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9th edition incoming


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Alright so hear me out here. 


Primaris Mammoth Strike Team 


Its this Big Mammoth  with a hellfrost Cannon and Rear Pintle Mounted Onslaught Gattling Cannon. 


But it gets better , its a big monster type deal , Flamers mounted to its tusks , and it carries 6 Primaris Marines , ontop of having decent combat stats if you charge into combat with it, the unit can disembark INTO COMBAT  and count as having charged. 


Primaris Iron Priests cant repair them   for some reason. 


I would buy atleast 3 of this. 


Not enough guns....needs more fragstorm.

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well that is a nice subtle buff to assault armies that I really like , taking power out of overwatch is a good thing 

Posit for a moment , we are an army that has fairly army wide potency in melee. 

We will likely be charging with more than one unit. 

The opponent is going to have to make a decision on where the overwatch is best spent. 

I think this is a real win for us because we want to be getting into melee , and when it comes to fighting back our chapter has innate bonuses to fighting back  when getting charged. 

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I know people love their giant wolf riders, but for me, it’s great - won’t miss seeing the ridden wolves go bye bye in the slightest - it’s a flavor the Space Wolves don’t need (now watch, they’ll bring Thunderwolves back as Megathunderwolves with Primaris riders). I’d much rather see Space Wolves have more tribal styling to their bikes than extra big, rideable wolves. Plus, that will play better with whatever and whenever we finally find out more about Space Wolf Successors (since presumably the Thunderwolves would be unique to Fenris, while modified/styled bikes could be anywhere).


I can't disagree enough. TWC are iconic SW only units and should be a great option to put on the table. Having them eclipsed by rando bikers with insane stats is not good for us.

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I can't disagree enough. TWC are iconic SW only units and should be a great option to put on the table. Having them eclipsed by rando bikers with insane stats is not good for us.


I agree with that. I have no problem bikes getting a rework and become strong. I have a problem when a generic space marine unit is better in every way than a iconic unit.

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well that is a nice subtle buff to assault armies that I really like , taking power out of overwatch is a good thing


Posit for a moment , we are an army that has fairly army wide potency in melee.


We will likely be charging with more than one unit.


The opponent is going to have to make a decision on where the overwatch is best spent.


I think this is a real win for us because we want to be getting into melee , and when it comes to fighting back our chapter has innate bonuses to fighting back when getting charged.

They seem to be trying to push people not only away from gunlines or shoot & scoot with this and board changes, but also into a combined arms approach; except for Tau everyone has to take a few melee units to counter, or really really screen hard

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well that is a nice subtle buff to assault armies that I really like , taking power out of overwatch is a good thing


Posit for a moment , we are an army that has fairly army wide potency in melee.


We will likely be charging with more than one unit.


The opponent is going to have to make a decision on where the overwatch is best spent.


I think this is a real win for us because we want to be getting into melee , and when it comes to fighting back our chapter has innate bonuses to fighting back when getting charged.

They seem to be trying to push people not only away from gunlines or shoot & scoot with this and board changes, but also into a combined arms approach; except for Tau everyone has to take a few melee units to counter, or really really screen hard



This is how I play all my armies. A mix of melee and ranged. This new edition will finally not penalize me for going for that approach unlike all of 8th.

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I can't disagree enough. TWC are iconic SW only units and should be a great option to put on the table. Having them eclipsed by rando bikers with insane stats is not good for us.


I agree with that. I have no problem bikes getting a rework and become strong. I have a problem when a generic space marine unit is better in every way than a iconic unit.



How do we know they're eclipsed? I can evaluate TWC in 8th, because I know their point cost, their statline, how they interact with terrain, and can compare them to other units with current point costs. Using that information I can say that in my opinion TWC are pretty terrible.  


That said I don't know how many points they will cost in 9th until the app comes out, I don't know how the two unit types will interact with terrain, I don't know if TWC will have the same statline, or if cavalry units will gain an ability like that lets them re-roll charges or advance and charge. I just don't see the point in getting worked up till we know more.

