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Faction Focus: Astra Militarum

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2 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Incredibly disappointing that guard units have to stand still to get lethal hits:sad:

oh no...autowounding on 6s to hit with S3 guns while not moving, how horrible...

21 minutes ago, jaxom said:

Yeah, I’m going to have to rearm and refit a lot of squads to make them legal for the index of the 9th Ed codex is anything to go by.

...why? the CSTs previewed here are 100% compatible with the current options as far as i can tell.

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1 hour ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

oh no...autowounding on 6s to hit with S3 guns while not moving, how horrible...

...why? the CSTs previewed here are 100% compatible with the current options as far as i can tell.

‘Cause I didn’t refit them when the 9th codex first came out.

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2 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

And we know in general more shots almost always wins out over 1 or 2 higher S even when it’s only one more shot (HB vs AC for example)



It does have top balance against the flamer however. Longer range and blast vs ignores cover and torrent, but since the GL can do the Krak thing too is should ideally be a bit worse at the anti-infantry thing

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1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

Incredibly disappointing that guard units have to stand still to get lethal hits:sad:

If IG keep the full prime form of Born Soldiers, players of 20 factions would be very disappointed.


Also, there are some units seldom move in a game, e.g. mortar teams. They could be considered not affected by this nerf. This change may also help the internal balance between indirect fire units and tanks. 

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26 minutes ago, sitnam said:

It does have top balance against the flamer however. Longer range and blast vs ignores cover and torrent, but since the GL can do the Krak thing too is should ideally be a bit worse at the anti-infantry thing

Depending on targets. If your opponent bring 20+ models units to the table, a humble single grenade launcher could deliver d3+4 even d3+5 shots.

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28 minutes ago, sitnam said:

It does have top balance against the flamer however. Longer range and blast vs ignores cover and torrent, but since the GL can do the Krak thing too is should ideally be a bit worse at the anti-infantry thing

The krak profile is a nice buff, but I don’t think it justifies a potential nerf to frag.


however someone elsewhere pointed out that it might actually end up as a side grade or even a buff, if they’re remembering the new blast rule correctly.

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13 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

CSTs didn’t exist before the 9th edition codex so I’m not sure why you’d have to redo anything 

Cadian Shock Troop models are decades old. Seperating them from the basic guardsmen is new, but his models are old guardsmen models are still very much Cadians.

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7 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I mean you’re not wrong about that, but still seems silly.


jesus though a 20 man unit with 6 chainsword attacks could be fairly dangerous in melee.

Regarding this, if you want some melee oomph, 20 guardsmen led by a tricked out command squad  along with a commissar or castellan could be pretty nasty. Weight of basic attacks plus power weapons/fists that functionally have 20 ablative wounds before they can be normally targeted  would be nothing to sneer at.

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16 minutes ago, Squark said:

Cadian Shock Troop models are decades old. Seperating them from the basic guardsmen is new, but his models are old guardsmen models are still very much Cadians.

CSTs and infantry squads are different units. this was about the CSTs, and there's no reason to believe that the infantry squad is going awa

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I'm curious where the autogun profile is coming from. What models have that in quantity outside of necromund?


It's also curious that it will generally outperform the lasgun. Even at half range with FRFSRF I think the take aim order with special weapons will net out better.


Edit: not to say I'm displeased that I'll be able to make my necromunda weirdos into a nice little pdf force...

Edited by Commissar Yossarian
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3 minutes ago, Commissar Yossarian said:

I'm curious where the autogun profile is coming from. What models have that in quantity outside of necromund?


It's also curious that it will generally outperform the lasgun. Even at half range with FRFSRF I think the take aim order with special weapons will net out better.

CST sgts can take a drum fed autogun


and historically guard could be armed with lasguns or autoguns.

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Drum-fed auto is interesting. Autoguns and lasguns have always had identical profiles in 40k to the best of my knowledge, so seeing a fancier autogun with slightly different stats is cool. I wonder if they'll show up anywhere else, or if they're unique to Cadia.

39 minutes ago, Commissar Yossarian said:

What models have that in quantity outside of necromund?

Genestealers I believe. Lot of autoguns there.

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I don't want to see too much Lethal Hits. It was palatable for Necrons to have it a bunch as a call back to classic gauss and faction technological advantage.

Regardless of whether it is game breaking or not, feels un-interactive to skip what defines some faction's flavour. AoS exists for the no toughness stat system.


