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Task Force Armageddon


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Task Force Armageddon won Best Overall at the 2009 40K TSHFT.


I ended with 4 wins and a draw. I won an Imperial Guard Cadian Battleforce and 2 boxes of Cadian Shock Troops. About $150 worth of toys. Not bad. The models will serve as a nice foundation for my Sisters' inducted Imperial Guard. :D




I played Game One against a mech-Dark Angel army. The deployment was Dawn of War. The objective was to grab the three objective markers in your opponent's deployment zone, while denying your opponent his objective markers in your deployment zone. One additional battle points was earned for every unit an Elite unit destroyed. Two additional battle points were earned if that unit was a Troop choice.




Obviously outgunned, I moved my transports up to serve as barricades for my Tactical squads and dug-in while my opponent pounded me with shooting. Meanwhile my Death Company + Brother Captain Icarus (Dante) and moved up and crushed my opponent's right flank -classic hammer and anvil. A lucky hit from a lascannon that immobilized the Dark Angel Land Raider Crusader cinched the victory for me. I won, claiming two objectives to zero and thanks to my DC, earned an extra 5 battle points from the secondary objective.



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I played Game Two against a Pedro Kantor Space Marine army (painted in DA livery). The deployment zones were shaped like right triangles and located in opposite corners. Five objectives were placed on the table. One in each deployment zone and two in no-man's land. Three additional battle points were scored for the player that had the most surviving Fast Attack choices.


Initially I used my transports to shield the advance of my jump troops. My shooting kept his Vindicator's silent for most of the game. My Rhino was eventually destroyed (exploded) by shooting and my Razor was destroyed (exploded) by 5 Assault Terminators with thunder hammers and storm shields. Once my opponent committed his Terminators, I surrounded them, and to my surprise, gunned them down.





When my Attack-bike failed to hit the Land Raider with its multi-melta, Brother Captain Icarus (Dante) turned around and destroyed it (exploded) with his perdition pistol.





Pedro and his Sternguard assaulted my Tactical squad and annihilated it. Brother Captain Icarus (Dante) and the Death Company made short work of Dark Angel Pedro and his bodyguard. I won the game and scored 3 additional battle points for my surviving Attack Bike. His 3 Attack Bikes and Land Speeder Storm were smoking ruins.







I played Game Three against a Vulkan Salamanders army. The deployment was spearhead. The mission was kill points, with additional kill points awarded for destroying the 2nd and any subsequent monstrous creature and for vehicles with a total armor value greater than 50. Additional battle points were earned for each Heavy Support in your opponent's deployment zone at the end of the game.


This time I had the superior firepower, so I formed 'Fortress Blood Angel' in and around a large piece of area terrain and waited for my opponent to attack. My opponent hit me with a dreadnought in a drop pod, deep striking Land Speeders, a storm of fire from his Razorbacks, Attack Bikes, outflanking Scouts in a Land Speeder Storm, and eventually Vulkan + a Tactical squad in a Land Raider Redeemer. Because the Salamander's hit me piecemal, he could not overwhelm me. Once he was sufficiently weakened, I unleashed my counter-attack.





Thanks to rending the Death Company CAN hurt a Land Raider. :D


I won the game on turn five. I did not achieve my secondary objective because my Whirlwind was a smoking wreck and my Devs were a mile from my opponent's deployment zone.



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I played Game Four against a mech-IG army. The table was divided into three 24" x 48" rectangles. The deployment zones were the two rectangles on either end of the table. Reserves arrived via the long edges as normal. Three objective markers were placed on the table. One in the exact center and the other two ended up 12" to either side of the center objective. Two additional battle points were scored for each of your opponent's HQ you destroyed. Three if that HQ was a special character.


It was a disaster for me from the get-go. I won the roll off to pick sides and go first, but my opponent seized the initiative and caught my Devs out in the open. Next, the choice to only deploy 3 units (Devs, Tactical, & Whirlwind) bit me in the arse when none of my remaining units arrived on Turn 2. Overall, my die rolls were terrible. The net result was my force arriving bit-by-bit and getting blasted to pieces.


I lost a Tactical squad to shooting on Turn 2. My Devs lasted until Turn 4. My (scoring) Assault Squad arrived on Turn 3, but then took 3 casualties, failed its morale check and retreated off my board edge. My Whirlwind was seemingly loaded with confetti, not missiles.


When my DC finally arrived, it went balls-out and rushed the two of the three objectives. In concert with Brother Gregor (Corbulo) in Razor and a Tactical squad in a Rhino I contested all three objectives and eked out a draw on Turn 5. No additional battle points were earned by either player.


I forgot to take any photos of the game, which is too bad, because it was quite a game.




