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So I really need to clean this thread up and make it less disorganized and stuff. So in here you will find: 40k Grey Knights Adepta Sororitas Inquistion Exorcists Chapter Deathwatch Militarum Tempestus Adeptus Mechanicus Imperial Knights Raptors......No longer have this army Thanks GW 30K Raven Guard Adeptus Custodes Sisters of Silence Necromunda Redemptionist Completed models/ squads HQ Terminator Librarian Reynald de Vichers Inquistor (Interigator) Abygayl Selene Brotherhood Champion Landry de Lauzon Techmarine Talus ELITES Venerable Dreadnought Draper TROOPS Strike Squad Tancrede de Hautville Strike Squad Gaiwan de Monglane Strike Squad Godfrey de Caux Termnator Squad Tibauld De Gaudin FAST ATTACK Interceptor Squad De Plessiez HEAVY SUPPORT Purgation Squad Des Barres FLYERS DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Razorback "Long Swords" Kill Team Octarius Hand of Titan Raptors Hqs 10th Co Chaplain Arthurus Phobos Libraian Hes Elites Chief Apothercary Chraddas and Apothecary La Rocha 5th Scout Squad led by Veteran Sgt Helios Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Other Project Back to Badab Kill Team- Raptors Team 7 909th "Hell Rain" Charlie Company (Inquistorial Strom Troopers) Hqs Ordo Malleus Termiantor Inqusitor Lord Martyn Odum Ordo Malleus Inquistor Lord MyKel Westen with his Alcolytes Commissar Lord Kiera Lynx Elites Troops Alpha Squad Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Order of the Valorous Heart Hqs Elites Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedciated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Completed Grey Knight Group Shot (12/05/2021) Raptors Completed Group Photo (02/23/2021) Order of the Valorous Heart Completed Group photo (11/07/2021)
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- Adepta Sororitas
- Grey Knight Chapter
- (and 8 more)
Updating my Blog of completed models Grey Knights HQ Terminator Librarian Reynald de Vichers Brotherhood Champion Landry de Lauzon Techmarine Talus ELITES Venerable Dreadnought Draper Servitor Squads Montessa and Calatrava TROOPS Strike Squad Tancrede de Hautville Strike Squad Gaiwan de Monglane Strike Squad Godfrey de Caux Termnator Squad Tibauld De Gaudin FAST ATTACK Interceptor Squad Philip De Plessiez HEAVY SUPPORT Purgation Squad Everand Des Barres FLYERS DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Razorback "Long Swords" Kill Team Octarius Hand of Titan
- 25 replies
- Grey Knights
- Raptors Chapter
- (and 5 more)
With the Sally Fourth: Hobby Challenge and the 12 months of hobby challenge 2022 I figured now would be a good time to start my Ordo Malleus Inquistorial Army I had sitting around along with the excuse to purchase some Scions. This army is more about the rule of cools (as are most of my armies) rather then how it performs on the Table top. Also this army is supplement to my very large Grey Knight army that will be the main focus of the 12 Month Challenge with some other stuff thrown in. Update: 08/29/2024- Well I have been building my Scions past few days and I am switching them from Inquisitorial Stormtroopers to 54th Psian Jackals- Charlie Platoon "Hell Rain" Enough words....picture time
Background Hidden Content The drought of many years of not being able to indulge in the hands-on aspect of the hobby has ended. I still have all the stuff I had when I stopped because I knew I'd come back to it eventually. The Horus Heresy has been fun to follow as well as the talk of detachments and allies. I've always loved the idea of a beleaguered group of Guardsmen reinforced with a squad or two of Astartes and I can now represent that without house rules. 