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So, a couple of people were asking for a squad pic, but with the lack of power-packs I was a bit hesitant. In the end I've taken a quick squad pick and also made some comparison pics to make up for the deficiencies of the squad pic.








The new scheme and the 'March of the Legions' scheme.



Progress report. One of the first Emperor's Children I painted vs one of the Sons of Horus. It's good to see some clear development.



The Son of Horus and one of my Emperor's Children airbrush test minis.



XXth and XVIth Legions.






  On 4/27/2018 at 6:15 PM, Bluedoo said:

Congratulations, you should be proud and your work is great. Keep it up!

Thanks a lot bro!


  On 4/28/2018 at 3:17 AM, ranman8 said:




  On 4/26/2018 at 1:06 AM, ranman8 said:

These all look amazing! Id love to know how you do your bases... If you've explained it already I apologize, but they look SO GOOD.

Thanks a lot, dude! The bases are painted with a mix of Troll Slayer Orange, Rhinox Hide, and Flash Gitz Yellow at about 8/2/1. I then use some Agrax Earthshade to darken the recesses. Next I add some white to the original mix for the the dry-brushed highlights. Painting bases is the only time I use dry-brushing... I usually add about two or three highlight stage. To finish it off I used some Aged Rust weathering powder from Forge World in the recesses to create a dusty look.

I'm going to go to the hobby shop tomorrow to see if I can find an alternative to the original mix. Life would be much easier if I could use a single colour rather than mixing three paints together every time I paint a base.


Please keep us updated!


I've had a look and the closest I could find was Kalahari Orange from Scale-colour. I haven't tried it yet, but I recon it should be pretty good.



  On 4/28/2018 at 12:52 PM, Lord Commander Eidolon said:

Great stuff mate! Glad to see you got featured on the Official Instagram!


I'm liking the sneaky use of the backpack, you probably shouldn't have admitted that..... I do hope you go Jump Packs, these guys look a little too badass to be footsloggers.....

Thanks bro! Hahaha, I had to mention it otherwise there'd be no excuse for holding off on group pics... 







Thanks for looking ;)

Beautiful! I've long considered Sons of Horus allies next to my Alpha Legion, suspecting it would look more dashing than a man with diarrhoea doing a 60m dash to a toilet, and I was right!

Congrats on getting featured by Games Workshop; that's very cool.


The squad you posted looks mean. I'm a loyalist through and through but there is something appealing about the Sons of Horus. They had the reputation as one of the toughest legions during the Great Crusade for a reason. Beautiful work.

Congrats for Instagram Kizz ! ;)


Those might be the better sons of horus squad that I've seen so far ! Great job all around man. Your EC was already incredible but I can't wait to see theme on the same level as those Sons !



The next three Sons of Horus are ready for their highlights and details :smile.:









I hope you like how they're looking :)


  On 4/29/2018 at 4:48 PM, DuskRaider said:

So impressive, man... I'm glad to see the XXth again, if only for a comparison. You have a knack for just making colors pop.

Thanks a lot! I'm looking forward to getting back to painting some Alpha Legion when I get my hands on Alpharius and some Lernaeans.


  On 4/29/2018 at 4:55 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Congrats on the FW site feature! 

And that squad... Incredible work! Very inspiring, for which you have my thanks! Carry on, good sir! 

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like the Sons of Horus squads.


  On 4/29/2018 at 5:58 PM, Pearson73 said:

They look fantastic as a group.

Thanks a lot!


  On 4/30/2018 at 2:17 PM, hushrong said:

That squad pic has me licking my lips! They are looking too rad to handle!

Glad you like them! Hopefully they'll look even better once they're all finished.


  On 4/30/2018 at 2:19 PM, ChazSexington said:

Beautiful! I've long considered Sons of Horus allies next to my Alpha Legion, suspecting it would look more dashing than a man with diarrhoea doing a 60m dash to a toilet, and I was right!

Hahahaha, that's pretty dashing! Yeah, the Sons of Horus and Alpha Legion colours look pretty good together.


  On 4/30/2018 at 3:05 PM, Shovellovin said:

Congrats on getting featured by Games Workshop; that's very cool.


The squad you posted looks mean. I'm a loyalist through and through but there is something appealing about the Sons of Horus. They had the reputation as one of the toughest legions during the Great Crusade for a reason. Beautiful work.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like how the Sons are looking.


  On 4/30/2018 at 5:52 PM, malcharion said:

Congrats for Instagram Kizz ! :wink:


Those might be the better sons of horus squad that I've seen so far ! Great job all around man. Your EC was already incredible but I can't wait to see theme on the same level as those Sons !



Thanks a lot mate! Glad you like the Sons of Horus squad, and I'm looking forward to painting up some more Emperor's Children too.





Thanks for looking ;)

These Sons of Horus are quickly becoming my new favorite models from you (beating out the Alpha Legion, which I thought would continue to stay at no.1). Looking forward to seeing more, and maybe some HQ models too!

AWWW SNAP! Loving each update your post!



Really have to hand it to you on taking all these bits and making them just work for the Sons of Horus. I for one would not have thought that with some work the Thousand Sons bits could look so good for the XVI.

  On 5/3/2018 at 9:55 AM, Vairocanum said:

These Sons of Horus are quickly becoming my new favorite models from you (beating out the Alpha Legion, which I thought would continue to stay at no.1). Looking forward to seeing more, and maybe some HQ models too!

