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+++INCOMING TRANSMISSION+++ +++FID Indicator - ALPHA+++ +++Via Astropath 7NBS2069LVP1+++ +++Via Astropath 8849042+++ +++Via Astropath 100496-B7+++ +++Thought for the day: Do not wait for death.+++ +++Begin message+++ My noble and revered cousins of the Legio, Attached for your consideration, you will find a datafile containing the summation of the noble and resolute Astartes Chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles. It is a most esteemed honor to have been entrusted with compiling this Index, with the hope of inclusion in the Liber Astartes. Within the datafile you will find my own annotations; please forgive my additions, but I do not feel my Librarium staff quite captured the soul of my beloved Chapter, and I felt the need to elaborate and explain certain aspects I felt were noteworthy. Once again, I humbly thank you for the opportunity to honor my Brothers in blood and arms of the Sanguine Gargoyles. May the Emperor ever watch over you. Your humble servant, Azkael Chief Librarian of the Sanguine Gargoyles +++Begin Datafile+++ Index Astartes: Sanguine Gargoyles "May your soul be cleansed by the rain." Index Astartes Chapter Datafile [INSERT CHAPTER EMBLEM HERE} CHAPTER NAME: .............. Sanguine Gargoyles PRIMOGENETOR: .............. Sanguinius GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... Blood Angels (IXth Legion) FOUNDING: .................. 21st, 991.M35; Ultima, 999.M41 [Rebirth] CHAPTER MASTER: ............ Lucian, Chapter-wright and Master of Pandemonium HOMEWORLD: ................. Fleet-Based, semi-nomadic SEGMENTUM: ................. Obscurus FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........ Pandemonium, Forgeship COLORS: .................... Dark stone gray w/ dark crimson right shoulder pad SPECIALTY: ................. Terror, Guerilla Warfare SUCCESSORS: ................ None STRENGTH: .................. Unknown (estimated to be nominal to above strength) BATTLE-CRY: ................ "For Sanguinius!"/"We avenge the Angel!" The steadfast warriors of the Sanguine Gargoyles Chapter stand amongst the ranks of the Emperor's finest, ever ready to deliver His wrath and justice upon those that would seek to subvert the Imperium. Origins Why: Strategic Prgonostication When: 992.M35; 21st "Cursed" Founding Geneseed Progenitor: Blood Angels Purity: Flawed Mutation(s): Disturbing Voice, Hyper-Stimulated Omophagea, Malfunctioning Melanchrome, Mutated Catalepsean Node Fleet-Based Fortress-Monastery: Forgeship Pandemonium Recruiting: tithe agreements (demands) from saved worlds/systems as primary source of new recruits; small number of volunteers from within fleet taken as supplemental recruits; kidnapping all children, ages 5-13, from an entire planet as emergency source of recruits (also used as a punishment against a planet in some circumstances) Beliefs & Culture Chapter Beliefs: Revere the Primarch Daily meditations include prayers to Sanguinius for guidance, thanks, and forgiveness "Sanguinius blesses you," "May the Angel guide your body and mind," and "I offer my actions to our father Sanguinius that he might judge my soul," are common benedictions heard throughout the Gargoyles' fleet. Against the forces of the Black Legion, the Gargoyles fly into an almost murderous rage, eager to exact revenge from every single traitor legionnaire. Characteristic Chapter Training: Mens et Manus This chapter believes in building their brother's minds and bodies to peak performance, the better to be ready for anything. Demeanor: See But Don't Be Seen Armor is matte where possible, and appears chiseled from stone rather than forged of metal; overall appearance of statues when standing still Flaw: We Stand Alone Will only request support from other descendants of the IXth Legion except in the most dire of circumstances Will offer aid to those in need, but will disappear without word Will not fraternize with anyone outside the Chapter, even other Chapters of Sanguinius' line; will not even remove helmets around outsiders, except under very exceptional/dire circumstances Angel Graces/Warrior's Virtues The Gargoyles strive to embody the Graces of the Angel and the Virtues of the Warrior. Ever a work in progress, they understand is less about achieving those things, but rather that they continue to better themselves every day. Naming/Cultural Traditions Because of numerous different sources of recruits, the Gargoyles have no standardized naming practices. The chapter utilizes sculpturing and masonry as a way to hone body and mind; their statues are some of the finest in the sector, and numerous humanitarian efforts have been aided by their stone-working. They even apply the practice to their armor, often sculpting leering, howling faces onto their helms and valleys and ridges on their armor to allow water to flow better and create more "natural" sounds when running