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  1. It's finally time to start a thread here in B&C too, brethren. My loyalist splinter of XIV Legio Astartes, known as the Echoes of Eisenstein, is a labour of love that has now taken three years and lost all brakes a while back. When I got hold of my first Betrayal at Calth set, the path to damnation was set and I knew I had to go and start a whole army of truescaled marines. There would be no respite. There would be no models left unconverted. There would be only chopping and the laughter of ever growing mountains of grey soldiers waiting for their day. Inspired by Veteran Sergeant on DakkaDakka, the spiral into endless cuts and lenghtenings had begun. From so humble a beginning... https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/cxICLMQF8jr-Chm6sB_J4aXblfYqaEzYBsJ2k9Gc1NWiLbuoKvXLQvFOkMQ-hvNDA4yIzd1GABb6mrHXpiSKKQgQ7pL416dN2O5evQCZUuH7ni4O2l2z1fuSjmetKXD8_gaqeBPmCQlrzUlZKVghYNf7ILpwJyPR5YgS09srBpq30io8he9pjrklTKPBGsY8vqPltPUJn1h5ylmGu6PfztbuC3gwSRbcbvdd8q4EVA7dAaXavFEiM1Gx33J9n6yhYIX8rvIhsjtt83GovbT0XyRY1kBRwOb20kNbU2IxGmyQhb7BYfQSVaxeDfodfysz-kTpSKreino_UsLkzBIwZPkWbZNqN6Jb9fZ0mSfxyMYApIYH88HZrVC5zkQncqVsOZJypjt9eoP8f5WaZnaSSwYurw4Bhzc9xVu5_vXf1YOQPc5GD498D3sEUkgFjQpPLgKjO5c8EceDm8JW5vplLaZaK_diDdthqNd_jh732HkNSs1QT5Q6F-0wdu3TAN2fmHXPDD_WYb9fnBxTaAD0nI6bqv6C64z9Ht1hWvXHCTCnIBpwjoUXUM4VxkktYDTyuNAQnSbQEdt95HV2Qd4kO6syiYOFRBYYwxK7lJQC9i3W7cRgvTrU=w1625-h914-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-nAJFauMlF32XU_l84vwul0467NkVzlz7hDszZllum2-Tvx_0d1zqAR_uu5H8JopFYqQ3DNO9Wedalvi6oHwyhEQdxuG1c8Y3Jcdg_NpQUxvDqB7k0Q24FKBvpc9oDBM4sGx23EO2kGsqKFyC6zBuK3emH-zsiF7FCYNn5MdbZM71cWnsT0dX8voaotIeHnwQrDKRV9Tr-jenA38Mi8TM9zTR4i2eWPtFKLa2DpBsrDGT9-et8c1hWlVv1UtJM5U9Z_uVxrUMbXmQOHj86355ju8Kye7JWWnUdc5bJ3TmIT7ZipKvs3KzZoDTXDuhQPZ6U0Ky1ex4XKvfvf4u4Ij2iffLzS8_50Llfl--ve4I0KMe_9ECAAfdAQMJLpWL4zK1qeSyQn_Y_JS_REI2gClSG1kK_A2F6VvcMr_NgI_rs_NRLSDdmghTLiCGDof42wbYjDT1V0VmUusiv4K2p614tqOSCnyDHm0LfHZMu2BCYRsbDl_stWYzxlNIxflv37vWjhLzrGRG6iBdBaPxeJMOw-7a5qyTA-Y32hyUzuIWFfS8UQnR6KYyl7E_8b0V_4-DpdSgtpyuPo91slwtbTnDmox1dAmKWFjxGLhOCVFEGiidx8e27dwq4qhMbZNehi3ZmSQxSegwuwJFy7bkEdcsXQ7z4oXnQe8nYruKuirsg=w1625-h914-no 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https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019345-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019348-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019349-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019347-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019335-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG