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Faction Focus: Adeptus Mechanicus


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7 minutes ago, Nagashsnee said:

Wow they really went hard into the simplifying things, cawl seems very non special for the only special character. I guess normal tech priest wont have a selection of canticles?


Cawl's Pick 1 of 3 ability seems to be a Faction Leader thing, Gman, Abaddon and Bel'akor have all had it so far. Not every faction has a Faction Leader equivalent, mind you


4 minutes ago, Muck1ng said:

Damn that detachment ability feels bad..  Punishing people for playing the game. 


I don't think it's much worse than the Daemon, Votann or 'Nid one. It requires your opponent to stay in their deployment zone, Armies like WE , CSM and Orks are unlikely to be too effected by it

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8 minutes ago, Muck1ng said:

Damn that detachment ability feels bad..  Punishing people for playing the game. 

I don't think I'd characterize it quite like that, but it does seem a little overpowered to me. I do like the army rule, though, and the strats that synergize with it.

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27 minutes ago, Muck1ng said:

Damn that detachment ability feels bad..  Punishing people for playing the game. 

I think it'll end up like similar abilities (like Slaanesh dice in Sigmar), it sounds rough, but you're pretty much just better off taking the mortal wounds all around.


Not even rolling for battleshock, but just being battleshocked could do way more to your army than just some minor damage all around.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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15 minutes ago, Dried said:

Call me dumb but I just realized the little pictograms on the stratagems are matching the phase where they are played in.
It's a really nice idea.

And the color is indicating if you play it in your turn (blue), the opponent turn (red) or both (turquoise).

So helpful to find very fast your stratagem.

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12 minutes ago, Tokugawa said:

Another "shooty faction" gets basic units having BS4+.


They will go back to 3+ from standing still. Does seem like 4+ is the new baseline for shooty factions though, with mechanics to work around to get them to 3+.


That rad bombardment ability is going to cause some casual game rage. Skitarii quasi-obsec will be the real killer though.

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Wow... So AdMech is Guard with better guns, I guess?


5+ Sv is the most surprising thing here; was already expecting BS4+, but 5+/6++ feels pretty low for cyborgs tbh. I guess they didn't want '3+ in cover' to be the standard in the game, esp. with AP going down quite a bit in general. Power armour's looking quite a bit more impressive these days! Also Votann armour even though they lost Void rule, as a matter of fact... Seems at least possible that AdMech went down to 5+ specifically to make more space around Votann and/or T'au.


Otherwise - seems fine in the main.




The Good Doctor.

Edited by Dr. Clock
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10 minutes ago, Tokugawa said:

It seems all the "switching every turn and very diificult to remember" faction abilities are gone. 


That's a relief. Automatic ability progression also seems to have gone. Now you just choose what happens. 

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I'm not crazy about how army+mission dependent rad bombardment is especially is it's the admech's only detachment at launch.


It's going to be miserable for some armies, but frustrating for the ad mech player in other matchups when the entire enemy force leaves their DZ turn 1 because the mission gave them no incentive to leave anything to hold a rear objective.

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Yeah, I think they are really pushing the horde aspect of the Skitarii. I preferred them when they were semi-elite but hopefully they have more ways to offset that disadvantage. The 5+ save is a little sad but with an attack on AP values across the board it won't feel like a huge drawback. I love the Rad Bombardment from a lore point of view. I always ran the Rad Saturation rules for my army even when picking one of the named Forge Worlds would have been better.

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20 minutes ago, Squark said:

It's going to be miserable for some armies, but frustrating for the ad mech player in other matchups when the entire enemy force leaves their DZ turn 1 because the mission gave them no incentive to leave anything to hold a rear objective.


Moving out does bring them nearer to your deployment zone though, where you have your guys happily sat with their +1 to hit weapons, and -1AP modifier. So its sit there and take damage or move out into the open and into range. 


Terrain configurations and getting clear sight of objectives will be important 

Edited by Frogian
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2 minutes ago, Karhedron said:

Automatic ability progression also seems to have gone.

Yes - this is a great change for the most part. Also for AdMech, just tossing away the army-wide 'get worse at something' Skitarii abilities is most welcome. They were basically so bad that I really only ever used 1 or 2 at most, and only early or late in a game when trying to surge advance or hold on objectives. If you build combined arms, you can't really ever afford self-imposed WS or BS nerfs, nor indeed movement sacrifices in a game ABOUT movement.


Fair play for giving AdMech the most binary army rule we've seen so far!


The rad bombardment detachment thing is just... weird. I don't think they really knew what else to do for an index 'all comers' detachment, but it plays up the 'unleashed and hazardous tech' angle well enough for now. I do like AdMech as a 'rad-bombs first and ask questions later' kinda faction.


Other point of interest is omni-spex ignores cover: feels like between omni-spex and hearthkyn scanners, relying on cover is less and less a feasible/reliable solution game to game. Makes some sense given that many armies and units won't be able to even benefit from cover (anyone with a 3+), and makes ignores cover feel a bit like '0.5 AP' and adds back some of the elite flavour that reducing BS and Sv creates here I guess.


Rad-saturated OC nerf is really interesting, it does feel like -1S/T was never going to make it into a 'less lethal' edition. With that ability intact on this stat-line that would probably be their strongest feature and you'd just see them running forward in 5s as 'upgrades' to ruststalkers and the like rather than cruising in 20s throwing slugs with a Marshal.


Arc weapons are actually pretty tasty too. Anyone else getting the feeling that all unit 'upgrade' choices will be free like Sigmar? There seems to be alot more parity between 'heavy/special' options here, and it also seemed like Hearthkyn HyLas is now as good rather than worse than comparators there (is currently a 5pt upgrade to others' 10 or 15).




The Good Doctor.

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4 minutes ago, Blight1 said:

Castling loses games.

I've felt that keenly with my Admech in the past. Throwing yourself at a Tyranid swarm suicidally to score objectives feels bad. :p

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This is my main faction. I don’t know how I feel about this. Underwhelmed? 

The last codex was way too difficult, this seems rather too simplified. Rad bombardment? Ehhh?


Canticles linked to Cawl, do my other priests get those? I hope but likely they’ll have to attach to a unit only buffing 1 unit.


The save is surprising, 5+ I guess gets us to 4+ in cover. BS 4+ is also surprising, but can buff to 3+ by becoming a static army.


More questions than answers.

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This  is one of the armies I play, and I have a significant force of around 4000 points.


The Ballistic Skill has been reduced, so it's not just the Votann that have been subjected to altered profiles in such a way.

Hopefully this removed any notion that GW went out of their way to show how the Votann are simply nerfed. The game is being re-alligned from top to bottom.

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