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The Cobalt Justiciars Heralding from the Ultima Founding, the Cobalt Justiciars are a Codex-compliant chapter of Adeptus Astartes tasked with the adjudication of the Emperor's justice in the Scarus Sector. They specialize in rapid deployment, spearheading footholds in key points of large-scale conflicts, subsequently establishing reinforced forward positions from which to harry the enemy relentlessly, while simultaneously offering line support to bolster bulk forces. They are adept at utilizing every means at their disposal to achieve battlefield advantages. Whether it's deploying to cut off supply lines or seeking the heart of the conflict to eliminate high-value threats, the assessment and execution upon pivotal opportunities make them a force to be reckoned with. The Cobalt Justiciars field a bolstered array of armored vehicles augmented above the standard of most other chapters. Unique to this chapter is a vast cadre of additional baseline troops and personnel that also deploy alongside them following thrust deployments. Once the leading Cobalt Justiciars clear the way, their Tech Marines, allied Techpriests and engineer corps establish temporary strongholds that can serve to completely alter the tide of battle. From these operating points they utilize Chimera tanks and artillery to devastate enchroaching foes and punish fortifications. The chapter is ideal for turning the tide of large-scale engagements where precision strikes the Astartes are known for are not feasible. They are called upon when the need arises for a perfect balance between attack and defense, and to galvanize beleagured allied forces. Their battle prowess is drawn from pragmatism and a desire to preserve as much Imperial influence and strength as possible. They value the people of the Imperium and understand the necessity of protecting assets other chapters ignore. They also serve to step in where Imperial leadership falters, with their senior leadership often taking on temporary governing roles to reorganize and invigorate Imperial forces and populations. Commensurate to their battlefield responsibilities, they often work to administer Imperial justice to maintain order, serving as intermediaries between disparate allied factions. They embody order, strength and the will required to revitalize Imperial domains, knowing full well that if the galaxy was to once again shine in the light of the Emperor's great vision, they must part the darkness for the empire to see it.
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- homebrew chapter
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Hi guys, saw this over in the Special Projects forum. I checked it out, looks well put together. The download links are to an external site, but just thought it was in our wheelhouse.
- Deathwatch RPG
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Hello everyone, I'm WolfLogic and I've been posting my fic on this site and others since 2021. The thread here is called 40k Alternate Timeline as I didn't have an official title for it yet when I first posted the idea. Since then I got a bit of inspiration and decided to call it "Dreams Fall Apart" The summary I've come up with for the story is as follows: Millennia ago the Emperor completed the Webway Project and initiated a new crusade to conquer it. Driven to the brink of extinction, the Eldar made a pact with the Chaos Gods and were able to drive the Imperium out of the Webway. Now having to hold off countless incursions by the Chaos Eldar the Imperium is spread thin and only time will tell if humanity can survive the onslaught. While the project started off small and with a specific idea in mind, it has since become much larger than I originally anticipated as I have a great time building up the world I've created and adding details and hopefully some nuance. That being said, I like to stay consistent and have things make sense, so a year or so ago I DMed one of my readers and asked if I could bounce ideas off of them. They accepted and the rest is history. Unfortunately, that person is taking a hiatus from the site to work on their own writing and won't be around to give me feedback and beta my work. So I'm looking for either a temporary replacement or if willing, a permanent addition to my little cabal. Please either respond here or DM me if you're interested. Thanks, have a great day everyone! Here's a link to the story if you don't want to try and find it Dreams Fall Apart
- alternate universe
- Fanfic
