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The recent purchases/hauls/"Oh god I spent more money on toy soldiers" thread

Evil Eye
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Why is it that when people buy quality alcohol, cars, antiques, 40K, and so forth, spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars no one really seems surprised?  They might not agree with your sense of value, but they understand.  Drop a couple hundred on a book and you would think you were the target of an intervention for the worst vice known to man.  I came home one day with a first edition of all four volumes of Winston Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples and my family tore me up one side and back down the other.  I wanted to tell them to relax as I am saving for a first edition Pride and Prejudice and that will cost way more so they should leave me alone.

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19 hours ago, FashaTheDog said:

Why is it that when people buy quality alcohol, cars, antiques, 40K, and so forth, spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars no one really seems surprised?  They might not agree with your sense of value, but they understand.  Drop a couple hundred on a book and you would think you were the target of an intervention for the worst vice known to man.  I came home one day with a first edition of all four volumes of Winston Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples and my family tore me up one side and back down the other.  I wanted to tell them to relax as I am saving for a first edition Pride and Prejudice and that will cost way more so they should leave me alone.

For a little while I was buying first eds (or otherwise special/ltd/numbered etc) for a lot of the authors I read. I don't now, mainly due to cost (even at release - there's that many I couldn't afford to keep up!), but also due to missing out on books. When you've already got a numbered copy of every Brandon Sanderson leatherbound, and when the last one comes up there's no first-dibs for prior buyers and the store crashes on checkout? Yeah, I wasn't a happy bunny!

Either way, I get your thing!

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22 hours ago, FashaTheDog said:

Why is it that when people buy quality alcohol, cars, antiques, 40K, and so forth, spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars no one really seems surprised?  They might not agree with your sense of value, but they understand.  Drop a couple hundred on a book and you would think you were the target of an intervention for the worst vice known to man.  I came home one day with a first edition of all four volumes of Winston Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples and my family tore me up one side and back down the other.  I wanted to tell them to relax as I am saving for a first edition Pride and Prejudice and that will cost way more so they should leave me alone.

I think that's honestly just your family. I think societally, an expensive book is far more socially acceptable than 40k.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dropped about 50 bucks on eleven built but unpainted guardsmen, resin Imotekh because I don’t like the new one, and an Anrakyr for good measure I’ll need to strip and repaint to box art.


edit: and also a pot of gehenna's gold, because my pot finally died

Edited by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch
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The vast legions of grey in box continue to build on my end. Was extremely lucky and snagged the Cadian Defence Force box from my lgs with their black friday discount on top of their regular 10% off.  So now I have a couple big tanks and more infantry for my burgeoning Imperial PDF/Militia regiments. Now to try and get them built. 

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Made my first hobby purchases since Leviathan - 2x LI box, 1 each of Rhinos, Kratos, Thunderhawk and Baneblade plus the new ruins terrain. All from Dark Sphere. Can’t wait. 

On a related subject; what’s the best way to sell an army on eBay. Single units or as a full army? Most of it is painted but not all. 


I’m giving up on my AdMech as I haven’t liked the newer stuff since the Dunerider. Not sure why, just hasn’t clicked with me. Would rather free up the space and cash for other things. 

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Got a Cadian Defence Force Battleforce box, a Into The Dark Kill Team box with the Kroot and Breachers and really cool interior terrain, a Brutalis, a bunch of paint, a bunch of supplies (Brushes/tools) and a couple of White Dwarf magazines that I didn't have.  Paid nothing in cash for any of it, traded in a bunch of MTG stuff to get there.  Almost got two battleforces instead, but decided I'd try some Kill Team with the s/o.

Got a SM Battleforce coming in the mail on Monday, hopefully as well.

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Got my first credit card ever. To test it, I MAY have bought a very large order from element games. (I already have three kratos, three spartans (one for each hull weapon), three deimos rhinos, and the new big box with the Mk IIIs, the proteus, and the deredeo) - this on top of many many more than a chapter's worth of 40k marines (still got a few boxes of old Mk IIIs and MK IVs to do too). I wanted one for each possible configuration of LR Proteus (Explorator, and then front ramp/no ramp for each of the three hull weapon options, so you need 7 total), and each Kratos (3+1 makes 4) and predator turret option (one of each), plus another deimos to convert using the Deimos Damocles command rhino kit. The rest is simply wanting options. 

2 x Melee Leviathans
2 x Tartaros Termis (only meant to buy 1, lol)
4 x Contemptor Dreadnought
1 x Cataphractii Termis
3 x Ranged Leviathans (For mixing and matching - probably gonna have 1 pure melee, 1 pure shooty, and then see what I've got left over)
6 x Land raider Proteus
5 x Predator Support Tank
2 x Scorpius Missile tank (probably could have done with just 1)
3 x Sky hunter Squadrons
1 x Typhon
1 x Cerberus
1 x Sicaran Venator
2 x Vindicator (one to be a Vindi, one to be the laser destroyer)
1 x Deredeo (wanted the other gun option so I'd have one of each)
1 x Deimos Rhino (for the command rhino kit)
1 x Kratos
2 x Sicaran Battle Tank
4 x Predator Battle Tank


The pile of shame is now large enough to fortify the Imperial Palace. On the plus side I now know what it feels like to have and use a credit card!

