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10th Edition Warhammer Faction Focus: Adepta Sororitas


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There may be some stratagem or unit ability that can make use of low rolls on miracle dice. Maybe a character can change 1 die a turn, or a unit can burn dice of any value for a special effect, or whatnot.


Bit of up and down in this article, for me. Not super excited by sisters still getting Better Flamers since it rather implies regular flamers still won't be very appealing as an option in other armies. The entry for Vahl's melee weapon was a bit humdrum; yet another dual profile melee weapon with nothing particularly new or interesting about it. OTOH, interesting to see the indirect fire rules confirmed to be very similar to their current interation,  and regular battle sisters being able to generate lots of extra miracle dice definitely makes them an interesting choice in a list.

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33 minutes ago, Xenith said:

Personally I like that acts of faith now have to be selected before rolling the dice. After the roll was too strong, before brings it in line with 9th ed eldar fate points.

It was always before the roll, I thought?

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35 minutes ago, RolandTHTG said:

I'm liking what I'm seeing. you start kinda low in Miracle dice, but they quickly ramp up as you take objectives and casualties. 

Interesting that the Triumph is a Leader unit, so it can be attached to another unit. 

I'm also liking that Exorcist will be able to take out tanks still. 

Stick it in a brick of Sisters and have a real parade across the battlefield?

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25 minutes ago, Vardus said:

Is the Battle Sisters Squad the first that we have seen that isn't build what's in the box? (No Multi Melta for those that don't known.)


Plus the Plasma Pistol and Combi Weapons are not mentioned.


As seen on the CSM Legionaires card, the backside of the sisters card might have more weapon options, though technically there is more room on the front for more weapons on the sisters card so why not just have them there.

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I'll admit that at the start of the article I thought Miracle dice were going to be so spartan as to be useless but glad there's ways to get them with BSS. Although having both dice generation and buffs tied to losing stuff in your army does feel bad even though it's actually very tied to the narrative. 

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1 hour ago, DemonGSides said:

Yeah I don't think Chaos players can complain much about "We're the only one with a downside!"

Imagine rolling 3 ones in a row on your miracle die.  WOOF.

That’s not a downside because you are not forced to use the 1 rolled MD, it’s just a bad outcome. It’s analogous to using the CSM ability and not rolling any 6’s on the relevant rolls. That’s not the downside of the CSM ability.


A downside is when the ability can actively hurt the unit, which the CSM ability can by causing mortal wounds to the unit using it upon failed morale test. The SOB ability cannot hurt the SOB’s or make any outcome worse than it would have been had the ability not been used. At worst they get bad MD and the ability does little to nothing, but it cannot be actively deleterious. 

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1 minute ago, Scribe said:

Am I reading this right and you have to save the value rolled on the miracle die, and you just swap it in later?


Yeah you roll the die when you get it, and then throw that result into a pool to pull from later on.

It can be awesome if you roll high.  If you roll a bunch of 1's and 2's... woof.



1 minute ago, Rain said:

That’s not a downside because you are not forced to use the 1 rolled MD, it’s just a bad outcome. It’s analogous to using the CSM ability and not rolling any 6’s on the relevant rolls. That’s not the downside of the CSM ability.


A downside is when the ability can actively hurt the unit, which the CSM ability can by causing mortal wounds to the unit using it upon failed morale test. The SOB ability cannot hurt the SOB’s or make any outcome worse than it would have been had the ability not been used. At worst they get bad MD and the ability does little to nothing, but it cannot be actively deleterious. 


Not if the faction is balanced around having access to good rolls.  So, it's analogous.

Edited by DemonGSides
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Yeah yeah yeah, dice are neat. The big take away though is that Indirect Fire is still a thing, and it's still -1 to hit if you can't see, plus now the target benefits from cover. I sure hope there are points reductions or other ways to bypass this. Looks like the Exorcist get an inherent 3+BS on the launcher, so being Heavy it will bypass the -1 to hit at least.

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13 minutes ago, Rain said:

That’s not a downside because you are not forced to use the 1 rolled MD, it’s just a bad outcome. It’s analogous to using the CSM ability and not rolling any 6’s on the relevant rolls. That’s not the downside of the CSM ability.


A downside is when the ability can actively hurt the unit, which the CSM ability can by causing mortal wounds to the unit using it upon failed morale test. The SOB ability cannot hurt the SOB’s or make any outcome worse than it would have been had the ability not been used. At worst they get bad MD and the ability does little to nothing, but it cannot be actively deleterious. 


Maybe you do want to use those bad miracle dice sometimes. With that detachment ability, if you are rolling hot on your saves then you may want to swap one of those low dice in. Let one of your Sisters sacrifice herself to give the rest of your unit a boost!

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Ugh, I hate plus 1 to wound or hit mechanics. It is janky and not fluffy ruining my immersion whilst gaming. Battle sisters take damage and suddenly they are hitting on 2s...better than a SM apparently. Or they are below half strength and their bolter suddenly is better than a SM bolter. Its a bad mechanic and should have gone the same way as re-rolls imo.