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SESSION THREE: I'll start altering the titles of the Blog entries to advertise a little better what's on the menu, since the entry names are kind of sterile and hide the content from those who might be looking for something else. Hope that helps everyone. +++++ ECHIDNA'S CHILDREN ++ THE KHYMARAN DRIFT ++ + BADAB SECTOR = LOYALIST CONTENDED + 'Twixt the barrows of Khymara, The dust of rock and bone, There Echidna's Children play, In their shattered domes, Scions of the Emperor, Slaves to hearth and throne, Twixt the barrows of Khymara, Do the Corpses make their home.' - Garrad Abarex, Astropath and Strifeward of the Third Dynast of Mancora. 1: COMBATIVE MEDIC Theoretical. A term used by the Primogenitors, and before them, the XIII Legion, a rhetorical device to prepare the mind for action, for the execution of a preferred eventuality. Tiber Mahlo found the latter disproportionately amusing, since it succinctly underscored his current predicament. The chainaxe in his shoulder. Scarlet runes in Mancoran Dialect helpfully informed him of the Practical as adamantine teeth driven to a blinding whirr, made contact and began to harrow his alabaster warplate. He couldn’t hear the weapon growling, since Khymara IX was utterly devoid of atmosphere, but he did notice the grey-green dust from the world’s surface clogging where it mixed with Astartes blood from previous victims. He had about three seconds to live. Then again, so did the bastard trying to kill him. With a jarring parry, Mahlo knocked the weapon back with his elbow, provoking sparks and flecks of ceramite to skitter across his visor before pinging off to oblivion in the low gravity. The clack-slam of his Reductor went right through the flexsteel of the Executioner’s neck, aimed at a point Mahlo was all too familiar with. Behind it lay the arteries and meat of the Space Marine’s absurdly well-designed neck, but also the fleshy gobbet of a single Geneseed cluster. The sickening noise as Biscopean cartilage parted for the invading metal never failed to force clenched teeth, when he powered through, severing the cervical vertebrae and the vital nerve clusters. A rune spoiled his vindictive moment with a green pulse to indicate the death-blow, and incidental geneseed recovery, was successful. It was a first. He used the corpse as a shield to hide from supporting fire given by the Scions of Dorn who called the meatbag comrade. More Astartes plate was turned into flinders by the hurricane of fire as they tried to bring him down; just as aware as Mahlo that the man he was holding was dead. This was an utter shambles, the Howling Griffons stationed here called for recovery of their wounded, and Mahlo was forced to leave the protection of his Rhino APC, clearly marked as an Apothecarion Transit, to enter the bunker complex which comprised of four stations, housing an augur array, telecoms units, and a remote surveillance drones. What was left of them. He fought the Executioners with bursts from his Umbra-Ferrox bolter, mindful of ammunition consumption, the firing-bolt assembly hammering a predictable chugging that tallied in his mind along with the cortical-interface in his visor. Never rely on technology, Tiber! The Emperor gave you a brain, did he not? Nothing must be a surprise. Kordus. The Chief Apothecary. Even in death, Mahlo could hear the admonition. He wondered if the Head Surgeon had been surprised by the Executioner's power fist when it punched out his thoracic cavity, spilling bloody bone and gristle onto the bland canvas of the inhospitable steppe of the moon. Probably not. Throne, what a desolate place. Even the Caradryad Sector, harbouring the Night Worlds, had some glimmer of...existence. Here there was little divorce from the hard reality of war. The enemy were clad in almost as motley a panoply as his own Brothers were, some in gleaming blue-steel, others marked with dark lozenges of Codex disruptive patterns, more still in the blue-white lunar amoeba. Being Page to Baron Armitage instilled a certain interest in the heraldry, but the brief nostalgia was rapidly discarded when his power plant hit the door sill leading to the under-complex with a jarring crunch. Abandoning his erstwhile, now limbless Astartesian shield, he banged a cipher with an elbow, tossing a krak grenade out with the corpse to cover it. A blast of displaced grit and pressure warnings eclipsed as the door opened to admit him, staring into the muzzles of two bolters clasped by Howling Griffons from a different Company. + Peace, brothers,+ he assured, although it was both hollow and pointless, since his IFF would have already painted him as friendly, but the mortal adepts in thier control pulpits seemed to relax. Perhaps this was the bedside manner Kordus was so keen for him to develop. +++++ This probably belongs in another place, but since it's not an official Cabal of Dead Ink project, and it marries the theme of the Blog so far, I thought it best to put it here.
