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Fajita Fan

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So annoyed I have to cut the head off my brawler Reaver for that one. I really glued that socket in there too...


Yeah I was considering earlier that I should have waited to start my traitor legio. It's fairly unlikely that the releases going forwards will look more loyalist than the ones we have, whereas I expect there will be chaos goodies coming.

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My take on the imperator


Imperator titan

615points + weapons


2 arm weapons

Hellstorm cannon 50pts

Short 10” +1, long 30”, dice 6, strength 9, ordnanace, blast 3”

Plasma Anihilator 60pts

Short 15” long 30”, dice 4, strength 9, maximal fire

Vengeance Cannon 110pts

Short 30” long 60”, dice 2, strength 12, draining, blast 5”

Warp Missile Array 50pts

Short 20” +1, long 80” +2, dice x, strength x, limited (5), warp


1 carapace configuration (firing straight ahead)

Volcano Cannon 275pts

Short 30” long 60”, dice 5, strength 12, draining, blast 5”, carapce

Gatling 150pts

Short 8” +1, long 24”, dice 30, strength 7, ordnanace, carapace

Plasma 225pts

Short 12” long 24”, dice 20, strength 8, maximal fire

Laser Blaster 125pts

Short 16” long 32” -1, dice 15, strength 8, shieldbane (draining)

Missile Launcher 40pts

Short 30” long 120” +1, dice 25, strength 4, barrage

Megabolter 50pts

Short 10” +1, long 20”, dice 30, strength 4, rapid fire

Melta 50pts

Short 12”, long 24”, dice 5, strength 11, melta, blast 3”



Command Speed Manoeuvre Ballistic skill Weapon skill Servitor clades

3+ 3/5 1 3+ 5+ 8

Basilica: when activated any enemy unit within 12” suffers D6 S5 hits


Voids 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+

4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+

Head 13-14 direct hit 15-16 devastating hit 17+ critical hit

+1 +1 +1

+2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3


Command -2 Command -2, -1 hit -1 hit, shutdown orders on strategy phase rolling 1, all command checks fail

Body 12-13 direct hit 14-15 devast. hit 16+ critical hit

+1 +1 +1 +1

+2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3


Reactor strain +1 in the end phase Reactor strain +1 in the end phase, voids destroyed Reactor strain +2 in the end phase, voids destroyed

Legs 13-14 direct hit 15-16 devast. hit 17+ critical hit

+1 +1 +1 +1

+2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3


Roll in the end phase 1-3 turns 45º left, 4-5 turns 45º right

Roll in the end phase 1-3 turns 45º left, 4-5 turns 45º right; Speed and manoeuvre are halved down. Cannot move or make turns

Weapon Short Long Dice Strength Arc Traits


Left arm




Right arm





Edited by noigrim
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Great work. Can’t see the scale though? If a Warlord is 10, maybe something like 15?


What about turning Speed? Same as the Warlord? Or even slower? I wonder if there’s something like the large ships in SW Armada where they have to set things for the next turn (but have ways to act immediately at a cost)

Edited by Burni
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Indeed,equipped with volcanos plas and hellstorm it clocks at 1k but after firing its weapons it can blew up a titan with a single salvo.

there is still the minimun range of 15" so you could always sneak close

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Hi. I'm new here and just getting started at AT (been playing 40k forever though, and some of the original epic). So far I've got a basecoated warlord (see below), two warhounds that I'm figuring out how to magnetise, and a big pile of grey plastic.


I had a couple of questions:


- Has anyone figured out if the firing arc for a warlord's carapace gatling guns is correct? It seems like a huge advantage to have a 90 degree arc instead of straight ahead. I've seen people suggest that this is a typo... so is it?


- Any thoughts on the different weapons for warhounds? It actually looks like Forgeworld have done a good job of making the different options balanced - which makes choosing between them difficult!


Here's my first warlord so far, in obvious need of heraldry and basing. I've magnetised his weapons, which was easy as luckily I had some magnets that fitted perfectly. I think I'd like to swap out one of the bellicosas for a quake cannon, so as to mess with knights and swivel shield-less titans around. Also, I've seen that double-bellicosa warlords in batreps seem to cook their own reactors about as quickly as they blow up the enemy!



