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About this blog

A blog showing and showcasing the various models of my collection and pile of shame while I progressively paint/repaint/update them. 


Inc. WIP, completed projects and, I hope, the models in action back on table tops (after a gaming break other the past 3 editions).

Entries in this blog

A Vypers' nest

Hi folks,   The Vyper has been a very emblematic Eldar (a.k.a. Aeldarii) vehicle for a long time now. 1996, as per the date marked on the sprue of the one I assembled and painted recently. My 3rd one. While reading through some recent rumours related topics, the theme of the Vyper has been evoked. More precisely the need for a redesign/revisit of the venerable model. Nice topic. I do like wishlisting too.   Yet, is it a topic really? It does not really matter how st


Bouargh in Aeldarii

CTA2024 - First and second vows in the Xeno Forum

Hi Folks,   After painting most of what I though I could in the Imperium forum, I added 2 almost "last minute" vows in the Xeno Forum: - 5 Incubis and their objective marker - for 5 or maybe 6 pts - the Yncarne   No surprise, these are a way to increase my Asuryanis though Ynnari faction play. See previous entry and probably some future ones too.   In both cases I aligned my scheme on the ones promoted on GW boxes. I am chronically lacking of creativity (t


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

Why play Ynnari?

Hi Folks.   There are as much reasons to choose and play an army than players. Or maybe not that much but a least a serious amount. So I will not pretend listing them all or even pretending covering the main ones. I will instead stick to a selfish and auto-centered exercise on why did I choose to build up an Ynnari force. I am not really an Eldar guy. I liked them and even started gathering an army in 96. I bought and stored some models, essentially after recovering some guar


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Call to Arms 2024 - 2nd vow progress report

Hi Folks,   A very rapid update of my progress on my second vow. The Attaché and the plasma containers were completed earlier this month; the same with de Sydonian dragoons. All of these were all done in a quite a decent amount of time. But I am struggling a little bit more with the Serberys units. Yet, after a rainy WE, I've got some time to progress. Mounts are now all done for the Raider and the Sulphurhound units.     The cyberhorses were done exactly qs th


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

A personal insight on Slap Chop applied to scenery

Hi folks,   I tried in the past to use the Slap Chop technique on Aeldari guardians. It has not been that convincing. Lack of practice? Misunderstanding of the basics of the techniques? Lack of talent? (I personaly vote for the 3 of these).  I am anyway a little bit stubborn, so I decided to go back traying to apply it. This time on big models: the KT Plasma Generatorium.   Looked like being a fun idea at principle. This is what I´ve learned.   1. You need a pr


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 3

Hi Folks,   As a continuation of my previously home cooked Datasheet for HHE era units that I would see in the Era Indomitus setting, here comes 2 additional contributions. The Abeyant The Krios   in a previous instalment of this blog, I short listed these 2 as potential candidate for basically 2 reasons: existenc of illuestrations that may suppoirt the inclusion of the Abeyant and statement in the HH rules that the Krios bariants were seen as part of the Skitari


Bouargh in House rules

August hobby projects - a progress update for CTA & 12 Months of Hobby

Hi Folks,   As we reach mid of August soon: it is time to get an update on my pledges for both challenges. Shared pledges in fact, at least partially.   I indeed vowed for 12MoH 2 Ironstriders and 2 Plasma Generatorium while enlisting in CTA24 5as a second vow) the very same items plus - Serberys and 1 Attaché.   So how does it goes so far? I, of course, started by the stuff pledged for August in 12MoH. I am currently making some paint tests on the Generatorums but


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

Call to Arms 2024 - 1st vow complete

I Folks,   After a small break to recover my sanity after almost completed Pteraxii decided to take q shades bath (leading to a full stripping and repaint for 2 of these bat-cyborg-men) I finally completed my vow. It took me quite much time than usual in fact. But these Serberys and Pteraxii are really really requiring calm and concentration for... everything - from painting to assembly to detailling... The final result is OK, the models are gorgeous but it is definitively not a C


