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Night Lords Warband and Chaos Lost and the Damned

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Your hell drake is stunning - excellent work there.  The lightning combined with the colourshift paint is gorgeous.


I find it interesting that you did the belly your trim colour - for my own heck turkey, I did the belly in its armour colour (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/346143-the-judgment-on-kadeth-dr-ruminahuis-emperors-children/?p=5694314).

I actually put some thought into this.

I thought that the belly needed armour plating and that the trim is actually the armoured skeleton that holds this nightmare of warp energy together.... the pure stuff of the warp is basically seeping though in all the panels.

Yeah, the colourshift experiment paid off. It was just this, an experiment, but I am actually quite happy with this. I think when I can motivate myself to do the Forgefiend, I will do it in exactly the same way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spend the afternoon painting and listening to audios to finish my vow for the Anger and Arrogance challenge.

Just in time!

I am still debating with myself if I should also add snow to the base and maybe more gore?


But so far, I call him done.

Meet Bilbo the Butcher, the smallest member of my warband (size wise) who has a bit of an inferiority complex.

One of his issues is, he tried to steal a fancy new suit from a slaughtered Primaris Marine, just to find out that the suit was at least two sizes too big for him!!!


So he still had to make do with his old and battered armour of the long war.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Today, making good use of the evening sunshine, I finished my May Vow for 12 Months of Hobby.

As expected, during summer months, I have less time for painting because I have other outdoor things going on.

So only 3 miniatures finished, I am afraid.

I also added some spots of snow to Bilbo the Butcher's base.




A heavy gun for my Necrons




The business end




Bilbo with added snow




And Lelith just being magnificent (I come to like these chameleon paints more and more)

She has the dubious honor of being the only Eldar in my collection :p








I think I now need a little break from Warhammer 40k.

So I ordered some figures from Scibor.

I do not like most of his 40k stuff, he just does not get the right tone and esthetic in my opinion.

However, his dwarves and his comedy stuff are top notch.

So I think I will now do some Scibor comedy stuff as a change of scene and as a bit of a change.

These figures look like fun to paint!


However, I am not sure how much I will get done during June. Or summer in general. We will see.











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  • 3 months later...

Wow, as I predicted, I have not been on here for a while!

Well, summer comes to a close, so now I should have more time for painting.

As I might have written further above, I had joined the crowdfunding for one of the Chaos Armies for "Ravaged Star" https://gamefound.com/projects/miniwargaming/ravaged-star

Just because I absolutely adore these miniatures. Originally, they planned on sending out all these awesome figures by October, but since there is this world-wide problem with delivery backlog, this has now been postponed to next year.

I am a bit disappointed, since I was looking forward to painting these guys during the long dark winter nights, but well, such is life.

However, I decided to buy my way into Kill Team.

Since I saw the pre-view for the latest Kill Team Release ("Into the Dark") I knew I had to get these. I absolutely adore the miniatures. I like the Imperial Navy in these deep-sea diver like space-suits and these Kroot also look amazing. Both teams look to me like they could be very fun to paint.

All the recent Kill Teams looked at least partially interesting, and I had an itch in my finger, but this one was just too good to be true, so I pre-ordered these guys today!

Also, all this piracy and boarding action.... together with a playing board presenting a boarded ship-

THIS is what my Night Lord pirates are all about! So my Night Lords could also join into the fun! I have by now enough models to create a Night Lord kill team that could go up against both Imperial Navy and the Kroot.

So if all goes well, I might get back into painting in the coming week.

Not sure if I will right away start with Kill Team when it arrives or if I will chip away on my Night Lords or if I will finish my still not finished Scibor figures. We will see. :D

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Well, since I am so hyped for the new Kill Team box (which will hopefully arrive at my place next week), I at least got the rules for the Chaos Legionaries off Ebay. :biggrin:

I hope this will appease the Dark Gods since I think I want to build and maybe paint the new box first before continuing with my Chaos army... (new shiny and all that)


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  • 1 month later...

Have not been doing anything with my Chaos lately-

I got the Into the Dark Kill Team box and have pledged to finish it up before I do other things.

