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  On 1/13/2024 at 4:05 PM, 63-19 said:

Will you get kicked off of the website if there's a queue and you sit there too long? If the website is going to be under a queue the entire time up until the release for me should I try and connect half an hour before?



Yes apparently it kicks you out as well when you finally get in there.


And of course as everyone sees, it doesnt work anyway because it keeps going from 10 to 32 to 15 to 45 minutes etc.


It really is as if you're on Candid Camera or America's funniest home video and computer users' reactions are being filmed for hilarious footage of deeply irritated customers. 


Or wannabe customers, I should say.

Edited by Taliesin
  On 1/13/2024 at 4:09 PM, OpossumStrong said:

You got 10 minutes after you enter the website (after the queue), It's on queue since yesterday, you definitely should try to get before, but not too early, otherwise you will get kicked before the book appears.  

For some 30 minutes early wasn't good enough and they had hour+ of queue, for some it was way faster, it's pure luck right now.



I know nothing about the background details of how this works, so forgive me if this sounds absolutely silly, but is this 10 minutes if you're idle? Or 10 minutes regardless? My only thought was that if someone (i.e. scalping) was in there running close to 3-4 dozen transactions as you can see in the screenshots in the topic in the News/New stuff section of the forum, would it reset and give them more time because they're actively purchasing?


Regardless I feel for those who wanted this/needed it for their collection and missed out. It's truly a frustrating system, and I think for me, who gave up after not getting PT 2, it's only made worse by the apparent "not our problem" stance that GW has taken. The folks buying these (scalpers aside) are the dedicated fanbase that you want in your customer base who care about the setting that the company has created, and to treat them like this, or make it as frustrating as GW is making it is really sad

  On 1/13/2024 at 4:29 PM, darkhorse0607 said:


I know nothing about the background details of how this works, so forgive me if this sounds absolutely silly, but is this 10 minutes if you're idle? Or 10 minutes regardless? My only thought was that if someone (i.e. scalping) was in there running close to 3-4 dozen transactions as you can see in the screenshots in the topic in the News/New stuff section of the forum, would it reset and give them more time because they're actively purchasing?


Regardless I feel for those who wanted this/needed it for their collection and missed out. It's truly a frustrating system, and I think for me, who gave up after not getting PT 2, it's only made worse by the apparent "not our problem" stance that GW has taken. The folks buying these (scalpers aside) are the dedicated fanbase that you want in your customer base who care about the setting that the company has created, and to treat them like this, or make it as frustrating as GW is making it is really sad


10 minutes regardless, also as soon as you checking out you kicked back to the queue. 

There are options to bypass the queue system, one of the options works similar to cheats in multiplayer games(false packets\data)...so if they can't do a thing about I doubt GW would even try. 

I just managed to place my order for the regular hardback.


So thats done at least. 37 EUR with shipping, quite a lot of money for a standard book, but with this much scarcity deliberately created, I decided to just go for it,none of the 3rd party sellers over here show stock.


When I clicked "back to warhammer.com" like they suggested, I was thrown off the site and back into the queue.

Edited by Taliesin
  On 1/13/2024 at 4:41 PM, Taliesin said:

I just managed to place my order for the regular hardback.


So thats done at least. 37 EUR with shipping, quite a lot of money for a standard book, but with this much scarcity deliberately created, I decided to just go for it,none of the 3rd party sellers over here show stock.


When I clicked "back to warhammer.com" like they suggested, I was thrown off the site and back into the queue.


You could get it via amazon cheaper. I believe normal HB are sold at less than 30€. Even more, via blackwells (27€ includes shipping)

That’s the first BL book I’ve bought since the last siege book. I haven’t even read it yet. These Saturday scrambles have finished me. I wasn’t even that disappointed in missing today limited ed. Whole collection going back decades. Can’t see me buying anymore. GW burnout. Lost interest. Better things to stress over I think. 

Somehow got rushed to front of queue 40 minutes early so now that that I've been able to return to queue it's an hour before I can re-access the site.  Definitely missing out today, folks. Have I mentioned that I loathe this site and the way that GW releases everything before?

What I dont get is that it seems like they changed the behaviour of the queing system itself as it seems the way it used to work is that it would begin in NA at 1 pm even if you waited 30 minutes beforehand it would reset so everyone would begin waiting at the same time.  Now it seems very different like you are hoping to hit a sweet spot of the release time. 


