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= Dark Angels Forum Painting Competition =

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On 7/12/2022 at 11:07 AM, Tanhausen said:

*** awakes from slumber ***

Can I still enter the competition?

Chaplain evolution...Power armour (maybe jump pack) -> terminator armor -> dreadnought

Despite this competition being for fun and despite there was some leeway regarding changing the entries after the pledge, we're now more than half way into the competition so doesn't seem fair to me to let an entry at this point. 

On 7/15/2022 at 1:12 PM, Wolf Guard Einar said:

I formally withdraw, just not feeling my Red DA atm.

There's still month and a half to the end. Maybe you still get struck by inspiration in the meantime. 

Still, it's your choice so I will accept the withdrawal. 

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I have completed 'what-he-was': Former Tactical Marine Lanzo, +++But Lanzo saw and knew too much, he had witnessed the Great Enemy and seen it was us. He will be tested+++ ........pics in a day or two :angel:

But I am wasting time also completing the Kill Team I painted him for, he's a dual purpose dude. This is seriously eating into the time left to build and paint 'What-he-will-be" :devil:

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6 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

So I've actually misplaced my third model, and a cursory look about my table did not reveal his location.....I'm not saying I'm out, but unless he turns up I might be a bit boned

Interrogate your pet(s), the your close family. If everything fails, hypo-therapy on yourself. :) 

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There is a couple of slight role changes to my vow, but here is 'past' Brother Lanzo.

He has recently departed the 9th, Devastator Company and due to his uncanny mastery of the heavy bolter and tactics he was posted to the 1st Veteran Tactical Squad of the 3rd Company under Veteran Sgt Marius. 

They deployed as a Kill Team in the Nachmund Conflict and were often faced with foul Heretic Legionnaires.

Some say Brother Lanzo saw too much....


Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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Hail Brothers-

After getting slowed down by work, vacation, and Nurgle's blessing the 2nd of my 3 iterations done- here's "current-day" Nepharos as Chapter Master of the Void Reavers (counts-as Azrael). Was a fun paint; tried out some colorshift paints for this first time (Greenstuffworld toxic purple) on his sword. Still to come is his future form after crossing the Rubicon Primaris.

As always, lots of amazing and inspirational stuff here. Looking forward to seeing everyone's results!





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  • 2 weeks later...

I have some bad news Son's of the Lion.

I spent last week out of town for work, was planning to paint non stop from yesterday until completion.

Unfortunately Nurgles rot cursed me with the Rona from a member of our group, and due to a sick kid in the house I am stuck isolated away from my toys until the 2nd.

I will atone by diligently working on the whole squad once I'm able.

That and I need  another day nap lol. So tired.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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I'm calling this one done. 


Brother Anonel, Vexilla of veteran squad Caestaris.



Anonel several decades later, having been promoted to the ranks of the Deathwing companions.



Finally, after his entombment in a dreadnought.



The three Anonels side-by-side.


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