t free it as the spear tip sank in deeper. In its ear I whispered – ‘Nevermore’.
Upon a throne of the dead, I looked across the landscape, and saw countless beasts upon other peaks. One less than countless.




The idea behind the Monumentals is a pretty long story and an amalgam of different ideas and concepts meeting up within a kit-bash/sculpting conversion for 30/40k/something. I had just finished a heavily converted and sculpted miniature based on the Cairn Wraith, one of the most commonly used miniatures as base for conversions I believe (apart from the Lord of Plagues maybe along with a few more from that era), and I was not only very pleased with the outcome but also with the challenge as such.
Looking around for other good and commonly used base miniatures to make another “my version of”-piece I happened upon the Aleguzzler Gargants (ie. the plastic giants) and figured – why not – bigger miniature – bigger canvas – bigger challenge. So, I ordered the set with 2 and then I started thinking about what I wanted to make and how I felt about the miniature as such.

Basic concept sketch


At the time I was working on another conversion based on the LotR: Goblins, those are still heavily WIP, which are the other doodles on the image. I tend to doodle when I encounter issues and either figure out a possible way to solve them or want to try different looks before trying them. After all, some things look good in your head but doesn’t translate well at all to actual miniatures. Drawing them also saves a reference of the idea for later since I have so many projects running at the same time and couldn’t possibly expect to keep them all in my head all the time (I tried for a while and ended up forgetting how I had painted the main color for an army – not recommended).
Anyway, what I knew at this point was that I wanted to make a giant warrior in plate armor with a spear and that I also wanted to combine that with the 30k/40k aesthetic, particularly the mechanicum aspect of it. So when looking for inspiration I also took into considerations what such a miniature could “counts as” if ever used in an actual game. I landed on the Thanatar Automata for 30k Mechanicum, I figured its similar in size although a little differently proportioned. Therefore, I could steal design elements from them and interject my other influences to create something new. At this point I’m basically at a giant Grey Knight robot with a BFG shoulder mounted cannon. At this point the miniatures I ordered had arrived.

Refined concept sketch


Looking at the miniature the one thing that struck me the most is the hunched over stance and I figured that’s the first thing I wanted to change. Ideally, I think you should be able to recognize the base miniature when the conversion is done, but the base miniature doesn’t have to show through that much. So I took out the jewelers saw and started to cut the miniature into pieces before putting it together again with wire and green-stuff. Those of you that have seen the base miniature will realize how big a difference this makes…


Now to the difficult and time-consuming part – sculpting. There is no armor that I like that I can steal parts from, so I’ll have to sculpt it on piece by piece. Since I wanted some semblance of historical reference I decided to look up some armors I like and stumbled upon the “Department of Arms and Armor at the Metropolitan Museum of Art” on facebook for good armor influences and Sean Belair on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/sean.belair/) who works there and when he posted a picture of the “armor which was long thought to belong to Archduke Sigismund of Austria, but appears to have been made for the future Emperor Maximilian I. Made by Lorenz Helmschmid. Augsburg, ca. 1485. KHM A 62” I felt that was a suitable piece to take most of the inspiration from. So I found some pictures online from different angles and I set out sculpting. So far I’ve done half a foot…



And a closer look at the base


As you may have guessed by now there’s a lot left to do on this piece (specially since I’m considering doing two) but I wanted to introduce it early to have a project I can just toss in a progress picture or two of every now and then to keep the ball rolling and give you an idea about the process.


Miniatures planned for the Monumental:

  • 1 Monumental with Spear and Decimator Lance Cannon
  • 1 Monumental with Sword (and shield?) and Decimator Laser Array


Till next time!

As for the metal I love it. I do like NMM and I remember how everyone was doing it after the BA got their 5th ed codex(?), the one with sanguinor and the plastic sanguinary Guard. Everyone was doing NMM while I plugged along with metallics and washes for my Old Iron Warriors. I just wish I could have painted like you.


The monumental is awesome in every sense of the word. I love all the detail and background you put into it. Please keep posting updates when you can!

  • 3 weeks later...

As for the metal I love it. I do like NMM and I remember how everyone was doing it after the BA got their 5th ed codex(?), the one with sanguinor and the plastic sanguinary Guard. Everyone was doing NMM while I plugged along with metallics and washes for my Old Iron Warriors. I just wish I could have painted like you.


The monumental is awesome in every sense of the word. I love all the detail and background you put into it. Please keep posting updates when you can!

I remember that as well, it’s a very distinctive technique and when pulled of it’s awesome, but I don’t think it’s for me at the moment so I’ll keep experimenting with other things.


The Monumentals will be a slow burner project, I add to them every now and then as I get green stuff left overs from other projects, and since there will be so many steps and pieces on them that I need to add one at a time I’m foreseeing them being a labor of years rather than weeks at this moment, but I have high hopes. Introducing them into the log at the beginning will also enable me to do small updates on their progress as I work on other miniatures.


The Monumental is going to be absolutley insane brother! The base is already looking really good with all the different textures.

And knowing myself I will going insane along with it as I work on it/them! :biggrin.:


The basing process for me has evolved a lot over the last few years (especially evident as I work on older miniatures that are repurposed. Even if I more or less cover everything in red pigments at the end (to get that martian dusty look) the textures still work there beneath it all, adds character I guess. So I’m glad you like it!


Looking forward to see what you come up with.

Thanks, mate!




Upon Dust of Iron




I walk the path never taken.

I do not fear this darkness.