However, this is also a plus, because the Space Hulk terrain the box comes with will be the native environment for my vicious space pirates. :biggrin:

So I actually, finally (!!!), do some work on some terrain. Back in the day when I was member of a club, one was actually charged with creating / painting some terrain which fitted to one's army, so everyone could bring themed terrain along for games night. Which I think is a great idea.


But there are still some Chaos News- since I signed up for Warhammer + , I could actually get my hands on the amazing old-school Chaos Terminator. He finally arrived today.

And he just looks amazing. So much detail!

I will paint him up in my army colors, and he will be used as my Chaos Terminator Lord.

Just look at this bad boy! He is amazing!





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This guy is huge....

compared to the human sized Navy Breachers.

He could very well be the monster that is haunting the Gallowdark, and has to be hunted down by these brave loyal Navy men...

(In certainly need to do some scenic photo shoots as soon as I have painted up the terrain and some of the Kill Teams and pit them against my Night Lords!)



Edited by Valkia the Bloody
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  • 2 months later...

Well, here I was thinking that I had not managed a lot this year.

But- behold!- I just took a picture of all the stuff I have painted  in 2022 and it is not too shabby after all.









However, there is still stuff to do for the Night Lords army, still unpainted on the shelf are:

- 1 Maulerfiend

- 10 Raptors (with 3rd party helmets and shoulders)

- ~40 "cultists" / enslaved crewmen (kitbash, Forgeworld, Necromunda, 3rd party- wild mix of random figures to represent a ramshackle group of survivors stolen from a dozen different worlds)

- another jumppack Champion (very wild kitbash)

- 2 Masters of Execution (1x original, 1x converted Primaris Leutenant with Forgeworld bits)

- 1 Master of Possession

- 1 Warpsmith (converted Primaris)

- 1 Warhammer+ Chaos Terminator

- Sevatar (Forgeworld)

- 3rd party Primarch Nighthaunter


Here is to hope I can finish up some of that stuff in the upcoming months!


EDIT- I nearly forgot, there is of course also the awesome Warhammer+ Chaos Terminator to that list!



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I felt the need to take some pictures of my most favorite operatives in some of the Gallowdark terrain.

Doing what they do best- sneaking around in the shadows, ambushing and butchering some loyalists.
















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I wanted to paint this guy FOR A LONG TIME.

I love the model.

Only issue, I never have been into Ultramarines, and I had no money to spare for vanity models.

Now, I actually took the plunge and got him.

I now even have a reason to paint him! Since my Night Lord Warband is notorious for slaughtering Ultramarines, they will also have slaughtered this guy.... and stolen the armour and now one of my villains wears it, mocking and daring any Ultramarines.

Yes, I will paint up Sicarius in Midnight Clad!

Complete and utter heresy.

Just try and make me burn!

(but you have to catch me first......)




And as is usual for these older metal models- I am always surprised how tiny they are.

Here is a size comparison-

a normal human trooper and the new Chaos Terminator for size.




Right, I will finish up my Kill Team challenge stuff first, and then I hope I can motivate myself to get stuck in again with my Night Lords. At least I have now accumulated A TON of cool models for them!

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Some more re-inforcements for my Night Lords-

some Forgeworld Night Raptors.

They are ready to spread some terror from the skies.

Ave Dominus Nox!


(these are awesome models, however, I am still not happy working with brittle resin and it also takes twice as long to put them together than plastic models would).



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  • 3 weeks later...

Today I am actually off to the UK to visit actual Warhammer World.

And a couple of other things.

Very excited- and planning to buy some more Night Lords stuff from Forgeworld. Hope I can control myself!

I have actually been called out for being "crazy for just doing a silly nerd pilgrimage" to the UK.

Well, yes, here I am, a modern pilgrim, ready to see the holy sights and relics and hopefully returning with many overpriced trinkets!

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Hope you have fun, and end up with what you want! :smile:

5 hours ago, Valkia the Bloody said:

I have actually been called out for being "crazy for just doing a silly nerd pilgrimage" to the UK.