off them. When not armored, brothers wear a leather jerkin and trousers, sometimes with a linen tunic, leather boots, Organization Unique Organization Over-Strength 7 Companies Each Company has 13 squads except 7th, which has the normal 10 Each Company has no Captain rank; instead, they are given the title Maester. It is their duty to mentor the Marines in their respective company. Captains needed for battlefield command are pulled from 1st Company on a case-by-case basis. Specialty Restrictions: Limited Tech-Marines The Arch-Angels An Arch-Angel, the Gargoyles' Sanguinary Guard ... The Revenants A Revenant, the Gargoyles' Death Company ... Chapter Fleet As a fleet-based chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles possess a larger fleet than other Chapters might, though not its vessels all are commanded by Astartes. Though not nearly a match in scale, it is reminiscent of the vast fleets of the Great Crusade in regards to its composition. The Gargoyles' fleet is a blend of the Astartes' flotilla, the remnants of Penal Legion Theta-Delta-Beta's troop fleet, a few Explorator vessels from the Adeptus Mechanicus, and a permanent detail from the Order of the Shrouded Martyr (including their Dominator-class Cruiser, the Dominus Irae), plus the swarms of the fleet's attendant ships. The Gargoyles command the battle barges and strike cruisers while the rest of the fleet, with the exception of the Sororitas vessels, is commanded by Imperial Navy personnel. This arrangement between the Chapter and the Navy ensures the Gargoyles can prosecute their enemies as they desire, and the Navy gets to do its job, without either side getting in the other's way. The fleet of the Sanguine Gargoyles is split into three smaller fleets. The Main Fleet makes war, wherever it may take them. Up to five separate, flight-strength campaigns could be supported individually, though it is most often the case that numerous small-scale operations are taking place around one or two larger scale engagements. Additionally, The Rook heads a small splinter fleet, a fast strike force intended to neutralize the most dangerous threats present, or to offer Flight-strength support as rapidly as possible. The last of the fleets, the Fledgling Fleet, traverses the trail of outposts the Gargoyles have set up in their region, termed by the Chapter the "Aeyrie." The members of Seventh Flight see to the Chapter's recruiting as part of their training duties, and they draw aspirants from a handful of such outposts. Combat Doctrine Terror (primary) Lightning Strike/Stealth (secondary) Appearance Standard armor coloration of the Sanguine Gargoyles Livery Prior to their rebirth as the Sanguine Gargoyles, the Saviors of the Chalice wore alabaster white armor with crimson pauldrons and gold detailing and decoration. Following the traditions of their brethren, helmets identified a warrior's squad type, with individual squad markings worn on the right knee pad. The Chapter Badge was worn on the left pauldron, while company markings and personal heraldry were worn on the right. Veteran status was denoted by a golden helm and pauldron trim. After the Ultima Founding and the rebirth of the Chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles bear new colors. Their armor is a dark, stone gray, with the right pauldron painted crimson. Members of the Librarium, Reclusiam, and Sanguinary Priesthood follow their orders' traditional coloring, with the left pauldron painted the same dark stone gray as their battle-brothers' armor. Flight (Company) is denoted by pauldron trim, and battlefield roles are still identified by helmet color, however squad markings and personal heraldry are no longer worn. Sergeants' helms and right pauldrons are colored the same as the rest of their armor. Lieutenants are identified by a gray helm and right pauldron, while Captains bear an almost-white helm and pauldron. Chapter Badge White wings outstretched behind a golden chalice was the original badge of the Saviors of the Chalice. Since their transformation, the Sanguine Gargoyles' emblem bears only a small resemblance to their original; instead of angel-like wings, stone-gray bat wings spread open, with a crimson skull replacing the chalice. Veterans who wear the chapter badge have the skull colored gold. The Arch-Angels and the Revenants Both of the Blood Angel's unique companies, the Sanguinary Guard and the Death Company, bear visually unique armor colorations from their brothers. This is also the case for the Sanguine Gargoyles' interpretation of them. The Arch-Angels are adorned in sculpted plates of ceramite colored a white marble, evoking imagery of statues from the ancient Achaemid Empire, and their helms and chest detailing are gold The Revenants wear armor colored a pale, ghostly gray, with a deep bronze helm and chest detail. Red saltires are still emblazoned on various surfaces of their armor, and