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Faction Focus: Adeptus Mechanicus


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59 minutes ago, Dr. Clock said:


If this save reduction means eldar guardians, corsairs or kabalites lose their 4+ as well, I will has a sad. To me eldar armour should be basically just better than Imperial... and making them match Votann armour tech but retaining T3 seems pretty much correct.


It would give them some survivability while leaving them feeling suitably ‘brittle’.

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Seems overall that a lot of ADMECH stuff has been heavily nerfed, with tons of flavor removed any many weapons and units massively nerfed!I wonder if we will see wave 3 released with the codex, and they are just making all the old good stuff cheap?

Edited by Marshal Mittens
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23 minutes ago, Marshal Mittens said:

Seems overall that a lot of ADMECH stuff has been heavily nerfed, with tons of flavor removed any many weapons and units massively nerfed!


The loss of flavour is common to a lot of factions and probably has a lot to with with the fact that these are Index releases. Hopefully the full codices (when they come) will restore a bit of the flavour. The thing to remember though is that a lot of that flavour came with massive built in complexity. An Imperial Knight armiger can potentially be under the effect of up to 8 different sets of buffs in 9th edition. Yes there are some interesting mechanics in there but it really does slow the game down trying to follow the flow charts and work out what you actually need to be rolling.


As for nerfing, remember that GW are trying to dial down lethality across the board. Most guns have lost a point of AP which means those Skitarii are going to need the same saves they did in 9th against a lot of weapons. I am sure there are going to be some balance tweaks to come but 10th edition is still going to be a bit of a great reset.

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For me personally, the biggest issue when it came to complexity was the sheer amount of books needed, the erratas needed, points changes, and way too many stratagems.


For admech specifically having two separate buffing tables to choose during the command phase was also different and difficult to deal with.


However, I enjoyed the unique weapons, units, and the ability to purchase the orders and other upgrades for my army.


I think that could’ve been a more middle ground when it comes to complexity, but a lot remains to be seen. I hope the army gains more flavor as the edition unfolds.



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2 hours ago, Marshal Mittens said:

Seems overall that a lot of ADMECH stuff has been heavily nerfed, with tons of flavor removed any many weapons and units massively nerfed!I wonder if we will see wave 3 released with the codex, and they are just making all the old good stuff cheap?

Skitarii basic infantries are paying the debt of Lucius 150 robe men tactics. Now they hit like and save like guardsmen.

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4 hours ago, Blurf said:

You mean giving my whole army +1 to hit for free?


Some of the match-up are just hilarious.

First there was Shadow in the Warp that spawns daemons, though less so if you run the Neurotyrant,

Now the Admech detachment that may be obnoxious for some players to play against, but game throwing against a certain SoB gang :laugh:

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I will mourn the death of quasi-elite Skitarii from 7th edition (and to an extent the Veteran Cohort that was in a book that lasted about as long as a bottle of milk-it literally expired before I could get the shrink wrap off it). Now they are back to their tech-guard roots. I can live with them being totally expendably if they are correctly pointed but it will lose a lot of the reason I liked the army (rules-wise I mean, I've always thought the Adeptus Mechanicus would be a fun faction to explore in the lore)


This isn't as bad as the awful things they did to Eldar Guardians back in 3rd edition but it's not great.


I know some people didn't like playing against gunline armies, making people turn their whole army into heavy weapons in order to regain their BS3+ seems a bit like a step backwards (well, technically it's just not a step forwards :p )


The sky isn't falling but it will take some time to adapt. My biggest fear is that GW will roll back some of the more savage nerfs as 10th progresses and the early books are going to get power-crept even harder than other editions.

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15 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

This  is one of the armies I play, and I have a significant force of around 4000 points.


The Ballistic Skill has been reduced, so it's not just the Votann that have been subjected to altered profiles in such a way.

Hopefully this removed any notion that GW went out of their way to show how the Votann are simply nerfed. The game is being re-alligned from top to bottom.

I was fairly frustrated by the Votann BS change (though some of the other changes were more disappointing). Seeing this move across multiple factions now though makes me feel better about it. BS4+ being the baseline in the game rather than 3+ as it seems to be currently does give more space for elite (marines 3+) and super-elite (custodes presumably still 2+) troops to differentiate themselves. Today's Eldar preview will be interesting in that regard.


Not sure how I feel about the Ad-Mech rules. Much much simpler to apply - the ridiculous pile of overlapping rules of the 9th codex completely put me off them. The rad bombardment will punish some armies badly, and the plan of leaving an MSU squad on a home objective may need reassessing.

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They better make Sisters cost a lot if they get to keep their BS3 and high save compared to Skitarii. Not a fan of these changes. I’ve been contemplating selling my AdMech for a while and this rules preview is further push. 

I know we asked for more greatcoat guardsmen but this wasn’t how we wanted it…

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20 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

I suppose how bad you get hit by the detachment ability will depend on your playstyle. I can't imagine certain armies staying in their deployment zones for long. Armies that turtle though will be in for a shock

Home objective sitting is going to be a miserable task

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The army losing a point of BS, and losing a point off their save really can't be seen as anything but a nerf. Everyone is losing AP, nor worried about that, but we also lost range and in some cases STR.


