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Task Force Armageddon


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Excellent display board. All those armies look good, but I suspect that they don't quite match up to your Blood Angels :lol:

Thanks again Sara. :yuck:



I must interrupt my GT batreps with news of a challenge. My arch-rival and very good friend Lance and I have been talking trash all morning via text messages. We were recounting last year's Ironman Tourney in Vegas (he placed second and I placed third) and whether or not our standing truly reflects our skill level or the scenarios and armies we played. My assertion is that he got a lucky draw on scenario we played and that his Archon is his crutch. He countered by claiming that my Chaplain and DC are my crutch. Consequently, I issued him a challenge. I will play in the Ironman this year sans my Chaplain (or a SHP) if he plays without his Archon

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I must interrupt my GT batreps with news of a challenge. My arch-rival and very good friend Lance and I have been talking trash all morning via text messages. We were recounting last year's Ironman Tourney in Vegas (he placed second and I placed third) and whether or not our standing truly reflects our skill level or the scenarios we drew and armies we played. My assertion is that he got a lucky draw on scenarios and that his Archon is his crutch. He countered by claiming that my Chaplain and DC are my crutch. Consequently, I issued him a challenge. I will play in the Ironman this year sans my Chaplain (or a SHP) if he plays without his Archon
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Epistolary Faust shall take up the gauntlet.


**Edit: Additionally, because I have 60+ points left over in my preliminary 1500 point list, this may be a good excuse to paint a Techmarine. With the loss of my Chaplain and DC my army can use another cool model to help with my army's appearance score.

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You took Best on Parade last year, this should help cinch you another plaque :D


Enjoy third again!

As luck would have it, the Ironman organizers award a plaque for last place as well. This way you won't go home to cry on your Archon model empty handed: "If only I had my Archon. *sob* Then I could have beat that cross-eyed kid with the unpainted IG army." :cry:



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Opponent: Word Bearers

Mission: Take and Hold

Level: Omega


His army:

Chaos LT

3 squads 15 CSMs bp & ccw & 2 meltas

2 squads 5 CSMs lascannon

2 squads 5 CSM 2 plasma guns & infiltrate

2 packss 10 Daemonettes

1 pack 5 mounted Daemonettes

1 squad 2 Obliterators



My opponent for game 3 was exactly the sort of guy you come to the GTs to play. He had a solid, well painted army with all kinds of cool conversions, sound tactics, and a great attitude! He was a pleasure to play.


In hindsight, I setup a bit too far forward with my second rank too close to the first; but I was eager to exploit the central fire corridor and I was confident that my marines could take a daemon pack or two... I remember thinking, what are the odds that he would summon all three packs of daemons on turn 2? And even if he did, what are the odds that daemons would scatter within striking distance of my troops? Guess what? :rolleyes:










My opponent won the roll and chose to go first. He advanced across the field, line abreast. His infiltrators cautiously moved forward, careful to remain more than 6

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Personally, I'd like to congratulate Koyote on having his Librarian posted on GW Chicago GT coverage.

Thanks Damocles. They photographed my Chaplain and DC as well. Maybe the pics will show up in the WD coverage. :wink:


My favorite part of GT coverage has always been the pics of the armies. Sadly, recent US GT coverage seems to have moved away from this.


I would much rather see pics of the winning armies than the ugly mugs of the guys who painted them. :D

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I thought you said I was pretty. :wink:

You have me confused with Steel Armadillo.


He said he wants to stick a bow on your head and put you under his Christmas tree for his kid to play with. :)



Koyote did you decide to go to Vancouver for the Conflict this coming weekend?

Nahhh. After finals week I'm exhausted. Going to curl up with a cold Seattle brew instead. :D


So where are the pics and battle reports you promised us Gaganius? I know you took pictures of your games. Well...?

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Koyote you have it wrong. I said you and Gaganius make a cute couple.


Sorry I havent been on and got my reports up. With the budget projections due and the quarry running full out I have been working 12-14hrs a day since Games Day. I have everything to start writing my reports just no time.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Opponent: Tau

Mission: Recon

Level: Omega


My opponent in Game 4 would have easily received my vote for best sportsmanship. Probably the nicest guy and best sport I have ever played against in a competative setting. He is a credit to the hobby.


Here is a shot of a portion of his army (the Blue Hammerhead is not his):








Unfortunately, time and my own aging brain have robbed me of most of the specifics of this game, but here are a few highlights.


