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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks the checkers where actually pretty easy used a contrast green and slapchopped it. Just finished some solar auxilia tanks from the Inwit Phalangites
  3. Welcome to the B&C
  4. Hello all. Just joined the forum after lurking for a few weeks. I have been painting Warhammer miniatures on and off for years, just restarted last year after a bit of a hiatus. I mainly paint space marines, dark angels, although I’m thinking of starting a sons of phoenix army. I Decided to join in the hopes of creating a blog to help me paint on a more regular basis, even if just for half an hour a day. Except for blood bowl, I haven’t played a game in more than a few years now. but after watching a few videos on kill team, I’m interested in trying to play a few games at the local store.
  5. Yesterday
  6. I got a game in just before the new years using the new grotmas detachment, the one that lets you use cultists and sacrifice them to give the knights dark pacts. I fielded a despoiler (2x battlecannon, stubber, havoc), a ravager and an abominant. For my little guys, my friend let me field legends (as I don't have enought non-legends cultists), so I had 2x 10 man melee mobs, 2x 10 man firearms mobs with flamers and stubbers and 2x 10 man firearms mobs with flamers, stubbers and grenade launchers (I would have had grenade launchers in all my firearms mobs, but didn't manage to paint up the 2 extra I would have needed to do that). Here's a (unfortunately blurry) photo of my force: My friend played foot orks (green tide, I think) with 3x 20 ork mobs, 2 with warbosses and one with a wierd boy, a battle wagon, a truck with 10 burnas in it, 2x units with 3 coptas, 5 meganobs with a megamech and 5x lootas. Here's a (also unfortunately blurry) photo of his army. I got first turn, and was able to charge his meganobs with my ravager - if I had remembered to tank shock, I probably would have wiped them out - instead it turned into a 3 turn scrum with his battlewagon and 1 unit of coptas joining in. I also advanced both my other knights - which was probably a mistake with the despoiler, and it got tagged by his other unit of coptas and then his unit of boys out of the battlewagon. Still, it was able to shoot out of combat and still did a bunch of damage to his two other boys squads. Above is a photo from about the middle of the game - you can see the despoiler and the ravager tied up in seperate melee combats, his boy squad in the middle having teleported to take away my stickied (thanks to my cultists) objective, my cultists advancing in the middle to take the center objective, and on the far side my abominant having wiped out the foot squad there with the help of the firepower from my despoiler and the cultists over there. Incidentally, I do think fielding the legends cultists did give me an advantage, if only for the flamers, which killed a few orks... don't think their other guns did anything. It was a fun game, but ultimately he didn't have enough to chip through the high toughness and many wounds of my knights, and didn't take any of them down. Didn't help that my opponent had pretty poor dice rolling - or, when he did roll well to hit, he would roll crap to wound. It doesn't help that orks don't have much in way of rerolls, and both orks and high T targets like my knights really punish bad dice luck. Interestingly, this is the first game I've played where failed battleshock rolls actually had an effect - thanks to the -1 from my knights, my opponent failed pretty much every battleshock test he took, depriving him with stratagem use on some units that might have liked to use them, and letting me snag an objective on a turn where he would have otherwise had much more OC on it than I did. I found the mechanics very fluffy and fun. Personally, I think the reroll 1s to hit and wound is the stronger of the 2 cultist benefits (that and sticky objectives) - the "dark pacts" equivalent to get sustained hits was nice, but killing off your own models can hurt. At the end of the game, where he was able to clear out my cultists, I really missed the rerolls more than the dark pacts... that said, given that he killed them melee, for the most part, I don't think the self-inflicted casualties played too big of a part in them disappearing (it helped that I made all my leadership tests). Against a shootier enemy, you might not want to use dark pacts - though, against a very shooty unit, you might as well if your opponent is going to wipe them out anyway.
