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The armoring process reminds me of Iron Man and I appreciate that very much.


I was expecting more chant in the background but I suspect there was plenty of it in the noosphere that our human ears could not percieve.

that was pretty awesome honestly - clearer idea of HOW exactly the armour goes together than we've actually seen before, got to see a lot of nice details, it was pretty well animated and was just generally cool.


does it serve an actual purpose? doesn't look like it! but cool none the less.

that was pretty awesome honestly - clearer idea of HOW exactly the armour goes together than we've actually seen before, got to see a lot of nice details, it was pretty well animated and was just generally cool.


does it serve an actual purpose? doesn't look like it! but cool none the less.


Agreed, cool video, nice to see, think the animation itself is pretty good. 


Niche lore of how Marines are armoured aside, what does it add? They mentioned they'll be taking a closed look at details of Power Armour on WarCom, so maybe this is prelude to the SM 2.0/updated supplements and they're getting the ball rolling?

I enjoyed watching that but the first thing that popped into my head was "okay, only nine more marines to go" The war will be over by the time they are done arming themselves! :p


I'm sure they have numerous chambers for that purpose but I was picturing the queue outside the door like a fool.

Very cool, and I personally like the lighter blue they used for Ultras armor. I appreciate it a lot given how far things have come since I returned to the hobby around 2011 with super slow releases and only White Dwarf for cool visuals.

Dude must have missed school the day that Father Cawl put on the sleep-tape for "walking."


Also, having the helmet go on in multiple pieces seems unnecessary. Would have been cooler to just plunk it on his head and then have it light up.

If they had just dropped this with little fanfare I think the reception would have been more enthusiastic.

As it was, GW's overzealous marketing department hyped this up like it was the second coming so of course there's going to be a little disappointment that it wasn't something more substantial. 

I actually like that we got to see how the helmet goes together, explains nicely why some marines have faceplate only etc.

The thing that surprised me most was the visor lenses being integrated inside the helmet, so they can flip up and down. I thought they would be fully integrated.

"What a vision you are, in your fine Tactitus. It must have taken a dozen servitors a dozen hours to get you into that armour. 'course, your Chapter Master tells me it takes the space of a Battle Sister's wink to get you out of it again."


No doubting the quality of the animation, though it does admittedly feel very convoluted. Makes me wonder what they do when they need to expedite the process to answer an emergency, 

Wow, okay, there's a lot of snark here. What's the matter, brothers? If this was fan animation, everybody would just be happy to see it.


Now, to be clear, I don't have any idea why they would produce such a video, but I'm glad they did. It looked cool, they had one of their BL audio narrators doing the voiceover with all the dramatic gravitas required in 40k and it's a nice animated piece of fluff. 


That anyone got the idea this could be a sign of X or Y being released is understandable, but in the end just your own expectations you set. 


Taking it for what it is, cool 40k animation, I'm happy with it. 


And about the fluff itself: Depending on the author, the donning of armour or removing it has been handled differently in the fluff. To me this seems like the ritualized armouring of a marine (it even says that this is the ritual). But I'm pretty sure, that this can be done faster, if it's required - without all the incense and murmuring and whatnot. Just another battle-brother helping you lift certain pieces in place and drilling them to the armour. Removing the pieces can be done by one marine alone, again described in the fluff several times.


The only thing I found weird, even though there is precedence for it in miniature form, is the primaris helmet. That it is a 4-part contraption astounded me - and I think that that is kinda ridiculous, but I'll give it a pass.


Overall cool video, the 40k-version of the original Starcraft 2 trailer (or terran intro nowadays). If I remember correctly, the fan short "The Raptor" adapted that even more closely.

I mean, its neat but I think Starcraft 2 wings of liberty intro with Tychus was better. While I get the slow methodical nature, a lot of things didn't feel weighty and a lot of the armouring process gets kind of skipped. The big one is the gauntlets, one shot he has bare hands then the next "boop" he has armoured hands because we wanted to show the bolt rifle. I find the helmet weird really, it doesn't make sense for it to be so multiple part and really just has that really silly look for a while where he doesn't have the lenses down. Personally would of preferred if they wanted that use the helmet style from the indomintus captain.


I think the big thing really missing is the marine actually doing things. We get one shot of the power pack igniting and that's it, otherwise he is just static and not really doing anything: Not flexing to test joints, no articulation. Even the loading of the bolt rifle was anaemic.


It is a nice short and would of been nice as a simple "hey, look at this short" sort of thing. Certainly not worth any short of hype building. Would of been a great kindling piece however to get some marine hype going though but it isn't anywhere need worth build up.

It looked good but count me in the "that was pointless" section. The blurb mentioned more discussion of power armor to come. Perhaps SM 2.0 is coming and power armor will be worth something in the age of 9th edition where everyone has high AP guns and at least 2 damage weapons to pulp "elite" space marines just like any Guardman. If that is the case then sure this animation served more of a point. 


I also have to  add that in many of the BL novels I've read both loyal and chaos marines have a much faster time of it taking armor on or off. 

Wow, okay, there's a lot of snark here. What's the matter, brothers? If this was fan animation, everybody would just be happy to see it.



Fans nitpick stuff. Especially stuff that gets pushed out to social media and fansites to generate hype. It's what we do.

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