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What you should do is what I should also do: wait and see what the next book is and then make a decision.


Both of us have tons of stuff in progress. We ought to try and finish things, not start new ones.


Unfortunately, that applies to every wargamer in history. Not many manage it!

Well I love that cracked lava scheme, believe it or not I thought of doing something like “Legio Vulcanum” with that exact scheme but gave up because I lack the skills. That lava tutorial makes me want to give it a shot. I also have the Warhounds I need and if I use the flamers then it’ll be easy to use ursas claws if/when they get models/rules.


I’m making a push to get my white colored traitors going today!

Seeing the marbled effect you managed on your "custodes" coloured Titans, I'm pretty sure you'd have the skills for doing the same, only from dark to light (and therefore potentially more layers)

I remember a while back someone on Instagram did some pretty cool Knight and Titan conversions with shanty towns on their carapace armour. Sadly enough I cant find those pics anymore.


Does anyone here remember these?


I don't think this is the one you are looking for, still worth checking





There are three parts on the blog.

I have a new Melta Reaver coming for Christmas and ordering myself the Legio Tempestus transfer sheet this week - just need to do some colour testing on my spare armour plates to get a nice metallic blue :biggrin.: this Titan will have Turbo Laser Carapace, Melta Cannon and a Laser Blaster with some Chasmata upgrades on one or both laser weapons. When it arrives I'll have enough to titans to build an Axiom maniple as I already have two unbuilt Warhounds and a plasma Warlord who will either get laser blasters on its carapace or turbo lasers from Forge World... Decisions time!


Or I build a Venator Maniple with a supporting Warlord as I love the free shots.

Edited by Reyner

The Venator rules say only a Reaver gets free shots and the FAQ says if you swap it the Warlord doesn’t get the bonus. Named titan classes can’t take advantage of swapped rules. First thing I checked when I saw a Legio could swap titans. :sad.:

Corsair maniple on the other hand...

Edited by Fajita Fan

I know I just thought of having a Venator maniple with supporting Warlord because I have one :D or I'll keep it for my Defensor and buy some more Warhounds to get a larger Venator Maniple or try out the Ferox Maniple which could be nice with the Tempestus warlord perk of charging at full speed without a test :) 

I've ordered the battleforce and another 3 questoris knights. I'll have 18 of them now, meaning I'll have 6 of each gun, as well as 8 Cerastus and 6 Acastus. That's a lot of knights!


I was thinking of ordering the Traitor Titans of Legend set, but I found that they're out of stock online. Annoying. I think that probably puts an end to my musings on a traitor legio. A titan legio and a knight household is enough. I know the word "enough" is rarely applied in our hobby, but there it is. I'll probably get a 5th warlord at some point if GW ever brings out rules for a maniple of 5.

Edited by Mandragola

The Venator rules say only a Reaver gets free shots and the FAQ says if you swap it the Warlord doesn’t get the bonus. Named titan classes can’t take advantage of swapped rules. First thing I checked when I saw a Legio could swap titans. :sad.:


Corsair maniple on the other hand...

Besides Fortidus and their dark splinters, who totally can. Venator with an artillery Warlord is quite brutal, I can attest. Quake for days :P



I remember a while back someone on Instagram did some pretty cool Knight and Titan conversions with shanty towns on their carapace armour. Sadly enough I cant find those pics anymore.


Does anyone here remember these?

I don't think this is the one you are looking for, still worth checking





There are three parts on the blog.

I remember that one, very awesome!


The Venator rules say only a Reaver gets free shots and the FAQ says if you swap it the Warlord doesn’t get the bonus. Named titan classes can’t take advantage of swapped rules. First thing I checked when I saw a Legio could swap titans. :sad.:


Corsair maniple on the other hand...

Besides Fortidus and their dark splinters, who totally can. Venator with an artillery Warlord is quite brutal, I can attest. Quake for days :P
I had read that wording twice and now I see what you’re saying. The way they worded it was kinda odd with the inverted Venator example and I thought it was too good to be true that a Warlord counting as a Reaver gets the free shots. I assume now you’re right.

Yeah, Fortidus is the explicit exception to swaps not counting as the position they switched. I played a 1750 point list with two Venators in a tournament a while back, one with a melta Reaver and one with an artillery Warlord and lots of constant artillery support in the strategy phase. Less than surprisingly, said list crushed everything in its way. There are lots of funky tricks that swap allows, like the close combat Warlord in Ferrox hitting on 1+ and insta-critting anything to death it gets a Charge on :D

Behold the main reason people ban the WD rules :D 

Just ordered the Knight box and 2 more boxes of Lancers to go with it, i figure ill the Acasti, and set up a pure Lance of each type of Knight which should be a solid start to a knight army :) (Already got 6 Questoris and 3 Acastus built). Though i might build some as freeblades to up activations, i quite like the idea of a Kings household of 6 knights :D 

I have a Publisher file made with my own printed banners for my traitors so I need to make some for my Custodes.