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 2

Hi Folks,   As fantasied in a previous instalment of this blog, I tried to play to the "What-if HH minis were introduced in the 40K SKitarii setting" game.     I short listed the potential candidates, and, after cooking some rules adaptation I reached a point where some custom datasheet can be shared. Without pretention.   The design process has been anything but playtested. I indeed started with a kind of rule of 3, leading to start from the diferencial perfi


Bouargh in House rules

Call to Arms 2024 - 5th progress report

Hi folks,   I will not make it. My target of completing the last unots of my CTA24 first vow before end of week will not be achievable. Current temp rise and high humidity make any painting or modelling attempt catastrophical. paint dries on the brush and in the pot once opened, gets thick, crackle while drying...    Anyway, I have been able to complete the painting of the separated items of the Skitarii just before this hot summer time really appeared, so I have been le


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

Call to Arms 2024 - 4th progress report

Hi Folks,    It has been a busy week. I managed to progress quite a lot on my pledge, although it is not yet 100% completed.   At the moment I can had to the rooster the 3 Serberys and the Manipulus. The latter was supposed to be the last miniature to be painted but in the end it took over the Pteraxii.   The Raiders were configured in the standard tooling for a unit of 3: sticking to the manual. I have some others on their way and when I will expand the gang, the 3


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era?

Alongside the elite Skitarii regiments, whose allegiance and command was owed ultimately to Mars, and the Collegia Titanica, which comprised the planet-shattering Titan Legions, both of which organisations operated separate military traditions of their own, the Taghmata formed the great trinity, the ‘Triad-Magna’, of the Mechanicum’s power during the Great Crusade. Besides these three there stood the ‘lesser’ independent and allied divisions of the Mechanicum such as the Knight Houses, the Ord


Bouargh in House rules

Call to Arms 2024 - 3rd progress report

Hi Folks,    After 5 weeks of challenge, and a welcomed holiday break, I am back to the brushes since last week. these past 10 days I managed to have some progress, although less lighting fast than it isued to be last year at the same period in the previous challenge. But, hay, it is an endurance run afterall, and I may eventually boost up my productivity latter.   I started with the Serberys mounts. I have been excesively enthusiatic and I did not consider prepainting a


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

A look in the Rear Mirror - A comparison between releases from last 2 KT seasons

Hi folks,   As we are at dawn of a new season for KT, it is eventually interesting taken a rear-view mirror into the past 2 seasons. Indeed, they have been quite commented due to their differences, at least in some circles where I evolve. General comments, hot and lives, tended to underline a degradation of the delivered content once comparing the Bheta-Decima Season with the Gallow Dark one. Let´s see if it fits.   KT as it looked in Gallow Dark   First r


Bouargh in Review

Joint Progress Report - CTA24 and 12 Months of Hobby

Hi Folks,   I had a dream, a dream where I could enlist different stuff for CTA24 and the 12 Months challenge. It will remain a dream. Time being what it is, a rare and limited ressource, I had no choice than enlist a comon entry for the 2 challenges in July. This common entry is the Negavolt Cultist unit (x 10), to be used as a proxy for Electropriests. I will call them Corpuscarii Zealots. They are designed as something inbetween the electrofists and the power staff, so, up


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

12 Months of Hobby - A plodding along completion

Hi Folks,   For this year endurance challenge of 12 months of hobby I enlisted a Plodding Along vow that is now complete     The vow consisted into:   1 x Moroch set 1 x Necromunda Market 1 x ooP Fronteris Killzone 1 x Bheta Decima set 1 x Ork Workshop   The work started with the old KilZone - Sector Fronetris. A bargain at 80€. It defined the main colours for the rest of the stuff as the plan was to develop a compete and


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Call to Arms 2024 - 1st vow and progress report

