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Legions Imperialis & Epic hobby chat!


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Been having second thoughts on the brightness of the SoH scheme I’m using (brought on by the images of the SoH Joy Toys and SoH character in the news sub forum).


So before I go too far with the rest of my stuff, I’ve painted a rhino with Sons of Horus Green as the base instead of Sybarite. It’s definitely less vibrant but more ‘accurate’. I’m a little worried my original scheme is more AL than SOH.


So now I’m in two minds of what to do. What do fraters think? I’ve not painted too much yet, so it’s not the end of the world to repaint.


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2 hours ago, Burni said:

Been having second thoughts on the brightness of the SoH scheme I’m using (brought on by the images of the SoH Joy Toys and SoH character in the news sub forum).


So before I go too far with the rest of my stuff, I’ve painted a rhino with Sons of Horus Green as the base instead of Sybarite. It’s definitely less vibrant but more ‘accurate’. I’m a little worried my original scheme is more AL than SOH.


So now I’m in two minds of what to do. What do fraters think? I’ve not painted too much yet, so it’s not the end of the world to repaint.


I like the one on the left! Although I usually prefer darker than the current fashion for Sons of Horus, I think you are right that a little lighter pays dividends at this scale. I say lighter, not necessarily brighter, not too vivid, not too saturated. Both of these work.

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13 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

I think placing a restriction on starting in buildings that are outside of your DZ is a fair compromise. If they want to survive being further up the board and closer to your main army then so be it, but they generally have three real options: stand out in the open and get fragged Turn One, hide behind buildings and have no LoS or garrison a structure and potentially face going down with it when it’s inevitably destroyed. 

I do agree that there needs to be some kind of hard limit to Infiltrate, especially when it’s hands down better than 99% of the other Traits, but if it’s going to be done then it needs to be done by GW themselves. This just seems like another game where they didn’t really playtest it enough and they’re kinda running the beta version in the wild with us being the testers. It’s head scratching with some of the rules, such as Auxilia infantry with Rend or better CC prowess than even Terminators who are literally equipped with Chainfists and Power Fists, but it is what it is. 


GW won't do anything, they couldn't even be bothered to give a mass battle game normal reserves, like even apoc had that out of the sheer practicality that not everything might fit in one's deployment zone so it gets bumped to reserve. We don't even have that, no one playtested this, quake, no limit on activations and endless overwatch make that pretty clear tbh

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4 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

It's another one of those areas in the game that makes you think Legions didn't get much playtesting. Because otherwise, literally in your first game you would have seen how hilarious it would be to have a gunline of stuff appearing right opposite a deployment zone (completely removing any tactical decision making with respect to having to manoeuvre, giving massive advantage with objective capture) and thought "ok no we need to tone this down a bit".


It will be interesting how comp tournaments manage it (if anyone is attempting those) as its clearly one of the most effective ways to win a game - at least in local/friendly games you can house rule it.


Well that's what I'm attempting to do but its difficult to limit infiltrate, I really wish the book had some missions with and without infiltrate and deep strike, if only to condition players to the fact that it might not always be available to them. Right now the solution is they deploy normally or get outflank and go into reserve, the plan is likely to keep this method but allow probably 2 detachments per side max to infiltrate.  For now for this iteration it's 0 infiltrators, but that's also to avoid all the arguments about structures in no man's land and how they work pre-game. 



eternal war crusade legions imperialis scenario v2.jpg

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4 hours ago, Burni said:

Been having second thoughts on the brightness of the SoH scheme I’m using (brought on by the images of the SoH Joy Toys and SoH character in the news sub forum).


So before I go too far with the rest of my stuff, I’ve painted a rhino with Sons of Horus Green as the base instead of Sybarite. It’s definitely less vibrant but more ‘accurate’. I’m a little worried my original scheme is more AL than SOH.


So now I’m in two minds of what to do. What do fraters think? I’ve not painted too much yet, so it’s not the end of the world to repaint.


I like them both but I’m also a big fan of grim and dark so the right hand Rhino would be my choice. That being said, at this scale brighter colors can work a lot better. That’s to say, either choice is fine. 

1 hour ago, Crablezworth said:


GW won't do anything, they couldn't even be bothered to give a mass battle game normal reserves, like even apoc had that out of the sheer practicality that not everything might fit in one's deployment zone so it gets bumped to reserve. We don't even have that, no one playtested this, quake, no limit on activations and endless overwatch make that pretty clear tbh

This is one of the reasons it bums me out so much that Titanicus is basically dead other than perhaps getting trickled down rules as a result of new models for LI. It’s infuriating that they made such a great game and are basically abandoning it for this one. Perhaps the same can be said for Aeronautica but I never actually played that. 