31/5/17 EDIT: Eighth edition makes a mixed force even easier so the Astra Militarum are getting some reinforcements from the 31st millenium courtesy of warp space-time shenanigans. They'll be backed up with new Primaris Astartes (hopefully towering over them) from a DIY chapter of mine. Project Rate Hidden Content Progress is going to be slow burn because I'm doing this purely for relaxation and don't have any urge to get them on board (unlike in my impatient youth). I'm going to try new things compared to what I used to do so it'll be one or two minis at a time; only being able to prime that many at a time is also a factor. Army Concept Hidden Content The idea I'm working from is building up the human forces first to get the rust off and then work on the marines. This also gives me more time for more Forge World books to get released. I'll be doing a minimal allied detachment at the art scale (Doghouse style as it were) so they really tower over the baseline humans. A larger force of true scale (spacer style) is also in the queue. EDIT 03/3/17: The space marine parts are going in a different thread. Grenadier/Solar Auxilia Test Model -Goal: it is feasible as a 4+ save unit. -Initial idea: Skitarii torso because they have a 4+ save and I like the robes/trench coat look. Picked up a box of Skitarii and cracked open the Guard portion of the bitz collection. -Difficulty: low, shouldn't involve any intensive GS work, applicable for human size forces. I dry fit Guardsman legs with Skitarii torso. The Guardsman was then directed to the Medicae Cosmeticus to shave off some of that pork butt. Once sufficiently trim so the legs and torso fit together (with minimal bending of the lower robes and the robes covering the chop job) I moved onto considering the paint job. I wanted something with a bit more pop than the browns used for the Steel Legion and Death Korp, but not so red on the brown-scale that it came across as a color for the Mechanicus. I checked out a color wheel to check its complementary color and it was a dark green. I figured I'd try that for the pants. I don't like painting Guardsmen legs and, instead of my normal techniques, I figured camouflage would be something new. Step 1: Base layer of Dark Angels Green on black primer. Step 2: Slashes/lines of Snot Green Step 3: Smaller slashes/lines of Vermin Brown I'm not sold on Vermin Brown and may try a lighter brown next time. The image above also has the first step of painting the boots. Step 1: Base layer of Dark Flesh Step 2: Wash with Ogryn Flesh Step 3: Drybrush with Dark Flesh Step 4: Carefully apply Gryphonne Sepia to the creases at the ankle If there's one thing I've learned from years of reading about people's Imperial Fists and Blood Angels it's how easy it is to slide into brown town. I needed to tread carefully because I wanted it read as a very red brown. Step 1: Three lays of thin Scab Red Step 2: One layer of Mechrite Red Step 3: One layer of Baal Red No pic, sorry Step 4: Highlight edges with Terracota The seal parchment I just used an old recipe. I added a wash with Devlin Mud at the end, but I think a light wash with Badab Black might work better next time. Step 1: Vermin Brown base layer Seen in the last image Step 2: Paint Flesh Wash and let dry Step 3: A layer of Dwarf Flesh just light enough that the heavier areas of Flesh Wash are visible No pic, sorry Step 4: Paint with Chestnut Ink and let dry Step 5: Heavily dry brush with Dwarf Flesh Step 6: Wash with Devlin Mud I kept the armored torso simple after all that. Step 1: Boltgun Metal base layer Step 2: Wash with Badab Black I left it there for the moment because I really liked how it looked, but later when I did more of distance view I realized it needed some work. The later images have the addition of a heavy drybrushing of Mithril Silver. Step 3: Heavy dry brush with Mithril Silver. I chose green for the seal wax because it contrasts with the red-brown. Step 1: Dark Angels Green base layer Step 2: Snot Green mid-layer Step 3: Wash with Thraka Green Step 4: Wash the center with Devlin Mud (helps to contrast the lower are from the raised area of the seal. I also used a micron pen to add some lines to the parchment at this point. Some gluing later: Distance shot one - with Skitarii robed head to get an idea of one possible silhouette Distance shot 2 - with Guardsman head to get an idea of another possible silhouette Other than not wanting to use the armored Skitarii heads I am really unsure about the head. I'm going to try trimming down a Guard helmet and seeing that looks too. The camo needs some neatening up, but I think that's mostly getting the consistency of the brown layer correct. C&C always welcome.