It also has the downstream consequence of forcing things with high toughness to need strong saves.

Edited by spessmarine
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22 minutes ago, Urauloth said:

Genestealers I believe. Lot of autoguns there.

Also Sisters Novitiates. Not that anyone will take them like that, but I’m a sucker for auto guns and think they look better with them

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Strength 24 volcano cannon amuses me. :tongue:They also didn't make a comment to state its the most powerful or anything like they did about the other weapon in one of the other previews. So what you think the highest strength will eventually be? 


Side note, with super overkill type weapons like this, I think it would be cool to bring instant death back. It used to be (a fair few editions ago) that unless you had eternal warrior, weapons with strength double the toughness would insta gib a model. Maybe bring that back? But alter to 3 or 4 times the toughness? The thing does 12 damage with at least 2 shots, so probably not needed really. But still a rule that brought great amusement to some games. 

Edited by Captain Coolpants
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4 minutes ago, Captain Coolpants said:

Strength 24 volcano cannon amuses me. :tongue:They also didn't make a comment to state its the most powerful or anything like they did about the other weapon in one of the other previews. So what you think the highest strength will eventually be? 


Side note, with super overkill type weapons like this, I think it would be cool to bring instant death back. It used to be (a fair few editions ago) that unless you had eternal warrior, weapons with strength double the toughness would insta gib a model. Maybe bring that back? But alter to 3 or 4 times the toughness? The thing does 12 damage with at least 2 shots, so probably not needed really. But still a rule that brought great amusement to some games. 

Depends, including or excluding Imperial Armour? As titans would win handily with the Belicosa.
Otherwise, what plastic mini has the highest strength in 9th?

I'm not sure about instant death, whether it needs to be brought back. But at times, it is definitely missed, nothing T3 should be taking damage from a lascannon and living.

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This kinda confirmed my worst fears here when it comes to 10th edition. Basically all the flavor is gone from the guard it's like 4th edition all over again. 2 page rules ain't enough for some armies stripping the orders down to just one generic type after having the Commissar and Tank orders just blows.


I'm not happy about the Cadian special rule either. Sticky objectives for guard... Really? This is the rule that represents the most elite regiment in the galaxy and not sustained hits? Also kinda counter intuitive with the detachment rule isn't it since you gotta hunker down to get that so you probably have whole platoons covering your back line objectives anyway and then the fact that guardsmen are definitely not the units your gonna be using to actually sieze objectives anyway so pretty much any other regiment including generic guard are probably a better pick. 


They were good in 9th cuase the exploding hits and two specials made them good for pushing the midfield and now I have every reason not to play them. Dunno what Death Korps or Catachans do but they are prolly gonna be better at pushing onto new objectives if your plan is to move troops to secure them.

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10 minutes ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

This kinda confirmed my worst fears here when it comes to 10th edition. Basically all the flavor is gone from the guard it's like 4th edition all over again. 2 page rules ain't enough for some armies stripping the orders down to just one generic type after having the Commissar and Tank orders just blows.


I'm not happy about the Cadian special rule either. Sticky objectives for guard... Really? This is the rule that represents the most elite regiment in the galaxy and not sustained hits? Also kinda counter intuitive with the detachment rule isn't it since you gotta hunker down to get that so you probably have whole platoons covering your back line objectives anyway and then the fact that guardsmen are definitely not the units your gonna be using to actually sieze objectives anyway so pretty much any other regiment including generic guard are probably a better pick. 


They were good in 9th cuase the exploding hits and two specials made them good for pushing the midfield and now I have every reason not to play them. Dunno what Death Korps or Catachans do but they are prolly gonna be better at pushing onto new objectives if your plan is to move troops to secure them.

Tank orders were basically just renamed infantry orders anyway…they had what? 1 that was actually different from infantry orders?

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10 hours ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

It says in Unit Composition, 'This unit can have up to two Leader units attached to it, provided no more than one of those units is a Command Squad unit.' So I think they can by that statement.

What do they mean though by if this bodyguard unit is destroyed they return to starting strengths... Wich bodyguard? That only makes sense if it's a Castellan, Junior officer has a unit of his own so are they all counting as characters? Can I kill them off then kill off the rest of the squad and have them magically regenerate back into a command squad? lol

6 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Tank orders were basically just renamed infantry orders anyway…they had what? 1 that was actually different from infantry orders?

The Blast always Blasts order was pretty tight. The Commissar orders will definitely be missed.

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