Edited by Subtleknife
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4 minutes ago, Subtleknife said:

Ugh, I hate plus 1 to wound or hit mechanics. It is janky and not fluffy ruining my immersion whilst gaming. Battle sisters take damage and suddenly they are hitting on 2s...better than a SM apparently. Or they are below half strength and their bolter suddenly is better than a SM bolter. Its a bad mechanic and should have gone the same way as re-rolls imo.

Thankfully all the guns sisters have access to look utterly mediocre so a +1 to hit and wound is unlikely to do much.

Remember Blood of the Martyrs basically only kicks in when the sisters are already losing to make losing suck a little bit less.

Edited by Banjulhu
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3 minutes ago, Subtleknife said:

Ugh, I hate plus 1 to wound or hit mechanics. It is janky and not fluffy ruining my immersion whilst gaming. Battle sisters take damage and suddenly they are hitting on 2s...better than a SM apparently. Or they are below half strength and their bolter suddenly is better than a SM bolter. Its a bad mechanic and should have gone the same way as re-rolls imo.

Uh, have you not seen how Order of Our Martyered Lady works right now? Being inspired by martyrs and hitting better is a thing they do now. They just traded out extra Miracle Dice for the ability to wound better as the unit gets more wounded.


It just means the T3 unit doesn't become useless after the first time it gets shot and loses half it's models.

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10 minutes ago, BitsHammer said:

Uh, have you not seen how Order of Our Martyered Lady works right now? Being inspired by martyrs and hitting better is a thing they do now. They just traded out extra Miracle Dice for the ability to wound better as the unit gets more wounded.


It just means the T3 unit doesn't become useless after the first time it gets shot and loses half it's models.

I still don't think that means they should be more accurate than a genetically engineered post human. It is janky and not fluffy imo. I don't like plus 1 to wound or hit in general imo. It wouldn't be so bad if GW used a more granular system but on a D6 system it isn't a good look for me.

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7 minutes ago, Blight1 said:

Also important to note from the indirect fire rule we see that you're only allowed to kill models you can see like in Boarding Actions. 

Not sure that's exactly what they mean:



That could read either the way you mentioned, or that you can only kill models if you can see them at all. Without seeing the core rules, it's possible they have some kind of wording to be clearer - one of the issues with "you can only kill what you can see" is that you could potentially block LOS to other models in the target unit and snipe out specific models (eg, special weapons or sergeants, possibly even Leaders). Then again, they might have wording to avoid that too, will need to see the full rules in time.

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Simulacra no longer allow a unit to use an additional AoF per phase, which sucks. We didn't need another tool to GENERATE MD, we need tools to let us USE MD. And we lost that in the simulacra. Poor decision making on GW's part.


Not as bad as what I had been prepared for mind you, but it was certainly my biggest disappointment in this preview.

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Just now, ThePenitentOne said:

we need tools to let us USE MD.

Possibly Leader abilities will allow that? Would make some thematic sense, as Sororitas leaders are meant to be bastions of faith themselves!


Could even be something to do with the whatsitcalled... *quick Google* The Imagifier as a Lone Operative thing; or Missionary.

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2 hours ago, Commander Dawnstar said:

Seems all Sisters are Martyred Lady until the Codex drops.


Seems so, which is fine by me. The days of BR or bust are over, if just temporarily.


2 hours ago, sandrorect said:

Now all "1" will be useless. I one particular game, maybe you can´t use a 20% of your mirecle dice if you are unlucky


Maybe, but today there are ways to trade in miracle dice for other effects, and I suspect that will remain.


2 hours ago, Xenith said:

Personally I like that acts of faith now have to be selected before rolling the dice.


They always had to be. Acts of Faith were performed prior to making a roll.


2 hours ago, Vardus said:

Is the Battle Sisters Squad the first that we have seen that isn't build what's in the box?


It is this way in 9th edition as well, so perhaps it's just carrying over? I do recall multi-melta Argent Shroud MSU BSS were popular for a short bit, even. 


2 hours ago, Handsome Fred said:

You could have a whole army that hit a 2+.

Who needs a hit reroll?


Well, technically it would be less than a whole army by design since they'd be under starting strength :biggrin:


2 hours ago, Doobles88 said:

INDIRECT FIRE keeping the -1 to hit and treating the target as in cover is good. Although in the case of the Exorcist, the Heavy rule will offset that if it doesn't move so not too punishing?


Conflagration missiles also ignore cover (since they're basically flamer missiles), so that's cool too.



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37 minutes ago, ThePenitentOne said:

Simulacra no longer allow a unit to use an additional AoF per phase, which sucks. We didn't need another tool to GENERATE MD, we need tools to let us USE MD. And we lost that in the simulacra. Poor decision making on GW's part.


Not as bad as what I had been prepared for mind you, but it was certainly my biggest disappointment in this preview.

I mean, the units can use a MD each phase. Getting more just means that more units can use them more consistently. And I'm sure there will be ways to use MD for other things or trade in MD or use two to make one a 6, like there are now. I personally would prefer getting MD for more than just losing units. BSS units generating tons of MD so that other units can use them more effectively isn't a bad thing. 

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