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That's such a cool conversion. How did you see that potential?

Actually I got inspired by @nineswords this is his conversion design. All I did was learn from it then applied it using my own skills. The only difference are the tires and the twin bolters.

Great work!


I’m playing around with an idea to make what I hope is a small conversion with the Invictor, but I haven’t looked in detail at the kit.


The one thing I don’t like is the “cage” around the pilot. What I was planning on doing is trying to replicate the Dreadknight rig by removing the cage, and then use legs from the suppressors on the pilot rather than having him seated. Would this work with the kit? Think I’d have to remove some of the cockpit as well?!

Edited by Sharrowkyn

So tonight I did a thing. I traded my commander Sliver Deck from MTG for this all of these. One of the cards is a Gaea's Cradle. Pretty happy with the trade.


Have read through the Supplement I think I can my a Primaris Lias. Thoughts?

Captain in Phobos Armor
Chapter Master
Token of the Brotherhood
Relic- Ex Tenebris
Master of Ambush/Shoot and Fade

Edited by Hiroitchi

I like what you did there. :) 


Lias suits my playstyle better than Shrike also. On the cusp of ditching the idea of using 2 Impulsors with the Hellblasters, trading them in, and just run three squads of Eliminators (sigh looks like I painted 15 models for nothing)

So I think this might be the list I might put together with the new models and the models I have put together.



++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [45 PL, 992pts, 6CP] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


**Chapter Selection**: Long-range Marksmen, Master Artisans, Raptors, Raven Guard Successor


Battle-forged CP [3CP]


Detachment CP [5CP]




+ HQ +


Chapter Master in Phobos Armor [5 PL, 99pts, -2CP]: 1. Shoot and Fade, Camo cloak, Master-crafted instigator bolt carbine, Stratagem: Chapter Master, Warlord


Librarian in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 101pts]: 3) Mind Raid, 4) Hallucination, Camo cloak, Force sword


+ Troops +


Infiltrator Squad [5 PL, 120pts]: 4x Infilltrator, Infiltrator Comms Array, Infiltrator Sergeant


Infiltrator Squad [5 PL, 120pts]: 4x Infilltrator, Infiltrator Comms Array, Infiltrator Sergeant


Infiltrator Squad [5 PL, 120pts]: 4x Infilltrator, Infiltrator Comms Array, Infiltrator Sergeant


+ Elites +


Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 131pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Incendium cannon, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber


Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 131pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Incendium cannon, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber


+ Heavy Support +


Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 72pts]

. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle, Camo cloak

. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper: 2x Bolt sniper rifle, 2x Camo cloak


Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 98pts]

. Eliminator Sergeant: Camo cloak, Instigator Bolt Carbine

. 2x Eliminator with Las Fusil: 2x Camo cloak, 2x Las Fusil


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [28 PL, 556pts, 4CP] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


**Chapter Selection**: Long-range Marksmen, Master Artisans, Raptors, Raven Guard Successor


Detachment CP [5CP]


+ HQ +


Captain in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 99pts, -1CP]: 6. Marksman's Honors, Camo cloak, Master-crafted instigator bolt carbine, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter


Lieutenants in Phobos Armor [5 PL, 75pts]

. Lieutenant in Phobos Armour

. . Heavy Bolt Pistol and Combat Knife


+ Troops +


Scout Squad [4 PL, 80pts]: 5x Camo cloak

. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle

. 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle


Scout Squad [4 PL, 80pts]: 5x Camo cloak

. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle

. 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle


Scout Squad [4 PL, 80pts]: 5x Camo cloak

. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

. 3x Scout w/Boltgun

. Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter


+ Fast Attack +


Scout Bike Squad [3 PL, 71pts]

. 2x Scout Biker: 2x Twin boltgun

. Scout Biker Sergeant: Storm bolter, Twin boltgun


Scout Bike Squad [3 PL, 71pts]

. 2x Scout Biker: 2x Twin boltgun

. Scout Biker Sergeant: Storm bolter, Twin boltgun


++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [23 PL, 451pts, 1CP] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


**Chapter Selection**: Long-range Marksmen, Master Artisans, Raptors, Raven Guard Successor


Detachment CP [1CP]


+ HQ +


Damocles Command Rhino [7 PL, 122pts]: Storm bolter


+ Fast Attack +


Attack Bike Squad [2 PL, 37pts]

. Attack Bike: Heavy bolter, Twin boltgun


Attack Bike Squad [2 PL, 37pts]

. Attack Bike: Heavy bolter, Twin boltgun


+ Heavy Support +


Whirlwind [4 PL, 85pts]: Whirlwind vengeance launcher


Whirlwind [4 PL, 85pts]: Whirlwind vengeance launcher


Whirlwind [4 PL, 85pts]: Whirlwind vengeance launcher


++ Total: [96 PL, 11CP, 1,999pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

Interesting list. It's true you don't have much anti-tank, but maybe you can deal with this with delay tactics and assaults. Only thing I would change is the Damocles Rhino - it's really underwhelming. I would get a Phobos Librarian instead and change one of the Whirlwind to a Thunderfire Canon with the points saved. The Thunderfire can help slow down CC threats which should be useful in a shooty army like this.

Very little way of dealing with armor, but lots of bodies and ways to play to the objective. Looks like a ton of fun.

Interesting list. It's true you don't have much anti-tank, but maybe you can deal with this with delay tactics and assaults. Only thing I would change is the Damocles Rhino - it's really underwhelming. I would get a Phobos Librarian instead and change one of the Whirlwind to a Thunderfire Canon with the points saved. The Thunderfire can help slow down CC threats which should be useful in a shooty army like this.

Thank guys I appreciate the feedback. I am half tempted to give the attack bikes multi meltas, but it might be slightly over costed. Im at the point in which I'm building models that I think look cool and try to match the points/gear legally. Anyways after my haul from Friday, I started building these guys.


The Eliminator squads, One with 2x Las Fusil with Instigator and the other with 2x Bolt Rifles with an Instigator. Built the 2nd Invictor Warsuit.

Slapped some paint on those bad boys. Pretty happy how they are turning out. Now time for the finishing touches such as decals, weathering, and last but not least the bases.


Like the attack bikes from KKND crossfire. Nostalga tingles!

lol True that. Thanks for the compliment.

Your work ethic is commendable. Results look great!

Thanks... Its something to keep me busy, but speaking of which. I mae a third attack bike and switched out the weapons on one of them. so now I have 2 attack bikes with multimelta and 1 with Heavy Bolter (Auto cannon astehic)



I love your attack bikes....I need to look up that conversion

Thanks War, the idea came from @nineswords. He put up a tutourial here in WIP projects I believe. I did change a few things to suit me. Still working on my models so I here is what I have so far with the newer stuff I gained.


Great work!

I’m playing around with an idea to make what I hope is a small conversion with the Invictor, but I haven’t looked in detail at the kit.

The one thing I don’t like is the “cage” around the pilot. What I was planning on doing is trying to replicate the Dreadknight rig by removing the cage, and then use legs from the suppressors on the pilot rather than having him seated. Would this work with the kit? Think I’d have to remove some of the cockpit as well?!

I saw in a separate thread that there are closed cockpit options from shapeways. Also a few conversions you can find via google search that will illustrate a warsuit with an enclosed cockpit.

Great job!

Thank you, more to follow.


*passes out*

If you liked that, well here is a third bike WIP sitting alongside bike 2 which I upgraded to a multi-melta.


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