Not against fixing the insane buff stacking, but I dont see the need to nerf the while army's BS, and to nerf their save so much. They went from very good basic infantry with a lot of flavor to basically guardsmen with a 6++. 

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50 minutes ago, Marshal Mittens said:

The army losing a point of BS, and losing a point off their save really can't be seen as anything but a nerf. Everyone is losing AP, nor worried about that, but we also lost range and in some cases STR.


Not against fixing the insane buff stacking, but I dont see the need to nerf the while army's BS, and to nerf their save so much. They went from very good basic infantry with a lot of flavor to basically guardsmen with a 6++. 


And T5 and a 4+ save and a fairly widespread way to get a +1 to hit again against dangerous targets, e.g. back to 3+ equivalent. I think Guard and Admech would quite happily trade basic infantry stats! Votann launching at the end of 9th when power creep was at its maximum and was a top tier army against other top tier armies out the gate, so it was inevitable they were going to be nerfed a bit more than average to bring them down to the power-creep-reduction range of 10th.

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Interesting to me that Eldar guardians still have BS 3+. No whine but they are taking into account some of the flavor of the lore. Even though just grunts eldar guardians have still aeons of experience and training.


Wonder how this could play into our rules. Maybe tech priests still aura buff?

Edited by brother_b
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I know I'm probably in the minority with this but I really dislike the bombardment rule. I thought we learned through 9th that non interactive rules weren't a lot of fun, and the idea of starting every turn, pointing to various units and rolling a D6 (in your zone) is going to slow things down. 


Honestly right now I'm glad I sold my Admech. Great looking faction with some very cool models and they may end up very potent, but this is a faction rule I'm really not keen on.

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But their faction rule is just the Imperatives?

Their detatchment is the rad bombing, which will change once their codex drops, and gives them more options.  Like everyone else.

I think anyone making really hard commitments off of Index-hammer is going to end up looking pretty silly.

Edited by DemonGSides
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2 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

But their faction rule is just the Imperatives?

Their detatchment is the rad bombing, which will change once their codex drops, and gives them more options.  Like everyone else.

I think anyone making really hard commitments off of Index-hammer is going to end up looking pretty silly.


I think part of the problem with making commitments, as you say, from an index is that the roadmap for certain armies to get their codex is a very long way off.


Not a lot of options if there is an index with just the one detachment you can use, thats it, whether you like it or not really.

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Regarding the rad bombardment: They had to make our simple rules complicated, somehow. It’s the Mechanicus way!


Special rules linked to the attachments reminds me obviously of the special detachments in the old supplements. I was never really a fan of that.


I much prefer the special forge world rules. I hope we get some of that flavor in our Codex.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope that the AdMech will still have (a variation of) the 'Knights of the Cog' rule.  Having access to a single Mechanicus Knight in the AdMech faction was a nice touch. 

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If we extrapolate from the dreablades rule published in the Chaos Knight Index today, we should be able to field 1 knight or 3 armingers in any Imperium Army, inc. AdMech. If the mechanism is the same, I I guess we can bet it will be, this inclusion is without point limits (i.e. not as for the Agent of the Imperium allies...). Sounds good.

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So, extrapolation from Dreadblades proved to be te correct hypothese finally.


Now that the Index is availbale, and even if this is a very fast scan through, some first coments/finding:

1. the fusilave passed from getting multiples guns to a single array - the same applies to the dunerider. The issue: well now you can atrget at only 1 unit per turn...

2. Vanguards and Rangers are limited to 10. no more units of 20. Additionally they cannot get redundant special weapons anymore: 1 of each kind max... shame

3. Cybernetica datasmith may eventually be worth now that they can change protocols of Kastellan on a Ld test. 

4. Unit shared between 2 Transvectors is now a thing of the past -  transport capacity has been increased to 11

5. Dunerider ramp is not really an assault ramp. allows stuff but not as good as a LR unfortunately

6. Sulphur hounds are now a great counter offensive unit.

7. Marshall rocks. all caraceters rock - the buff they bring are really interesting. Archeotecnologist is especially good with its OC buff.

8. None of the 2 flavours of Kataphron are bikers anymore - but infantery. Neither flavour is battleline

9. Servitors are useless. for what they do they shall be free. hitting on 6+, really...

10. Pteraxi are interesting, even if I am not too sure of the reliability of their impact - might be contextual. good to get if it works but I dunno if I would build a whole battle atctic on it.


The main negative I find is how the battleie units have been affected as a whole. Getting both  rangers and Vanguards so much standardized reduces the type of customization and battle adaptation possible.




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Honestly its better then i feared, now assuming points are done semi decently there are lots of units with distinctive roles (and complementary too). I can see myself fielding skitarii of both flavours, breachers, sydonians of both flavours, electros of both flavours, duneriders, pteraxi, riders and more.  


I especially like the synergy between vanguard being solid anti infantry and breachers being solid anti tank and being buffed by being near vanguard. 


Cawls stealth aura seems pretty great too, he is a big model with a big base so 6 from him covers a whole lot of space. 

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