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Olis last won the day on June 8 2017

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    Wiltshire, England



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  1. Aye, I am the originator of "choom" (I came up with it and others ran with it, though I will confess to milking it for all it was worth). I kinda wanted some kind of sci-fi onomatopoeia that wasn't simply just "pew-pew-pew". That was for lasers. Volkites are death rays, not lasers. ;) Also, to address the when of it - I believe it was 2015 when I first posted it up - possibly in a rumours thread? I'll see if I can dig up the actual post when I get home from work. (I am still stoked at the idea that A D-B canonized it!)
  2. Lovely titans, brother! I think you're doing well with the colour schemes - they look like they should be in a battle report. :tu:
  3. Gorgeous! I wish mine were half as good. ^_^
  4. Alright, here's some food for thought: If we swap plants for something else, then what big, ogre-y things are out there that we could take inspiration from? Most big animals that I can think of (Elephants, Rhinos, Giant Sloths, Megalodons, certain large dinosaurs...) tend to have pretty big tusks/horns/claws/teeth/etc (delete as applicable). So maybe these big ogre-y alien sorcerers have bone-like exo-skeletons and/or weapons. Maybe they're relatively 'normal' except for the bloody giant set of gnashers on them. Maybe they have super-impressive horns. Just, you know, steer away from obvious Tyranid undertones. :wink:
  5. Challenge accepted. I think I might try to add to the Gravewalkers by writing about their Homeworld/Recruitment. It'll have to be something short and sweet, I gotta go to a party later tonight. It's certainly subject to change, given the short period of time this has been initially written, and C&C is always welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With no known homeworld, it is surmised that the Gravewalkers actually operate from a dispersed fleet. Elements of their forces rarely operate en masse, with few sightings reporting more than a single squadron of vessels, leading Inquisitors such as Master Atronr and Gaelius Marque to give conservative estimates of the size of the renegade force. Of course, such conclusions lead to further theories which may or may not be true - the likes of body-snatching, gene-seed theft and dark pacts are commonly laid at the feet of the Gravewalkers. ++Single pict capture of the hijacked cruiser Orion's Hammer. Currently presumed to be the Gravewalkers flagship++ While the events of the Grythian Harrrowing and the Artanias Incursions appear to lend credence to the theory that the Gravewalkers recruit through snatching children, Inquisitor Atronr has himself pointed to the fact that the perpetrators were never positively identified, even though the Gravewalkers were known to be in the vicinity. Dissected corpses of known members of the Gravewalkers point to standard primaris astartes physiology, implying that the Gravewalkers were not consorters of Chaos. This, in turn - as Inquisitor Marque asserts - would suggest that they use standard Imperial processes to augment and produce recruits to their organisation. It is perhaps of little surprise to the Gravewalkers themselves that few could believe that their numbers are sustained, at least in part, by the populace of the ships they operate. Piracy and reaving are, of course, a means to an end but don't fully supplant the controlled and exploitable masses below decks. In times of hardship, recruits from the crew families have sustained the Gravewalkers where no other source of manpower can be had.
  6. Hail brothers. It's been too long. Yeah, my messages inbox is a little full, even more so now that I am currently a retired Mod, not an actual one. So, how are things going? Anyone fancy giving me some cliff-notes? ^_^
  7. It's chooom. For me "chooom is the soumd of the graviton mines from Boba Fett. Remember, when I first devised the whole 'choom' sound, it was intended to be onomatopoeic. That said, both of these depictions - the 'pang' (as I recall them) of Fett's mines and the 'squeal' description from MoM - can more or less coexist in the grey area of fan interpretation. The canon depictions so far don't really take Volkites in a drastically different direction to what we visualise already but, as we all know, canon is a very mutable thing. At least, so far, 'Choom' can be considered canonical. What exactly that noise is, is up to you. It definitely isn't 'pew pew pew', though. That's the blasters from Star Wars.
  8. Guess who's back, baby!
    1. Brother Tyler

      Brother Tyler

      Colonel Sanders?
  9. They do not trust Outsiders and do not care for others looking into the Chapter. There's that, too. :lol:
  10. I may have been gone for a while but I'm back to check what I've missed - I am not disappointed, brother. Glorious work! :tu:
  11. It may be a little bit of an ass-pull but how about... Prophecy? Omens? My thoughts about it were that, if we need a majority rejection (not that we REALLY do, it's just a preliminary list), then we'd have to have one or two that bucked assumptions. That said I'm always looking for a better narrative. ;)
  12. Interesting idea, Dizzy - I hadn't considered that.
  13. Noted, brother. List amended. :tu:
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