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Alright so hear me out here. 


Primaris Mammoth Strike Team 


Its this Big Mammoth  with a hellfrost Cannon and Rear Pintle Mounted Onslaught Gattling Cannon. 


But it gets better , its a big monster type deal , Flamers mounted to its tusks , and it carries 6 Primaris Marines , ontop of having decent combat stats if you charge into combat with it, the unit can disembark INTO COMBAT  and count as having charged. 


Primaris Iron Priests cant repair them   for some reason. 


I would buy atleast 3 of this. 

you just described the mastadon.


the forgeworld mastadon

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Like I said, love the FlanderWolves all you want, we disagree and I like the Wolf Sleigh more, won't convince me otherwise - we've been told to move on.


Something I'd really like to see the Wolves get is an "almost" version of Fury of Khorne - less CP, and maybe only an attack or something, rather than a full Fight phase - maybe "Winter's Fury" or some such.


you just described the mastadon.


the forgeworld mastadon

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Alright so hear me out here.


Primaris Mammoth Strike Team


Its this Big Mammoth with a hellfrost Cannon and Rear Pintle Mounted Onslaught Gattling Cannon.


But it gets better , its a big monster type deal , Flamers mounted to its tusks , and it carries 6 Primaris Marines , ontop of having decent combat stats if you charge into combat with it, the unit can disembark INTO COMBAT and count as having charged.


Primaris Iron Priests cant repair them for some reason.


I would buy atleast 3 of this.

you just described the mastadon.


the forgeworld mastadon

Emperor willing mastodons will be playable again come 9th!

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Alright so hear me out here.


Primaris Mammoth Strike Team


Its this Big Mammoth with a hellfrost Cannon and Rear Pintle Mounted Onslaught Gattling Cannon.


But it gets better , its a big monster type deal , Flamers mounted to its tusks , and it carries 6 Primaris Marines , ontop of having decent combat stats if you charge into combat with it, the unit can disembark INTO COMBAT and count as having charged.


Primaris Iron Priests cant repair them for some reason.


I would buy atleast 3 of this.

you just described the mastadon.


the forgeworld mastadon

Emperor willing mastodons will be playable again come 9th!

I really like the model.. but I can't justify 500$ 0.o

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Also, multi-charging has changed to where you cannot make the charge into multiple units unless you rolled enough to reach them all. So the days of doing a charge against a target within 3" and 7" and using that closer one to make the harder charge are gone.
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Also, multi-charging has changed to where you cannot make the charge into multiple units unless you rolled enough to reach them all. So the days of doing a charge against a target within 3" and 7" and using that closer one to make the harder charge are gone.

Despite it being a bit of a nerf to charging I actually think this is better as it feels less gamey.


No the mastodon cant carry primaris but it can carry dreadnoughts so not a big loss imho

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Also, multi-charging has changed to where you cannot make the charge into multiple units unless you rolled enough to reach them all. So the days of doing a charge against a target within 3" and 7" and using that closer one to make the harder charge are gone.

I like this


Charging units in 2 opposite directions with the same charge was lame

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Another interesting impact this will have is on Bjorn, and other Character Dreadnoughts. They’ll need an actual dedicated bodyguard unit to travel with them.


sound like a waste of trops sadly

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Another interesting impact this will have is on Bjorn, and other Character Dreadnoughts. They’ll need an actual dedicated bodyguard unit to travel with them.

As someone who relies entirely on character protection I see a loophole that needs an immediate FAQ


Bjorn and other character dreads (like my triple venerable chaplains) can huddle up and satisfy requirement 1 to avoid being shot

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Another interesting impact this will have is on Bjorn, and other Character Dreadnoughts. They’ll need an actual dedicated bodyguard unit to travel with them.


sound like a waste of trops sadly





As someone who relies entirely on character protection I see a loophole that needs an immediate FAQ


Bjorn and other character dreads (like my triple venerable chaplains) can huddle up and satisfy requirement 1 to avoid being shot



Yes they can.  

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