Here is my first attempt at a little snippet of fanfiction, along with accompanying pictures...I apologise for the quality! "Brother Gregorius," the Chaplain said, his voice as full of gravel as the ruined battlefield he walked on. The sounds of battle did nothing to muffle his voice. The space marine walking a step behind him didn't speak, as a Judicar, he'd taken a vow of silence, instead he nodded solemnly. He knew what was about to be asked of him, and he hefted his executioners blade in readiness. "This world has been tainted by the Xenos, for every inch of it they have stood on, we will extract the Emperor's vengeance a thousand fold. You know this, correct?" Gregorius nodded again. "When we swing our blessed weapons, we are singing the praises of the Emperor, we are dispensing his justice with every foe we put down. You know this, correct?" the Chaplain stopped, allowing his comrade to stand next to him, shoulder to shoulder. Gregorius turned to him, awaiting the next order. "Then let us go and prove our faith, Brother, our enemies are waiting..." the Chaplain set off again, heading into a mess of buildings. **** Overlord Maultek stood impatiently as his bodyguards surveyed the scene, their warscythes crackling with malicious energy. He rested his own weapon on a rock that he imagined might have been part of the humans primitive dwellings. He'd been tasked with conquering this world, scrubbing it clean of humanity's filthy touch. He had no time for such a trivial matter personally. Still, he'd been told that the orders had been passed down from the Silent King himself till it reached him, and he had no one to toss it on to. The human resistance on this world had tested what little patience he had left. If it'd been up to him completely, he wouldnt have left his tomb ship, choosing to simply bombard the tarnished planet, and it's unpleasant occupants, out of existence. "Sire," the lychguard closest to Maultek said, his metallic voice grating to the Overlords ears. Despite being visibly irritated, the Overlord let him speak, gesturing him to continue. "There's movement ahead." "More useless effort..." Maultek sighed. *** The Chaplain raised his Crozius Arcanum, a sign that they'd found their prey, hhe hated Xenos moving towards them from the other side of the clearing. "Brother Gregorius! Let us show our devotion to the Emperor, and honour our Primarch. We will smite all those in our sight that defile the worlds that belong to our glorious Imperium!" the Chaplain's voice rose higer, reverberating off the skeletal remains of the dingy hab sector turning making it sound more of a dirge. The Judicar, as required, said nothing. Bowing his head as he listened to his Chaplains war prayer. Maultek hesitated when he saw the two large humanoid figures striding towards him and his lychguard. He'd almost enjoyed mowing down the humans he'd come across before, watching as their weapons did nothing. These two, were vastly different. The humans before had fear in their eyes when they beheld him, these two, had nothing but hatred. The lychguard spread out to meet the two space marines head on...
- Ultramarines
- Fanfic
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Welcome to Inspiration Friday 2017. Inspiration Friday is a chance for members to write pieces of fiction on set Chaos-related subjects, with a winner chosen at the end of each period and awarded a medal. As in the previous Inspiration Fridays, images accompanying entries are most welcome. While previous incarnations were strictly weekly, I may give two weeks to work on some themes. I should also point out that, living in Tokyo, my Fridays start earlier than many of the Frater and so likely I will close and open themes early on Saturdays, Tokyo-time. Likely still Friday for most of you. From 2016 onwards there were a couple of changes to Inspiration Friday: While I, Kierdale, set the topic each time (or another member I appoint to take the helm in my absence), the winner of each topic will be given the choice of judging the next topic’s entries and choosing the winner from those entries. Should they, for any reason, wish to turn down this duty then judging will revert to Kierdale for the next entry. Judging Rules 1. Many of our members are non-native English speakers so grammar, spelling and punctuation should not be too harshly judged. That said, members are encouraged to type their entries in a word processor program which can help them with their spelling and grammar. 2. The judge should choose the one entry which, in their mind, exemplifies the IF topic of that week. Not necessarily the most action-packed, the longest, the coolest, etc. 3. The judge may, when posting their judgement, choose to give feedback on each entry. What they liked and didn't like, what they wanted to see more or less of. Past Inspiration Friday Topics Links to previous incarnations of Inspiration Friday, for reference: Under Brother Nihm: Aspiring Champion Chaos Banner Regarding the Legions Favourite Model Paint a CSM Favourite Primarch Why Chaos? Under Tenebris: Chaos Cults - Winner: Disease Legacy Weapon - Winner: Xenith Rank and File - Winner: Kol Saresk Chaos Worlds - Winner: Marshal Sampson Chaos Vehicle - Winner: Loesh Call of Chaos Test model - Winner: Alan of Angels and Loesh Chaos Battle - Winner: Cormac Airt Minor Daemon - Winner: Tdf4638 Spooky Chaos - Winner: Dizzyeye Chaos Stronghold - Winner: Carrack Nemesis of Chaos - Winner: Kierdale Chaos Navigator House - Winner: Marshal Sampson Chaos Knight House - Winner: Kierdale Chaos Santa - Winner: Castellan Cato