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Night Lords Warband and Chaos Lost and the Damned

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Plus I finished my two Greater Possessed.

Awesome and fun models.


"We are the Bonded. Twins by blood, twins by spirit, twins by curse. We only live for the hunt. The chase is on."






Really love the possessed on the left, is he a conversion or a model from a kit?


You have made a terrifying force to behold!

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Plus I finished my two Greater Possessed.

Awesome and fun models.


"We are the Bonded. Twins by blood, twins by spirit, twins by curse. We only live for the hunt. The chase is on."






Really love the possessed on the left, is he a conversion or a model from a kit?


You have made a terrifying force to behold!


Thank you.

Well, while I have a lot of converted models in this army, these guys came straight out of the box. I still like them, they are great looking models.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I indeed made some progress, although slower than I wanted.

Anyways, finished 11 more troops to stand in Midnight Clad.

I tried to make all of them an individual with a long and gory history.

All but one of them have stolen their slightly battle damaged armor from some unlucky and doomed loyalists which they slaughtered in a cowardly ambush.


It is great fun converting and painting these guys.

I get bored easily, and I need an army that has a lot of special characters and a lot of individuality.


I think these guys have this in spades.


I also love that I can go totally over the top with comic book style gore.










Now there are 6 more to go.

I hope my motivation holds up.




Also, I got myself an awesome Christmas Present!


However, at the rate I am going with painting, might not get to it until the end of next year....




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And here are the final members of my infamous Loyalist Slayers. :D


Which now brings the number of my regular Chaos Marines to 30. :D


I repeat myself when I say how much fun they were to put together (even with my VERY basic green stuff skills) and painting them up.


They are dark, gory and gritty and you could believe there is an aura of fear surrounding them.

These guys mean business and they will not joke about.


"We are coming for you!"






I now even got my very own Primaris Ancient with powersword..... :p



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front row of the shelf now looks a bit more motivating with the finished models.

But there is still A LOT to do.




Especially looking forward to the Forgeworld models, Sevatar and the Contekar Terminators. :biggrin.:




But first I think it is time I get stuck into these Berserkers and Khârn the Betrayer.

I will use the Necromunda Corpse Grinder gang as Berserkers.

I just love the models, especially those awesome helmets.

They are also the right size for Astartes (the models are bigger than the Heresy Era marines and the old Chaos Marines, including the old Khârn!).

Poor old Khârn. He now looks truly pathetic. :tongue.:





So why do they not wear power armour?


Easy. :wink:


They have lost their mind, they are blind rage and uncontrolled destruction. The other members of the warband have overwhelmed and subjugated them, stripped them of their power armour, to avoid them rampaging on their pirate battle barge. Now they just wear some basic armour, carry the blessings of their god, and are used like the Blood Angels Death Company:

They will be send down onto a target and let loose.

They will feel the splatter of warm blood on their bare skin and will take many skulls before they inevitably die or are left abandoned and rampaging after the warband has looted everything and moved on.


"We have come for you. And we brought you the present of carnage and slaughter."

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Some more progress, finished Khârn the Betrayer tonight. What an awesome dynamic model!

I wanted to try out the technique where you dry-brush the model with gold/ metal colours and then plot out the inside bits with Blood for the Blood god.

I think it works quite well.


Now my day job work has started again, not sure how fast I can make further progress....

but I will be plotting along.... ;)



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Extremely excited!!!

I made quite a catch and bargain on Ebay.

I could not believe when I saw the offer for an original shrink wrapped Chaos battleship, which was a quarter of the price they usually go for!!!

I immediately went for it.

It just arrived in the mail.

I had forgotten how heavy these old metal kits were.

This one is heavy. And huge. I had not expected these things being so big.


So this will be my project for the weekend- assembling and painting the pirate ship my warband is sailing on.

I hope I will come up with a cool name and story for it. I think it is great to go deeper into role-play with this army and also painting up a representation of their space vessel.