His Army List:

Creed + Chimera

5 Veteran Squads + Chimeras

2 Lemun Russ Battle Tanks

2 Hellhounds

1 Bane Wolf




I played Game Five on the top table against a VERY tough Ork opponent that had crushed his first four opponents. The deployment was spearhead. Four objective markers were placed on the table. Extra battle points were earned for every objective marker that was held by two scoring units. Two additional battle points were scored if a player destroyed all of his opponent's HQ choices.


Without a doubt, this was my toughest game. His army can deal out a massive amount of firepower and still retains the ability to overwhelm most opponents in hand-to-hand. Brother Captain Icarus (Dante) was crushed by a power claw early on. My DC did, however, manage to hold on and in concert with my Assault Squad and Corbulo, destroy 20 Storm Boyzs and 24 Trukk Boyz. The survivors, Gregor, 1 DC, and 4 RAS, fell back behind cover.





I won this game by the narrowest of margins on Turn 7. As you can see from this photo, the objective just below the forest is being held by the sole survivor of a Tactical squad and my RAS + Gregor (Corb) held a second objective. On Turn 6 my only remaining DC was sent to assault a 30 strong mob of Ork Shootas in order to pull them away from my objectives and to prevent the mob from stretching out and grabbing a second objective of its own. Miraculously the heroic Blood Angel in black survived the first turn of combat. He was eventually dragged down on Turn 7, but by then it was too late for the Orks. His deeds will be recorded in the Book of Heroes, for his sacrifice won me the game.



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Well played and thanks for the report - very good read.


Seems like the tables are a bit terrain sparse to me. I take it that the white blobs in game #1 represented something? I also take it that the paper rectangles are vehicles craters? The "Boom" is a nice touch.


Thanks again, -OMG

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Seems like the tables are a bit terrain sparse to me. I take it that the white blobs in game #1 represented something? I also take it that the paper rectangles are vehicles craters? The "Boom" is a nice touch.

Thanks. I tried to keep the Batreps short and sweet. I know how boring these sort of things can get.


The tan pieces of felt in Game #1 represented grasslands (area terrain 5+ cover save). The lower tables had more terrain than the higher tables, which is where I spent games #2-5. Also the terrain was fixed, so I could not place to my advantage. This made playing an assault infantry army challenging. Consequently, you can see from my reports that I was forced to use my transports, over and over, as a means to provide my advancing infantry cover.


Everyone had forgotten to bring their craters, so I used sheets of paper to represented "exploded" vehicles and walkers.

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My list (1850 pts):







Death Company x9



Assault Squad x10 powerfist & melta bombs

Tactical Squad x10 lascannon, melta gun, power fist

Razorback twin-linked heavy bolter

Tactical Squad x10 plasma cannon, melta gun, power fist

Rhino extra armor



Attack Bike 2 multi-meltas



Devastator Squad x10 2 lascannons, 2 missile launchers




As you can see, the list worked well. Dante & Corbulo are fricking heroes! In fact, so much so, that playing them together made me feel dirty at times. However, in Game #5, when I was up against a really good Ork player, the two just barely got the job done, so my conscience was assuaged.


Dante’s skills and equipment are amazing. I can’t believe I waited this long to play him. His perdition pistol killed a land raider and immobilized a second in another game.


Corbulo’s exsanguinator saved many a marine and frustrated my opponent to no end. Giving my RAS and Danted strength 5 worked wonderfully. Corb spent most of the games using the Razor as his private limo.


My DC were the backbone of my army. Oddly enough, with the exception of my assault on the land raider, they just couldn’t seem to rend. Thanks to Dante, I would score bucket loads of hits, but when I rolled my dice to wound, often times, only a single six would appear. Sometimes I wouldn’t even get that. Strange.


At 10 marines each, my Tactical squads had enough bodies to take a lot of punishment and, in most cases, hold their objective.


Similarly, the squad size of my RAS gave them the robustness to survive a good kicking and hold on until end game to use their speed and mobility to hold an objective. Priceless! I just wish that they could have a flamer. Stupid Jervis! :)


Attack bikes equipped with multi-meltas are always a great choice. I typically held these in reserve. This allowed me to bring them onto the table wherever their particular abilities were the most useful. In each game the attack bikes performed a seemingly small role, but the consequences of their actions had profound effects on the games as a whole. In Game #1 I used them as bait to threaten a Land Raider. My opponent responded to them by disembarking a Tactical squad from a Rhino and assaulting the bikes. This distracted my opponent from his own objectives and once my RAS destroyed that unit my opponent’s ability to win the game was essentially over. In Game #2 they immobilized a Vindicator. This restricted its field of fire and left me free to focus on my opponent’s right flank. The attack bike survived until the end of the game to claim me 3 extra battle points for having the only remaining FA choice on the table. In Game #4 my attack bikes ended the rampage of a Bane Wolf. The surviving member of the squadron then moved to the rear of a Chimera and destroyed it. This forced the (scoring) Vets inside to make an emergency disembarkation. The pinned unit was then an easy target for my DC. In Game #5 my attack bikes destroyed an Ork battlewagon (thus exposing the Mech and Grots inside to certain death) and then zoomed away to destroy my opponent’s Lobba battery in H2H.


