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Faction Focus: Adeptus Mechanicus


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Some stuff as I keep reading.

Ranger and vanguard units are 10 models. Not 5 to 10 but set at 10. I’m going to need more basic troops of both flavors.


Grav gun, strange it went to a better anti vehicle than arc.


Kastelans still have similar but different phosphor profiles.


Stuff hitting on 6+, same as before. As heavy hits on 5+ if you don’t move; 4+ if you add the character.


Fulgurites at first looked super nerfed, can still get them a good invuln and mortals.





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14 hours ago, brother_b said:


Ranger and vanguard units are 10 models. Not 5 to 10 but set at 10. I’m going to need more basic troops of both flavors.





I am still puzzled by the Kataphron being Infantery. Means that they can climb walls and ride from ground to gantries now.... Curious and counterintuitive.

Staying on topic, the Dunecrawler being able to pass above terrain features of 4" or less makes it great: - "seen that armoured container here?" - "don´t mind" 


Overall Index is OK so far. Let´s see in practice now

Edited by Bouargh
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Well its out, and fixed unit sizes and 'free' upgrades have really put out my 10th ed fire. 


I dont want special weapons and i dont want to to pay for them. I dont want to field 3 or 6 breachers i want two squads of 4.  The dunewalkers different load outs ARE NOT THE SAME IN VALUE. 


And holy heck GW stop with the alphabetic lists, group them. 

I just understand the logic behind any of it.  Why cant i field 3 robots? Why cant i field 5? 


I dont like the fact that relic costs points.  I have a unit of 6 sterylizors, why does number 6 cost as much as the first five? Could the studio really not be bothered to just price it like they have for the last what 30? 40? Years? 


I dont know if the army is good or bad, but honestly at the moment i dont care. 

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8 hours ago, brother_b said:



Anyway test games before I write off a whole edition!

Oh i agree, i got one planned today and one tomorrow, but the drop yesterday just took the wind out of my sails so to speak.  I went from really excited to damage control so fast i think i got whiplash.  Looking around online for Mech its the mostly the same everywhere, the reddit for lack of a better term is in mourning,  its not what the first days of the new edition should aim for. 

Edited by Nagashsnee
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