Meh, people follow sports teams, music artists, etc to other countries - it's the same idea, just a different thing :wink:

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OMG, Warhammer World is amazing!!!

I spend a whole day there, I just could not get enough.

The exhibits are stunning- I must have taken hundreds of pictures.

Also- staff is very friendly and helpful and it was great having all these chats.

I also got the obligatory burger at Bugman's.

Having now seen it, I cannot believe it took me so long to actually take the step and travel over. I had a great time.


Oh- and of course I have spend way too much money. But I thought- hey, now you are here, now is the chance!


I also freely admit I have a thing for terminators. This is why I got a selection of terminators.

I am even going to paint up Tyberos in Midnight Clad!

When I mentioned this to the staffer, he was incredulous and told me: "But he is one of the GOOD guys! You cannot do this!"

I just smiled: "Watch me. He is perfect."

Also, I would not exactly call Tyberos the Red Wake "one of the good guys". Not really.


So here is my loot....

(I went totally for "Rule of Cool"- not at all for what is great on the table. These days, I mainly paint, and I want cool miniatures that get my creative juices flowing)








I definitely had to get the chonky boi- he is an awesome model! And I just went for the big cannons with him- just because they looked great on the display model at the Forgeworld store!







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So I spend today putting it all together!


Such awesome models!




"Come here and get it!"




This is the Forgeworld Exclusive Praetor. I added some grisly trophies to make him more "Night Lordy" :




The armor of Tyberos the Red Wake has gotten a new owner, also adorned with a few more grisly trophies:




Night Lords Praetor:




And a gunslinger out for some pistol-play (I decided to not add the ammunition-feed belts; I am not too happy with GW adding ammunition feed-line to every model.... I think they look cooler without).



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  • 2 weeks later...

And I finished my Night Raptor squad!

Sadly, this month I was much too distracted with building newly acquired models (see Forgeworld above) so I did not paint as much as I should have done.

But I made it and finished these Raptors!

Awesome dynamic models, full of grisly trophies, fun to paint, what is not to like?


Ave Dominus Nox!




















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And yes, I am still my old self, getting sidetracked.

Made the mistake yesterday to visit the local Warhammer store while I was in town.

I actually wanted to get the new World Eater Codex, just out of interest.

Sadly, our stores here are also hit by that warehouse crisis and the story owner told me they had NO NEW STOCK for the past 2 weeks and he was getting restless.

So I left the store without the new Codex.

But I just could NOT refuse these awesome new cultists.

So far, none of the cultists we had on offer were to my taste. None of the previous cultists clicked with me, so this is why I collected this ragtag mix of human slaves for this army.

However, the World Eater cultists are amazing, they are dynamic, full of character and look absolutely brutal.

And I actually did NOT realize until I built them that there are FEMALE sculpts in there. These bad girls just blend in perfectly.






So how do these Khorne cultists fit in with my Night Lords warband?

Well, my warband arrived late to a full scale World Eater raid on an imperial world, and scavengers as they are, sneaking around the wreckage, my warband stole away all the loot which could still be salvaged from the World Eater rampage. Those World Eaters also were so occupied with their slaughter, and desperate to get off planet for their next target, that they completely forgot some of their mortal cultists!

Opportunists that they are, my warband took them on-board, promising more murder, carnage and slaughter and the release at the next imperial world.

For the time being, they are housed in a heavily fortified (and enclosed) cargo-hold on board my Chaos Desolator, the "Night Stalker".


I think for my next painting project, I go for something a bit bigger-

there is still a Forgefiend waiting for his paint-job.

So I hope there will be fewer distractions in March so I get to paint this big bad boy up!



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During my visit to the local store, I got another free Intercessor.

I was debating with myself if I should use him as basing material, but then I liked the bits that come with the Khorne cultists so much, I had an idea.

So I improved the boring old Intercessor and made him look more like a proud and brutal member of my Warband.

Yes, he has bare arms, but what works for the World Eaters should also work for me!

And I finally found a use for the head of the Chaos Master of Executions!

I am pretty sure the allegiance of this guy is perfectly clear now...



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