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  1. But, but... Imperial Fists are hilarious compared to so many other factions and armies, Black Templars, Iron warriors, Raven Guard, The blue man group (tau), to pick a few. Never thought of Eldars as a funny and jokingly bunch. Druukharry, Drukahari... Dark Eldars, seem kinda humour free too. Of all the Chaos gods only Nurgle seem to have a sense of humour, Tzeenthc is a bit confused with his plans and schemes, Khorne is just raaa raaa, blood, blood. Slaanesh is in no way fun, those are some scary narcissists, even in their names they have things like Tormentors, enough said. If I was caught as slave to any of the legions, I would probably be happy if I got caught by the World Eaters, as the suffering would be over quick. I will probably not start an EC army, as I have enough Power armour armies. but if I started up another EC one, it would not be an army that was similar to the one I had during the 3.5 edition, it was juvenile, and looks pathetic when looking back at it. This time I would try to dig up the discussions that was on this board during that time, this was when this was a pure PA board, held by an Mod called Refuse, sadly I can't find the discussion anymore. But those discussions opened up my eyes to the way of excess, that we can probably not talk about anymore, how Slaanesh is not about Sex, drugs, and Rock and Roll, it could also be about solving Sudokus, or knitting to the extremes, as example. An Extreme Knitting Emperor's Children could be scary too. :) Slaanesh is about getting lost in the struggle to get to perfection, any way to reach perfection is ok. And to be clear as some people don't seem to understand that I did not think anyone thought we should commit a crime, I pointed out that it was a sad joke, and disgusting joke. If anyone had written " I shall kill your spouse, and steal all your plastic soldiers, lol!". Would that be ok too? As it has it a lol after it? Cpt.Danjou
  2. Are you really saying that people should do a break and entry, steal, possibly riot, and other crimes over a rules book for a pretend game with small plastic soldiers? I don't care if you wrote lol afterwards as a way to imply it as a joke, but it is a sad joke, and a joke that feels bad in the mouth. Just grow up and have some patience, the book will arrive when it arrives. Some of us have waited 20+ years for the Emperor's Children codex, and a couple more months is not the end of the world. To the mods. Can we lock this thread till we have something new on The Emperor's Children horizon Cpt.Danjou
  3. The "Night lord" detachement. I can't say that much about this topic as I have not played it. I am not a fan of either the jump marines models, and battlechock is is nice when it happens, but does not often change the game in any way. Cpt.Danjou
  4. CSM 10th edition Dread Talons This is a topic about the detachment Dread Talons in the 10th edition. Do you use it? Are you using it? Do you think it performs well? Do you feel it being a strong or weak detachment? Which Stratagems or/and Enhancements do you use or not use? Would you want to tweak the detachement, and if so how? Units that perform extra well or bad in this detachement? Other Detachement of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Detachement of the week 10th edition.
  5. During the 3.5 codex era I had EC as my main army, but now I am not sure if I am going to start one again, sure the minis are amazing, but do I really need a fifth power armour army? Chaos Space marines, Space wolves, World eaters, and Death Guard at the moment. I will probably get either a Sonic box, or the Flawless Blades, just for painting. If I get them I will probably change the colour scheme a little. GWs pink is too flat in my opinion, but I understand why, as it shows the model better. The pink is to anime for me, I would probably make the recesses a little more purple, and the trims even darker, making them more grittier. I know Empy kids are all about excess, but adorn your shoulder pads with curtain tassels, what is that about? So that shoulder pad is gone. And I really am not a fan of the cone heads, luckily it seems that there are other heads. When it comes to the Noise Marines, I think GW has found a great mix between silly 80s hair metal and scary Hellraiser, catering to both sides of the debate of how they should look. I am not a fan of the Shrieker pistol, makes me think of something Faboulous Bill would be carrying or maybe a Death guard, the vials are throwing me off. Otherwise they are a huge improvement compared to the old Noise marines upgrade, which was hard to fit correctly. My take on the others. The Noise marine character is not my cup of tea, the huge organ pipe back pack is ok, but I don't like the straps. Lucius is great, much better than the old one, it would have been impossible to make it worse, as the old one was almost as ugly as the Chaos spawn. The lord Exultant is beautiful, except once again conehead, luckily there is the helmet, I wonder how many people are going to snip off the Slaanesh backpack symbol, and add it to their vehicles? The Tormentors and Infactors, are just what you expect from Emperor's Children Marines, I have seen comments that they are a bit bland and not blinged enough, but considering that they will probably the ones you will paint the most off, I am happy that they are not excessively blinged. Then we have Fulgrim. After have been painting his very Angry brother for a while now, I will probably not get him, I am so tired of painting large things that I never get satisfied with. And I have enough big ones on my shelf, Bel'A'kor, or how you spell it, Avatar of Khain, Shalaxi Hellbane, Lord of Change, Knights, Angron. So i have not even studied him in detail as I have done with his minions. Cpt.Danjou
