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There's also the Company Champion limitation, and the no Librarians rule.


I know the no Librarians rule is in the new codex, but I don't know about the Company Champion.

its not - and even not in the pdf - so we can take one instead. I think that should be okay because except in the game (which they really have the exact same /close abilties and statlines), in the lore one knight is chosen from visions and gain a "holy order" while the other one is just the best skilled duellist in the crusade for example.

Edited by Medjugorje
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If GW is not interested in us - they would have done not the conent of last few month to mention us here and there... 


I believe here's a potential fatal mistake in thinking of GW as a completely monolithic entity. Let me explain.


I think there are parts of GW that are very interested in us. These parts include some writers, some game designers, some painters, artists etc. They want Black Templars to have a big presence because they think we're cool.


But then we have the higher up execs who decide where the money goes. They don't like us. They don't want to foot bills for costly design projects catered to us, because they're interested in returns on investments. Instead they want generic kits etc because those can be sold to the entire marine market. This is what they prefer.


I believe this explains what we've been seeing the last years. We're constantly being brought up (Gathering storm, Vigilus, whatever that planet F&F took place on etc.) But we have very little show for it. Precious little new art, virtually no new studio models (seriously, they couldn't be arsed to let that one painter paint a whole squad of Blade guard, just one dude), no dedicated printed material, instead stuck inside a book of mostly heretics. Nothing that costs money.


Ie, the creative aspect of GW wants to promote us, the GW execs who green light the cash flows, don't.

Edited by Reinhard
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Well, they did kind of heavily imply one was coming?

They outright said a new supplement is coming for BT among others in the FAQ article, mobile uploading images is non existent so here's the chunk from the warcom article


Meanwhile, the more diverse Chapters such as Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, and Deathwatch now have downloadable PDFs that replace all their existing rules and datasheets. These are designed to get you by until the launch of your new codex supplements

Edited by SirJyo
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The pessimist in me reads the introduction to our index, compared to the other 4 indexes, and thinks they rolled us into that paragraph by accident. WarCom not known for its accuracy.


The optimist says that they didn't put anything concrete in our intro, so as to not spoil the surprise. That they will no way let us live for free in a PDF for a whole edition, and we will get the one true supplement when the DA one drops along with the survey results.

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Im sticking to my first assumption regarding our possible supplement, if we were meant to have the same treatment as DA/BA/SW/DW then GW would have announced our supplement along with those chapters but they didnt, then there's the different wording in our FAQ compared to those chapters which cements the idea of us not getting a book for our stuff. Now that being said I also agree with others in this thread that the FAQ is not a long term solution for GW and so I do believe we might get an Index Astartes White Dwarf rules where they can put our stuff in regards to F&F rules or new stuff and its pretty low effort so its not like GW will lose a lot of money by doing it that way.

Edited by redmapa
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its crazy to think this would COST them anything...  For sure they have to invest at first but then they will earn easily more because there is not a decision for a lot of players to buy this OR another book. The most BT - players will buy just BT stuff and so there is no substitution for a black templar book. And for all new BT players out there its the same. 


For sure if they think BT community is getting smaller and smaller and they wont support this faction -> potential new players would go to another knightly chapter like the Silver Templars, Dark Angels .... 

But they should now how it works. The biggest part of their marketing are the players... and they still know about the BT and the new models didnt decline that.


I would say Harlequins, Crimson Slaughter, Ynnari and mostly Deathwatch used to be higher risks then feed their costumers. I ve studied business administration and I know that costumer loyality is one of the biggest goods - and look how loyal we had been in the past ( yes, there are several ex-BT players out there which stopped playing 40k or changed their army but that is normal). 

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I see you guys keep bringing the survey up. Its been ages, we probably had a good showing, but no results were brought foward.

I still think Sisters were already in the pipeline when the survey went out, and it was all a big PR event, since the results were shown soon after.


The next campaign book that drops will probably be our update. 

I would prefer a WD Index Astartes to be honest.

Edited by Sete
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Ok dudes, I have been scouring the Warpnet, (well the French part of it)

Things are a bit ambiguous.


But there may be light at the end of the tunnel:


"Les templier risquent d'être très heureux..."


Which means:

"The Templars may be very happy ..."


This is the same person from the supplements last year.

Some context:


"I'm not awake, but in my cloudy brain I just read the Warco and, am I dreaming or is it talking about a BT supplement?"



"If it's not in a pinned, it's not necessarily to be taken literally. There is a lot of misunderstanding or wishlist in the posts ;) For now the BT only have an index which replaces the PA supplement"



"Meanwhile, the more diverse Chapters such as Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, and Deathwatch now have downloadable PDFs that replace all their existing rules and datasheets. These are designed to get you by until the launch of your new codex supplements, and enable you to make use of all their named Characters and bespoke units alongside Codex: Space Marines.



that's why the Templar community is so ardent"



"Ah yes .... "Warco" ... I had read " Warfo " :P The Templars may be very happy ..."


Please do apply appropriate amounts of Salt.

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Eh, this still involves the same GW that somehow went from "St Celestine leading a crusade of Black Templar and Battle Sisters" as the revealing description of a supplement that turned into a series of books about how the Ultramarines and their Primarch are great.

At this point I'm conditioned of expect the Templar to be rolled out in stories as little more than filler so the other chapters dont get too over exposed.

Coming in 2022. The Black Templar suffer huge losses in a war that triggers the return of the Lion.

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Well now that Grav has become less of a tank killer and tuned into more of a heavy infantry destroyer, what do you guys think of a Drop Pod with Multi Melta Devastators and Company Vets with Melta guns or power weapons (for turn 1 charge)? Unless Im mistaken there's a new strat called Steady Advance to make a single unit count as stationary and then you can have a chaplain to make your MMs hit on 2s. Very CP expensive but with the new melta rules might be worth it to nuke a vehicle.

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