For we are one.

And they shall rise.

The Cogs of War.

To once again thread upon dust of iron.

'I wish to show my faith’





The Battlegroup Omega concept revolves around the idea of Forge Worlds from the 30k timeline. A lot of inspiration for this part of the project was taken from when I read (and re-read, and re-re-read) the Mechanicum book from the Horus Heresy novels. But the project itself is now set in the Lepalia project timeline/sector and represents a part of the mechanicum faction within that specific setting.


It is still to be fleshed out more, but I like the concept of them tinkering with biology, somewhat understanding it and grasping it beyond capabilities thought of before. Yet, at the same time, fundamentally corrupting it into their service in a way that might, for some, cause severe consequences further down the line. Taking the idea of life into their own hands (Claws? Servo-arms? Mechadendrites?) and in so doing making the most use of it within the official constrains (and delving forever deeper into the unsanctioned unknown beyond closed doors).


The start of this project was pretty much the release of both the first 30k miniatures but also the 40k miniatures for the faction. I wanted to do something with them but was utterly uninspired with what was available at the time, and had also yet to realize the potential within conversions – probably mostly because most of my previous attempts where with marines and comparably a lot easier in scope and amount of custom work needing to be done.


The turning point happened to be the Inq28 community and their many adaptations of miniatures, having seen the Cairn Wraith turned into other miniatures countless times I figured I was due for the same challenge but wanted “something more” than a floating admech tech-priest (not that there is anything wrong with that. As it turned out I had a pile of tech-priest dominus laying about (seeing as how it comes in pretty much every box set these days?) so I wanted to make use of it. I played around with different ways of combining the two miniatures and finally settled upon a suitable way to go about it. Little did I know that it would require a few more years of new releases before it finally came together with Belsarius Cawl giving me the final inspirational influences to work the kinks out.




Another major turning point was actually me learning that I could include about 1:2 ratio of Super Sculpey Firm into my green stuff mix (ie: 1 part super sculpey : 1 part green stuff blue : 1 part green stuff yellow) making it MUCH easier to make smooth features with a silicone tipped clay shapers that way – without sacrificing any of the structural integrity of the green stuff once hardened (as far as I’ve learned…). In that realization overcoming one of my biggest hurdles when working with green stuff and making clothing / cloth / fabrics – which also enabled me to begin working on another one of the projects soon to be shown off in this thread – the Windswept.


Now, there are many units and ideas at work for the Mechanicum project. Pretty much every unit in the army will be converted, some are still easily recognizable in regards to what they will play as but others will probably be harder to interpret. Many units and miniatures are still “stuck” at some point or another in their process, lacking suitable options for arms or heads or weapons and I might lift those up to discussion in this thread further along to see if we can work things out together. For now I’ll let them lie a while more while I finish up some other stuff so I feel like I’m actually making progress for once in my life.


Though I must say that seeing as how I based the Magos Prime on the Cairn Wraith miniature the release of the Age of Sigmar 2nd edition Nighthaunt miniatures will probably give quite a lot of fodder for more conversions for my Mechanicum project, so I will definitely buy that box set upon release.


Anyway, on the subject of finishing things I’ve made these small servitor conversions from Nurglings and LotR goblin base miniatures. They will most likely have no in game function in games of 40k but may prove fun in a skirmish based system or, if nothing else, as filler miniatures for 30k Adsecularis Covenant units in the future.



They are one of those “because I can” and “because I had the idea” units, which I just had to make. I’m pretty pleased with about 8/10 of them. I’m still on the look out for more of the unique nurglings as I go along, it would be nice to have an almost complete set of these little conversions in the future.




Units planned for the Battle Group Omega

  • Archmagos Prime
  • Magos Prime
  • Tech-Priest Auxillia w. Servitors
  • Tech-Priest Auxillia w. Servitors
  • Myrmidons (Secutors and/or Destructors)
  • Adsecularis Covenant (Revenant Alchemistry)
  • Scyllax Guardian-Automata (10)
  • Castellax Class Battle-Automata (3)
  • Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx
  • Secutarii Peltast Phalanx
  • Skitarii Rangers
  • Skitarii Vanguard
  • Onager Dunecrawler (3)



Till next time.

Oh my, that Cairn Wraith Tech-Priest is absolutely brilliant! If I may be so bold, he makes me think of my own dear INQ28 character Legion from back in the day...




...only much cooler! :smile.: Love the small Tech-critters as well! Based on the models you have shown so far, your AdMech project should really be something to watch out for!


Keep up the fantastic work! :smile.:

Sucks to hear it will take much longer to complete the Monumentals but it’s going to be worth it. Plus, if you post any updates along the way I’ll be a happy camper :)


I was also loving another user Magos for its more humanoid form over the Cawl-style spindly body but hot damn does your cairn wrath turned techpriest look awesome! Has me lickiing my lips to try and mimic yours with those new ghostly fellas coming with the new AoS starter box that I want to hunt some bits out of.


The small servitors are also awesome.

nice! Well done on taking a conversion kernel a lot of people have attempted - a cairn-wraith into magos ... and  doing something very different, very fitting, and very cool with it :D 

the small horde of cherubim or whatever you wind up calling them are also impressive and characterful.

Keep up the good work!

  • 2 weeks later...

That primaris is sublime.


You've got some wonderful characters on the go here. I'm impressed with your designs and your green stuff work. Your getting the green stuff super smooth and so well shaped. Looking forward to your progress.


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