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Everything posted by Zsoulless

  1. Go for it! I have faith in you, and If for some Strange Reason you find that you have some how managed to "Brake" it, I'd offer a hand at Trying to fix it..
  2. The Chainmail looks really good!! Only thing I could really offer, and it's Minor, would be to try to make sure each line is done in opposing directions, to make it look a little more "Woven".. So if your sculpting one line of dots left to right, do the next line right to left >>>>>>> <<<<<<< >>>>>>> <<<<<<< Love this Blog! One of the reasons Why I had to toss together my own little NL..
  3. A Great Tutorial! I must say your Blog is Treat. I find myself lurking around in here from time to time trying to dissect your work with my eyes. Im often just so awestruck by its cleanliness I forget to post my praises.
  4. Ya.. You just roll out a Sheet of GS and lay it across platicard tubes, paint brushes, etc, etc.. to get the flowing folds of cloth you want and let it cure.. after that its just a matter of cutting it to shape and applying it to the model.. You get spend your time pushing GS to make it look seamless between the two instead of trying to sculpt the whole thing on the model.. Besides, you can get that rigid piece of GS to billow about dynamically anyway you choose just by tacking it in place..
  5. ooh.. love the artwork. That would make for a fun sculpt.. The Hugo Weaving-esque face oozes character and would make a great head study. I usually sculpt Tabards/capes flat((on another surface)) and apply them to my model afterwords.. Its just easier to plan and execute bits if you dont have to also manipulate a tiny finicky model at the same time.. So when I can I do.. Thats just my 2cents on the matter..
  6. Some really nice GS work! Maestoros Looks Great! I really like how hes coming along.. But Im not sure I like the way the tabard is flowing down his left thigh.. I think its that tear/kink in the cloth mid thigh thats kinda putting me off..
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