:D :D :D

Totally made my day!



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Out of the darkness they come.

Eternally prowling the edges of Imperial space, always ready to strike at any target that presents itself as a weak target.

Silent unseen approach.

Striking with the speed and lack of mercy of a lightning bolt.

And then disappearing back into the dark from where they came.

A name that brings terror and fear.




Desolator class battleship

Reported to be lost in the warp early in it's history

It re-appeared as spearhead of several incursions by several different Chaos factions

Thought to be cursed

Previously, it was part of a Word Bearers fleet that had come under attack by another Chaos faction

A prominent warband of Night Lord traitors were part of this attack and excelled in laying down an ambush

Using a silent and undetected boarding action, while the majority of the Word Bearers was distracted by other parts of the assailant force, several Night Lord Astartes came onboard and started a long and silent battle of attrition.

Hiding in the dark corners of the battleship, slowly disrupting vital systems and killing vital members of both the mortal as well as the Astartes crew, bit by bit, they conquered their prize.

After 4 long weeks, the ship was theirs.

The demonic spirits and masters of the Word Bearers had left them.

The malevolent force inhabiting and cursing the vessel had found the new masters of the vessel both more interesting and entertaining, and the bounty of blood and souls they reaped pleased them.

For now, they will protect them.

For now.




Well, I worked on this all day, and I am amazed how fast I managed to get it done.

I am quite pleased with the result.


Here it is, the pirate vessel my warband calls home.




Ave Dominus Nox!

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So I got side-tracked again-

this time with some ideas for a couple more characters for my army.

Since we saw the pre-view of the new Warpsmith, I got the idea I needed one too, to tent to and repair my Demon Engines.

But the new Warpsmith model.... it is just a re-skin of the Primaris Techmarine. With some extra trim.

So I thought, well, I can create a re-skin, too. One that fits my army and my theme of pirates, who steal all their gear.


I also remembered that old "rule" from back in the day, when I started the hobby, that the general of your army represents you.

So I needed Valkia the Bloody in my army.

Since there is no real sufficient model I am happy with available, I decided to create my own.

Yeah, I know, female Space Marines and fluff and canon blah-blah-blah.

Come on, that fluff was written by some guys who slept through their biology lessons and none of that stuff makes any sense genetically or biologically.

And I am playing Chaos anyways, and even have a model of Fabius Bile in my army, who will have more sense for that stuff than the original writers ever had.

So yeah.

The new Captain of my pirate ship is Valkia the Bloody!


(she will be using the rules for Haarken Worldclaimer)


I will come up with some more backstory and ideas soon.

For now, here is a sneak peek:



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To make some progress with this army, I have decided to join the 2022 painting challenge.

I need some motivation and have to set myself goals, because I will get sidetracked very easily.


So now there is also this Challenge +, which challenges the creativity even more and one has to come up with a made-up cross-over unit that does not exist in the game.


I started out with the vision of some stealthy assassins, striking out of nowhere, disappearing unseen, that are also part of my Night Lords gang of pirates.

Hunting in stealth mode and striking unseen is just a VERY Night Lords thing to do.

And as pirates, they would have no moral issues with stealing gear, even Xenos gear, that will give them an edge and that will enable them to hunt even more efficiently.


One of the other armies I have sitting here (with 2000 points painted) is Necrons, so my choice very early fell on a mix of Chaos and Necrons.

I had this idea before of a Chaos Hexmark Destroyer, just because it is a really cool idea and concept.

So I decided to do one of them.

And since that left me with some more leftover bits.... I just thought, why stop here, just use up all the other bits and assemble another deadly assassin.

How about.... a Chaos Deathmark? :tongue.:

(I do suffer from ADHD, so this just did flow into one feverish fit of creativity).


I now do not know which one I like better and which one I should actually take into the challenge...

But I hereby vow that I will NOT do further work on them (like painting or giving them a name) before I have not made progress on my actual Night Lords army for this month.


(we will see how that goes).


