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I am uncertain whether to paint the helmet white or red. The plan is to paint everything but the head, assemble the model, and then place the unpainted white helmet in place to see if the colors balance.



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Nice work as usual. Good to finally see more of your Blood Angel work. You have a very distinctive style. Very clean painting, very bold vivid colors. What line of paints do you use btw?


As far as the helmet, why not have the best of both worlds and put a stripe on the helmet? Either red helmet white stripe, or white helmet red stripe, both would look good.


Whatever you do will look good anyways.

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The model still needs armor chipping and perhaps a white icon of some sort on its right knee pad, but aside from that, it's done.


Brother Gregor, Sanguinary Priest, Guardian of the Book of Heroes









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Koyote, how are you going to represent the Death Mask effects on your "counts as" leader (edit) that you posted before the "counts as" Corbs ?

When you have fangs and a fearsome visage, who needs a death mask? http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i200/10011970/damion.gif



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When you have fangs and a fearsome visage, who needs a death mask?
This guy I reckon...

If Brother Captain Icarus is scary enough to make a certain South African wet his dress, then that's good enough for me. :P



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Death Mask for Icarus and his army of LoLCatz or no balls of twine for you!!




...That has got to be some of the best work I've ever seen. most DEFIANTLY on the same level of McVey and the like. You do this for a living? If not maybe you should.

Thank you for the kind words, but while my stuff is pretty good for table top quality, my techniques are rather basic, and in some instances, downright lazy. Consequently, I don't consider myself anywhere near Mike McVey's league.

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His painting's rubbish in real life. He does it all on Photoshop with a graphics tablet.. :cuss


Ignore that, it's just jealousy :thanks:

I've got no idea how he does it so fast or so well. Like so many great things, it looks easy 'til you try it yourself

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