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Getting some world eaters ready!


I feel like 5 infantry per base is good for the solar auxilia but gets cramped for marines.  Think I’m going to put 4 power armor or 3 terminators on a base.


Just as a break from the mon-keigh fest, some Eldar/Aledari Fire Dragons. Their Grav Tanks are classic GW minis (I have just converted and put on a base, so it looks like they are hovering) and the Fire Dragons themselves are Vanguard Miniatures Eloi range.


Gorgeous Eldar, @Pacific81!


Just polished off my first box of infantry; pleased with how they’ve come out.



I painted everything and then put them onto bases, so ended up with quite a few stray spares! They’ll serve for the next Formation, doubtless, but worth noting in case you want to save a few minutes here and there.



The XIVth take to the skies. 



Yeah, not what I think of when I picture Death Guard, but I had picked these up from my LGS prior to the release of Legions Imperialis and vowed I would finish these before I launched myself headlong into the piles of infantry and tanks I’ve amassed. 

my end goal is to represent the various assets a Legion has at their disposal, even if said assets are not what first comes to mind when picturing the XIVth. This means in addition to an Air Force, there will be a dedicated Armored Corps to complement the more featured and imagined force of the Death Guard: massed infantry. 

LI Solar Auxilia Ash Scorpion Infantry coming up:




To counter the bland state of the uniform theme (depressive grey) I had to put some effort in specific key details such as the power weapons to make the minis pop just like I do with my beloved Iron Hands. In fact the weapon glow has as many steps as a 30K/40K mini which was a pain in the butt to pull off although it was worth it. Love the scorpion icon as it reminds me of NOD from Command & Conquer.

1 hour ago, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

LI Solar Auxilia Ash Scorpion Infantry coming up:




To counter the bland state of the uniform theme (depressive grey) I had to put some effort in specific key details such as the power weapons to make the minis pop just like I do with my beloved Iron Hands. In fact the weapon glow has as many steps as a 30K/40K mini which was a pain in the butt to pull off although it was worth it. Love the scorpion icon as it reminds me of NOD from Command & Conquer.

It worked - those are nice!

On 12/27/2023 at 2:09 AM, dice4thedicegod said:

Completed the dreadnought talon.  Happy with how they came out, except for the flames.  I need to take a tutorial on that!A9970537-44B1-4513-B2C9-F692B39839A1.thumb.jpeg.7fe456f5112076d3229d392a8a67ad2c.jpeg63C7E386-7103-47EF-BA8D-FA7CC7A2B52B.thumb.jpeg.eab8cdc1bdc0e165df29890df307a60e.jpeg91230509-862A-4874-A3F3-25B8E241C6DA.thumb.jpeg.970328a48b586d31f164f3a1f9794179.jpeg

Beautiful models, love the conversion.


I believe you are unsatisfied with the flames because you subconsciously realise the colour gradient is backwards. Try yellow at the base/centre going to red at the top/extremes. The flame is hottest (and hence brightest) in the middle.

Here's 2024's starting point for my Dark Angels Aerial Assault Formation supported by the Ferocious Legio Atarus.

They will be facing the Mighty Legio Krytos and their Traitorous Solar Auxiliaries tank formations.

I have many more micro dudes to get both the forces up to 2100pts. (Once GeeDub sort their release and supply issues out of course. Especially for us in the Antipodes, some folks are finishing up painting whilst we are just beginning.)

This may well get in the way of 28mm scale projects :laugh: but mixing it up is fun, so who knows...


First up, a couple of the LI starter box Hounds to paint as well as finishing up a Krytos WL and my Psi WL.

Then buckets of basing as I've only done about half so far. 

Then all the LI vehicles and Infantry.

Working down in scale instead of up, no hurry on adherence to the GW advice on force construction. 

Edited by Interrogator Stobz

I’ve slowly been making progress on a massive batch of legion infantry. It’s going to be tough for me to play for a while so it makes sense to paint a bunch of stuff in strips rather than rush to the table. 

These three stands represent my “done” pile so far. Almost 1% of a 3k army!




Backing these up I have a bunch of IF and BA infantry, plus of course the starter set SA and a legio ignatum titan or two. Actually I recently counted my titans and found I own 14 warhounds, 5 of them still on sprue, which is probably excessive. 

I’m quite pleased with how the infantry are coming. The Fists are contrast with a sepia wash but the BAs only required a coat of contrast. The detail work takes a while though. the terminators in particular have loads of trim, which is a challenge. I took these photos through the magnifying glass I use to paint them. 




I’ve just finished my first box of Infantry and I can safely say that this game is going to kill me, whether it’s my eyesight or my bank account I’m not sure yet. 

I’m going to try and set up my lightbox to take some proper pictures of them along with my Air Support. I still have two more boxes worth of Infantry to paint and about 30 tanks and I’m starting to realize that three boxes of Infantry just isn’t enough. Like… no where near enough. What have I gotten myself into? 

2 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

I’ve just finished my first box of Infantry and I can safely say that this game is going to kill me, whether it’s my eyesight or my bank account I’m not sure yet. 

I’m going to try and set up my lightbox to take some proper pictures of them along with my Air Support. I still have two more boxes worth of Infantry to paint and about 30 tanks and I’m starting to realize that three boxes of Infantry just isn’t enough. Like… no where near enough. What have I gotten myself into? 

Get a few Super Heavies, and Knights and Titans and you'll have 3k in no time

1 hour ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Get a few Super Heavies, and Knights and Titans and you'll have 3k in no time

I don’t think we have to worry about Knights or Titans with me lol. I have 8 Kratos, 4 Sicaran, 6 Predators and 10 Rhinos as well as my Air Support I painted up already, including a Thunderhawk that still needs paint. Oh, and the extra Terminators I picked up off of eBay. 

I'm holding off on more purchases unless it’s Infantry… until they release more variety. 

Yeah, that sounds plenty of tanks.

Unless you're against Vanquisher Russes, point for point they slay marine tanks.


I'm also waiting for the second or even third wave for different infantry. 

My starter set 95 guys with a few printed Mk3 tacticals to bulk out an Aerial Assault Formation will do for now. (Still need 6 Fire Raptors... still out of stock around here).

I really want more Cataphracti so I can do a few TDA detachments and a bunch of Mk3 to do a Drop Pod Formation. 

But I'm certainly spending money and points on big things before infantry. 

Edited by Interrogator Stobz

Yeah, the TDA Tank Formation is a worthy goal.

I'd do it too but my boy and I decided to have different themes, he's going really tank heavy Solar, I'm Aerial and Drop pod insertion DA... deepstriking TDA too of course.

But it's early days, wait a year and we could easily have a tonne of everything. :laugh:

25 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Yeah, the TDA Tank Formation is a worthy goal.

I'd do it too but my boy and I decided to have different themes, he's going really tank heavy Solar, I'm Aerial and Drop pod insertion DA... deepstriking TDA too of course.

But it's early days, wait a year and we could easily have a tonne of everything. :laugh:

I’m looking to cover any form of Legionary combat protocol, but my main goal is to emulate my old Pride of the Legion army on a much larger scale. 

I won’t lie, LI is also tempting me to dig my old 30K army out and repair / update it… 

LI has really reignited my desire to paint Titans and Knights again; the we fellas and tanks running along scoring objectives are cool, but they're not the real thing.:cool:

But they sure are fun toooo

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