At 300 points my Devs were quite an investment. However, what they shot at died. Like the Orks before them, mech IG has shifted the meta-game. And players that don’t modify their lists with the changing times do so at their own peril.


The Whirlwind, while not always so useful against MEqs, is an invaluable weapon against other opponents. And in a tournament setting, where you don’t know which armies you will be playing against, the 85 points is a great insurance policy. I’ve played games against MEqs where the Whirlwind didn’t fire a shot, but instead zoomed around the table, contesting objectives. And since it didn’t appear to my opponents to pose an immediate threat, it was typically ignored until end game, when it was too late.

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im curious Koyote, did you combat squad any of your units?

Game #2 was the only game where I divided a Tactical squad into combat squads. Five remained behind to protect my home objective. The other five served as Corbulo's bodyguard and rode with him in a Razorback. It was also the only game in which I divided my RAS into combat squads.



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  • 6 months later...

Taskforce Armageddon is getting a face lift and a lot of new models.


For starters, the first of two Sanguinary Priests:








The new list incorporates an Honor Guard and a Razorback transport. And since the twin-linked heavy flamer option is free for Blood Angels, I figured I'd give it a try. However, since there are no GW or FW twin-linked heavy flamer upgrades for Razors, I made my own using the Razor turret and the heavy flamers from the Immolator kit.


The Razor still needs BA bling, but that will come later.








I reversed the weapon on the circular mounting to give me a half-inch extra range over the other configuration and to put the two holes at the rear of the weapon, so I could run my fuel lines down into the vehicle.



And finally, Assault Terminators. :rolleyes:





I created the blood drops for my terminators using my very first reverse green-stuff mold. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. :)


The source of my impression was a raised blood drop on one of the new DC shoulder pads.





Still more to come...

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Hope you dont mind me asking any particular reason why your taking so many thunderhammers in your termi squad.

Thunder hammers are great problem solvers.


Big bugs? Check.


Monstrous creatures? Check.


Dreadnoughts? Check.


CC monster ICs? Check.


FNP Nob squad? Check.


Mech? Check.


My IF Assault Terminators once took out 3 IG tanks in a single assault. That'll teach him to pack em in so tightly. :)


In addition, a 2+/3+/4+ FNP is pretty darn resilient. Tough enough to make even a Space Wolf cry. :rolleyes:

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1) To replace all current shoulder pads with molded shoulder pads


2) To add holstered pistols and grenades to Tacts and Devs


3) To replace the current lascannon model with the new 'from-the-hip' style lascannon model


4) To replace all current DC & Chappy jump packs with new molded DC backpacks


5) To replace current BA Librarian with new Libby with wings


6) To replace current Rhinos/Razors with new, better painted models


7) Add new units to army (Baal, Honor Guard, Terminators, DC Rhino, etc.)


8) To replace all yellow helmets with a variety of new styles and a new yellow paint scheme


9) To replace current Sanguinary Priest with new SP


10) To have it all painted in time for the Labor Day 40K TSHFT tournament.

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who called the necromancer? id like to have words with him!


welcome back m8, nice to see your models (and you yourself ;)) havent gone the way of the dodo yet :) im not familiar with this labour day....when is it exactly? just so i know just how much im supposed to "encourage" you with my good friend hanky the pokingstick over here ;)

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Great stuff and as usual your models and skill are tops. Thanks for the reports. Look forward to more as your army is reborn.
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Item #3, replace the current lascannon model with the new 'from-the-hip' style lascannon model







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Item #5, replace current BA Librarian with new Libby with wings


My "Alas, poor Yorick" Mortifactor librarian is now a Blood Angel. The model is still WIP. I need to green-stuff his upper right arm. Additionally, if and when GW sends me my "pre-order," I intend to replace his jump pack with a winged jump pack. Sanguinius was one of the most psychically gifted Primarchs, so I think that the winged pack will serve as a nice way to reinforce this connection between librarian and primogenitor.






The right wrist is bent slightly putting the sword in a slight pointing position. That I need to fix as well.



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"o Romeo o Romeo, how shalst i smite thee Romeo" ;) nice conversion m8 :P is he trying to probe the skull though? :) doesent seem like he can gain much information from it anymore...to me anyway :P
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"o Romeo o Romeo, how shalst i smite thee Romeo" :) nice conversion m8 :) is he trying to probe the skull though? :huh: doesent seem like he can gain much information from it anymore...to me anyway

Right author, wrong play. :lol:


Oh, and what the librarian is doing is called "psychometry."



psy·chom·etry (sī käm′ə trē)


1. the hypothesized ability to obtain knowledge about an object, or about a person connected with it, through contact with the object



Either that or the librarian is talking to Wilson. B)



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