Resprayed my 2 quakes, 2 macro Gatlings, and sprayed 2 proxy quakes/gatlings, a pair of Hoth shield generators, and found the reactor towers I meant to spray. Hopefully it’s warm tomorrow.

Behold the main reason people ban the WD rules :biggrin.: 


Just ordered the Knight box and 2 more boxes of Lancers to go with it, i figure ill the Acasti, and set up a pure Lance of each type of Knight which should be a solid start to a knight army :smile.: (Already got 6 Questoris and 3 Acastus built). Though i might build some as freeblades to up activations, i quite like the idea of a Kings household of 6 knights :biggrin.:

Fortidas isn't in the WD rules, it's in Molech. The splinter legio trait is in WD - and is stupid - but the Fortidas Venator existed before that.


I've faced a splinter Fortidas Forrex maniple with a warlord, commanded by Rob Crouchley (who commentates on AT for WHTV). It's pretty scary because the warlord cannot be allowed into combat. I lost one of my warlords to a charge from the reaver because I couldn't stop both it and the warlord. He had a seriously nasty trick with a warhound too, using a traitor strat to get bonuses to hit in melee, meaning its turbo destructors were doing placed shots on a 2+. It dropped one of my warhounds very easily.


All of this did mean that my own melee warlord got into melee a lot, thanks to all the targets running towards it. It killed a warhound and the melee reaver, and actually scored the killing blow against the enemy warlord with its gatling blaster. I ended up tabling the traitors, but not without cost.

Edited by Mandragola

Well I wasn’t facing the Warlord Venator combo. The Forrex combo is nowhere near as scary, as it relies on a warlord getting into melee.


FWIW I think Forrex reavers and warhounds are already extremely dangerous, so melee warlords are not required if they’re around. A charge from a Forrex warhound can do a surprising amount of damage, even though it doesn’t have a melee weapon.

Well I wasn’t facing the Warlord Venator combo. The Forrex combo is nowhere near as scary, as it relies on a warlord getting into melee.


FWIW I think Forrex reavers and warhounds are already extremely dangerous, so melee warlords are not required if they’re around. A charge from a Forrex warhound can do a surprising amount of damage, even though it doesn’t have a melee weapon.

Ferrox Warlord would do nicely with a Gatling, too. A midfield brawler that regularly faces the possibility of having Reavers within 8" could be fun.


Vulpa's Warhounds could smash with an effective Str 11 (from Ferrox, squadroning and disruptors), though it's a bit sad Vulpa's legio trait is basically redundant with the other half of Ferrox and they can get as high with Lupercal too. 

I am tempted to do a Tempestus Ferrox Maniple alongside a Venator Maniple - the Ferrox Seniores Princeps will have the storm born trait so they can all in his maniple charge at max speed without pushing. Then whatever trait looks nice for the Venator Seniores will just be for fun. Then with the Tempestus traits if my titans die they get a chance to shoot back :biggrin.:

I am tempted to do a Tempestus Ferrox Maniple alongside a Venator Maniple - the Ferrox Seniores Princeps will have the storm born trait so they can all in his maniple charge at max speed without pushing. Then whatever trait looks nice for the Venator Seniores will just be for fun. Then with the Tempestus traits if my titans die they get a chance to shoot back :biggrin.:

Nice! That's a good match for an aggressive maniple, though the Venator one probably benefits more from the main ones like Swift Killer or Soldier of Fortune. Defiant Warrior could be interesting, but most of the fire is going to go against your forward Ferrox anyway so the benefits would be mostly meh.

I’ll be the first to acknowledge the WD rules let you double up on some of the best legio rules but would they be more appropriate if you could only take three total - one from each section (trait, wargear, stratagem) instead of four total (up to two from any section)?


I am tempted to do a Tempestus Ferrox Maniple alongside a Venator Maniple - the Ferrox Seniores Princeps will have the storm born trait so they can all in his maniple charge at max speed without pushing. Then whatever trait looks nice for the Venator Seniores will just be for fun. Then with the Tempestus traits if my titans die they get a chance to shoot back :biggrin.:

Nice! That's a good match for an aggressive maniple, though the Venator one probably benefits more from the main ones like Swift Killer or Soldier of Fortune. Defiant Warrior could be interesting, but most of the fire is going to go against your forward Ferrox anyway so the benefits would be mostly meh.


Good shout I always forget about the genetic traits!

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