On TURN 4 my opponent made a bold move and disembarked two squads of Fire Warriors within rapid fire range of a Tactical squad threatening to move into the Tau deployment zone. Backed up by a squad a Crisis Suits and 2 Devilfish, the Tau made short work of nine of the Emperor

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, I'd like to congratulate Koyote on having his Librarian posted on GW Chicago GT coverage.

Thanks Damocles. They photographed my Chaplain and DC as well. Maybe the pics will show up in the WD coverage. :P


It'd be awesome if they put Task Force Armageddon in WD!


For some reason I've chosen the other, insanely difficult way of getting into WD - the Demons. If you make it to GD Chicago again next year, you could catch a glance of my then-completed BA entry (hey, only 11 months, right?), which is the most inspired work of mine to date. Can't say too much about it now, I like pictures to accompany my thoughts. But it's definitely Angels!


Oh, and good luck at Vegas.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back from the Las Vegas Ironman XII and Task Force Armageddon took third place for the second year in a row. :D


I've been thinking about it and my experiences at the GT and Ironman have convinced me to try something new...



Blood Angels Space Marine Army 1850 points




Master of Sanctity

jump pack, terminator honors, bolt pistol, frag grenades, crozius, rosarius; 3+D3 death company,

bolt pistols, close combat weapons, jump packs, frag grenades = 247 points



jump pack, fear of darkness, bolt pistol, force weapon, psychic hood = 141 points




10-marine Tactical Squad

lascannon, melta gun, bolters; vet sgt, power fist, bolt pistol = 205 points


10-marine Tactical Squad

lascannon, melta gun, bolters; vet sgt, power fist, bolt pistol = 205 points


6-marine Tactical Squad

lascannon, plasma gun, bolters; vet sgt = 130 points


6-marine Tactical Squad

lascannon, plasma gun, bolters; vet sgt = 130 points


6-marine Scout Squad

bolt pistols, close combat weapons; vet sgt, power fist = 106 points


6-marine Scout Squad

bolt pistols, close combat weapons; vet sgt, power fist = 106 points


Fast Attack


10-marine Assault Squad

2 plasma pistols, bolt pistols, close combat weapons, frag grenades; vet sgt, power fist = 260 points


2 Land Speeders

2 assault cannons, 2 heavy bolters = 160 points


2 Land Speeders

2 assault cannons, 2 heavy bolters = 160 points



The new list requires the addition of new chaplain, 4 Scouts and 4 Land Speeders. The Scouts were a breeze but putting together the Land Speeder is a pain in the @ss!


One down, three to go. :huh:



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Those CC Scouts can be horrible to face... :ph34r:


The Ironman winner had a all Scout Blood Angel army and though he wiped me from the board.... :cuss at least I only left him with 4 models on the board (3 of which were Tempests) :D


Koyote, I think your new list will be very fearsome indeed. The increase in mobilty and scoring units will be advantageous for tourney play, and those fri nite beer-leaguers will be in for a whupin as well.


And congrats to you for your 3rd place again.... wonder who was second????? ;)


And it was great to meet you finally OMG. Even though I didn't show it whatsoever, I enjoyed our Carnage game entirely. Just wish I could've put up some sort of fight.


And not to forget you Overcharge, my toughest game at the Ironman was against you. As always it came down to tactics, I'm just glad my Mandrakes held you for that 1 extra turn, otherwise Koyote might have come in second... :lol:


2 outa 4 tournament opponents were BA's... man that hurt... Maybe next year I can go up against some easy Guard or that Ork guy B)

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The Ironman winner had a all Scout Blood Angel army and though he wiped me from the board.... :lol: at least I only left him with 4 models on the board (3 of which were Tempests) :D

When we learned that the Ironman winner was a BA Scout army I told OMG that when Gaganius finds out about this he is going to insufferable. B)


There were quite a few Blood Angel armies at the Ironman. My first opponent played a Flesh Tearer army. His army included two chaplains at 1500 points. :cuss At least he wasn't as bad as that Eldar player who fielded 3 Wraithlords in his 1500 point army. OMG had the pleasure of playing that guy.



Scouts? Koyote say it isn't so! :ph34r:

My BA lists have always included CC Scouts and they usually do quite well. Breaking my single large Scout squads into two smaller squads is a consequence of extra points leftover after dropping my Devs and my PC/PG squad to afford my 4 Tornados. However, I will admit that Gag's success in the GT and my experience at the Ironman has given me confidence in my decision to add the extra Scouts.

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