Edited by roryokane
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Found myself tempted to start an Ad Mech army because they're funky little metal weirdos. Found that Element still had the old Elimination Maniple Christmas box in stock at a decent price. Then that Hobby Workshop had the old Combat Patrol still in stock. So now I have 1000 points of Ad Mech on the way and another army I don't need.

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4 hours ago, Doobles88 said:

Found myself tempted to start an Ad Mech army because they're funky little metal weirdos. Found that Element still had the old Elimination Maniple Christmas box in stock at a decent price. Then that Hobby Workshop had the old Combat Patrol still in stock. So now I have 1000 points of Ad Mech on the way and another army I don't need.


Congrat and welcome to the club, I feel less lonely like that. Don't forget to share in the Admech forum. 

Edited by Bouargh
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5 hours ago, Doobles88 said:

Found myself tempted to start an Ad Mech army because they're funky little metal weirdos. Found that Element still had the old Elimination Maniple Christmas box in stock at a decent price. Then that Hobby Workshop had the old Combat Patrol still in stock. So now I have 1000 points of Ad Mech on the way and another army I don't need.

The best minis with the worst rules. Welcome! Embrace the Machine God!

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I not only got my hands on the Cadian Defense Force, but also the Tyranid Onslaught force and due to the LGS black friday sale, the old admech combat patrol. Adding these to my pile, building/painting one of the Dorns once I'm finally done with the Ta'nunar. Just need to finish the base.

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20 hours ago, Doobles88 said:

Found myself tempted to start an Ad Mech army because they're funky little metal weirdos. Found that Element still had the old Elimination Maniple Christmas box in stock at a decent price. Then that Hobby Workshop had the old Combat Patrol still in stock. So now I have 1000 points of Ad Mech on the way and another army I don't need.


If you're ever after the two old start collectings, send me a pm (still NOS)

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Looked forward to Legions Imperialis for a while as I love the scale and the HH setting. 

So put in a large order at my local FLGS


Parralel to that I got the missus interested in reading the Horus Heresy Novels. She's now 15 books in and clamouring for her own tiny tanks army to fight mine.


So now we've got 

2 startersets and mulitiples of the expansions incoming to make a shattered legions force and a "just left Isstvan" traitor legions host plus assorted Solar Auxilia incoming.


I love it. 

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On 11/29/2023 at 12:25 AM, roryokane said:

Got my first credit card ever. To test it, I MAY have bought a very large order from element games. (I already have three kratos, three spartans (one for each hull weapon), three deimos rhinos, and the new big box with the Mk IIIs, the proteus, and the deredeo) - this on top of many many more than a chapter's worth of 40k marines (still got a few boxes of old Mk IIIs and MK IVs to do too). I wanted one for each possible configuration of LR Proteus (Explorator, and then front ramp/no ramp for each of the three hull weapon options, so you need 7 total), and each Kratos (3+1 makes 4) and predator turret option (one of each), plus another deimos to convert using the Deimos Damocles command rhino kit. The rest is simply wanting options. 

2 x Melee Leviathans
2 x Tartaros Termis (only meant to buy 1, lol)
4 x Contemptor Dreadnought
1 x Cataphractii Termis
3 x Ranged Leviathans (For mixing and matching - probably gonna have 1 pure melee, 1 pure shooty, and then see what I've got left over)
6 x Land raider Proteus
5 x Predator Support Tank
2 x Scorpius Missile tank (probably could have done with just 1)
3 x Sky hunter Squadrons
1 x Typhon
1 x Cerberus
1 x Sicaran Venator
2 x Vindicator (one to be a Vindi, one to be the laser destroyer)
1 x Deredeo (wanted the other gun option so I'd have one of each)
1 x Deimos Rhino (for the command rhino kit)
1 x Kratos
2 x Sicaran Battle Tank
4 x Predator Battle Tank


The pile of shame is now large enough to fortify the Imperial Palace. On the plus side I now know what it feels like to have and use a credit card!

Wow. Hope you’ve got a good job or you’ll be paying that off until the actual Horus Heresy

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I "decided" that I needed some new paint for painting my coming Legions Imperialis order, so that got ordered and I tossed in two boxes of Kratos tanks as well.


The only thing I actually needed was some white primer as I have more paint than I'll ever use up in the coming 5 years, but I've also been kinda curious to try contrast paint so got some to try out and Kratos tanks because... Tanks are fun.

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The amount of plastic I've bought within the past two weeks borders on gross.

In addition to the last post, I've layered on;


Spearhead Force SM Christmas box, A Lord Solar Leontu, a Hydra, a Leman Russ, and a Heavy Weapons Team.  Also picked up the Cadian Upgrade sprue, to give some of my infantry some character, though in hindsight, i'm not sure why I bothered.  I guess i'll have a legit looking Tank Commander, and maybe I can bash enough pieces together to make 2 HWT out of one box.

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