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So I am long time Dorn Fan with 3rd edition Black Templars, 4-7th Edition Crimson Fists and now I am returning to Sons of Dorn with Exorcists. 7th edtion to current I have been playing Raptors and last few editions GW kept kicking my army down the curb. All Scout army, Nope can't do it, All Phobos, Nope can't do it. So I was boycotting Space Marines. So as I return to Marines, Exorcists was my go to. While in my Head Cannon Exorcists are not Sons of Dorn but GW say they are so ok. So the Army will be Terminator Heavy with scouts, some other units, and lots of Librarians so here's my test model WIP 2025 Update So reviewing my Exorcists Chapter army as it stands what I have built/ need to built and what I need to purchase: Gravis Captain (need to build) * Librarian (built) Phobos Librarian (built) Terminator Librarian (built) Chaplain (built) Terminator Chaplain (built) Reiver LT (built) Phobos LT (built) ** Terminator squad (built) Terminator squad (built) Assault Terminator squad (built) Assault Intercessors squad (need to build) * Assault Intercessors squad (need to build) * Heavy Intercessors squad (need to build) * Heavy Intercessors squad (need to buy) Inceptor Squad (need to buy) Inceptor Squad (need to buy) Eradicator squad (need to buy) Eradicator squad (need to buy) Ballistus Deadnought (built) Brutualis Dreadnought (need to build) Infiltrator squad (built) Infiltrator squad (need to build) ** Incursor squad (need to build) Incursor squad (need to build) ** Reiver squad (built) Reiver squad (need to build) Eliminator squad (need to build) ** Suppressor squad (need to build) ** Scout squad (done) Scout squad (done) Exorcists Chapter- Angels of Death Kill team (built) *From Space marine Boarding Action box ** From Vanguard Space Marine box
So I really need to clean this thread up and make it less disorganized and stuff. So in here you will find: 40k Grey Knights Adepta Sororitas Inquistion Exorcists Chapter Deathwatch Militarum Tempestus Adeptus Mechanicus Imperial Knights Raptors......No longer have this army Thanks GW 30K Raven Guard Adeptus Custodes Sisters of Silence Necromunda Redemptionist Completed models/ squads HQ Terminator Librarian Reynald de Vichers Inquistor (Interigator) Abygayl Selene Brotherhood Champion Landry de Lauzon Techmarine Talus ELITES Venerable Dreadnought Draper TROOPS Strike Squad Tancrede de Hautville Strike Squad Gaiwan de Monglane Strike Squad Godfrey de Caux Termnator Squad Tibauld De Gaudin FAST ATTACK Interceptor Squad De Plessiez HEAVY SUPPORT Purgation Squad Des Barres FLYERS DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Razorback "Long Swords" Kill Team Octarius Hand of Titan Raptors Hqs 10th Co Chaplain Arthurus Phobos Libraian Hes Elites Chief Apothercary Chraddas and Apothecary La Rocha 5th Scout Squad led by Veteran Sgt Helios Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Other Project Back to Badab Kill Team- Raptors Team 7 909th "Hell Rain" Charlie Company (Inquistorial Strom Troopers) Hqs Ordo Malleus Termiantor Inqusitor Lord Martyn Odum Ordo Malleus Inquistor Lord MyKel Westen with his Alcolytes Commissar Lord Kiera Lynx Elites Troops Alpha Squad Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Order of the Valorous Heart Hqs Elites Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedciated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Completed Grey Knight Group Shot (12/05/2021) Raptors Completed Group Photo (02/23/2021) Order of the Valorous Heart Completed Group photo (11/07/2021)
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- Adepta Sororitas
- Grey Knight Chapter
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Exorcist Scout Squad Shu'kra
W.A.Rorie posted a blog entry in "To the void I cast thy blackened soul."