their helms' lenses are also colored crimson. Honored by their brothers for their sacrifice, the Revenants bear gold trim on their pauldrons, conferring the (honorary) status of Veterans on those in this baleful brotherhood. Chapter Arsenal Special Equipment: Blessed Wargear, Modified Jump Packs Dreadnoughts Storm-Golem Carmine, Librarian Dreadnought Dreadnought Force Weapon Frag Cannon Golem Verson, Furioso Dreadnought Frag Cannon Blood Fist with Heavy Flamer Golem-Ancient Quintus; Venerable Hellfire Dreadnought Paired Twin-Linked Lascannons Golem Alessandro, Ironclad Furioso Dreadnought Paired Blood Fists, with Heavy Flamer and Meltagun Draugr; Death Company Dreadnought Paired Blood Talons, with Heavy Flamer and Meltagun Soul-Golem Derceus; Venerable Chaplain Dreadnought Plasma Cannon "Stonefist" Reliquary Angel's Light [Ryza pattern "Sunspite" plasma pistol; badge of office of the Master of the Librarium] Aza'zel [Relic force sword; badge of office of the Master of the Librarium] The Dread Spear [A relic spear of unknown origin, made from a xenos metal with a marble-like appearance; badge of office of the Chapter Master] Stonefist [A Blood Fist crafted using the shattered remnants of Soul-wright Derces' Crozius Arcanum, with a built-in meltagun] Death Masks [I think everyone with clearance to read this will already have knowledge of the death masks worn by those of the Angel's line.] The Fleet Common areas are subjected to constant "rain" from the ships' fire suppression system; this doubles as decontamination. Personal quarters have knobs to adjust the flow of the rain for desired strength. Pandemonium Forgeship gifted to the Gargoyles from the Adeptus Mechanicus [Once again, I have added a sub-list below containing the breakdown of the Sanguine Gargoyles' fleet disposition, for your perusal.] Chapter Legends Chaplain Derceus The hero led his Chapter in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy’s greatest champions. In the end, he was brought down by the Chapter's enemies, and is a reminder to all Battle Brothers of their holy duty. Notable Battles & Campaigns ... Allies & Enemies Chapter Allies Adeptus Mechanicus Adeptus Sororitas (Order of the Shrouded Martyr) Astra Militarum (Wilson's Irregulars) Chapter Enemies Abbadon & the Black Legion Kha'Banda Valorous Host Warband Slaghulk's Killa Mob +++End Datafile+++ +++Closing Thought: Only in death does duty end.+++ +++End Message+++
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Hey Guys! So, like so many others here, I've decided to create a PLOG (or BLOG) for the creation of my primaris army. Important: I plan to actually try and get around to painting this stuff, unlike my hundreds of standard Blood Angels Astartes. The original goal had been to build the starter set and get those painted, but a nice chap I know offered to trade his Primaris for my Death Guard, which i (unsurprisingly) accepted. I had also ordered a few bits from Bits and Kits too... Anyway, so why do I care about Primaris? For me they look how I've always imagined marines, the proportions look so much better than just about any True Scale marine I've seen, although there are a few that I thing come pretty close. I also am in the minority, in that I like the way the background is going, I actually like the idea that the Imperium isn't on a total back foot for the first time in probably the full 10 millenia since the Heresy! I can totally get behind the idea that a secret project to create better Astartes was sanctioned but because of the bureaucracy and shear inefficiency of the Imperium, such a project could then languish when it was desperately needed. Sure, I get that it's "Just GW trying to sell models", of course it is, its a business. But for me at least, I actually like the way the background is going (WE MOVED FORWARD IN TIME! HOORAY!!). As some of you may know, I've been in the hobby around 21 years now. And I've also been a member of this forum for the since 2004, I've seen so many inspirational things come out of this forum and I'm always greatful for the awesome stuff people come up with! So thanks for that As any of you that came across my old Blood Angels blog, or maybe some of my older porjects even on here will know, I usually like to do fairly substantial conversions, lots of reposing and sculpting. I imagine this project will eventually get more of that too, but for now, I'm focusing on keeping things reasonably simple, so I can get things to a point I'm happy to paint in a reasonable amount of time and (hopefully!) actually get stuff painted. I'll still be doing conversions on things of course, but probably not much in the way of heavy sculpting beyond stuff like hair and little details. The concept for my army, will be the soldiers assigned to 2nd Company to replenish it after the events of Angels Blade/Traitors Hate and then the Devastation of Baal. Once that book (or other helpful sources) comes