With even an eager new recruit trying to sneak into the comparison picture! So, welcome to gawk at my insanity where I'll ever so slowly go through the same process with the rest of the 150+ guys I have either unbuilt or unstripped from previous owners of 5 boxes of Calth and Prospero, scratch tanks from busted Rhino carcasses, learn how to paint through my irrational biases ("dang my steel just looks bad in true metal but brass and copper, yaaaas queen!") and occasionally create piles of terrain out of ice cream boxes and my significant other's diabetes waste. Not even joking there https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/11/29a28eef14b8eb0f1200cee0031753e2_103099.jpg https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/11/1c925d506f8f5859e95907a73260983b_103099.jpg https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/17/94358936b6f1a9b4335b0feb8a17e829_103099.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/FPST-emK9xkOGZWBmgX0j77STx_FHmDr4R9PPKq1ruYkM4akNPB1hR4AEIQZlgcZuKv3sQURm8LmyYvcGbyGvp3LRuO48LW99v6EHO-9Sf4NOR6fVF2VJM8uF5fRPzUNGtMS-nJdp-tgq3r44dhngVDY7x3w0NWbO99imJpcepVXZ9E5NKBxB7njWNTQomF5ZPpYg34l8_7IoJ9mAB9rFrBTgp-5Ho0LMwmsPxGyZZ9I4X755wnGHe0FulklbM5fdHiGb3I0YHGk1yKHRVmtZwGEQ1yUvV3qz3jAet77cM1mpJRXMi2cizeduIlVPeVxsel1ggz7HtTEjHFtLfiCfYNuJlircb84ZOr-vvotAKtTQI-X-RQlwDI5V2BC82yH5lRG-k1fWqwAGPd4Ha8Flc1QbLAwWlFD-Bpq8qqZIsnlmDpl8080U0UKSlFlaIQfe33ofQhY3FxSC6ApC2hOGQ1-8tFmeANidaWE8HkZqxuCzJVKxdL1k2syYv_dGGv4iZcu6yHbuDucKfimDtHrOFWpZ4rBhX5KJpVnwgNfwW7QC2U9t3FN-I-6_9bRT5K3ywxS95JsC96-uThVmdCFeJ_brH_8EcoEcpinL-2HBXlCyQnZ6CCV48m7a_Yhm4fiQ2PT6G0aTFa4omttKkrlwcbfHBvd2RK8=w1620-h912-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Ssx4RGNJIAvPYFx6Ok6F5amrVkJ5-jp2_77KnstQVwpc8d-zvOwkfrU_agihKzAJ__BFesdwrgNWH3uiQ08aYNBBlslTbFO43hKTRB72UwAheeq8wDUvJZA7PtOUMQq7ayxHaWGosDcnVkR8Gu6ZCVZQDW5AAZuB5JXSCmmAcNdyPSR3Atm7nEbSJhfMZoALGEfErpSYFYlnPdJfhYmes_dKKeWh5fSv55AUVjaEaKVSCSvH03-HcPu35rwaewFQYA4YgeGdShJrkiwAuK85sDKmxarNaAtO643Alt5uvTBkAv_4qlCBYep6KvPL1k0qmHh5sZHUrOlW0yyeEuKENg-LVnIjb818D8cvJCNzH3VSL-k2nsSKsSSG2e43RST5EQodjkz531viHa_6pfqvvq9vWkIEOiHQT0PtAItHqZ5LhrFJUd3gPS55rOwb1BFUCXfFmpE4IS2m_9TCGNTOX5idXBzpf6VSXKIvubVbuynLxs6HgNiZc1AxvJwtcK1ZYw0t1pPo39KlK_tmrxcVEoRxcAOKZd6jumJ2Ps_bLLSsIHq7deW2e12qkLkeBmAhYlhlg4oE_lDdLGqRfn8FxUY1RwvShQ-uZ_sakqOFt8wjXi0aXxj0jbPUQRkWMIBxqidvaAqtM9pzK68hTQA-JjuwBLnJE9i=w1620-h912-no Count the seven, brethren (and drop a comment while at it, yo!). EDIT: oh blimey, is there a limit how much pictures one post can handle or why did half of them turn to links? Hope those work, at least?