Edited by Mandragola
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Welcome here. Nice warlord, very promising for the rest.


Don't hesitate to create a project log as we all love to see more pictures and ideas. Also don't hesitate to look into the different project logs here. We are quite a few having already experienced magnetising the various titans and knights, you might find some interesting bits here and there.


Regarding your questions, I haven't gone deep into the rules yet so I am not the best to answer them. I am planning on varying the weapons' loads and try to figure out what I like the most.

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- Has anyone figured out if the firing arc for a warlord's carapace gatling guns is correct? It seems like a huge advantage to have a 90 degree arc instead of straight ahead. I've seen people suggest that this is a typo... so is it?




Adeptus Titanicus hasn't gotten an FAQ yet, so the rules as written/printed in the book, command terminals, and weapon cards are still how you should be playing the game for now.

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Glad you guys like the warlord. There are more to come! My idea is to have a 5-warlord maniple - if such a thing becomes legal in titandeath.


I’m working on a couple of warhounds next. I’ve also got a reaver and 3(!) Warlords still on sprues. I started out with the GME, which I got for slightly under RRP, but that, the Christmas set and a plasma warlord gives me a distinctly heavy set of guys to work on.


I’ve started to look at converting carapace weapons for the Warlords. I’d like to try and mount a pair of reaver gatling guns up there, and maybe some warhound laser blasters. Those both look like good options. I might see if I can convert a volcano cannon into a quake or Gatling too, though I hear FW has designed proper ones already. Might wait and see on that.


I ask about the gatlings arc because it just seems too much better than the bolters. A warlord’s bolters can only target a narrow strip 10-20” away(except vs other warlords), but somehow they cost more than missiles and only 10 points less than gatlings. It doesn’t seem right in a game where otherwise the points are more or less correct. The other options both seem far better. The two laser options both seem about right I think, and have their uses.


Anyway I reckon I’ll start a project log. This rambling might start to take physical form in grey plastic.

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Volcano/Quake/Apoc launcher 






Volcano/Gatling/Apoc launcher








So the volcano/quake Warlord sits in one spot doing First Fire as often as possible while the rest of the maniple shoots and scoots.  

Edited by Fajita Fan
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The inferno gun is autoexclude the rest seem pretty balanced you can't go wrong with a vulcan and a turbo/plasma


As per the gatlings, the angle is totally legal so why not take advantage of it? You can proxy some punishers to boot

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Is the inferno gun really that bad? Auto hits seem good, though needing to get right in close obviously isn’t.


I tend to think that bolters are a bad option on Warlords, due to their rubbish range and arc of fire. I think I’d just go with missiles even for a melee Titan, on the basis that it’s likely to be moving in a lot of combat phases and punching things that are too small for its carapace guns to target in lots of others. Basically if you ever plan to fire them, go for gatlings. If you don’t, go for missiles, and at least maybe help strip some shields on turn 1.


I do think gatlings are the best option. Going from S4 to S5 makes a big difference to and do does the firing arc - particularly on a warlord. I think there’s a case for all of the options, apart from bolters.

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I made a couple of 3d printed megabolters so I'm using the damn things!  I'm still waiting to get back a set of generic carapace weapon collars to test fit so I can print a batch for my lasers and megabolters.  I also made a Gatling barrel for my quake cannon body to make new Gatling cannons, the ammo boxes are from a terminator conversion model I found online.  I stretched it longer and doubled it for a great big ammo hopper.


Gatling And quake

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Is the inferno gun really that bad? Auto hits seem good, though needing to get right in close obviously isn’t.


No, in fact it's great. A bit pricey, but if you know how to use it, it's devastating. 

It has high strength, a good number of hits, and is a good weapon to either roast backs or deter knightly charges. It is situational, but in those situations it works very well.

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When all four of my Warhounds are ready to go I’ll give them a shot but I kinda can’t get over the idea of a titan-sized flamethrower squirting an enemy titan. If anything I wish the Warhound had been given rules at least for a melee weapon for me to scratchbuild.
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