out, I'll probably do a minor reshuffle to fit whatever official format GW Assigns Primaris in the Blood Angels chapter. I am hoping the info on existing Astartes being 'upgraded' proves to be true, but if not I'll work around it. But I'd like to 'upgrade' my Aphael to Primaris status, probably once I've got the new captain in hand and can work it out. Anyway, so here's what I've done so far! EVERY IMAGE IS CLICKABLE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION What you see above is Four Intercessor squads, Two Hellblaster squads, Three Ancients, Four Lieutenants and a Captain in Gravis Armour. There are also a set of Intercessors, but I cannot finish building those till I have painted the heads and sprayed the bodies. For the Lieutenants, I have built two stock, with a a shoulder pad change on one of them and some BA blood drop bling added to both - didnt bother taking extra pictures of those two. I then have a second ranged Lieutenant with a bit more of an involved conversion: He has a hand from one lieutenant, body from the other, an arm from a lieutenant with the hand from a sergeant, a shoulder pad swap, replaced the pistol on his waist with one from the mk3 kit, head from a hellblaster sergeant. Overall I'm pretty happy that I've managed to make him quite distinctive from the standard two. I then have probably my favourite model so far - Again, the conversion is simple, but I feel it's worked very nicely for pose, leaning forward like he has just completed an arcing slash with the sword. I need to sculpt hair on him still, unsure on exact style I'll go for, probably messy short hair. For the Intercessors, Squad 1: This squad has a few shoulder pad swaps (every squad has a few), Sergeant is close to stock, different right arm (one from a lieutenant, with the bolter from the sergeant, used the sergeant arm, but replaced the hand with one holding a bolter clip from the blood angels tactical squad. Sqaud 2: This unit is almost built stock, just some shoulder pad changes. Squad 3: This squad again had a few shoulder pad changes, sergeant uses a bionic arm from devastators, head is a sergeant head with hair shaved down (he'll stay bald), quite happy with how he looks. Squad 4: This unit is again, fairly stock, simple head swap on the walking and shooting marine, sergeant had a shoulder swap (this was the first unit I built) Next Is Ancient 1 and Hellblaster Squad 2: The Hellblaster squad has every model with a shoulder swap, sergeant uses head from a Lieutentant and has both pads swapped.Ancient is totally stock except for a tiny bit of BA bling added to his belt (one of the scroll pouches). Ancient 2, Hellblaster Squad 1 and Ancient 3: Ancient 2 has a head from assault squad and both shoulder pads replaced. Hellblasters have a couple pads replaced but are otherwise totally standard, Ancient 3 has a bolter arm from a sergeant, head from devastators and a little bling added to his backpack, banner top replaced with a bit from BA tactical kit - I see this Ancient as a marine that was 'upgraded', or if that turns out to not be something that happens, one of the first BA Primaris, along the lines of the Ancient from Dark Imperium Book. And finally, a shot of Everything that is built as it stands: The Gravis Captains back isn't stuck on, so I can paint the helmet easier. It's a stock model, I'm thinking of trying to do a fairly elaborate conversion with the second, but thats low priority for now. So, still to build I have: a third hellblaster squad, a fifth intercessor squad, a second inceptor squad, a second gravis captain and two more lieutenants. I plan to build the Inceptors for sure, but may hold off on the others for now. I will definitely be picking up two Repulsors, a Redemptor, both the regular and birthday Captains, the Librarian and probably just the one set of Reivers for the time being. I personally love the Repulsor, it looks awesome, I'm very interested to see the rules for it, I am excited to see how it plays and hopeful that it'll help with Primaris playability on the table - I recognise that they aren't deemed good currently. The Redemptor looks great, I am interested to see what build options it has, something with a smaller central plate would be good, and I'm really wanting an exposed helmet sat in there instead of the sarcophagus, but think I may be able to convert that using spare BA dread bits anyway. The HQ models all look good, albeit a little unexciting, but they'll also likely be where I focus most of my conversion efforts. The Reivers show great promise in concept, and I absolutely love the stripped down armour, but the poses aren't great, so I'll see what I can do there... a fellow Frater over in the BA forum suggested they might look good with Alabaster Death Masks... and now I need to at least look at that for an option!. Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading! C&C welcome as always.