  7. If it was back in 2007, your lines of thinking are exactly along what GW was thinking about. To the point, they actually mentioned in an annual report they were closing offices in Europe in particular, I recall. A few cycles later, GW complained sales were declining in Europe in particular...who would have thought? I only used Spotify and Netflix as examples, it's not Covid-specific, but it's like sales & marketing are non-critical roles (yes, expendable) thus often go 1st. And it's not just them, you probably see this is standard practice for a lot of companies in the past and in the future. From that thread a few weeks ago, I think WhC is spread too thin. Look at how much stuff GW is pumping out still...and there's stuff we don't see. I also exactly remember what you mean about things like the school club program. Timperial Guard actually set one up in his school, our Warhammer Store manager gave him a stack of those little workbooks, "What unit did you get (buy) and why?" We have 2 Brothers in our Warhammer Store, I was hanging out at the painting table 1 day and they kept referring to like "Mister Guard" and I realised they were his students. That program clearly works. I hear you on the record profits, but it's actually the record sales, to the point demand is outstripping GW's supply. So remember their Revenue is about 5x times what it used to be...but GW has the same 3 plants, they just got Factory 4 approved by the Nottingham local district government. They have a genuine supply issue, and when that happens, you'd rightly focus on your core, loyal customer base, ease up (not stop, but just take it easy) on new customer acquisition. As GW was on a hiring spree, if you may recall they hired a new generation of sculptors and will continue to hire more for their new factory, I don't think they're firing the WhC group, though. They might be spread too thin (they did 3 articles yesterday, used to be just 1 a day) AND I think they have extra scrutiny now as they're doing more and more licensed-related things, like Space Marine II and this Amazon partnership. When you leak about your own product, it can be damaging. When you leak about your partner, it's a dealbreaker. It's the difference between dropping your own mini vs. dropping your friend's mini on the ground; you don't just break his mini, you break your friendship. Think of how long it took for the Titus set to be announced; it was the week of release. It must have been some agreement with Focus Entertainment/Saber Interactive, GW honoured their agreement, being honourable. I think there are hidden things like that we don't see. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the new layout, but I still like their stuff. I think things like the Grotmas Detachments, remember how they had to coordinate with all those YouTubers to time their releases for each day? Iirc 1 Detachment got leaked because a YouTuber put the wrong video up. I think those are all things WhC is working on now, those chores you got to do at work, operational stuff rather than just writing. This is such great field intel, thanks for this. The timing, it's summer 2005, the LotR decline was already starting (the last film came out December 2003), and that GW Store Manager still put emphasis on it. And I get it, like he knew you got 40k 100% covered...but LotR was probably the gap in a lot of Hobbyists' collections. I didn't get my Dead Men of Dunharrow until a few years ago. It really does reflect the thinking at the time, like these LotR customers rushed in, we just gotta hold on to them. Like it wasn't just the upper management. Srsly, that manager, he's not just looking at a spreadsheet, he's ringing up those sales, it's a lot of 40k, but also a lot of LotR, then some WhFB/Specialist stuff. I think he could tell things were changing, but at the time, it's like we just gotta sell HARDER. What you shared, is like, a crystalisation of so much, from how we grew up in The Hobby to these crossovers, to the future. I mentioned Customers 1st not like "customer is always right" but "start by counting customers, then figuring out what to sell"? I'm starting to think there's these eras: Heroquest/Space Crusade era (kids got into Rogue Trader via boardgames) Boxset era (like 2nd ed until...) LotR era (customers brought in by the films) WhC era (as before, imho not just WhC, but all GW marketing activities restarting in a social media generation, but WhC is a good icon for that) Then we're kinda entering a new one: Licensing era (where more people learn about Warhammer from outside than within GW's sphere of influence) Like licensing has always been a thing, I see a guy painting his Marines as Blood Ravens and I'm like "oh you played Dawn of War" and he's like "how did you know!?" But it's like that crossover from the computer game into The Hobby was a tiny fraction, like that dude is 1 of maybe 30 or 50 in our meta. But I'm also hearing stories of how the Monday after Space Marine II came out 10 customers came in, some of them actually bought stuff. Let's assume (hehehe, big ask here) the Amazon show is good for more than 1 Season, you'll be in a situation where more people knew Warhammer from those sources is more than those who grew up reading White Dwarf. The one I'm most excited about is: The Next Generation (wherein they followed their daddies into The Hobby) GW used to say Beer & Pretzel games. I really want to see Father & Son games. If you want to get interesting, Father & Daughter games. And of course it's not clear cut, all these blend together. Below is my idea for a Father & Daughter game:
  8. I got in a battle using the new detachment - you can see my summary here: In short, I liked it. I found sticky objectives useful, as expected, but found the reroll if cultists are within 9" mechanic more powerful than the sacrifice cultists for dark pacts one. I think I'll give the list a break against my ork friend - it was pretty disheartening for him to be essentially wiped out without taking any of the knights down - but I would like to try it against my necron opponent sometime, as he regularly wipes my chaos marines (and my friend's orks) off the table but has struggled against my knights... so it would be nice to reverse the tables on him.
