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Space Marine - The Board Game (US Exclusive @ Launch)

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36 minutes ago, lansalt said:


Maybe the full stand alone release will have an extra sprue with a jump pack and other weapons, but I doubt it. It would make too much sense...


This. It would be amazing to see some original equipment, or various weapons but no, they threw away this opportunity with a weird posed generic lt... Bah.


What a bummer. At least the game seems to be very cool.

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47 minutes ago, AGRAMAR said:

Boring and without "flavor". In my opinion, an underserved miniature for a character like Titus. You can make a better one with the Sternguard box and ... Oh, wait!:angry:

And the board game is a kind of joke, isn't it? Buf, I think is an a poor excuse to get rid of material in stock that they don't sell well, like Gaunts. " You want Titus? You must ' adopt ' this Gaunts".


Sad, very sad:down:

I'm a bit confused by what you mean by not selling well, as they haven't technically sold these gaunts yet, as they're the Leviathan models. Meaning that depending on price, people might just get this to bulk up their nid armies.

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42 minutes ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

Chains are symbolic and around his wrist not connected to the weapon... However why are his weapons reversed? The holster is even on his left hip and near every marine carries thier pistols on the left sword on the right as you can see up there. lol Like he drew them and then swapped hands?

I think is because is a recycled render.

They don't designed a totally new the miniature. Just designed/added some details over a previous made render, and printed it. That's was usual 20 years ago with one sculptor for entire product lines but now is just laziness and over-save time and resources. Specially in a minuature of those characteristics.


Just a personal opinion.

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4 hours ago, Bradeh said:

Lieutenant Titus, 20 Termagants, and two Ripper Swarms. Good way of making him more expensive to get. 



From a UK company, that is a bit lame. 

Looks like if it’s sold at target I won’t be getting it, haha.

Edited by Arkangilos
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On 5/25/2023 at 7:43 PM, ZeroWolf said:

I'm a bit confused by what you mean by not selling well, as they haven't technically sold these gaunts yet, as they're the Leviathan models. Meaning that depending on price, people might just get this to bulk up their nid armies.


It's not necessary. Nid players focus, usually, in other miniatures of the range. As gaunts are the most basic troop, are produced in great numbers and unless they give in 10th ed a reeaallyy good rules and balance between cost and effectiveness, GW is going to try to rid them out fast, because they don't sell them in the numbers they like.

So, they decided putting a miniature as Titus(Primaris), alone, who is going to be sell separately worldwide  months after the release if this box...well, the maneuver is clear, at least, to me.

They need to made them, but people prefers to buy other units/boxes. Stock in warehouses collecting dust...not good. So you have to find a way to sell them and not only not lose money but also earn more. Add an "exclusive" miniature and...Voila! This box helps to rid them out.

This is not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last time, trust me.

And by the number of miniatures is an entire box of gaunts, ready to selling thanks poor Titus... Case solved!

GW never made this kind of things by chance.

Edited by AGRAMAR
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Well, seems my (admittedly ridiculous) hope of him coming with his ingame options is dashed, unless it's of course some never before seen package where the mini has additional stuff once it comes to the stand alone release.


The only thing I can think off where that happened is the AoD Contemptor and I doubt 'ol Titus get's the same treatment.

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nope - not for me. Some nice individual features but I dont like the model overall. Not a big fan of included battle damage either which doesnt help.

I'd want the termigants more than Titus in this box.

As has been said, he looks like he about to fall backwards. He has a powerpack on his back affecting where the centre of gravity would be which they seem to have just ignored for the posing/dynamics of this model. I know, toys soldiers, suspend belief etc but this just makes me feel awkward.  


He could make good conversion fodder for a Cosmic Space Knight of Doom is about all I can think

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