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- Astra Militarum
- Militarum Tempestus
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Greetings everyone. For the last year I have slowly being putting together a small Kasrkin force which one day Id like to use with the Scion rules. Because of my current location and work it may be a while before I get a game but I am enjoying painting, converting and writing fluff. I am aiming for a 1250pt list. I have not played a game since I was 12 when third edition had just been released. With that in mind Id love any feed back. To my fellow guardsman I wish upon you the Emperors blessings. +++++ Imperial Force Archives +++++ ++++ Force Description ++++ ++++++ Cadian Sector ++++++ ++++++ 171st Airborne Company ++++++ 171st Cadian Airborne Company (Kasrkin) The 171st were created out of the necessity for a quick deploying, rapid reaction force. Similar to the famed Elysian drop troops and taking inspiration from the Cadian 1433rd Airborne who fought in the Cryptus Campaign. It was envisioned 171st would allow the hard hitting Kasrkin Storm troopers take to the skies and become an air mobile unit. The Kasrkin are already considered the best Cadia has to offer and combined with the officially sanctioned Airborne assault formations they can rival even the mighty Tempestus Scions. Believing a unit never truly dies as long as the colours still stand this new airborne company was given the name and colours of the 171st. A Kasrkin unit wiped out to the last man during the 12th Black Crusade. The original 171st had been a mechanised unit that prided itself on its speed and bravery. Earning the motto "Celer et Audax", "Swift and Bold". A motto that encompasses airborne operations perfectly. The 171st were reborn, raining hell and fury from the skies. A fitting tribute to those who fell in the Gothic Sector. The 52nd Naval tactical squadron were chosen by sector command and attached to the 171st. An early emphasis was placed on intense cross training to ensure the two units could function as one. Similar to how Chimera crews and shock troopers become one entity in the more common armored fist units. The level of co-operation between the two units is such that the door gunners on the 52nd Valkyries are actually 171st Kasrkin members who fill the position on a rotation basis. Similarly all pilots and gunners of the 52nd are rotated through the Officer of the Fleet position with the ground forces. This ensures each unit has the upmost understanding of how the other operates and 100% trust can be placed in each. The aircraft of the 52nd have adopted the famous Cadian green colours and for all intents and purposes have been adopted as a Cadian unit. Summary: Home-world: Various worlds from the Cadian System. Colours: Standard Cadian green and tan, light green berets. Commissars wear a red sash and crush cap with a red band Unit Insignia: Cadian gate, Ace of Spades, Skulls represent squad command, Letters represent Platoon. Battle Cry: "3-48" "Swift and Bold" Adopted Unit Song: Lay me down in the cold cold ground, Where before many more have gone When they come I will stand my ground, Stand my ground I’ll not be afraid Thoughts of home take away my fear, Sweat and blood hide my veil of tears Once a year say a prayer for me, Close your eyes and remember me Never more shall I see the sun, For I fell to a traitor gun Lay me down in the cold cold ground, Where before many more have gone Current Strength: Under strength company folded into 1 platoon plus supporting units. Allegiance: Cadia, Our Savior and Holy light - The Emperor of Mankind. Doctrine: Air Assault, Deep Strike, Reconnaissance, Combined Arms operations. It should be noted where as larger airborne units such as the Elysian's and Catachan 22nd make mass airdrops the 171st is a lot smaller in scale. More comparable to the Tempestus Scions. Mass airborne assaults take time and resources to assemble. The 171st is based on speed, the key to their operations is rapid reaction to what ever threat may appear. Never the less the 171st can and do operate in more traditional airborne roles and can be fielded in a more traditional "Shock" role in larger combined arms detachments. Previous Activities: The 171st were heavily involved in the 13th Black Crusade. Their rapid reaction made them a valuable asset in quickly putting down cultist uprisings and quelling traitorous movements in and around the Cadian sector. However, over the weeks as these engagements became ever increasingly protracted, casualty rates began to rise. They were present on Cadia when the REDACTED made his final push on the planet. They fought valiantly as did all who were present. After the cataclysmic event resulting in the destruction of the planet the few survivors of the 171st were lucky to make it off world. Present Activities: After prolonged crusading in revenge for the loss of Cadia the unit is currently being withdrawn from the front lines for rest and re-organisation. Organisation (At full paper strength): 171st Cadian Airborne -A Platoon (4 Squads) -B Platoon (4 Squads) -C Platoon (C Squadron, Sentinel