I'd imagine that all the scalpers are running bots that are flooding the system because currently ive been stuck at 30 minutes estimated time, for 30 minutes, sometimes the times goes up and down and I opened numerous queues on multiple browsers just observe the behaviour. 

Edited by Krelious
  On 1/13/2024 at 6:07 PM, 63-19 said:

yep its sold out na. queue makes it more miserable then before. 4 computers and a phone with staggered connections to the website wasnt good enough.



Cool... still have 6 minutes left in queue. Been here for an hour. Oh well. 

  On 1/13/2024 at 6:07 PM, 63-19 said:

yep its sold out na. queue makes it more miserable then before. 4 computers and a phone with staggered connections to the website wasnt good enough.



You know i realized that its the :cuss:ing American scalpers that are ruining it for me because  ive seen a sum total of 1 person in Canada selling Vol 3 on Ebay and his copy sold out within 3 minutes of it being listed.  I mean it seems really stupid that GW doesnt parse their website into different versions based on where you are in the world. Its gotten to the point where I have Vol 1 and 2 in LE and now I dont even want the third copy because of this bull-:cuss:. I dont feel like being ripped off for something I waited for. I dont even want to read the books anymore.  

I ended up grabbing the hardback and will be a happy camper eventually. I have to say that I am rather glad that we are close to ending to this preordering fiasco BL-wise, though. All we have left to suffer through is the Horus Primarch Novel, Pandaemonium, Black Legion 3, and Spears 2 before scalpers might leave us alone!!!!

  On 1/13/2024 at 8:40 PM, LemartestheLost said:

I ended up grabbing the hardback and will be a happy camper eventually. I have to say that I am rather glad that we are close to ending to this preordering fiasco BL-wise, though. All we have left to suffer through is the Horus Primarch Novel, Pandaemonium, Black Legion 3, and Spears 2 before scalpers might leave us alone!!!!



And the next Ghosts novel, and the final Dawn of Fire novel, and the next hardcover background book they release, and...


They've seen how much folks are willing to pay for these books. As long as BL keeps making these tiny print runs with no limits on how many people can purchase a limited edition, scalpers are going to continue to be an issue.

  On 1/13/2024 at 8:40 PM, LemartestheLost said:

I ended up grabbing the hardback and will be a happy camper eventually. I have to say that I am rather glad that we are close to ending to this preordering fiasco BL-wise, though. All we have left to suffer through is the Horus Primarch Novel, Pandaemonium, Black Legion 3, and Spears 2 before scalpers might leave us alone!!!!



For any scalpers reading this forum, none of these books are worth you trying to get; your best bet to make money is sticking it all on Dawn of Fire 8 and the next AOS launch book tie-in limited editions, and steering well clear of the above...

  On 1/13/2024 at 8:47 PM, Alpharius902 said:


And the next Ghosts novel, and the final Dawn of Fire novel, and the next hardcover background book they release, and...


They've seen how much folks are willing to pay for these books. As long as BL keeps making these tiny print runs with no limits on how many people can purchase a limited edition, scalpers are going to continue to be an issue.


Of course, it's all jokes. Gotta laugh somehow or else the whole thing gets too damn irritating.

  On 1/13/2024 at 8:47 PM, Alpharius902 said:


And the next Ghosts novel, and the final Dawn of Fire novel, and the next hardcover background book they release, and...


They've seen how much folks are willing to pay for these books. As long as BL keeps making these tiny print runs with no limits on how many people can purchase a limited edition, scalpers are going to continue to be an issue.


DoF Sea of Souls still available to order, and I like it, just like the good old times :biggrin: 

Just going to leave this here:



On one hand, fans with too much money and no sense. And on the other, company who doesn't care at all.


As someone who travels a lot and has family on multiple continents, I'm lucky I can try to go for LEs in almost all available regions. All my attempts failed and you know what? I'm glad. I'm tired of these weekends. I get almost no pleasure from buying these books anymore. If I'm completely honest with myself, the last LE I was, and still am, truly happy with is Lords of Silence. It's been going to * since then.


Even fighting over hardbacks is tiring.


Paperbacks or ebooks from warp sources it is.


  On 1/13/2024 at 9:27 PM, theSpirea said:

Just going to leave this here:





As a hardcore LE collector, that's really depressing.  We can never compete with this.

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