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'To Plunder the Stars Themselves' OOC Thread


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Yeah, if you want!


However, I'd say that given that you're not up close and personal yet, this would be one of those occasions for Intimidate where it's more appropriate to use your Int Characteristic rather than Str? (It's Vesalius though, so that's still not too bad!)



But they'll get a decent modifier for the Interaction (hey, they've willingly boarded your ship, so they're pretty brave guys! :D)

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Hmm, I think they will have managed to take control of those systems, at least around the Engineerium area? Or its not possible to switch them off in just one area of the ship, so Achard won't cut them?


I don't want to make it too easy for you! ;)

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Hmm, I think they will have managed to take control of those systems, at least around the Engineerium area? Or its not possible to switch them off in just one area of the ship, so Achard won't cut them?


I don't want to make it too easy for you! :wink:


I'm shocked, GM, shocked.


I was in no way shape or form suggesting we cut the gravity, blow all the enemy up into the air with frag grenades, then turn the gravity back on and kill them via fall damage, or play pool using the Bullgryns as cue balls.


The very thought!

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Odysseus has a few tricks available in these kinds of situations that may help for any planning:


 -he can ramp his force dome all the way up to full strength (AP14) - won't affect the bullgryns but should negate much of the overwatch if we don't want to be throwing grenades around the engine room. Good if the plan is just to charge in but no protection once you get stuck in. Very small risk of sudden demon :p


 -his squad mode can allow marines to 'unmake' their move as a reaction. Doesn't protect from overwatch per-se but the rules for reaction fire are that highest agility goes first, and the effect explicitly kicks in before anyone else gets to act. Still a risk of getting shot by stormtroopers (compared to the standard regroup action) but style points for being flash-jumping ninja marines.


 -if the atmosphere was vented he can teleport a few marines (entirely safely) or everyone (entirely less safely), but can't use his shield while charging the power and either he or the lead marine to be teleported would need to poke their head out (or otherwise have line of sight to the target) immediately before the jump.

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It's a Command Test, which is based on your Fellowship of 43. Normally I'd say the pirate crew are selfish and more worried about their own skins, so their Disposition would be Indifferent for a +0 Modifier (crb.276), but because of Decimus' earlier inspiring words you get a +30, for a total target of 73.
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It's a Command Test, which is based on your Fellowship of 43. Normally I'd say the pirate crew are selfish and more worried about their own skins, so their Disposition would be Indifferent for a +0 Modifier (crb.276), but because of Decimus' earlier inspiring words you get a +30, for a total target of 73.


will make roll and edit in in a moment, in the mean time fluff part has been filled



On a aside, while I was looking over Brynjarrs profile to see if I could work it out myself I could not see any Command skill. 

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I won't bother adding it on its own, but Bullgryn 2 failed its Dodge Roll, so he's taken a nasty plasma burn and is not happy!


Will add a Summary for Round 1 so far after Decimus' and the Stormtroopers' Actions.

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Excellent, hope you enjoyed yourself!! If you want Draak to come join in the fight, let me know and Roll your Initiative and I'll add you into the order from the start of the next Round?


BC, so I can keep things moving, I'm going to delay Decimus' Actions for this Round (edit: to clarify that's for free, not as a Delay Half Action, so you still have all your options), but feel free to jump in with them whenever you're ready?

Edited by Lysimachus
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