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The Armouring of a Space Marine


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i imagine the helmet comes in segments but once locked together could just be unsealed at the neck instead, allows for changing the configuration if needed.


I Guess, if you can have Flying dead babies and skulls floating around you can have a 5 piece helmet that's drilled into place able to pop off whenever you like...

:teehee: ... :tongue.:




honestly your response feels a little obtuse lol. realistically, you could make a multi-component helmet that locks together using electromagnets even now if you wanted to. And I always assume mag-locks will be electromagnets. Current on? Those parts aren't getting separated. Current off? They will come apart just fine. Because of the way the elements clip together it's not like it'd be lacking in protectiveness based on the design either, as the way it interlocks still feels like it'd help prevent weakpoints.


Will mag locked parts be airtight though? Id assume the more pieces the helmet comes in the more chances there will be of leaks? 

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Interesting little bit of visual fluff. Makes a lot of sense for Space Marines to not remove their armor when in the field for weeks/months- looks like it would take forever to get it off and on again.

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Not a huge fan of this version of the fluff myself; there's plenty of fluff with Spesh Mahreens donning their armour in their tiny monk like cells with one serf.

Nice visuals for those that prefer this though.

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The point of the video I think is there is more to come of these short videos that provide visuals for all kinds of stuff. If it is received well I’m guessing other factions will get this kind of stuff too. I think it’s great and loved it. Very well done.

Imperial Guard cleaning his rifle, Sister of Battle doing her hair and makeup, Slaaneshi Marine tuning a guitar.

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The point of the video I think is there is more to come of these short videos that provide visuals for all kinds of stuff. If it is received well I’m guessing other factions will get this kind of stuff too. I think it’s great and loved it. Very well done.

Imperial Guard cleaning his rifle, Sister of Battle doing her hair and makeup, Slaaneshi Marine tuning a guitar.


The IG part would actually be pretty good- reciting the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, getting blessed by a preacher, having a stern Commissar inspecting him along with the rest of the regiment...

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The point of the video I think is there is more to come of these short videos that provide visuals for all kinds of stuff. If it is received well I’m guessing other factions will get this kind of stuff too. I think it’s great and loved it. Very well done.

Imperial Guard cleaning his rifle, Sister of Battle doing her hair and makeup, Slaaneshi Marine tuning a guitar.


The IG part would actually be pretty good- reciting the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, getting blessed by a preacher, having a stern Commissar inspecting him along with the rest of the regiment...


Id be all over some Guard animations, the true unsung heroes of the Imperium. Think I have just been over exposed to Primaris Smurfs to care about marine stuff. 

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i imagine the helmet comes in segments but once locked together could just be unsealed at the neck instead, allows for changing the configuration if needed.


I Guess, if you can have Flying dead babies and skulls floating around you can have a 5 piece helmet that's drilled into place able to pop off whenever you like...

:teehee: ... :tongue.:




honestly your response feels a little obtuse lol. realistically, you could make a multi-component helmet that locks together using electromagnets even now if you wanted to. And I always assume mag-locks will be electromagnets. Current on? Those parts aren't getting separated. Current off? They will come apart just fine. Because of the way the elements clip together it's not like it'd be lacking in protectiveness based on the design either, as the way it interlocks still feels like it'd help prevent weakpoints.


 Please accept my apologies then...:sweat:  I'm quite Ambivalent nowadays on 40K fluff and how things "magically' work, I was indeed having a joke but you seem to be quite serious in your appreciation of 40k mechanical theory :huh.:  , So please, no offence was meant.






Just watched Raptor - wowzers ,Think I prefer that one now  :laugh.:

Edited by mithrilforge
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Not understanding the complaints about "the hype". Am I missing something, day before they drop a teaser that has animations vibes to it. And that's is it, not even a week-long countdown or trailer for a trailer.


Ultramarines pick definitely hurt. Made it feel even more like that Starcraft announcement cinematic. GKs/BTs really fit the vibe way better anyhow.

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It was ok, undermined by having the starcraft one and the raptor already exist, it did not do anything to stand out or be memorable enough compared to what came before. Background music/sound was also very uninspiring.  Not bad just meh. 


If they had gone for a more obscure/visualy interesting chapter, or at least roman up the ultra it would have helped, just something to be memorable and not just meh.

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There is not much new in this, other than the helmet goes on one part at a time.

Which is something I have wondered about.


That also leads me to the one thing I did not like, where it the lenses come from in the end?

I still cant shake the feeling that the more moving parts/connections that a helmet has would make it easier to malfunction and no longer be airtight. Not really an issue on the tabletop but its just niggling away at the back of my mind. Not as annoying as Guilliman running around in space without a helmet though, that really bothers me.

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I thought the wee animation was pretty cool. Massively overblown rituals are 40k's thing in my regard. Can they be armoured without the pomp and circumstance? Certainly! But when a ritual can be done, It shal be done! 