recon platoon) "Ghost Riders" -D Platoon (Heavy Support, Militarum Auxilla) -E Platoon (Intelligence, Logistics, Liaison, Medical, Maintenance support staff etc) 52nd Naval Tactical Squadron "The Preachers" (Attached to the 171st) -6 Valkyrie Transports -3 Vulture Close Air support Gunships -3 Sky Talon Heavy Transports -Various ground crews and maintenance staff Recruitment: All Kasrkin are automatically entitled to enroll. Also open to veterans and white shields who show promise and can complete the arduous training cycle. Unit rituals: - The company training regime is similar to a normal Kasrkin unit except with the obvious emphasis on airborne operations. The long training cycle culminates with a final week of tests. These tests are both physical and mental in nature. Challenges range from timed assault courses, live firing exercises and tactical problem solving. Designed to exhaust the men, the pace is relentless. During the course of the week each Kasrkin is also required to complete numerous simulated airborne assaults and extractions, along with 4 Grav chute jumps, followed by a night jump. The night jump signals the starting phase of the 3-4-8. The final of the tests, it is a 30 mile speed hike across the Cadian Steppes, carrying a full combat load and a 40lb day sack, to be completed in 8 hours or less. It is a right of passage for the members of the 171st. Awards, Honours and Ribbons: Imperial Awards: Crimson skull - Numerous Order of the Scarlet Wing - Numerous Medallion Crimson - Major Nixx (posthumously) Cadian Awards: Order of the eagles Claw - Unit citation presented by Battle fleet Cadia Unit Champions: Major Kephas Nixx - KIA. First company commander. Hailed as a hero in the company. He was a major driving force in the creation of the 171st. He was killed in action by calling down an orbital strike on his own position in order to save the majority of the company from almost certain destruction. ++++ Sub-file ++++ ++++ Unit personnel ++++ ++++1st Lieutenant P. Autumn - Plt Co Squad - A Platoon 171st Airborne Company++++ Autumn began like many Cadians as a trainee and then private soldier in the White shields. After graduating to a Shock regiment in his teens he quickly earned his Corporals stripes and went on to lead a 5 man section against the green skins. By the age of 20 he had made Sergeant. It wasn't until his actions against the traitorous forces around the Cadian gate that he caught the eye of his superiors. A young, yet experienced soldier with unorthodox methods, some noting with hesitation, yet a dedication to duty and honour. A perfect candidate for the new airborne formation. He rose from the ranks to join the officer class and entered the 171st training program gaining a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. After proving himself in a number of combat drops he finally made the rank of 1st Lieutenant and took command of A platoon. Autumn takes great pride in the units Cadian heritage and ability of his men. With the loss of Company commander Major K. Nixx, Autumn is the acting CO of the 171st under the supervision of Commissar Rayne. ++++Sergeant R. Mayer - 1st Squad - A Platoon 171st Airborne Company++++ Mayer was one of the original Sergeants of the 171st. A Kasrkin since his earliest days hailing from Kasr Feros. Within the company he is known for supporting his Lieutenant in any action, earning the respect of the men. Although they had a shaky start Autumn and Mayer have become the closest of friends. A known brawler who likes nothing more than to get hands on with the enemy...and allies alike. Famed for being charged by a group of traitor rough riders and then proceeding to down 3 of them in 3 shots. ++++Sergeant L. Webber - 2nd Squad - A Platoon 171st Airborne Company++++ Webber is the leader of A platoons Plasma squad. Hailing from Kasr Viklas he has been wounded in action no less than 8 times, over half being plasma related. The most serious resulted in him loosing his left arm and a large portion of his face. For his troubles he was promoted to Corporal. Rumor has it under his beret he is as bald as the Big E. Out of battle he is a relatively quiet man but in battle he is a stout leader who always leads from the font. His reaction to his wounds, "the Emperor protects". Currently the subject of a running bet in the platoon to see which body part he will loose next. ++++Sergeant C. MacKenzie - 3rd Squad - A Platoon 171st Airborne Company++++ MacKenzie is a fairly recent transfer to the 171st. He sports his fathers close combat weapon, a family heirloom and has a tendency to get into melee combat at any opportunity. This has made him a little unpopular with the men as he tends to charge into battle, how ever he has shown on numerous occasions to go out of his way to safeguard the lives those in his squad. Further files regarding his father suggest dealings with the Inquisition leading to a MIA status. The truth is not known completely but some think he was falsely accused of heresy, tarnishing the family reputation and meaning MacKenzie cannot rise into the officer class. ++++Colour Sergeant