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CSM 10th edition Raptors


This is a topic about Raptors in the 10th edition.


  • Do you use them?
  • How are you using them?
  • Do you think they perform well?
  • How do you equip them?
  • Do you attach them to any specific unit?
  • Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial?
  • Any Enhancements that you like to use with them?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I see two ways of fielding them - minimum sized objective grabbers and large "bully" squads.


For both types, I think power fist and plasma pistol is the best loadout for the champion.


For the former, I think plasma guns are special weapon of choice as they have the most range, with the caveat that the right choice will often be to hide them and not shoot so as to avoid return fire.


For the latter, loadouts will really depend on how you foresee using them - we had a really interesting discussion about that here.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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I've used Raptors in every game since our codex came out, mostly as 10-trooper squads although sometimes as 5-trooper squads. I love Raptors. 


As 5-trooper squads they are efficient and effective objective cappers and action monkeys.


As 10-trooper squads Raptors are horrible, horrible, horrible. At least in my experience. You would be better off taking almost any other unit in our Codex.


But that doesn't stop me from taking them.  I still enjoy their mobility and they look cool. And in theory, whenever I use the Renegade Reavers, the additional AP damage vs. opponents on objectives would make them better. In reality, they still hit like a sack of wet noodles in both shooting and melee.


I always give champions a powerfist and plasma pistol as Dr. Ruminahui reccommends. I try various configurations: 2 to 4 meltaguns, all chainswords, and 2 to 4 (proxied) plasma guns. I have found the configuration doesn't matter because they quickly get wiped off the board without doing much.


To be fair in two of my games they performed admirably, wiping out a squad of Warp Talons in one game and, in another game, somehow surviving for three turns against a large blob of Necron Warriors and a bunch of characters. But that is the exception that proves the rule. 


I'll keep using them and maybe they will do well. :)

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