Originally I wanted these guys done for when Kill Team: Hivestorm was released. I got close but didn't finish them. And besides building models with the kids, I really have not painted anything. They were so close too. Just had to do some skin highlights, weathering, and bases. And with all the new Kill Team Starter coming out, Phobos Strike Team Kill Team ordered, and having 5 of the reprint Space Marine Heroes Series 4 models (I ordered a single eliminator and a Captain to round out the team) , I wanted to finish them. So a few hours over the the last few nights and they are done. Sgt Shu'kra taking his initiates out on a mission before they are possessed by a daemon and inducted into the Exorcist Chapters full battle brother. So my Grey Knights Squads are named after famous Knights Templar or Characters from the tv show Knightfall (season 1 was great, Season 2 was ok, but did have Mark Hamill in it), my Scions are named after GI Joe characters, and my Adepta Sororitas are female names. So with my Exorcists I want to explore the Daemon possession aspect for the Sgts, and other characters via their names. In Hinduism, Shukra is the teacher of demons So Scout squad Shu'kra is led Sgt. Shu'kra is now done and ready to slay the enemies of the Emperor. Sgt Shu'kar and Hunter 2 scout Warriors Scout Warrior and Heavy Heavy and Warrior (in background Hunter can be seen with holstered grapple gun) Warrior and Sniper Tracker -
Exorcists build continues but not much done over the week besides building 5 scouts Adeptus Astartes Boarding action box arrived and have multiple purchases coming arriving over the next few days. Today I want to look at the Different Companies I will have in the army (According to the Warhammer App my list is 3,000 pts). 5th Company Gravis Captain- Warlord Librarian Chaplain Assault Intercessors x2 Heavy Intercessors x2 Ballistus Dreadnought Brutalis Dreadnought Redemptor Dreadnought Eradicators x2 Inceptors x2 Aggressor 1st Company Command Terminator Librarian Terminator Chaplain Terminators x2 Assault Terminators 10th Company Vanguard Company Phobos Librarian Reiver Lieutenant Lieutenant in Phobos Armor Reiver x2 Infiltrators Incrusors 12th Company Scout Company Scouts x2
Version 21 February 2021
The original version created for 4th edition is v 4. This version includes the original three characters that I created, pre-dating the Badab War campaign books and the introduction of Silas Alberec. V 5 was a revision for 5th edition and saw the removal of Chapter Master Leopoldus Kane (my homegrown character), replaced with Silas Alberec. V 6 was a revision for 6th edition. V 9 is the current revision for 9th edition, pre-dating Index: Exorcists in issue 462 of White Dwarf Magazine.- 1 review
- Exorcists Chapter
- homegrown rules
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File Name: Index Astartes - Supplementum Exorcists File Submitter: MECHFACE File Submitted: 28 Feb 2021 File Category: Warhammer 40,000 Many thanks to the many helpful feedback and comments on the version 1 files I posted earlier this month. Linked below are the the Version 2 files of my fan-made Exorcists Chapter Index Astartes Supplement. I'd particularly like to thank al those who've shown their great support, especially those who play-tested the rules and of course to Brother Tyler, the true Chapter Master of the Exorcists. I guess we wait with baited breath for the upcoming White Dwarf Index: Exorcists release to see what Games-Workshop come up with as being official content for this awesome chapter. Click here to download this file Please share any feedback or comments you have, each edit really helps with brining the Chapter alive - and I realise that the small caps edits I've done haven't displayed on the PDFs so sorry about that! I'm going to start working on my 9e Inquisition Fandex and Supplementum Red Hunters next so thoughts on those would be appreciated as well.
- Exorcists Chapter
- Codex Supplement
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
-§ion=screenshot&id=679 File Name: Codex Supplement: Exorcists (9e) (homegrown) File Submitter: Brother Tyler File Submitted: 15 Feb 2021 File Category: Warhammer 40,000 The original version created for 4th edition is v 4. This version includes the original three characters that I created, pre-dating the Badab War campaign books and the introduction of Silas Alberec. V 5 was a revision for 5th edition and saw the removal of Chapter Master Leopoldus Kane (my homegrown character), replaced with Silas Alberec. V 6 was a revision for 6th edition. V 9 is the current revision for 9th edition, pre-dating Index: Exorcists in issue 462 of White Dwarf Magazine. Click here to download this file
- 4 replies
- Exorcists Chapter
- homegrown rules
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Hi, I thought that the unconventional and shadowy origins of the Red Hunters and Exorcists Chapters deserved some 9th edition Homegrown Supplements. Tried to tie these into the lore and the types of rules presented for them in the past Vraks and Badab books, updated for the 9th Ed. I've added them to B&C Downloads page which can be accessed directly from Fandex Supplements for Exorcists and Red Hunters Chapters I've also tried to re-work some mechanics on inclusion of Inquisitors into these Chapter detachments and armies. I think the Deathwatch and Grey Knights really needed something similar for stronger Inquisition souping opportunities, seeing as these two were meant to be the Ordos Chambers Militant. Anyway, your thoughts and ideas are really appreciated! These are the first Fandexes I've done so please bear this in mind. Cheers, Mechface
I am not all too familiar with the exorcists chapter but they have a cool colour scheme and a cool theme of demon hunting. but what what else is there to them? Ive read that they get demons to possess their initiates.... if so then how have they not been declared as heretics as such a practice is surely forbidden? apart from the demon possession, do the exorcists have a nasty/evil side to them (beause to me they don't seem squeaky clean)??