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INDEX ASTARTES: DESERT EAGLES SONS OF GUILLIMAN Renowned for their adaptive warfare and righteous fury, few can resist the overwhelming onslaught of the Desert Eagles in their stride. Serving the Imperium since the earliest conflicts of the Great Crusade has earned the chapter numerous honours, as well as bitter enemies from the ranks of those who fled their advance. The Desert Eagles are proud descendants of Guilliman and honour his name with a storied list of campaigns won over his enemies. In contrast to the measured tactics of their progenitor the Desert Eagles utilise highly responsive advances, shifting entire frontiers of battle to exploit opportunities. This characteristic descends from the forging of the Chapter during the vicious battles against the Word Bearers of Lorgar in the Horus Heresy, when a Chapter of their Ultramarine forebearers were left isolated and betrayed on the deserts of Calth. The resourcefulness of the Astartes in reclaiming critical supplies and positions and their unrelenting nature during those crucial hours earned them the nickname ‘Carrion Eagles’ during the siege by local forces. The brown-and-crimson armour of the Desert Eagles now reflects the desert that defined them over mere hours, as well as the commemorating the lives lost in those cursed sands. A Desert Eagles assault unleashes The Emperor's Mercy upon a Chaos Warband Desert Eagles Astartes with Bolter When the Desert Eagles Chapter was brought into being during the Second Founding, Captain Catius Thassor, a renowned commander of the Ultramarines Legion, was chosen to be its first Chapter Master. Thassor's reputation was steeped in legend from the Battle of Calth, where he led what would become the Desert Eagles chapter against Word Bearers forces in desperate survival on the planet's surface. The savagery of the Word Bearers' assault upon the planet's surface was secondary only the conflicts within orbit. Even as Ultramarines forces were shattered at Komesh the fighting in the deserts of Cuneth grew fierce, where the planned betrayal faltered under sandstorms. Thrice Thassor led the united Imperial forces into the sands to reclaim vital communication facilities to allow their evacuation, splintering the ammassed followers of Lorgar under blinding walls of dust and fire. Such conditions proved fatal for many of the allied Imperial Guardsmen within the deserts, however the loyalist forces made frequent use of their littered supplies as the hours of desperate fighting bore continued. Battletanks and artillery positions were scavenged for shells and explosives, and the Ultramarine defence bore on. Communications reached the loyalist positions of the dire state of Calth, and with it news of impending destruction. The Word Bearers' obliteration of the system had destabilised its integrity, and soon the surface would prove fatal for any who remained on its surface. Thassor's forces turned their scavenged ammunition earthbound, and were able to detonate their way into the nearby subterranean networks where they would continue waging the Underworld War against Chaos forces until Ultramarines fleets returned several years later. By the time Thassor was able to return his Chapter to the Ultramarines Legion less than half of those he had led beneath the desert of Cuneth remained, and himself a hero of the Legion. With the completion of the Codex Astartes by Roboute Guilliman at the conclusion of the Horus Heresy, he commanded his sons to divide into 1,000-member Space Marine Chapters so that no single commander could ever control the power of an entire Astartes Legion again. As the Howling Griffons and Genesis Chapter ventured into the galaxy at the dawning of the Second Founding so to did the Desert Eagles, now united in their brown-and-crimson and once again being led into the unknown by Catius Thassor, Chapter Master of the storied survivors of Calth. The Desert Eagles' homeworld is located on the planet Audax, an Imperial Feral World in Segmentum Ultima. The planet consists of a pair of hive cities, both heavily damaged due to solar radiation, as well as the Desert Eagles' Fortress-Monastery Basilica Solitudinem. Audax's population still resides within the ruins of the two cities, as the remaining landscape of sun-scarred rocks and salt flats proves fatal to those who pass through. Life is fierce within the crumbling towers with scarce resources and even scarcer allies, and attempts to unite the cities by those residing fall quickly due to mistrust and infighting. The Desert Eagles Battlebarge "Heavenfall" hangs in orbit over Audax Watch the full animation here! The present-day Chapter utilises a variety of trials to select neophytes from those that remain clinging to the cities of eons past, their skills honed by the trials of living upon Audax. Representatives of the Desert Eagles descend upon each city twice within a normal human's lifetime and take the most skilled aspirants from the population, forcibly if required. Many that fail the trials are returned as servitors, and are tasked