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My brother used to play squats back in the day when GW supported them. After I started collecting W40K last year, my extended family wanted to be on said train as well, and my nephews started collecting Xenos species, but my brother insisted on playing with Squats, so he started collecting Kharadron Overlords from AoS, and used the Astra Militarum codex in an effort to feel nostalgic with the current models. Have to admit that was fairly clever. He loved the trailer from yesterday, but obviously took it with a grain of salt. I'd wonder what his reaction would be if they officially announce them returning?...

After much beard stroking and mass consumption of tea, I have come to the conclusion that GW may not mess with the Squat visual aesthetic too much, Stealer Hybrids didnt change too much, Harlequins just got taller and modelled in silly poses that actually leans into the acrobatic dancer thing they got going on, and the Munda Squats just look like the OG sculpts but with more straps, pouches and assorted bling. Hopefully the padded flack jacket and helmet/soft caps will still be there, they can go full on with the Exo Suits with all the super cool bling bling. 

If the minis dont do it for me visually I hope the codex entries give us a basic Squat unit entry of Flak armour and Las/Boltgun options and Bikes/Trikes, just those two would keep old players with existing armies happy and GW can add whatever new stuff they want. 

I can see sales of Wargames Atlantic Einherjar going up soon depending on what unit options we get. 

A FULL faction oh holy emperor. Not a kill team. A full faction.


I repeat. Full. Faction. Gw you madlads. They have unsquatted themselves.

Omg I just saw this after I posted.. Kinda looks like the WGA Einherjar mixed with Squats... I like, this pleases me. 

What we can see of his armour does look a bit like this. 




Yep, that's definitely a Bionic for one of them.


The weapon looks quite like Van Saar from Necromunda. Van Saar have a secret STC. Given the Leagues info I'd say they probably have an STC or two up their sleeves.

YES, I love the high tech space dwarfs. Especially since it's implied they're messing with technological advancement FAR MORE than Mechanicum ever dares to.


Next thing happens they will be the key to repairing the Golden Throne :smile.:

Eh. Looks like generic Mantic scifi miniatures.


Honestly. Bland space dwarves.


Instead of something more 40k crazy.


The 40k team have truly lost their imagination somewhere

Edited by Redcomet

Like him. Glad it was a double bluff, looking forward to seeing the rest of the models. I like that they are not part of the Imperium, adds potential for good story.

Edited by BadgersinHills


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