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About this blog

Yes, the name is boring (I'm bad at naming things:sweat:). 


This is my attempt to keep myself on task with the hobby and showcase projects without having to create a new WIP thread for each one. 


For those of you familiar with my projects in the barracks and forge I intend to keep both of those updated as I post here as well. 


My intention is that by having everything all in one place I can help combat the absolutely glacial pace of my updates to the B&C. 


Armies to expect: 

  • Imperial Guard
  • Imperial Militia
  • Inquisition
  • Space Marines (40K)
  • Iron Hands (30K)
  • Alpha Legion (30K)
  • Necrons (maybe)
  • Whatever other madness or project I dream up between writing this and when you see it on the blog 


So without further ado..... 

Entries in this blog

Terminator Squad

I picked up the new multi part terminators a while back, I have to say it is a great kit.    I am very happy they didn't tweak the design really and just upscaled the old models.   I have done a bit of magnetising so that the sergeant can have a power sword or power fist, and the ranged weapon arms on the gunner are all interchangeable (the holes in the arms are great, no drilling needed for the most part). Now I just need to find the smaller magnets I have somewhere so I can


Harrowmaster in Swords of Fire

Krieg Command Squad

I have kitbashed a command squad for my Krieg out of the plastic box.    The standard bearer:   Medic:   Meltagunner:    And a Master of Ordnance:   Not pictured is the officer, who is a resin mini from Anvil. I'll try grab one of him later. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Salamander Progress

I have made some more progress on the Salamander Command vehicle:      The top heavy bolter is from the old heavy weapons squad while the hull heavy flamer is from the chimera chassis vehicles.    The plasticard in the back is a platform so that the crew can access the heavy bolter. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Salamander command vehicle

Using the left over chimera chassis from the basilisk kit I have started a Command Salamander for the Cadian 223rd Artillery. It's early days but coming along well. The Sloped armour pieces are the top plates from the Leman Russ sponsons while the long pieces with the dip are the spare plates that come in every chimera chassis vehicle kit that sit on the back of the platform.    


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Militia earthshaker progress

More work has been done on the earthshaker carriage.      It's coming along quite nicely I think, Not pictured are the tow hooks on the front, underneath the gun, I'll try nab a photo of it from that angle later. 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Militia gun carriage

I have started work on an earthshaker carriage conversion for the militia.    It's ambitious, taking the track units of a taurox and lots of plasticard, I plan to put the platform from the basilisk on top of these.   


Harrowmaster in Militia

Militia Sentinel

I completed a multi melta sentinel for the militia today.   The multi melta is the sentinel heavy flamer with the melta barrels from the Leman Russ sponson.   


Harrowmaster in Militia

MIlitia Lineup

I brought the full militia collection out last weekend.    With the 2.0 changes the force needs a bit of an overhaul and it was easy to figure out once it was all laid out in front of me.    I've removed the plasma guns from my grenadiers and swapped them for volkite culverins.    I need to fill out the command cadre now that they can't all have heavy stubbers.    I have five of the old metal stormtroopers which I might use as either part of a lasrifle com


Harrowmaster in Militia

Grenadier WIP

I've started mocking up a volkite culverin grenadier to really take advantage of Armoury of old Night and Legacy of the Great Crusade.     I have enough bits for four of these guys, two in each lasrifle grenadier squad.    This is a tempestus scion body with man portable heavy weapon arms (armoured) and a heavy ion blaster from Anvil Industry. I wanted something distinct from the typical volkite culverin to represent a local pattern of the weapon. 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Field Gun Completion

I finally got the Kalliope Mortars for the militia assembled.      The crews' heads were swapped but most of the conversion work came from cutting off the foot panels on each side of the tow bar. I don't like the guy sitting right behind the gun so I may convert and add another crew member for both of these at a later date. 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Earthshaker Carriage WIP

I started preparing an Earthshaker Carriage conversion for my militia.      I'm putting the platform from the basilisk onto the track units from the taurox. This isn't actually glued, it's more of a proof of concept. I have plasticard I'm going to use to add an undercarriage and body to the platform (which will be the tricky bit). 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Militia Field Gun

A bit of progress on the militia today, I got a field gun with kalliope mortar assembled.    I made a few minor alterations; taking off the foot rests and the mounts for the tv screen; which I feel improve the overall look of the model.    Now I need to make some adjustments to the crew.   


Harrowmaster in Militia

Legion Command Squad

I finally got around to making a decent start on the jetbike command squad for my Iron Hands A WIP shot:      And the final product     The old resin mark three torsos are a bit smaller than the mark six ones that come with the kit, particularly around the waist. Some greenstuff will be needed to fill in a few gaps, but overall it works pretty well.  Edit: Spelling.


Harrowmaster in Varantis

Did someone say new army?

Well, it didn't take that long for me to add another project    Here's the first mini for a burgeoning Solar Auxilia force.     This is a plasma gunner for a companion section in the command tercio, the antenna behind his head is from the vox interlock.   Parts list (all Anvil): Gothic void torso (plain back) Field radio Gothic void helmet Void suit arms (rifle stock) Ion rifle Void suit legs   Edit: Spelling.   

Anvil additions

I've started working my way through the pile of resin from Anvil   First up is a discipline master      This is the Iron Corps officer model, which comes with a choice of head; the one shown above or a pickelhaube with mustache. I really like this sculpt as he stands out from the regular infantry but with the armoured and cloth textures he'll fit in with the rest of the force (particularly when painted).    Next up is an ogryn boss:      This


Harrowmaster in Militia

Bits Haul

A very brief update:    I ordered a large number of bits from Anvil Industry last weekend and they have now arrived.    Stay tuned to see what I do with them.   


Harrowmaster in Misc

Militia Brute

A small militia update, I've been working on a counts as brute squad using the ambot models. They're big and armoured and look sufficiently advanced to fit in with armoury of old night.   


Harrowmaster in Militia

Space Marine Officer

Two entries in one day (don't get used to this pace please).  I picked up the Space Marine Masters of the Chapter when they went on MtO at the end of last year so here's the first one I have done up (mostly). I need a fancier backpack than what he came with. The head is the plastic MK2 one from the new heresy tank commander.      I'll probably use him as a captain but I have no idea which company he'll be assigned to.  My space marine chapter is a homebrew one called the S

Forge Lord

Here's a custom forge lord for my heresy era Iron Hands:     The body is a cyborg prime body from Kromlech (I actually got this as a freebie in an order for other bits). The servo harness is from Anvil Industry (it's the exo lord scale mechanical arm conversion kit). The axe is from the space marine assault squad and the arm holding it is from the current MK3 kit. The right shoulder pad is from a plastic heresy kit (I think the MK3 but could be MK4). The head, nemesis bolter and


Harrowmaster in Varantis

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