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AT Chat, Lists, and Conversions For All Stompy Robot Lovers

Fajita Fan

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hmm, that does look really good, but seems a bit small for an Imperator to me, but then again how big those are supposed to be is varry unclear(hopefully it will get narrowed down in the near future, even if we don't get an offical model any time soon).


I really want to build my own(and have some pretty clear ideas about how I want the head, leg buildings, and shoulder/carapace palace to look), especially now that I have a 3D printer to help make the more detailed/technical bits(at least, once the weird technical issues I'm having with the Printer get sorted out), but the main thing holding me back is that I want to make sure it's the right size so if/when actual rules come out that it would still be a useful proxy.

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I'm sure there will be an official emperor before too long. I would imagine that in the era of cad design gw might be waiting for sales data before pushing the button on making the mould.

I expect that Imperators will be FW resin kits if/when they happen, maybe the cathedral will be plastic to cut down on weight/balancing issues it might cause(especially if they already have cathedral style terrain for AT or 40K to repurpose for this, or want to sell separately from the Imperator to advertise "customableity" of it by saying you can decorate the top platform with any AT terrain that fits); because they'll be big, sold in relatively small numbers, and might serve as a sort of "gateway" for AT players to buy full scale 28mm Titans.


I mean just think about it; "come on, you already know what you like for the weapon load out, paint scheme, and even lore, just recreate your favorite AT Titan for use in 40K/Horus Heresy, you already made an Imperator, you know the ins and outs of building a resin Titan now, this is just slightly bigger and pricier." [actually depending on how big the official Imperator is, a 28mm Warhound might be similar size and price in the end]

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The Titandeath novel, which was planned out with the SG team, explicitly says that a Imperator is just under twice the height of a Warlord, to the top of its basilica. So I’d take that as the current thinking on size.


That almost guarantees that it’ll be a resin model as it would otherwise be the largest plastic kit GW has ever done by a big margin and that seems unlikely when it’s just a SG kit.

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I really don't know whether it'll be plastic or resin. The biggest plastic kits so far have probably been the Stompa and Baneblade. A Stompa is probably about the same height as an Imperator would be, but it's a lot less detailed. It's also 10 years old or more, and GW has got a lot better at making kits over that time. 


So a plastic Imperator is entirely possible. It'd be a bit bigger than a Dominus knight. It would also be significantly more detailed, which is where things start to get tricky. Sculpting the thing would take a lot of design time. They couldn't expect to sell all that many of the things, given that most of us won't want more than one or two. And it'll be quite difficult to actually field them if they come in around 1k points.


If this was GW then it would certainly be a plastic model. As it's FW then it could go either way. We know (or I think we do) that this won't be an all-plastic range, as some weapons are happening in resin. 

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I personally hope that if they go that road they would make it in plastic.


They have quite a few big plastic kits out there and the details have been getting better and better with time so I am convinced they have both know-how and technologies available for such a product. Also remember, back in the days, the plastic Imperator was the biggest plastic kit ever made by GW, and it remained so for quite some time.


Now, as for most things, it boils down to resources and perceived demand. I don't know how much designing and making a specific plastic injection mould would cost (time and money) for a plastic Imperator titan, nor how much production costs would be per model. Also, what are the alternative projects/models the designer could be working on?


What would the retail price be? £110-125 based on "just under twice the height of a Warlord", hence just under twice the price if a Walord? It is oversimplifying I know.


How many people would buy it? 10? 100? 1000? Quite a few probably, not only for playing games but also, maybe even primarily, as a collector item. I know I would most likely buy at least one, just because it is such an iconic model.

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that varry "collectors' item" status is what is making me think it will be a FW resin model, sense that's what most of the supersized warmachines sold there are marketed/thought of as.


even if the Imperators is resonably priced, most AT players will only buy one(I doubt there will be rules for a Manaple that includes more then one, outside maybe a naritive scenario in a book targeting the types of people who own a full manaple of 28mm scale Titans), so GW/FW will expect low(er) sales, and thus opt for lower production numbers and likely higher prices per unit, and again I expect the Imperator to be a sort of "gateway" to get AT players thinking about buying proper scale Titans.


also, thanks for the "about twice the height of a Warlord" stat, though the fact that this is using the top of the cathedral still makes it unclear, because how much of the height is cathedral? 40%? 25%?

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Some of the gw kits for limited edition runs have been cheaper ?aluminium moulds, IIRC. I wonder if the emperor class could be a limited batch with a disposable mould to cut down on costs. I'm not a fan of resin personally and probably wouldn't buy it if it was a forgeworld only release. Too much bad experience with kits that are tricky to put together
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Anyone made any dioramas for their titan bases using vanguard miniatures or the like? I've ordered a couple of extra Leman Russ equivalents with this in mind but they are going to have to look natural and not just stuck on. I was also tempted to put an officer figure on the warlord titan viewing platform.

Yes, though I've been using a mix of old epic stuff and the epic30k forumware as I'm not overly fond of the vanguard stuff

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Is the 40k Leman Russ around in HH time’s? I just love that clunky thing and would want that on bases rather than some Solar Aux thing.

Yeah Solar Auxilia and Imperial Militia lists can use them in 30k only difference is that the Solar Auxilia ones don't have sponsons but get some funky turret guns (CHOOM FOR THE CHOOM GOD!)

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Is the 40k Leman Russ around in HH time’s? I just love that clunky thing and would want that on bases rather than some Solar Aux thing.

Yes, and IIRC they had a void shield which they don’t know how to work in 40k anymore.
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Finally got my test macro Gatling and quake cannons back, they're like half the size I need.  I guess I'll just wait a couple of weeks till I get my 3d printer in my branch to try again. 

Edited by Fajita Fan
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Finished reading Titandeath now. I enjoyed it (although some in the BL thread didn’t so ymmv). Potential for very mild spoilers ahead.


Things mentioned which might link to the game:

Rapier light scout, siege Titan with drill and wreaking ball (seems to be a bit bigger chassis than a Warlord based on the text). Carnivore and Nightgaunts mentioned in passing (no details). Void battles on top of orbital plates and debris storms. Large multi engine dropships (4 per conveyor), single engine coffin ships. Comms jamming (remove mantiple benefits?) Chaos titans with expected bone spikey bits etc.


I think that’s all but will edit if anything comes back to me!

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In case someone is not following the new year Open Day thread.  

Sprues and Brews on Twitter has pictures of AT Vulpa, Krytos and Solaria decal sheets as well as the Urban Conquest campaign kit. Comes with some new small terrain statue bits and a objectives set (which seems to have new parts I think)
Images can be found from Sprues and Brews twitter feed here.  Same images are also on the Open Day thread up in Amicus Aedes. 
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As nice as it is to see the Reaver stuff again those Genestealer Cult models look nuts.  I can kitbash almost all of that from all the Deathwatch Overkill boardgame bits I was buying off eBay, I seriously have over 100 acolytes by now that are easy to convert, but I love that assassin and the Gunslinger better have cool rules to go with the model.

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