  9. Dawg's accepted one too many blessings from Papa Nurgle.
  10. So I asked my friend if they wanted to go to Adepticon, on Friday (1/3/2025) for our first convention. They said maybe. Today (1/4/2025), they infrom me the hotel and rental car is paid for. I am going now. Time to figure out events and get painting.
  11. Ah I love these guys man! I hope you don’t mind me saying they are a perfect balance between silly and ferocious. The puppers look like paw patrol hell hounds to me hehehehe.
  12. Great theme, loving the atmosphere and the twisted, gangly presence they all have.
  13. Yeah, the Yr1 WH+ model
  14. Regarding this leaking but not EC (or others). There is also the timing element, there are alot of assumptions and rumors, and assumptions based on rumors... but all we know for 100% certain from worlds worst roadmap is Astra Militarum is first, then Eldar, after wich is Imperial Knights and after wich Chaos is getting something. We also know for certain Emperors children is coming in 2025, and we have seen part of that release, after having had rumors for it. Wich many have taken ( myself included ) that after the Knights its Emperors children, with the others coming afterwards. But previews havent always been in order of release, quite regularily something newly previewed slips right in front of something previewed months before. Likewise with rumors, the order we get rumors in isnt necessarily the order we get releases in. As I said previously especially solo releases tend to evade the rumorverse more than multi kit releases do. ( or more specifically, there have often been solo models as either solo releases or as part of a very detailed rumored releasewave that just didnt pop up in the rumors... at first I thought it was because of blisters, but most of them still come in boxes so I have no clue why.) But when I look at the age of the rumor engine associated with this model ( I honestly would never ever have guessed that was a 40k RE.. I thought it was the cloth of an undead horse or something.) I think Deathguard codex might actually come before EC one drops. ( though that is an even worse assumption ;) ) What Im also getting curious about because of this now: Recently Whitefang rumored that Pestigors are coming this soon for AoS.. and at first I didnt think much of it, Having beastmen crossovers like daemons seems to be just a Thousand sons thing. Then it dawned on me that we havent had the chance to actually know that. The only other cult-beastmen in AoS are Slaangor and they would need Emperors children in 40k, so who knows, it could be that Pestigors could be another addition to the codex ( though probably a disliked one by many but me.) Come to think of it.. that leaves Khorngor, wich is actually more likely a candidate for the Khorne killteam rumor as my other theories ( Jumppack Berzerkers vs Jumppack corsairs, Bloodletters vs Grey knight, Khorne legionaires or Khorne Bloodpact.) but thats derailing too much from this sprue topic. Its annoying I almost had my image for a look-ahead-at 2025 post ready, but now I feel like I have to wait for a proper picture of this one XD ( and well then after that I might just as well wait until thursday to see if there is another epistople (?) with miniatures to add.. and then its so close to the 16th I might just as well wait for that, and before you know it.. 2025 has ended without me making that post ;)
  15. With the new year fast upon us and the holidays spent mainly coughing my lungs out, it's a good time to see what, if anything, was achieved last year. Finished models 2024 28 mm: - Imperial lady - 20 table ornaments Epic scale: - 5 tech-thrall bases - 6 Krios tanks - 3 Minotaurs - 2 Baneblades - 12 Leman Russes - 6 Basilisks - 8 field guns - 24 guardsmen bases - 50 blast markers BFG: - 10 torpedo markers - 3 planets - 2 Dauntless light cruisers - 1 Falchion - 3 Cobras - 9 Swords - 1 Murder cruiser So that's some 160+ things finished, of which maybe a 100 or so count as actual models if we're feeling generous. While it's certainly better than the previous year, a big chunk of those happened in few dedicated bursts of speed-painting, such as the three-day Guard marathon before Ropecon or the BFG waves at the end of the year. I also bought way, way more stuff than I finished, with heaps of LI and KT plastic piling up to smother me in my sleep. In 2025, I'd like to see a bit more steady pace at the painting station, like putting something out every month at least. On the other hand, I did also put out quite nice battle rep pics and learn my way around the new camera, so there's been constant hobbying throughout the year which will continue as well. So what's on the platter this year? A lot of small scale things at least! Guard, Mechanicum, some biomechanical titans perhaps, more BFG ships and terrain and so on. I'm drowning in tiny tonks :D I've still got a handful of kill teams in the queue and some on the drawing board, as well as more suitable terrain for that package. Still haven't read the third edition rules, though :P Maybe some 28 mm 30k? The destroyer squad made earlier is kind of crying for its turn on the painting table...