with rebuilding for the remnants of their short life-span. Some have noted that the cities may have yet been recovered if not for the recruitment and removal of their most hopeful youth who now litter the alleyways as glistening mechanised corpses. The method of fighting forced upon those of Audax for survival has served the Desert Eagles suitably over the millennia. Their modus operandi consists of fluid and interchanging attacks conducted by highly trained forces, destroying the enemy before any attack can be properly responded to and never allowing the enemy to force a static engagement. The Chapter emphasises the usage of shifting terrain and resources to their advantage, and each unit has a vital role within the overarching structure deployed. As a result, on some occasions that the tide of battle turned against the Desert Eagles the losses were significant, such as in M36 when they were ambushed by Drukhari forces who were able to interrupt communications systems between the Chapter. Although preferring to keep the foe at arms-length, the Desert Eagles are still capable of engaging in bloody close-combat just as readily as at range, and are readily feared by the enemies of the Imperium. Despite their seemingly indecisive nature when employing tactics, the Desert Eagles disdains the notion of recklessly charging against an enemy without sufficient intelligence of the situation or the surrounding landscape which could be used to their advantage. The Desert Eagles are classified as a Codex Astartes-compliant Chapter, and they follow the sacred tome with few variations in terms of organisation. They follow the tactics presented in the Codex, efficiently making use of different standard units, but frequently intermix and alter tactical decisions so that the Chapter cannot be readily countered. The addition of Primaris reinforcements has been received poorly due to their slow uptake of these decisions, a reflection of their Terran upbringing and previous engagements rather than ability. Desert Eagles Shoulder Pad (6th - 10th Company) The Desert Eagles are currently operating at near full-strength and organise their Chapter into 10 companies. In a reflection of the two cities of Audax the Chapter is often divided as two 5 Company forces known as Strikes, with the 1st - 5th Companies' shoulder pads being crimson to denote this whilst the 6th - 10th Companies have brown shoulder pads with a crimson trim. The appointment to Strike Captain is an incredible honour within the Chapter and often precludes appointment to Chapter Master, as a Chapter Master cannot himself lead a Strike as he must focus on the operation of the Chapter as a whole. The Desert Eagles were established in the Second Founding (M31) from a Chapter of Ultramarines that survived the Battle of Calth, and are therefore descended from Roboute Guilliman. They have not experienced any significant issues from their gene-stock and answered Guilliman's call for aid upon his return, though the deviation of their combat doctrine has brought issues when fighting alongside other Astartes forces. PRE-HERESY Chapter Master Catius Thassor - Catius Thassor was a former Captain of the Ultramarines Legion during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, achieving esteem for his service during the Battle of Calth. He became the Desert Eagles' first Chapter Master during the Second Founding and led them to their Homeworld of Audax, establishing the fortress-monastery Basilica Solitudinem upon the planet's weathered surface. POST-HERESY Chapter Master Martellis Riol - Martellis Riol is the current Chapter Master of the Desert Eagles following the death of his predecessor during the early Indomitus Crusade. Riol was formerly the Captain of the 5th Company and inherited Talonstrike, a Master-Crafted spear with attached bolt-pistol that is the pride of the Chapter. He was notoriously besieged by Desert Eagles forces for three days at the peak of one of the few remaining towers on Audax where he had made his lair prior to joining the Chapter, a feat thrice that of any previous aspirant. Utilising the crumbling nature of the ferrocrete building against them he was able to combat the incapacitating weaponry deployed against him in a cruel reflection of the Chapter's tactics. Only the intervention of an apothecary saved him at the conclusion of the siege from dying due to exhaustion, and the legend of his stand spread quickly throughout the Chapter. Strike Captain Adonis Rake - Adonis Rake was a former Captain of the 1st company and Strike Captain in M36, when he led the 1st, 3rd and 4th Companies as a Strike against a significant Drukhari pirate threat. The two forces tactics were each a reflection of the other, however the lightning speed of the forces of Commorragh caught Rake both unaware and unprepared. The ensuing destruction led to the complete obliteration of the Strike, and the loss of experience and resources was a severe hit against the Desert Eagles, who sorely swear vengeance upon those who inflicted their destruction. Ever since the Chapter has favoured younger