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Legio Gloriam - The Honour Bound

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A relatively small update of sorts - ordered some lovely titan parts from Battle Bling Store on etsy, and have been spending some time here and there getting extra heads and weapons painted up. Some lovely Reaver missile arms, a chunky plasma blaster-esque weapon that I feels is scaled perfectly to the Warbringer (though it's listed for a Reaver) and both the fantastic Mars and classic Warlord heads. I absolutely love the classic head, such a fantastic update. Thanks to the cabling on the underside you do need to carve out a tiny part of the central chest plate but it's not even noticeable once any head is in place.









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Nice! I saw those Heads and plasma weapons on ETSY myself and grabbed some as well. I must say the Plasma weapons are far too big for Reavers but are nicely cast. Nice to see they size well on the Nemesis. At least I can use them on mine when I get around to him.


How did you do the arm missile launchers for the Reaver?

Edited by Lord_Borak
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Cheers, and they're from the same etsy store! I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes out with next, though I already have some warlord shoulder plasmas to get round to painting too, as well as several weapons from Artisans of Vaul on their way also.

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Kinda like this -




Also had some time today so painted up a pair of Warhounds. This pair is a partial salvage project, as they were unfortunately missing several armour plates each. Did the best I could replacing them, though the black rear cowling is a bit shonky. Ah well, they'll join the pack regardless.
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I've actually been asked that a few times now - if someone gave me some then sure I'd happily paint them up, but realistically I now have 7 painted Warhounds! I'm honestly not overly sure where I'd put them. Maybe if I expanded my wife's legio they'd fit more since hers follow Slaanesh and the older design does work for that.


With any luck in the next couple of days I should be receiving more Warlord gubbins - a command head, chonky assault pod, plasma burner and lascutter (all 3d designed by Artisans of Vaul) so those and the Warlord shoulder plasmas will all go on the painting block next.

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Both my sets turned up essentially pristine - no issues at all. The set in the picture above had very little cleanup and were supposedly a miscast set, yet still look perfect to me with some tidying up. Have you tried contacting the guy about the quality? He's been pretty friendly from what I've found.


The Artisans of Vaul stuff arrived today so I got a bit more painting done - the Mammoth Assault Pod and a Command Head. Really happy with how both turned out.









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Crew would be fun to add, but I don't have any to hand sadly. Cheers schoon!


Another day, another update as I've been feeling productive. Once again not whole titans, but with a twist -







Part of a salvage lot that I got hold of was 2 Warlords. Both were missing a load of armour plates (and still are for the upper halves) but I did managle to rustle together bits to finish up 2 sets of legs.
I'm sure they'll probably be useful for something.
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Yeah no worries boater, here -




Should be able to see that it's overall pretty simple - valk missile cap ends on some plastic tube, saw off the volcano cannon mounting rail and stick on, volcano cannon plates sawn in half, stuck together and the back largely cut flush so it sticks on the tube relatively flat.

Also, I've been a bit busy today, got a bunch of titan weapons finished up. The other shoulder volcano, arm missiles, shoulder plasmas and a plasma burner.








I'm severely running out of titan bodies to put all these weapon options on - I have a small case now which has nothing but spare painted weapons in it!

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Go for it, they're lovely!


So I ended up getting a 3d printer and it's been great fun trawling through thingiverse, cults3d etc looking for fun armaments to add to my titans.
Found some nice (and free!) sonic weapons for a Warbringer, and a lovely fire control tower for my more retro Warlord as well as some chunkier shoulder missiles. Now I just need to get some crew to put on it!
Also converted a Warbringer head from Battle Bling Studio - I added a Reaver mouth grill as clearly that guy needs to be louder.









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Cheers schoon, it's from cults3d - a 'wall lord titan fire control centre' as the designer named it.


So, I printed off a chonky beetleback and the retro warlord is now much more retro. Whilst painting this torso I was unsure if I really liked it, but it's starting to grow on me now it's done. It's one of the free beetleback stls from thingiverse. I'm pleased with how the stripes and white shading turned out on the shoulder but damn, stripes on a domed surface are not fun to do at all.
I did have to raise the weapon mounts 8mm, since otherwise weapons couldn't actually fit in, but regardless my retro warlord is looking a lot more retro now!
Also finally got round to painting a lovely lascutter from Artisans of Vaul which fits nicely - this guy is clearly going to (slowly) charge in, grab a titan then slice them in half!





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It's part of the stl - if it was optional I'd likely leave it off and place something smaller there, like a cog design or some brass etch. The fist is indeed from a knight, one of the first things I converted in this thread - I just recut it slightly to adjust the angle.

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Cheers boater! I agree about the other design, umming and aahing about getting it...

Painted up a Reaver carapace landing pad from Thingiverse, as well as converted up a shoulder quake for a Warlord using spare parts from a previous Warbringer conversion. This was to pair with an excellent Warlord carapace landing pad design by
Danny van Dijk - super crisp!
With 3 quakes and an indirect fire spotter, I can't help but think this Warlord effectively exemplifies 'Dear grid coordinates...'
Edited by Xanthier
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