  16. I’ve tried at a couple of local stores in the UK, both sold out and said they didn’t expect anymore stock.
  17. I’ve not played it yet in 10th, not had a game with the limited data sheets from the Imperial Agents codex, so the reborn index is the first play for me. Definitely a vanity thing atm, and yes, the anti tank is sub optimal of course, but like you say, it’s rhino capacity with a few more guns. I’ll probably ditch it after a couple of games but I still want to try it, mainly because it’s a great model. I wouldn’t mind getting a Biologis and adding it to the other Indomitor squad, I think lethal would be very nice on this heavy bolt rifles
  18. Havocs could be a thing. In general I wish GW would add more squads and less characters as new releases. Also zero weapon options or head options on a chaos lord? Rough.... but on-brand for DG
  19. Asterius: In the dance he heard Sergeant Vafri's command to Gerhardt, yet he stayed in the song. Something has changed! He looked up and saw the Eldar Prince and entourage high up on the battlements. “I would also advise not killing my kinsman, mon-keigh.” Carefully he stepped away, with his sword he saluted his xenos foes and he de-activated his chainsword which he mag-locked to his side as he holstered his bolt pistol. Using his jump pack he returned to Squad Lucifer.
  20. @Axineton- awesome tutorial , thanks for sharing , #5 looks like a faster version of my colour scheme, and some of those brighter ones will be perfect for my “The Old World” Goblins . I think I’ll be looking for a bottle of Vallejo xpress Ork green cheers , Mithril
  21. Welcome to chaos knighthood! You should have fun - the kits are really rewarding to put together and paint, and our current ruleset isn't too bad (though I prefer the list that came out as part of the grotmas detachments - it allows you to take chaos cultists and use them to fuel your knights). Kitbashing of wardogs totally works - that's how I did my four. If you magnetize them, that should let you field 2 of any particular type, or 1 each of up to 4 types. Kitbashing also works for the abhorents. My first knight is pure imperial - I think I did a decent job making it look more chaosy, but there is no concealing its imperial roots. My next two abhorents were a kitbash of the the imperial and chaos kits, and IMHO each looks entirely chaosy - you can see them here and here. You can also see my whole knight household here, which should give a better idea how they might look on the tabletop. All my abhorents are magnetized (even the abominant, who has a swappable bum) so I can field them as any of the types, though I tend to keep them as a despoiler, ravager and abominant. I think the abominant is a good pick - its a pretty good all rounder, which is decent in shooting against both vehicles and hordes, decent in melee, and tosses out mortal wounds to enemies close to it. It isn't as good in any particular role as any of its abhorent siblings, but covers all the bases well - I think there is a place for 1 in most chaos knight lists, though I think I would want the more specialized knights over chosing a second. Personally, my favorite loadout for the despoiler is the double battle cannon (with a 3rd stubber and a havoc launcher on top) - it throws out a ton of hurt at pretty much everything, though anything with a 2+ save you probably want to throw your ravager at instead. Now that titanic vehicles can't shoot overwatch anymore without a strategem, IMHO the gatling loses a lot of its shine. My advice on new purchases would be to buy both a canis and another chaos abhorent, and then kit bash them together. That would give you 4 abhorents (probably more than you want, really, but it does allow you field one of each), but does allow you to field a fully kitted despoiler and have all your knights look consistently chaosy. Then, if you add more wardogs, buy them in pairs of kits, 1 chaos and 1 imperial, to let you kitbash them. Then, eventually, you'll want to pick up a tyrant, but you'll want to have plenty of bits on hand to chaosify it, as we currently don't have our own version of that. As for painting, sub assemblies are recommended. I know a lot of people paint the armour plates seperately, but I didn't do that. At minimum, I would keep the top and bottom seperate and all the weapons off while painting. Hope that helps, and feel free to ask me any questions you might have about kitbashing or magnetizing the models.
