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Task Force Armageddon


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I've just spent the last 2 hours pouring over this thread from start to finish and looking at your models. I gotta tell you, you're amazing. Good luck at Adepticon, and I hope our armies will get a chance to cross combat blades while we're there. :wallbash:


-the Hat

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Great looking army, Koyote. Good luck at Adepticon.


One question: While looking at your army, I noticed that there are no power weapons/ power fists on your vet. sgts for the tactical squads. Why is that? I would think you would want one of those weapons to help with kills in close combat.


Just wondering.




EDIT: One more thing. The links that you provided earlier in this massive post in regards to your painting techniques and how you paint your red are broken. Could you give a quick tutorial on the red? Thanks.

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One question: While looking at your army, I noticed that there are no power weapons/ power fists on your vet. sgts for the tactical squads. Why is that? I would think you would want one of those weapons to help with kills in close combat.


The simple truth is that in this list, I feel that the points are better spent elsewhere.



My list for the Adepticon Championships Tournament:


1850 points


Lemartes = 125 pts

Death Company x10 w/jumps = 200 pts

Vet assault x8, pf, meltagun = 260 pts

Vet assault x8, pf, meltagun = 260 pts

Tac squad x10, lascannon, plasma gun = 225 pts

Razorback = 50 pts

Tac squad x10, lascannon, plasma gun = 225 pts

Razorback = 50 pts

Dev squad x10, missile launcher x4 = 270 pts

Whirlwind = 85 pts

Attack Bike, mm = 50 pts

Attack Bike, mm = 50 pts


57 marines, 3 vehicles and 2 bikes

9 to 12 scoring units


One more thing. The links that you provided earlier in this massive post in regards to your painting techniques and how you paint your red are broken. Could you give a quick tutorial on the red? Thanks.


The basic recipe is:

- White primer undercoat

- Two coats of Blood Red. Mix it with water to thin down the coats. This will give you a smoother finish. I almost never paint right out of the pot.

- Two coats of red ink. Don't let it pool too much on the flat surfaces or it will create dark red circles.

- One coat of a mixture of brown and red ink. Use a 1 to 3 mixture (brown/red). Water it down some: 50/50. Again, make sure it doesn't pool too much on the flat surfaces. Let the first coat dry completely before applying the second. If the armor still isn't dark enough, apply a second coat.

- The finished product will be very shiney so a coat of dull matte coat is required.

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First off, those bloods are some of the finest I've seen ever. Love the cartoon-like painting style. Your attention to detail is great. This was a joy to look at. Good work man!

B. Damn you for painting them so well I am late for a meeting and I blame you.


Thirdly, all kidding aside those are some great models, clean painting and good posing. Was wondering have you ever tried a red primer? I like the recipe for red that you have seems simple enough. Do you highlight the red at all?


Once again great work man!

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First off, those bloods are some of the finest I've seen ever. Love the cartoon-like painting style...




Thirdly, all kidding aside those are some great models, clean painting and good posing. Was wondering have you ever tried a red primer? I like the recipe for red that you have seems simple enough. Do you highlight the red at all?

Nope, I have never used red primer.


Nope, no highlighting on the red. My receipe creates a pretty good effect with minimum effort.

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The objective counters for team 'Blood Angel Blues' are finished.




As some of you may know, the theme for our 'Blood Angels' Adepticon Team Tournament team is our lamentation over the current state of our codex.


The counters are all symbolic.


The dead Bezerker symbolizes the loss of furious charge. The sword and book symbolizes the loss of useful psychic powers like FoD and FotA and the addition of the ridiculous Wings of Sanguinus psychic power (e.g. Other librarians can use their jump packs to get into combat AND use their force weapons. Blood Angels librarians no longer have this luxory.)


The dead Sanguinary High Priest symbolizes the loss of a unique IC that made the Blood Angels more than just space marines in red power armor. Also you may notice that the Sanguinary High Priest holds in his dead hand our beloved grail.


For many players, Blood Angel Scouts were once a favorite choice -heroes in carapace armor! As a Troop pick with both furious charge and infilitrate they were truly a terror on the battlefield. In the current codex Blood Angel Scouts have been relegated to guarding the carrying case or display case where they wait, forever unused. But heck, what are we whining about? Our Scouts now have strength 4 shotguns. ;)


The Scout represents the former glory of our Blood Angel Scouts and the teleport homer he stands besides represents a useful piece of wargear that was omitted from the current Blood Angel codex. Which if you ask me is very ironic. Now that we can field Terminators without fearing any pre-game losses to the Death Company, we have lost the means of guiding them safely onto the battlefield.


The last objective counter is a jumble of lost wargear: a librarian's jump pack & iron halo, bionics, purity seals, an auspex, a familiar, and a flamer that was once standard equipment for all of my Assault squads. Now I must either run VAS to get a mobile flamer or make due with overpriced plasma pistols in my RAS.


Thanks Jervis!

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I'm just gonna jump in here and steal some credit. As It was at least partially my original idea. Just refined alittle by Koyote. And as proof I over the following:




But the real poinbt is amazing...now I cant do them *wanders off to come up with a new idea.*

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Task Force Armageddon has returned from Adepticon. Team Blood Angel Blues didn't do as well as I had hoped, but we had a great time nonetheless. It was good seeing OMG and Steel Armadillo again, and great to finally meet (and play against) Morticon in person.


...Even if Mort is a bit of a lightweight. :P


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...and here I always pictured Mort as a skinny Asian kid in a dorm room somewhere! That deserves a LOL @ me. Didn't know you'd turn out to be my twin brother...well, minus the hair.


Oh, and all of the armies look great (props to OMG's marines, love that color scheme).

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;) Not fair is right. My Hero Chaplain Arrassmus is every immortalized on a tee shirt and Mort steals the image for his avatar. *shakes fist* Use your Mortphesticon image you dirty so-and-so!



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Wow I happy to see the final result of the one of the T's, looks great!

It's strange seeing my illustration on a t-shirt, but that t-shirt being worn by another person is just totally AWESOME! :wub:

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Yes, the t-shirts turned out fantastic! Each piece of artwork represented an aspect of one of our four Team Tournament armies.








Steel Armadillo







EDIT: Note to all members. This artwork was compliments of (well..by commissioned) our very own Nalro- from our forums. All credit to him!

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Best picture of the tournament. :tu:


Here you can see team Blood Angel Blues in action. OMG is in the foreground, moving up his speeders behind a wall of Death Company while Steel and Morticon, on the neighboring table, prepare to get their arses handed to them by some xenos scum. ;)



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Whaaat?!? What you mean you didnt notice !! :nuke:


OMG is the glasses wearing dude on the left, Steel is in the middle and the lanky guy with black hair on the right is me.


And we wont that game :huh: :P (just >_< ) 18/16 i think.

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Whaaat?!? What you mean you didnt notice !! :P


OMG is the glasses wearing dude on the left, Steel is in the middle and the lanky guy with black hair on the right is me.


And we wont that game :P :P (just >_< ) 18/16 i think.

Haha, well James isn't the only one, not to quite...uhh.... notice. :P So you are a tall lanky guy. -_-
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...So you are a tall lanky guy.


Yup, that's the guy.


And as you can see from this Adepticon photo, Mort is quite the ladies man. -_-


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That's it, Mort's been hanging out in Japan too long. *shudders*


Oh, and if those shirts were to ever go in the B&C shop, there might be a little demand for them. *wants BA terminator shirt* Replace BA Blues with B&C and presto.

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