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I'd honestly just get rid of infiltrate entirely, not just because of reasons outlined by Crablezworth, but also it goes against the feel of what epic should be, IMO. You don't infiltrate an army, you infiltrate a squad or assassin.

I don't think a mass battle game involving 100's of individual marines should be able to be like 'surprise!', it should be about pitched battles that look, well, epic.

Have your delaque juve sneak around in Necromunda, or a squad of scouts deploying mid-board in 30k/40k, but not chapter strength armies backed up by knights, titans and aircraft deploying 4" away and rendering most tactical choices moot for the entire game.


I'm going to house rule it that if a detachment has infiltrate, it can instead choose either Outflank, Forward Deployment or Scout, to represent either flanking attacks, surprise attacks or knowledge of the terrain. 

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5 hours ago, Burni said:

Been having second thoughts on the brightness of the SoH scheme I’m using (brought on by the images of the SoH Joy Toys and SoH character in the news sub forum).


So before I go too far with the rest of my stuff, I’ve painted a rhino with Sons of Horus Green as the base instead of Sybarite. It’s definitely less vibrant but more ‘accurate’. I’m a little worried my original scheme is more AL than SOH.


So now I’m in two minds of what to do. What do fraters think? I’ve not painted too much yet, so it’s not the end of the world to repaint.


The one on the left definitely reads better, might be the lighting though? 

Could we move the moaning about infiltrate to another thread and talk about hobby though? :) 

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33 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

Great Slaughter is pretty sick, and has tons of new info to use for sandboxing your homebrew lore. Definitely worth a purchase. 

My copy should be showing up today. I ordered it from a relatively new company called Wargame Portal since I couldn’t get my hands on it from GW. My Spartans and Support boxes should be here Monday, but I’m probably going to sneak out to my LGS in a little while and see if they got anything in stock today. Can’t have enough of either!

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Welcome to the Antipodes....

Several weeks later and this is a thing

Tried to by the available LI new stuff, put it in my cart. 

Go to cart.

Cart says login.

Login again.

Empty cart.

Fill cart.


Says Login. 

Login again.

Empty cart.







Blah blah blah

Hmmm, someone is gonna get murdered soon.:devil:


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41 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Welcome to the Antipodes....

Several weeks later and this is a thing

Tried to by the available LI new stuff, put it in my cart. 

Go to cart.

Cart says login.

Login again.

Empty cart.

Fill cart.


Says Login. 

Login again.

Empty cart.







Blah blah blah

Hmmm, someone is gonna get murdered soon.:devil:


I just check out as Guest to avoid the cycle of failure that is their trash website. 

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Managed to get my delivery from Dark Sphere and then pick my book up from GW store, all on release day! Been a while since I could say that. Popped into my FLGS and they had plenty of stock of the new boxes so picked up another box of Spartans, they’re chunky bois!


Sadly at least one of my Leviathan autocannons has snapped on sprue. It’s so tiny it’s going to be fun to fix…

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5 hours ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Welcome to the Antipodes....

Several weeks later and this is a thing

Tried to by the available LI new stuff, put it in my cart. 

Go to cart.

Cart says login.

Login again.

Empty cart.

Fill cart.


Says Login. 

Login again.

Empty cart.







Blah blah blah

Hmmm, someone is gonna get murdered soon.:devil:


Happens to me when on my phone, so my previous couple of orders were done as a guest. Today I was on my laptop placing an order for the new apothecaries, logged in fine and on checkout suddenly the horus heresy cover art book appeared and the great slaughter book!

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8 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

I was able to snag a box of Spartans and Support with two more of each arriving Monday… the Support box sucks to assemble. So many tiny piddly bits. I guess it’s to be expected due to the scale, but man… having Leviathan legs in three pieces is a hassle. 

Yeah, saw those three piece legs and shook my head… considering the infantry are ‘good enough’ with undercuts, I’m sure the legs could have been 1 piece and been acceptable.


Mind you, the 28mm plastic Leviathans legs have a comical amount of parts too. 

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@Burni they both look nice. I would say one on the left edges it for me as it looks closer to the colour in the old Index Astartes book. But TBH you can get to a Heresy event and see 10 different SoH armies in 10 different colours, so I would go with you favourite :smile:


@Interrogator Stobz the forum needs a heart/care response button that sounds awful. What is the situation with FLGS where you are, is it any better?


I'm personally not going to bother with the Great Slaughter book. Another great slab of a book of copy-pasted background, presented poorly in lifeless black & white with some more utterly soul-less photoshopped minis and page-long unit profiles, and £30 for the privelige (plus the effort of even trying to find a copy?) No thanks!