D. Bourne - A Platoon 171st Airborne Company++++ By age "Colour" Bourne is the oldest member of the company. He refused a battlefield commission in his previous unit because he "works for a living". Whilst this earned the respect of the rank and file his officer was not impressed and had him transferred to the fledgling 171st, at the time considered somewhat of a suicide unit. Upon joining the 171st he accepted the rank of Colour Sergeant, a high honour in any guard unit and arguably the most respected of the non-commissioned ranks. His experience in numerous campaigns against various foes provides the unit with a solid backbone. Apart from the colours itself, his slightly graying mustache and bellowing voice makes him easily distinguishable of the battle field. He can often be found along side Commissar Rayne, keeping morale high and the men at their best. ++++Commissar Rayne - 171st Airborne Company++++ The profile of Commissar Rayne is somewhat sketchy at best. Little is known about her background but her violet eyes give away her origin as undoubtedly Cadian. Whilst it is rare to see female commissars it is not totally unheard of. Some often question why a Kasrkin unit would need a commissar. Very few dare to question Kasrkin loyalty however the due to the nature of the 171st they are often deployed into battlefields that would test the resolve of even the hardiest trooper. Operations against traitor units are common place and in these situations she has the authority to judge these heretics on sight allowing the Kasrkin to perform their duty without reprisal from Imperial command. ++++ End Archive ++++ ++++ Updates Pending ++++
Hey everyone, So I was running around on some different forums and started to notice a really common trend. The Imperium factions are amazing all around. They all specialize in different areas and can group together and still be considered battle forged "Imperium". This has led me to wonder. How necessary is it to run a pure army rather than what you might see on a battle field. Many of the stories have Space Marines coming in to help various other factions of the Imperium or other factions helping out the Space Marines. As I explore deeper into the competitive area of 40k I am learning more and more. I am currently at the point now where mixing factions is the way to go. Having an entire force of Space Marines does look really good. But as we have been discussing in other threads here on the BA forum we are running into problems when it comes to assaulting and picking out targets. This is mainly due to the expensive cost of all of our favorite boys. So, I have come to the conclusion that melee is really good but alpha strike lists are going to be incredibly powerful with the new rules and started to look into armies that could alpha strike really well. I came across Militarum Tempestus. These guys hit on 3+, have an amazing armory and are super cheap. Check this link out to view some of the options that I, and others, have thought up so far Now, you may wonder why I am posting this here. It seems that Militarum Tempestus are fine without us. As I look more into it they can hold their own but it is difficult. They are better designed to alpha in and blow up as much as they can. They do this for under 1000 points in all variants. So, I thought about who would be the best at holding lines and objectives and I could think of nothing quite as good as Space Marines. Perhaps even Primaris Marines. With the Scions doing their alpha it should put the opponent on the back foot allowing the space marines to get into position to charge from razorbacks/rhinos or setup defensive positions on objectives. We need to remember that Objectives always trump killing an enemy unit. Focus on how to win the game. Tabling the opponent is a mind set from older editions and should be nearly impossible in 8th ed. Focus Objectives! Allying in the Militarum Tempestus is just one of a slew of options we as Imperium players have available to us. There is absolutely no reason we should not be taking advantage of available resources. I'm even thinking about how to add an assassin into my lists now. As well as other options. I'm really starting to appreciate 8th ed for what it is. These indexes are showing me that different factions are just puzzle pieces to the puzzle that is the Imperium. Glad I didn't decide on T'au or another Xenos faction now. The shear number of options we as Imperium players have is boggling.
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- Alpha Strike
- Blood Angels
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So while doing some reorganizing the other day I took inventory of my =][= Forces: My Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus is sitting currently primed and awaiting paint. Still need to prime/ paint 3 Culexus, Vindicare, and Callidus Assassins. I need build my Imperial Navy Breachers, Voidsmen, 15 Militarum Tempestus (including making a new Tempstor), 2 Taurox Prime, and Valkyrie. Hopefully I'll add some Arbites.
- Inquistion
- Militarum Tempestus
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