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I just hope the leaked primarispeeder comes out when these full kits arrive also

I do always wonder about that one - it looks like there's a missile pod on the back, but the launchers are angled in at each other. It just always seemed weird.


I always thought the pixelated image reminded me of a baby version of " the Storm Eagle ".


so I guesstimate its name is....



Edited by Triszin
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Update: word on the street from those that listened to the Twitch livestream is that the Bikes get +2 Attacks on the charge, in addition to Shock Assault, so that’s 18 Attacks (maybe 19 if the Leader gets the usual extra base Attack) from a unit of 3 Bikers, and now probably with AP-1 (anticipated Astartes Chainsword buff), which would go to AP-2 from Turn 3 on.


Not bad at all!

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Update: word on the street from those that listened to the Twitch livestream is that the Bikes get +2 Attacks on the charge, in addition to Shock Assault, so that’s 18 Attacks (maybe 19 if the Leader gets the usual extra base Attack) from a unit of 3 Bikers, and now probably with AP-1 (anticipated Astartes Chainsword buff), which would go to AP-2 from Turn 3 on.

Not bad at all!

So faster, more wounds, more shooting, and similar attacks to TWC. Even with the lack of storm shields, they completely eclipse TWC unless they cost more in points *rolls eyes*.


I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me they came with a special rule that lets them climb stairs.

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Update: word on the street from those that listened to the Twitch livestream is that the Bikes get +2 Attacks on the charge, in addition to Shock Assault, so that’s 18 Attacks (maybe 19 if the Leader gets the usual extra base Attack) from a unit of 3 Bikers, and now probably with AP-1 (anticipated Astartes Chainsword buff), which would go to AP-2 from Turn 3 on.

Not bad at all!

So faster, more wounds, more shooting, and similar attacks to TWC. Even with the lack of storm shields, they completely eclipse TWC unless they cost more in points *rolls eyes*.


I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me they came with a special rule that lets them climb stairs.


Yea, i agree with that, another fluff uit who gonna be outperformed by a random primaris unit... yay....

Can the bike leader take a hammer too ?

Edited by Maouw
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We don’t know anything about upgrade options yet, if any.

This is why i hate teasing so much, i want answer GW, not teasing over teaser ><

Are the swiftclaw able to take hammer in the existing rules ?

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I know people love their giant wolf riders, but for me, it’s great - won’t miss seeing the ridden wolves go bye bye in the slightest - it’s a flavor the Space Wolves don’t need (now watch, they’ll bring Thunderwolves back as Megathunderwolves with Primaris riders). I’d much rather see Space Wolves have more tribal styling to their bikes than extra big, rideable wolves. Plus, that will play better with whatever and whenever we finally find out more about Space Wolf Successors (since presumably the Thunderwolves would be unique to Fenris, while modified/styled bikes could be anywhere).
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I know people love their giant wolf riders, but for me, it’s great - won’t miss seeing the ridden wolves go bye bye in the slightest - it’s a flavor the Space Wolves don’t need (now watch, they’ll bring Thunderwolves back as Megathunderwolves with Primaris riders). I’d much rather see Space Wolves have more tribal styling to their bikes than extra big, rideable wolves. Plus, that will play better with whatever and whenever we finally find out more about Space Wolf Successors (since presumably the Thunderwolves would be unique to Fenris, while modified/styled bikes could be anywhere).

I'm a fan of TWC, and miss fielding them. I like the theme, and it's tragic how little love they've been shown this edition. SW are the only astartes with cavalry (and beasts), which IMO is just another way we distinguish ourselves from the rest of the marines. Hell, if they want to give us different mounts (mammoth?) to carry primaris, I would be cool with it (although I do love wolves).


I want to see TWC (and [cyber]wolves) get some serious upgrades to compete with the primaris units, especially bikers. There is plenty of room for advance + charging bonuses, outflanking more than 6" from table edge, et al. Most of the wulfen rules should have been on the TWC datasheet, IMO. I think if TWC end up going away completely, I would likely just stop playing altogether, /shrug.


I don't want to play space marines with a different coat of paint, and we are too close already with the lack of equipment diversity on the primaris, and the total lack of our unique weapon options being available at all.

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I don't want to play space marines with a different coat of paint, and we are too close already with the lack of equipment diversity on the primaris, and the total lack of our unique weapon options being available at all.

This is the major reason i have to wonder about wolves over BT. They gonna get, i hope, some specific fluff units at some point. But that could be this year or in 10 years... Primaris this, primaris this, primaris that, but they is no flavor left for differents chapter.

If 9th edition finally make melee armies something else than a target practice, i would be a lot okay with that, but i guess we don't want to play everyone the same army with just differents colors...

Of course we could still use wolves, but if they are weaker than bikes and cost the same or even more, why would you take a unit just to downgrade yourself ?

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Wolves ARE Marines with a different color. It's laughable to think they aren't. EACH Chapter, especially the First Foundings, has something that makes them unique - the Wolves are no different in that regard.


The Flanderization that happened has got to stop for the Wolves (seriously, even the unique flyer is designed to look like a wolf head). It has made a mockery of them outside of fans, and is the reason that I have broken even my classic Wolf Astartes bits up over standard kits to avoid the Furry-ness GW tried to bake into them. Hopefully 9th will bring back their tribal nature (which can easily encompass tribes that are not Nordic based) in a unique Wolf kit or two and leave the Furries back in their den.


Cyber-wolves and Fenrisian (or others) Wolf companions racing along beside the Marines - that's really all you need.

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We’re getting a little unfocused here brothers. Everyone has their own preferences and the subject is well worn to be frank.


Only time will tell what 9th has in store for us and hopefully it makes everyone happy..... (yea I know)

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TWC discussion aside, the new Bikers really look promising. They’d make an excellent Mobile Reserve unit. I’d love for the Sergeant/Pack Leader to get access to the usual melee weapon upgrade options; if he can, then I’d wager these guys will really have a strong position in competitive Wolves lists (all depending on points, of course).
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Alright so hear me out here. 

Primaris Mammoth Strike Team 

Its this Big Mammoth  with a hellfrost Cannon and Rear Pintle Mounted Onslaught Gattling Cannon. 

But it gets better , its a big monster type deal , Flamers mounted to its tusks , and it carries 6 Primaris Marines , ontop of having decent combat stats if you charge into combat with it, the unit can disembark INTO COMBAT  and count as having charged. 

Primaris Iron Priests cant repair them   for some reason. 

I would buy atleast 3 of this. 

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