Am just waiting for the Army Builder app to update with the unit profiles or find them by other means.

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6 hours ago, Burni said:

Yeah, saw those three piece legs and shook my head… considering the infantry are ‘good enough’ with undercuts, I’m sure the legs could have been 1 piece and been acceptable.


Mind you, the 28mm plastic Leviathans legs have a comical amount of parts too. 

I mean, don’t get me wrong… they look pretty cool when they’re assembled but holy smokes, it took forever to put the box together. The Spartan became fairly easy after the first one but the Support box required the instructions each time and I feel like I should have had a magnifying glass to find some of the pieces. Maybe I’m just getting old. 

I'm already tossing around ideas on using massed Spartans in a list. I’m a little skeptical on units even as small as 4 bases (maybe I am Mortarion?), but I think it’ll be a real challenge for my group to crack them open before they spill their contents out onto an Objective or what have you, and with the Laser Destroyers they should put a hurtin on anything that gets in the way.


Still, it’s a pity that there’s no way to get a large blob of Terminators anywhere. It’s funny, they keep the transport capacity the same (2 bases of Terminators equals 10), but in reality they aren’t anywhere as durable as their 28mm counterparts so I’m honestly surprised they didn’t double it to make it a little more worth the points. 

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13 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

@Burni they both look nice. I would say one on the left edges it for me as it looks closer to the colour in the old Index Astartes book. But TBH you can get to a Heresy event and see 10 different SoH armies in 10 different colours, so I would go with you favourite :smile:


@Interrogator Stobz the forum needs a heart/care response button that sounds awful. What is the situation with FLGS where you are, is it any better?


I'm personally not going to bother with the Great Slaughter book. Another great slab of a book of copy-pasted background, presented poorly in lifeless black & white with some more utterly soul-less photoshopped minis and page-long unit profiles, and £30 for the privelige (plus the effort of even trying to find a copy?) No thanks!

Am just waiting for the Army Builder app to update with the unit profiles or find them by other means.

Yeah brother, the book is a dilemma,  I'll definitely be waiting for another online option.

As for the FLGS option, I basically have to use online there too, nothing within 2.5 hour drive.. There are some great ozzy ones, but they had run out of SM stuff in an hour after GW making them available... no email warning option for the first up pre-order stuff. My bad for traveling for that hour... lolz.

They did have Solar tanks and support available so I got my son a few boxes.


I'm not going back to the GW site for SM support units, the FLGS stuff is 60% of the exorbitant GW price, so I'll wait......

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I don’t know… I’m not sure if I have enough tanks. 




I just finished assembling the last of my Spartans, giving me a total of 20. These join my 20 Rhinos, 12 Predators, 8 Kratos and 6 Sicaran to form the armored might of the XIVth (so far).  My plan was to get as much of my backlog assembled at once as I could so I can prime them all in one large batch. I have one Support box together with two more waiting to be done and then it’s all ready for paint… lots and lots of paint. 

I’ve also decided that I’m going to make a small(ish) Alpha Legion army consisting of two Formations to make use of different play styles and units that I may not normally use with my Death Guard. For this purpose, all of the Rapiers and Tarantulas are being handed over to the XXth for immediate redeployment and will be accompanied by a Demi-Company consisting of an even split of Tactical Marines and Heavy Weapons Astartes along with a squadron of Xiphon.

This will be supported by a Drop Pod formation consisting of (again) a split of Tactical and Heavy Weapons Astartes as well as two full units of Leviathans, a unit of Jetbikes and another squadron of Xiphons. 


As you can see, many of these still don’t have official models so they will have to be 3D printed. It is what it is, I suppose. 

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Those look lovely @DuskRaider and quite a collection! Really like the weathering and the grime on them. The DG and Alphas should work well on the tabletop, especially given the Alphas dirty, dirty special legion rule! Have played them once and it was no contest at all, unassailable VP lead by turn three and they're just sat there collecting them from the first turn.


My problem at the moment is just getting stock full-stop, let alone things that haven't yet been released. Astartes infantry are now worth their weight in gold looking at eBay, and even some of the pre-orders I put in for the new releases last weekend haven't yet arrived. For a few things (terminators, sicarians) I've used proxies or 3d prints instead.

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I’ll be real with you, I’m less interested in Objective camping and more interested in just completely throwing a wrench in my friends’ plans when it comes game time. Half of the army is hidden around the table while the other half comes screaming down first turn. 

I think after our first game, my friend is going to field a lot more anti-tank. He had very little the first time and focused on anti-infantry while I ended up outnumbering his armor elements 2:1. I can’t think of anything funnier than having him bring a ton of anti-armor tanks next time just to field nothing but infantry that can pop up anywhere, lol

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