  6. This is the first Detachment of the week discussion. I am not sure if I should add or delete questions, so feed back would be great. As it is the index detachment is the one we have been playing the longest, and the consensus is that it is the Word Bearer detachment. I don't fully agree, but I can see why, as it is the most fanatical and "religious" of all the detachements. I am pretty sure there have been followers of the the chaos gods in all fallen legions, and even full squads of of them. In the First Claw in the Night Lords books there even individual Legionaries who has more or less fallen to specific gods. Uzas is a Khorne berzerker. But I agree that Word Bearers is the closest to the detachment. I find the Detachment one of our strongest, maybe the strongest "Creation of Bile" is close, but that is up to your playstyle. Everything about this detachment is about Marks of Chaos, and Dark Pacts. If you want your Havocs to hit more times, mark the Nurgle, and they get Sustained hits on 5+ after a Dark pact, great when you shoot with Las cannons. If you want your puny cultist wound an Eldar Avatar in close combat, give them Mark of Khorne and the will have Lethal Hits on 5+, after a Dark Pact. As in all game try to think what the different units bring to the table, and what their objective and purpose is. Don't bring Cultist as Avatar killers by the way, it will probably never happen. For that a unit that have Mark of Tzeentch and shoots a lot, lethal hits of 5+ and hoping the Avatar fails it saves , or does enormous amount of wounds Mark of Undivided is my go to, as I rather want to hit something that dangerous, than fishing for lethal hit rolls. You will be command point starved, as some of the Stratagems are great. Being able to advance and charge is great for close combat blender units like possessed and even legionaries, remember to mark them Slaanesh. Being able to hide one of those long range heavy hitter units, like Havocs, Predators or Vindicators with the help of Mark of Nurgle can save the day, just choose wisely which one of those units might be most valuable. One of my opponents knows that he can try to bait me to spend the stratagem on my Havocs and then shoot my Vindicator, when I have spent the CP. So I mostly let him kill of my Havoc leader with a one shot heavy weapon, so my Vindicator an be less scratched. I am probably not the one to ask for tactical advise on this detachment, as I only have played 6 games this year,a nd of them only one have been Pactbound Zealots, but I hope we can have a good discussion, and give each other advice, and tell our funny warstories using this detachment. Cpt.Danjou
  7. CSM 10th edition Pactbound Zealots This is a topic about the detachment Pactbound Zealots in the 10th edition. Do you use it? Are you using it? Do you think it performs well? Do you feel it being a strong or weak detachment? Which Stratagems or/and Enhancements do you use or not use? Would you want to tweak the detachement, and if so how? Units that perform extra well or bad in this detachement? Other Detachement of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Detachement of the week 10th edition.
  8. Wave 2? What is that? When was the last time we got a wave 2? I assume it will be a drip feed ripple once every second year. And if the cult marines get the daemons, GW will claim that they all got huge amount of models this edition, and can wait for 5-10 years till next time they get a box with more than one character. Cpt.Danjou
  9. There is a reason why I saved it for the last Unit of the week, as I have never seen one on the table, ever. Why pay points for something that is just a glorified cover? Sure it can do some damage, but for those points you can get something so much better. Scrap it from the codex, and just make it a generic terrain piece, just like the fat sneeze chimneys that "our brothers who has the flu" has. Cpt.Danjou
  10. CSM 10th edition Noctilith Crown This is a topic about Noctilith Crownin the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  11. CSM 10th edition Heldrake This is a topic about Heldrake in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  12. The fellows at goonhammer has done the math, for what the different upgrades means mathematically vs MEQs, for each CSM with a base strength of 4 and 4 attacks, if I understand correctly. . Source: Goonhammers look at Creation of Bile. Cpt.Danjou
  13. Yesterday I played a game for the first time in a long time. My legionaries with an attached Chaos lord, stuffed in a Rhino was the most amusing unit. I went with the "Creation of Bile" attachment. I rolled a one and a three, so they had one extra attack, and plus in WS, so sad. The amount of attacks was amazing, and hitting with all weapons on 2+, with re-rolls meant 40 chainswords attacks, and eight heavy weapon attacks, plus the six daemon hammer, erased anything the got in touch with. It also helps to raise 2-3 dead legionaries every turn, I was not sure if I could use the Chaos lords ability to re-use the Diabolic Regeneration stratagem after using it on my possessed who were slaughtering tin-cans on one of the flanks. So in the end it was just my Chaos lord and the Heavy melee weapon wielding Aspiring champion left. But the tally was in the end, 10 Necron Warriors, 10 Lychguard, and severely wounding Illuminor Seras. They could arrive into close combat without loosing one man, as my opponent had the problem with the Terminators on one flank, Possessed on the other, and a bunch of chosen running up the middle He also realised that it was not one Legionaries unit on the field, as I had one more guarding the home objective. The Legionaries was the chainsword wielding kind, and I loaded the special weapon ones with plasma pistols, which was the right choice, as they had one round of shooting out of close combat, and that round I did not shoot being cautious that I might loose the charge if I killed too many Necrons. For close combat Legionaries used in the "Creation of Bile" detachement an extra attack and better WS might be the best, they become absolute blenders, re-rolling 1 make almost all your attacks hit. Sure one more in strength might help against all those units that have Toughness 5, and could be interchangeable with +attacks, I can't do the math, so if someone could do it I would be grateful. Plus Toughness is good, and Movement is great too. Movement is better on Terminators, or if you are bringing Plague Marines, in my opinion. BS is the stat that you really want to pick you tailor your list to be mostly for range. Havocs, legionaries that are equipped for range, and obliterartors, all would be grateful for BS+. Cpt.Danjou
  14. CSM 10th edition Chaos Spawn This is a topic about Chaos Spawn in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Any Enhancements that you like to use with them? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  15. CSM 10th edition Fellgor Beastmen This is a topic about Fellgor Beastmen in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Any Enhancements that you like to use with them? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
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