Two deadly assassins




Chaos Deathmark, using various bits from Necron, Chaos and Loyalist kits. And LOTS of green stuff.




The long spike is there to emphasize the close-combat capabilities of the model. This is not a simple Necron Deathmark, this is a traitor Astartes who has stolen Necron technology and is also good in close quarter fighting. This represents him also carrying a bolt pistol/ "chainsword".




As for the Chaos Hexmark Destroyer....




He actually works quite well.

I will just have to think about chick colour I want to use on them.

My Necrons are all painted as Doctor Who Cybermen with bright blue highlights.

I cannot use this with these guys, because they will fit into my Night Lords army, and all my Night Lords feature lighting in bright blue.

Doing the Necron highlight in blue won't pop that way.

I am also not so sure about green or red.

I will have to try it out and see.




But, before I take this further, I have to get stuck in and make some progress on my Berserkers.


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I had the day off, so I finished up that unit of Berserkers.


These are really awesome models, and a joy to paint. Full of details and expression.


For the greater glory of Khorne!


(and of course, also to uphold the fearsome reputation of my merry band of pirates)












After all these individual models, I think I need a change of pace.

So I am going to do my Venomcrawler next.

This one is also an awesome model with lots of character. :D



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I just love my Night Lords.

I can come up with so many great conversion ideas, and I even save some money, because friends have gifted me Primaris models they did not want.

And today I saw that the new Imperium magazine is out, featuring the Primaris Lieutenant and the Necron hero.

For just 3 Euros.

What a bargain.

The Necron I will use to test out some new paints I ordered.

But the Primaris?

He has joined my pirate crew as another champion. I had some leftover Forgeworld bits and so did a simple conversion which I immediately fell in love with.

With this army, I have the opportunity to do many simple, yet effective conversions,.

Even if all these conversions use boring old loyalist models as a base, they just do not look out of place in a chaos army.

Even better, with the backstory of my Night Lord pirates, these conversions make much more sense and fit better than the true chaos models!

This is fun!



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I admit, I spend maybe an unhealthy amount of time on Ebay looking for cool oldschool models.


Just arrived:

A First Edition Chaos Terminator.

It is tiny compared to the modern day terminators (Forgeworld Terminator for size comparison).

Yes, these models have less crisp detail than the modern ones, but they have their own charm.

And they were still lovingly sculpted by hand.

This guy basically got lost in the warp and came straight from the Horus Heresy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I ordered some Chameleon Colorshift Paints from Green stuff world.

I was curious and wanted to try them out, maybe even use them in my armies.


Here I am now going to report the results of my experiments.


The Burning Gold paint.... in my eyes, looks very unrealistic as a standard gold paint on my miniatures. Especially for something like gold trim in Chaos.


If painted over dark brass type metal, it creates a VERY realistic heat damaged metal effect. For this, it is pretty much ideal. Especially if you also use some Agrax Earthshade on top to subdue the effect a bit and add some "oil and grease".




For my Night Lords.....

well, I ordered also Cobalt Blue and tried that out.

Yes, the effect is nice.

But for Night Lords, this is just too rich and fancy. This is not a fancy army. They are dirty and gritty.

Even with Agrax on top, it still comes out as too rich.

This is something you could do on some special characters, but certainly not for your line and file troops that get stuck in.


Here is a picture how it looks in sunlight:

the the left a terminator which had applied Agrax on top of the Cobalt Blue, in the middle pure Cobalt Blue, and to the right, the sorcerer, Cobalt Blue and the brighter and more greenish Psychic Illusions on the feathers.

For the gold, I used normal metal colours, for the reason above.




The Terminator, I used the colorshift gold on the muzzle of the gun, it looks as if the gun regularly heats up and discolours the metal.

The Cobalt Blue is subdued with Agrax.




And here, all sparkly and shiny, without Agrax wash:




So as a conclusion-

these colorshift paints would be awesome in an army like Alpha Legion (the Psychic Illusion colour might be ideal!) or Thousand Sons.