leaders and highly commemorates exceptional service of an individual, rather than solely years in service. "Fluid/interchanging/responsive tactics" is justification for my terrible choices during actual games of 40k, thought it might reflect nicely in the lore as well. I understand that Calth was an Agri-World prior to the Horus Heresy, and though I haven't read the books covering the Battle of Calth I'm banking on an image of Calth pre-heresy containing what appears to be deserts. If there's any issues I could switch the planet that the desert fighting takes place on, I just imagined that the Battle of Calth would be such a significant and defining moment in the Ultramarines' history that it'd send shockwaves even 10,000 years later in how some chapters function. Full credit for the images goes to two very talented artists on DeviantArt, Kai Lim for the first which was for a series of Soul Drinkers novels, and Algrim-Whitefang for the Astartes image which I combined from a few of their images. I believe the shoulder pad is from the 5th ed. Space Marine Codex? Very easy to find on the various wikis. All were recoloured in Photoshop using Hue/Saturation layers. I've now designed a custom insignia similar to the Necropolis Hawks, however it invokes the look of a saw blade. I enjoy the Flesh Tearers' iconography a lot, and used it as influence here. If you wish to replicate the banners I've used here I'm more than happy to send the Photoshop file through.
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- Loyalist
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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Devastator Sergeant
Lord-Captain Cepinari posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
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Devastator Marine
Lord-Captain Cepinari posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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Tactical Sergeant
Lord-Captain Cepinari posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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Chapter Serf / PDF
Lord-Captain Cepinari posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
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From the album: The Tarantulas Chapter
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Version 0.9
The Bloodmoon Hunters are a stalwart and dedicated non-codex compliant Loyalist Space Marine Chapter created during the 13th Founding, the so-called 'Dark Founding'. This Downloadable Index is a Work in Progress to create a Supplemental Codex to use Bloodmoon Hunters unique tactics and formations in unofficial Warhammer 40k battles. In addition to capture their unique flavor and rules as they are developed.-
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From the album: Alpha Legion
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From the album: Alpha Legion
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Figured I might as well start a thread to sporadically document my sporadic progress on this project. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the Death Guard. In particular, their stubborn loyalists. A lot of my 30k projects have centred around exploring how the original Terran Veterans of the legions interacted with the directions their legions took after being united with their primarchs. This army is based around a cadre of terran veterans from Albia, now old, bitter and neglected. They served the emperor with honour and distinction before the reunification with Mortarion, after which they found themselves increasingly sidelined and overlooked, abandoned to forgotten war zones and isolated frontiers. This army is intended to reflect a barebones, 'old school' crusade era force. Lots of veteran squads and heavy weapon squads all in land raiders, with none of the Death Guard specific weaponry bar some alchem flamers. No scythes or toxin bombs, these guys wield the weapons of their Albian forefathers, and cling to the notions of chivalry and honour the early Dusk Raiders possessed. I painted a test model for the scheme I had in mind last year, and was fairly happy with it. With the gorgeous new Mk3 marines I've started to actually build the force in earnest, starting with some multi-melta heavy support marines and a few Veterans. I'm pretty happy with how they are coming out, but always happy for feedback. The first image should be the test model, still glossy from oils. Then the current batch after basecoating, followed by oils, and finally a basically finished marine with metallics done.
- 21 replies
- 30k
- Death Guard
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From the album: Alpha Legion
- Alpha Legion
- Traitor
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From the album: Alpha Legion
- Alpha Legion
- Traitor
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From the album: Alpha Legion
- Alpha Legion
- Traitor
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From the album: Alpha Legion
- Alpha Legion
- Traitor
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