Assuming a person was to play Exorcists, as they are confirmed to be a GK successor, would you play them as GK, but with primaris stuff attached to them? Bit of a lore-note here: Seeing how they are primaris, and the successors of the GK, does that mean that GK primaris are coming soon?
Howdy Frater! I had a question about company markings I was hoping someone might be able to help me with. So I've been collecting space marines from the Exorcists chapter on-and-off for a while now, because I love their background and their colour scheme. I've always given them black shoulder trim because that's how I first saw them depicted in FW's Badab War series, and I thought it looked great. Now the Badab War books state that the Exorcists follow the Codex Astartes regarding insignia, and the current SM codex (pg 58) shows a battle brother from second company with gold trim, so you'd figure mine would be fifth company. Problem is I'm converting up a model for Silas Alberec, the Exorcists Captain of the Third, so I want my marines to be third company - but I don't like the look of red trim on red shoulders, so I'm looking for suggestions on how to make my marines third company without getting rid of the black trim. And just to muddy the waters, the Badab War books have a veteran sergeant wearing the white helm and trim of first company, while a squad of marines from a tactical reserve company (I forget which) have black trim - which you'd think would make them from the fifth, a battle company. TL;DR: Want to make my marines from the third company while keeping black trim, looking for suggestions! (I wasn't sure whether I should post this here or in another sub-forum, but it's technically about painting and colour schemes so I thought this would be appropriate - apologies if it's not.) Thanks for your time!
Hi all, just gathering info about the exorcists chapter. do we know if they are featured in any novels or anything? I know they were in one of the imperial armour books, was any important fluff mentioned about them in that book? cheers
Hello all, After much to-ing and fro-ing, I have (I hope) finally decided to settle with Exorcists as the official Chapter I will play with (alongside my DIY Praetors of Denzarr). So naturally, I got my hands on Imperial Armour: The Badab War Part II and got reading. While I haven't the whole book, I've gone through the Exorcists' entry and some questions have popped up. First of these: Are there any more pieces of fluff which better describe (either in the same Imperial Armour or somewhere else) the different sub-cults of the Exorcists? Secondly, what kind of letters could I use for the script on the Exorcists' armour? I was thinking ancient Greek, but does anyone have any alternatives? Thirdly, what kind of designs could I use to put on their armour? They seem to have geometric patterns but does anyone have any bigger pictures of similar stuff? That's all for the moment. Any help is appreciated ^_^ Cheers, Ludovic
After spending the last year or so ogling my buddy's Badab War books, I finally broke and ordered them for myself a while back, and having now had the chance to thoroughly examine the Exorcists entry, I find I really love the concept of the Orisons, the Occult brotherhoods which exist outwith the normal Codex-adherent structure of the Chapter. For a start, it goes a long way to restoring some sense of uniqueness to the Chapter, which I feel was lost when The Great Satan himself, Matt Ward( :lol: ) decided that the Grey Knights were going to change from paragons of virtue who wouldn't be seen dead with a radical; to xenos-loving, Battle Sister-murdering, sorcery-doing, daemon weapon-wielding radical hypocrites who pretend to be paragons of virtue who wouldn't be seen dead with a radical. With the Grey Knights recast as ruthless pragmatists(who apparently have Exorcists marines over for tea and crumpets on occasion), the Exorcists went from "shadowy possibly-Xanathite conspiracy" to "mass-produced pseudo-GK", and Forgeworld's occult secret societies bring back that subtle whiff of potential heresy that made the Chapter so appealing; to me at least. However, whether to provide players with an opportunity just like this one, or simply because there wasn't enough room, Forgeworld didn't fully detail these Orisons, just gave us a few examples, and some tantalising hints via the names of the Marines featured in the artwork. I think it would be fun to try and devise some new Orisons, and flesh out the existing ones, either for players to borrow and use for their own armies, or just use as a guide for their own ideas; anyone fancy pitching in? To start, lets lay out what we know already. Each Orison has a specific focus - is specialised in one field of esoteric knowledge - and that includes a body of literary work describing that knowledge. A Marine can be a member of any number of Orisons providing they meet any entry requirements, and from that we can infer that membership of multiple or more exclusive Orisons are marks