I think Thousand Sons would look absolutely stunning and awesome using this!!!


But Night Lords?

Not really.

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After a long painting session, I managed to get some more models finished.




A random dwarf, protecting his mountain. I got him because I liked the model. It was nice for a change of colour in between Chaos figures.




I also finished the Necron hero that came with the first issue of the Imperium magazine.

Now I have two of these Necron nobles and he has joined my unstoppable wave of silver.... my Necron army now stands at a bit more than 2000 points.






Finally, to the Night Lords!


Here are the first 2 of my cultists. Only 20 more to go.... :p




An old-school First Edition Chaos Terminator. Directly from the age of the Horus Heresy.

You got to love these old hand-sculpted miniatures.

They have their own charm.






And finally a sorcerer for my warband.


"His name was Raphus Cucullatus. Once upon a time, he was lord of his own warband and carried the favour of his god.

But the whims of the Lord of Change are fickle, and Raphus lost everything, barely escaping with his life.

But his dark master spared his life, seeing that Raphus one day would have another part to play in the great plan.

The sorcerer traveled the warp, always looking for arcane knowledge and a way to come back to his former power and glory.

He would use all means necessary and no deed or treachery were outside consideration.

So he allied himself with a fearsome group of Night Lord pirates, spreading terror in their name, waiting for a chance to regain the favour of his Dark God."


Raphus Cucullatus is named after the Dodo- this is the latin scientific name of the Dodo. Reason- he wears a helmet in the shape of a Dodo head, so kind of obvious. :p

I painted him in dirty colours, his robes are stained and thread-bare, his once shining golden armour is stained and grimy and dirty.

But on board of the pirate vessel "Night Stalker", there is little light, so there is no use for fancy shiny robes and armour.

The only thing everyone is judged by is by the darkness and cruelty they spread.



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I also finished my entry for the 2022 What if Challenge-

Creating and painting a mash-up unit.

I created a curious mix of Chaos and Necron.

It had to fit in with my Night Lords, so having some sneaky assassins who can appear and disappear at will sounded fitting.

These guys have stolen Necron technology for the sole reason to perfect their ability to hunt prey and to spread terror.


Here they are:


A member of the Night Scorpion unit- a mix of a Chaos Chosen and a Necron Deathmark.






And then there is their leader, the Warp Stalker, a mix of Chaos Champion and Hexmark Destroyer.







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I am really enjoying my days off work.

Great to relax, put on some audio books I had been waiting to listen to and to do some painting.

Today, I finally finished my Venomcrawler- he had been sitting on my shelf for nearly 2 years now.


Actually a fun and very characterful model to paint!








Next up I will have a go at my counts-as Maulerfiend.

Yes, he is an AoS model, but since my Night Lords are a lot about skulls and gore, he will fit in with my army perfectly.

And I just had to get this model, he is gorgeous.

And who says that demons cannot bring some old bones to life?



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That monochrome undercoat you use is amazing looking by itself. How are you achieving that?

Oh, quite easy.

I undercoat the models with Black spray, and then lightly drybrush first with dark grey and then lighter grey. I once got a whole set of different shades when my local store got rid of all the old Citadel paints after GW had changed the paint range again (for some reason, they do that frequently).

I use this as a guide coat (so I know where the lines are between which I need to paint).

It also serves another purpose:

If I paint on top with a single layer (or two) of diluted Night Lords Blue, the light and dark of the guide coat still stay underneath and this helps with the shading of the final model.

It is basically a time saving method.


I actually once tried to do a monochrome army (because I LOVE well executed monochrome armies) but since I am not the best painter, it did not really work out that well.

This was using just grey scales for skin and armour.

All of it is only done with dry brushing, except the blood and gore painted on.

But in the end, I was not really happy with it. It just looked flat and boring.

I abandoned the project. But at least it gave me a AoS Killteam....






But if executed well, this could really look amazing.

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