Hi Folks,   CtA 2024 has been launch and it is time to set a first progress report.   For the moment, I decided to focus on my AdMech. This New Year New Army project started in 2023 still need to be strengthened. My first pledge is therefore oriented i order to egt some supporting troops that were missing on the rooster. The pledged models are:   1 Admech Patrol box inc. 1 Manipulus (5pts), 3 Serberis (6 points), 10 Skitarii (10 points) and 5 Pteraxii (5 points) -


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 3

Hi folks,   After last post presentation of the HW squads, we left the story to a point where I was left with the Truck and 11 bodies to be kitbashed.   The Truck, as a proxy Taurox, does not require much work: weapon system is dual autocannon, as the genuine model, and removing the cult emblems and adding some Imperium symbols was not a big deal. The same with swapping the machine gun for a sanctionned stormbolter (after all these kit bashed are supposed to be SW auxillaries


Bouargh in Not GSC

Necromunda market completed

Hi folks,   After 5 months and a half, I finally completed my Plodding along vow. Last part was the Necromunda market. This set was initially selected in order to represent a sumptown or refugee tents installed among the ruins of the Sector Fronteris that is the core of this table.    I did not enjoy painting this set. Too much small stuff that are not really useful or necesary for a gaming table (Mugs, Mung vases...) except for marking objectives, but hey, Objectives markers


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 2

Hi folks,   Last post of the series introduced the reasons behind buying a GSC Patrol box (the old one) in order to get the base for kit bashing IG infantery squads. The fact that I have a sweet remember of these guies is probably not completely disconected to the selection of Neophyte Hybrids models instead of Orlocks gangers as a starting base. Even if after a carful look,        As for using Sktarii heads on other bodies, I had already tried it, more or less succ


Bouargh in Not GSC

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 1

Hi folks,   Before entering into the details, it may be worth setting up a kind of background. Let´s go back in time in a not so far past (relativity matters) when previous 40k Edtion allowed Allied Detachments in its Force Organization Charts   The scene is set.   I enjoyed this era that has been a perfect time to increase my SW force versatility adding small detachments of other stuff in order to get some tactical diversification. It is when I added Blood Ang


Bouargh in Not GSC

KitBash Time! EngineSeer at work

After grabbing "accidentally" a GSC patrol box, on purpose to use the body to kitbash some IG regiment, I am potentially left with some bits inc. mining tools.  I then remembered this pic, unless I decided that GSC bodies would do better base for IG than Orlock gangers BECAUSE of this pic:     I am already the happy owner of enough Engineseers to fill all the slots in my AdMech army. And I have been left with one extra (remaining from a Patrol box), in desperate need for

The cost of 10th - One year later, where am I heading?

... Or almost one year later, what is the status of my "legalizing" effort to adapt my armies to 10th?   This used to be one of my first entries in this blog and I feel like it is worth setting a kind of progress report.   Remember, last year, after launch of 10th, the state of my armies was more or less: - AdMech (New Year / New Army 2023) - to be redesigned. - Eldars - requiring a big refresh.  - Death Watch, - claiming for love for the Veterans  

Allied Freeblade - Part 5

Hi Folks,   With torso done and legs done, it was only a matter of (little) time for these to part to be united in the holy forges of Mars.     The big boy is now standing, only missing some finiching touches. While heraldry guide for Freeblades (or Dreadblades) leave a lot of room to the pilot to customize its steed, some stuffs can be seen as usual features: - No or low amout Imperium marks - the 2 headed eagle is seldom in general - No household m


Bouargh in Freeblade

Allied Freeblade - Part 4

Hi Folks,   The W.E. (stands for Week-End, not World Eaters), has been calm enough to complete the lower part (a.k.a. legs) of the Styrix. After some tape masking and one or two small corretions, the armoured legs of the Styrix were maked-up in the same combination of Eshin Grey and Wraithbone as the paultrons. Plus some added red stripes, as on the illustration taken as a guiding model. Main difference is that panel colours are inverted in order to fit to the Heraldry guide


Bouargh in Freeblade

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