Chaos Dreadnought - Winner: none was chosen! Chaos Warship - Winner: Conn Eremon Interview with a Chaos Lord - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Interview with a Chaos Sorcerer - Winner: Kierdale Chaos Space Marine Bolter - Winner: Son of Carnelian Chaos Assassin - Winners: Carrack, Kierdale and Zhaharek Intel Report on Warband - Winner: Kierdale Betrayal - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Chaos Sword - Winner: Castellan Cato Chaos Spawn - Winners: Carrack and Kierdale Champion of Khorne - Winner: Slipknotzim Chaos Heraldry - Winner: Teetengee Equerry - Winner: Zhaharek Chaos Tome - Winner: TDF Chaos Crossover - Winner: Lord Pariah Dark Mechanicus - Winners: Carrack and Kierdale Daemon Forge - Winners: Zhaharek and Beachymike123 Battles of the Space Marines - Winners: Carrack, Warsmith Aznable and Tipper Cult Leader - Winner: Zhaharek Familiar - Winner: Kierdale Nemesis of Chaos II - Winners: TDF and Conn Eremon Ruination - Winner: Carrack Chaos Sidekick - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Chaos Skirmish - Tactical Squads - Winner: Kierdale Under Kierdale: 2015 Interview With A Warpsmith - Winner: Carrack ETL Background (care of Carrack) - Winner: Kierdale Lair of the gods - Winner: Scourged Signature Tactics - Winners: Scourged and Majorbookworm Berserkers of every creed - Winner: none. Chaos Geneseed - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Tales of... ...Chaos Glory - Winner: Warsmith Aznable A Stolen Relic - Winner: Beachymike123 Summoning - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Treadheads - Winner: Scourged The Primordial Annihilator versus...the Greater Good - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Replenishments New Meat - Winner: Scourged Chaos Halloween Horror - Winner: Dammeron, Scourged, Zhaharek and Teetengee Interview with a dark apostle - Winner: Carrack Chaos Power Armour - Winner: Scourged Tales of Hubris - Winner: Teetengee Chaos Titans - Winner: Scourged and Teetengee Chaos Icons - Winners: MaliGn, Teetengee, Carrack and Scourged. Bonus Challenge: Chaos Objectives - Winner: Carrack 2016 Memories of Terra - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Possessed - Winner: Captain Malachi Chaos Steeds - Winner: Scourged Traitor Regiments - Winner: Teetengee The Primordial Annihilator versus...the Vlka Fenryka - Winner: Carrack Campaign I - Opening Moves - Winner: Diabolist Interview with a Daemon Prince - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Skirmish II - Upon Cursed Wings/Jump Assault - Winner: Teetengee Lost in Space - Winner: Scourged Imperfect Beings - Winner: Carrack Obliterators - Winner: none Lesser Daemons I - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Tales of Honour - Winner:Son of Carnelian Tales of Dishonour - Winner: Fulkes Campaign II - Assault - Winner: Scourged Knightfall - Winner: no contest. Architect of Fate - Winner: Carrack Chaos Flyer - Winner: Kierdale Schism - Winner: Scourged A Chaotic Alliance - Winner: Squigsquasher Chaotic Rites - Winner: Krautscientist Retro-Chaos - Winner: Carrack ETL-V model - Winner: Scourged The Primordial Annihilator versus the Inquisition - Winner: Carrack Interview with a Chaos Apothecary - Winner:Kierdale Chaos Trophies - Winner: MyD4rkPassenger The Primordial Annihilator versus the Sons of Sanguinius - Winner: Carrack The Primordial Annihilator versus the Bugs - Winner: Teetengee Aquatic Combat - Winner: Kierdale Campaign III - Tables Turn/The Crucible - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Halloween 2016 - Winner: Carrack Tales of Vengeance - Winner: MyD4rkPassenger Unit Champion - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Iron Warriors - Winner: Carrack Thousand Sons - Winner: Zhaharek 2017 Black Crusade – A Call To Arms - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Campaign IV - End Game - Winner: Kierdale Seeds Sown... - Winner: Scourged The Fallen - Winner: Trevak Dal Chaos Bikers - Winner: Kierdale The Warp - Winner: Scourged Hive War - Winner: Carrack Propaganda - Winner: Kierdale The Ends Justify The Means - Winner: Carrack The Witch - Winner: Honda Rivalry of the Gods - Winner: none The Primordial Annihilator versus the Sons of Guilliman - Winner: Caius/DogWelder Death Guard - Winner: Azekai Alpha Legion - Winner: Iron Father Ferrum Desert Warfare - Winner: P3AKHOUR Abhumans and mutants - Winner: Gunnyogrady The Primordial Annihilator versus the Adeptus Mechanicus - Winner: ColonelSchaeffer The Primordial Annihilator versus the Imperial Guard - Winner: Warsmith Aznable Images of Chaos - No contest If Horus had won... - Winner: MaliGn Exalted Champion - Winner: macbeefin The Black Legion - Winner: While each topic will close (with respect to who can win the medal for that theme) after a set period, members who find themselves inspired to write about previous themes are most welcome to post these as and when they can, but I ask that you please title your entry accordingly (e.g. “Chaos Warship”). Inspirational Friday: Timelines of Treachery is a companion thread to this (and past and future Inspirational Friday main threads) for those who wish to organise their IF entries and present their warband's timeline. I know I just about my warband's timeline a lot, so the thread is to help both readers and writers to get their heads around which stories come where. By all means please add your own timelines as and when you can
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- Inspirational Friday
- Inspirational Friday 2017
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