Thanks a lot bro! I'm really enjoying working on the Sons of Horus and I'd definitely agree that they're technically much better than my Alpha Legion and Emperor's Children :tu:


  On 5/3/2018 at 12:41 PM, hushrong said:

AWWW SNAP! Loving each update your post!



Really have to hand it to you on taking all these bits and making them just work for the Sons of Horus. I for one would not have thought that with some work the Thousand Sons bits could look so good for the XVI.

Thanks bro! Yeah, it's surprising how many different Legion kits work well with the Sons of Horus. I recon the Blood Angel heads, Iron Hand torsos and heads, Alpha Legion heads, World Eater heads and torsos, and the Death Guard torsos would all work well for the Sons of Horus :)




Thanks for looking ;)

  On 5/4/2018 at 1:54 PM, Kizzdougs said:


  On 5/3/2018 at 9:55 AM, Vairocanum said:

These Sons of Horus are quickly becoming my new favorite models from you (beating out the Alpha Legion, which I thought would continue to stay at no.1). Looking forward to seeing more, and maybe some HQ models too!

Thanks a lot bro! I'm really enjoying working on the Sons of Horus and I'd definitely agree that they're technically much better than my Alpha Legion and Emperor's Children :thumbsup:


I think the Sons of Horus are more interesting because they read as actual individuals (and from a techno-barbarian culture, at that) whereas the AL legionaries are, for obvious reasons, more faceless and interchangeable. That being said, it's baffling how each of your projects ends up being even more spectacular than the last ;)

Three more Sons of Horus nearly finished. I've built the bases and am just waiting for the glue to dry before I start painting them.











  On 5/4/2018 at 2:29 PM, KrautScientist said:


  On 5/4/2018 at 1:54 PM, Kizzdougs said:


  On 5/3/2018 at 9:55 AM, Vairocanum said:

These Sons of Horus are quickly becoming my new favorite models from you (beating out the Alpha Legion, which I thought would continue to stay at no.1). Looking forward to seeing more, and maybe some HQ models too!

Thanks a lot bro! I'm really enjoying working on the Sons of Horus and I'd definitely agree that they're technically much better than my Alpha Legion and Emperor's Children :thumbsup:


I think the Sons of Horus are more interesting because they read as actual individuals (and from a techno-barbarian culture, at that) whereas the AL legionaries are, for obvious reasons, more faceless and interchangeable. That being said, it's baffling how each of your projects ends up being even more spectacular than the last :wink:


Yeah, I've definitely put a lot more effort into individualising the Sons of Horus. I did want to keep things pretty uniform/simple for the Alpha Legion and they do look good as a force but individually they are a bit boring (even though it is totally appropriate for the Legion). 

Well, I've learned a few skills recently and I've made the conscious decision to try to put the effort in with this project :)





Thanks for looking ;)

Again, absolutely fantastic. I am running out of superlatives here...


What stands out about this latest batch is the excellent use of SoH decals, especially on the second guy. And the Marine with the dual pistol setup looks like someone you wouldn't want to mess with...


The next three Sons of Horus are finished :)





















A comparison between the two different basing colours. Kalahari Orange on the right.









  On 5/5/2018 at 12:22 PM, Isinfier said:

Everytime I come to check in on this thread I find something even more delightful than the last time. Keep up the amazing work man!

Thanks a lot for the support, bro! :tu:


  On 5/5/2018 at 3:39 PM, KrautScientist said:

Again, absolutely fantastic. I am running out of superlatives here...


What stands out about this latest batch is the excellent use of SoH decals, especially on the second guy. And the Marine with the dual pistol setup looks like someone you wouldn't want to mess with...

Hahaha, thanks bro! Glad you like the use of the decals. I wish I had used a smaller decal on the plastron of the second legionary. I think a smaller version of the same decal might have worked a bit better. 


  On 5/5/2018 at 10:17 PM, Bluedoo said:

Love the decals. Will you be using any of the Sons of Horus upgrade heads? I'd love to see what you could do with those as well!

Thanks! I might use son of the SoH upgrade heads, but I'm not the biggest fan of most of them. On the whole I prefer my own modified helmets, but some of the SoH bits are pretty nice.


  On 5/6/2018 at 1:49 AM, hushrong said:

Another superb looking group of Sons of Horus!

Thanks a lot, bro!





Thanks for looking ;)

Here are the group pictures that people have been asking for. I finally managed to get all of the jump-packs painted yesterday, so here they are. I hope you like them :)


































I hope you all like how they turned out :)





  On 5/6/2018 at 5:32 PM, DuskRaider said:

First dude looks wicked menacing... perfection!

Thanks a lot, bro! Yeah, that legionnaire is one of my favourites from the squad :tu:


  On 5/8/2018 at 10:43 AM, Radiation said:

Good work you're doing!

Thanks, dude!


  On 5/8/2018 at 12:17 PM, hushrong said:

The latest batch of the Sons of Horus is fantastic. However, that double-pistol fisting marine is the bees knees in my eyes. Just love the look of him.

Thanks a lot, dude! Yeah, he is pretty great :biggrin.: that's why he got a little trophy on his jump-pack.






Thanks for looking ;)

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