Did the animation serve any purpose other than because they could and it's cool? No. But that's ok with me. When I'm reading in the WH+ thread everybody complaining there's not enough content, and for them to give us something for free! But when they do, people are complaining again because they've provided a little animation (that is just a wee bit of fluffy fluff) for free.

As others have said, I'm not sure about the 'hype' this has had, as the first I heard about it was here, and even then I had to search for anything about it until it actually dropped on warcom. I enjoyed the thread while everybody was giving their predictions and hopes, but really, nothing will ever live up to our own self made hype and expectations. Just ask the wife! 


Though I am on the side that the helmet doesn't make much sense. I prefer a one piece helmet, so I am assuming that the suggestion that the helmet once fitted becomes one piece and is held together with those 'handwavium' seals. :thumbsup:


I would be more than happy if they made more of these little snippets from the lore and sent them out into the wild, as (like people have suggested in the WH+ thread!) this is what gets people interested in delving further into the game/lore/hobby (and as an advert for WH+ (yes, I know it's not up to scratch just now!)). 

Edited by Domhnall
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I think peeps are way too hung up on the helmet being in several pieces. It certainly can still be sealed when you factor in the wizardry of future technology. Whether it's such a good idea to introduce multiple areas of potential failure is another question :biggrin.:


While I enjoyed watching it but I do think as others have mentioned that the desired impact has been lessened by this not being the first suiting up montage we've all seen. Maybe the first official one, sure, but still. As for the over-hyping some people have commented on, that's just how it is - it's normal for GW to hype things up and generate interest. You'll never get a tweet from GW saying "Hey we've got a video coming out you guys can watch if you want. I guess. It's alright I suppose, no need to take time out of your day if you're busy." :tongue.:

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I think peeps are way too hung up on the helmet being in several pieces. It certainly can still be sealed when you factor in the wizardry of future technology. Whether it's such a good idea to introduce multiple areas of potential failure is another question :biggrin.:



Well there is not much else to talk about with regards to the video. Everyone who cares to comment on it already knew that 40k has a lot of rituals. So, we talk about the helmet.


GW did a little more than just tweet out that the video is coming. They also sent the clip out to fansites so they could add their own hype. Something like that is usually reserved for a bigger reveal.

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One thing to note regarding this being a 'suiting up' video.

We 'The community' know about the StarCraft 2 suiting up video, as well as 'The Raptor' video from last year (which was very nice). But even then it appears that not all of us knew of it as some have only seen it for the first time this week. It's got almost 3.3 million views, so it's been well watched. 


However, my point is, there will be a lot of people in the hobby who have not seen those other videos, in which this is the first time they have seen anything like it. Just imagine being one of those for a few minutes, getting to see this for the first time (I'd have given myself over to some particularly fiesty Slaanesh daemonettes had I seen this as a lad!). Instead of the world weary, beaten down by life, experienced cynics that we are :biggrin.:


We are not the target audience, it's far too late for us. :wink:

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The video would definitely have a different impact for a normie or a newbie.


There does seem to be consternation or at least questioning from some folks about why the reaction is not more hyped up here, though, or why we are talking about the helmets or some other detail.


The answer is that for the most part the geezers here have seen it all before, or read the lore enough to know already.


Edit: actually saw people talking about the helmet on Gamespot's reupload of the clip. Guess it really is the hot ticket item

Edited by phandaal
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The video would definitely have a different impact for a normie or a newbie.


I love sci-fi and power armor. I hadn't heard of 'The Raptor' until this thread (big ocean when it comes to fan animation). 'The Raptor' reminded me of the Starcraft 2 cinematic. The GW video did not. Why? Aesthetics. Power armor has certain engineering limitations and we see it addressed in the same way over and over (SC2, 'The Raptor', Halo, GI Joe movie, etc). The differences are the trappings. For example SC2 has that 1980s, everything is well-used, maybe made in a garage or mass produced in a Detroit factory long past its glory days. Halo has the bright, clean, but somewhat ominous like a surgery ampitheater look. 40k? High mass is in session.

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The video would definitely have a different impact for a normie or a newbie.


I love sci-fi and power armor. I hadn't heard of 'The Raptor' until this thread (big ocean when it comes to fan animation). 'The Raptor' reminded me of the Starcraft 2 cinematic. The GW video did not. Why? Aesthetics. Power armor has certain engineering limitations and we see it addressed in the same way over and over (SC2, 'The Raptor', Halo, GI Joe movie, etc). The differences are the trappings. For example SC2 has that 1980s, everything is well-used, maybe made in a garage or mass produced in a Detroit factory long past its glory days. Halo has the bright, clean, but somewhat ominous like a surgery ampitheater look. 40k? High mass is in session.


Lets not forget Fallout power armor which is vastly different then any of those other ones

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