of status and standing within the Chapter. The three Orisons already known are: The Enochian Guard; "hellslayers", composed primarily of 1st Co. Veterans, any potential candidate must have slain at least one daemonic foe in single combat. Their body of knowledge likely relates to advanced techniques for battling the daemonic. The Obelisk Thelemus; includes substantial numbers of Devastators and Techmarines, with no other info given. The Broken Tower; almost entirely consists of members of the Librarius, with no other info given. In addition, some ranks/honourifics are shown in the illustrations of squads which served in the Badab War, which are; Inceptor; no details given, but Inceptor Khal is listed as being part of the Enochian Guard, so this could be a generic title or one specific to that Orison. The word itself refers to a beginner, someone studying the rudiments of a subject, so if we attribute it to the Orison rather than the Chapter as a whole(which makes more sense given that Khal is a Veteran Sergeant), it would likely be the first title given to someone after their initiation into the group. Lector; no details given. The word has multiple meanings, so could refer to a teaching position of some kind, a reference to a non-Chaplain who conducts minor religious ceremonies/assists the Reclusiam in some manner, or a Marine who reads aloud from the Liber Exorcismus during ceremonies and/or battle. Almoner; listed prior to the rank("Almoner Sergeant" in the example), meaning a title rather than honourific. In the religious sense, the word refers to a priest or administrative figure responsible for dispensing charitable funds to the needy, however it has an additional and more thematically-consistent meaning via Masonic tradition, in which the Almoner is an office charged with looking after the wellbeing of their fellows - this could imply involvement with the Reclusiam, Apothecarion, or both. Athemae of the Broken Tower; an honourific rather than a rank. Appears to be based on a Wiccan/Pagan dagger blade used to "direct energy" during rituals. So, that's what FW have given us to work with. Their primary sources appear to have been the Thelemic Mysticism created and popularised by Alastair Crowley, Enochian Magick which was in turn derived from the heterodox biblical text the Book of Enoch, and various other forms of occultism, mysticism, and non-mainstream Abrahamic theologies. I would propose we use the same sources, and what little info exists regarding the Exorcists, in order to flesh out the existing three Orisons, and add a few more. Where to begin? Lets start with three things: 1. To what Orison, if any, should the "Lector" title belong, and which of the three definitions do you prefer? 2. A new Orison, implied by the "Almoner" title. Their body of work would be concerned with ensuring the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of their brothers, and as such would imply a membership containing many Chaplains and Apothecaries. An "Almoner" could perhaps refer to a full initiate of this Orison, well versed in it's works, who is not a member of either of those specialist groups. What should the Orison be called? What other ranks or honourifics would be fitting? 3. Another new Orison, this one beginning with even more vague foundations. There are references in the background for the Chapter which discuss the Exorcists' particular mental abilities, their capacity to use meditations to alter their state of mind such that fear and pain no longer trouble them ostensibly being greater than that of normal Space Marines. An expanded version of that discipline, perhaps even serving as justification for a unique tabletop unit, sounds like an intriguing basis for an Orison. Which occult mythos should we draw from for this one? Should it have a defined membership base, or be simultaneously more open(in that it's not primarily composed of one or two groups from within the chapter) and also more exclusive(in that the number of Marines capable of joining and mastering their discipline is small)? Anyway, I'll stop rambling for now, I hope we can generate some cool ideas.
Hello folks! I just wanted to know if there was any novels, WD's, Imperial Armours, etc... that talk about the Exorcist Chapter? IIRC there is some stuff in one of the Siege of Vraks series but I can't for the world of me remember...any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks! :D Ludovic
So, let's begin. I have a small collection of Black Templar (2 Crusader Squads, 2 Rhinos, and a scratch-made Emperor's Champion), and I'm really interested in the Grey Knights. Now, I thought it would be fluffy to build up an Exorcist force while waiting for the juicy goodness that is the rumored Grey Knights 'dex. So, does anyone know any specifics about their combat style? I read the Lexicanum article, which states that they're very aggresive, which would seem to mesh well with the Codex: Black Templar, but I wouldn't do this if they're still mostly a codex chapter. So... anyone?