  22. To be honest, for all intents and purposes Death Guard are a "complete range" - anything they get moving forward will largely be gap filling as core CSM options disappear and the occasional refresh where needed, potentially with new named characters coming alongside the campaign books. This is likely just a generic PA Chaos Lord for them.
  23. Character releases seem to be GW's consolation prize for factions that won't get a proper release. I feel you; while I'm hopeful for the World Eaters, I'm also afraid we will only see the long speculated WE apothecary release this time around.
  24. STRUCTURED TIME ENDS NARRATIVE TIME BEGINS The Aeldari witch fails to avoid the Templar's flying fists and is hurled, senseless, to the ground. All eyes are upon him, and the heaving shoulders of the rage-maddened Templar struggling to hold himself back. “I would also advise not killing my kinsman, mon-keigh.” The voice that calls out suddenly from above in flawless Low Gothic does so in a clear, precise, aristocratic tone. It sounds somewhere between sardonic amusement and boredom, but nevertheless has such a commanding nature that it must be heard. A tall figure appears on the highest central balcony of the palace, far up between the two lion's head water spouts. He is clad in the manner of the Corsairs, armoured with a highly individualised mixture of curving silver plates and mesh, decorated and adorned with furs and all manner of xenos jewellery. A long cape of deepest, richest purple wraps over one shoulder. In one hand he carries a long, slender spear with a casual familiarity that speaks of vast experience and skill. He wears no helm, and his face has all the sculpted elegance of his kind. His black hair is worn in a great mohawk that increases his already impressive height by almost an additional foot. His eyes are ancient and utterly cold, and he looks down at you with a sneering, haughty curl to his lip. Such arrogant assurance can surely only belong to Prince Kal'li-nath Slaughterspear of the Silver Serpents. The Lord of the Anrathe raises a fist and a host of Corsairs suddenly appear along the edge of the palace rooftop garden, looking down onto the battered Kill-Team's position like a firing line. Among them are warriors carrying heavy weapons with mobile tripods - likely the very same weapons that killed Sgt Traxaes and his squad. Also with them are several small grav platforms, each one mounted with some form of energy generator. Autosenses or Auspex might detect the faint, almost transparent shapes of a series of overlapping power fields emanating from the platforms, protecting the gunline. From beyond Azadth's position, there is the whine of powerful anti-grav engines. A pair of large shadows race across the canopy, pausing just long enough for you to identify them as Venom transports… and to drop a pair of squads into the jungle. Suddenly the Mantis Warrior is outnumbered more than ten-to-one. The Prince smiles. “That said, please understand that I don't particularly care if you do kill him… but I suspect that you will want… even need… him alive? He is one of my Wayseekers. They guide our craft through the Webway, enabling us to travel across the stars with a speed far beyond that attainable by any other race of this galaxy.” The smile widens, into something wild; utterly alien and not quite sane. “I think, if you are to have the barest hope of defeating your real enemy, you are going to need that speed.”
  25. 115 eur for the Primarchs Portraits. Thats a lot more than what I was expecting. They are a nice size. But that is a massive amount of money for it.
  26. Great, another character for Death Guard, because it isn't like we haven't got a ton of them already.... This is a bit disappointing as a DG player. There are gaps in the roster that need filling but another character isn't likely one of them. I'm guessing this is all we will get with the codex.
  27. This was exactly me. In my case I dropped it around 18 because my girlfriend at the time thought it was dumb. I didn’t paint a single model through uni, thinking people would think it was “uncool.” Probably stopped for about 5 years 2002-2007. I picked it back up again after I’d been with my partner (now wife) for a while and was able to introduce my kids to it. If I could go back I would have kept it up because as an adult I now realise anyone who doesn’t accept something you enjoy this much isn’t worth your time. Interestingly, I did actually interview to work in a GW store in summer 2005 and got offered a full time position. I turned it down because I just wanted part time to fill space before another job started. I’ve always regretted doing that and wish I’d taken the job. The manager at the time actually told me it would be essential for me to get a handful of LOTR models and learn the rules. It was clearly massive for them at that time.
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