  2. Before an extended hiatus from the hobby, my main army was blood angels. This year I’m remaking them in a new scale for armies on parade.
  3. So as per usual I've been mincing around the idea and the willpower to kick back into a Tyrant's Legion force, but the thought of redoing auxilia that I did 50 odd years ago sort of killed the mojo. Anyway, I attended an amazing event called Preferred Enemy down in Melbourne Australia the other week, it was based very heavily around hobby, good looking/thematic armies and just having a good time (it was at a bowls club, so cheap beer always helps!). It has honestly sort of rekindled my enjoyment of 40k. Sure all the 8th edition issues are still there (who ever has more dice to throw at the enemy wins.. I hate to say it..but thats all that 40k is nowadays.. target priority and list building), but while there will always be those negatives, this weekend also showed the huge positives of 40k when played in the correct 'mood'. 95% of the armies where absolutely beautiful, and the other 5% are still leagues above what we normally see down around here as 'standard' 40k tournament fodder. Not only did the armies look nice, they all had a theme associated with them. Not to mention my 5 opponents where all absolutely stellar blokes!! (Thanks to Jason, Mark, Sean, James and Chris). So all in all, great day, atmosphere and hobby! Now the PE TO's are looking at doing a doubles tournament later this year which got a good friend of mines ears pricked.. as he always wanted to do guard.. but never had a direction to go with.. Cue me informing him about our one true savior, Lugft Huron... Thus we have our doubles project!! So I'll be doing a truescaled marine (god damn do the Primaris help with this instead of the hodge podge of terminator legs and assorted parts etc that was what had to be done 'before'... ) with him converting up some Guard to fit more with the Tyrant's Legion. I'll be running a super useless, overly elite army of only 14 models, that will no doubt get chewed off the table turn 1, young Byron will be running well over double that, but actually be bringing some bits and pieces that can do work. Our Current plan is something like this: Astral Claws Vanguard Detachment Lugft Huron 'Chaplain' Dreadnaught w/ Twin Lascannon 5x Veterans w/Assorted Gear 5x Veterans w/Assorted Gear Apothecary Chapter Ancient Tyrant's Legion Straken (has marine stats, so will be a marine commander in the guard contingent ) Leman Russ Tank Commander Gunnery Seargent Harker 3x 10 Man Guard Squads Wyvern Basilisk So as you can see, the armies don't have a whole lot of synergy, but will look cool on the battle field. Byron will no doubt crop up later with some bibs and bobs, but I'll just chuck up some of my WiPs. I Started with my Chapter Ancient as I really wanted this to look like the last hurrah of the Astral Claws, so Huron surronded by hard as nails survivors, with precious chapter relics around him (Thus the Chaplain Dread, will be more an icon of hate dread based on a Leviathan chassis, the chapter standard etc). So the reason I went Chapter over company ancient is I wanted to the 2+ save so I could 'fluff' him having terminator armour. I've done a single truescale termaintor before, but there was no way to really 'mass produce him'. I've had a bag of Custodes termies rattling around the house for 6 odd months now and after seeing what @apologist managed, it put my arse into gear to try it out! I opted to go the normal terminator 'cowling' as not to have it too show boaty, as Astral Claws alsways seem a bit more a functin over form sort of chapter. It also has the benefit of making the terminator marginally 'taller due to the location of its head, so it doesn't look too short next to Huron who is based off a Horus mode.. So next up I was just going to chuck one of the new primaris banners on him, but upon research, that just seems to be standard form nowadays and is a little 'eh'.. and after seeing the excellent picture of Ancient Galatan that has been around for years I wanted by banner to be (well not that crazy large) still pretty big and impressive given it is the 'chapter banner' which always had such a big emphasis in older fluff. Cue a large basic banner. This required a rolling pin, all the baking paper and over half of my remaining GS (off to ebay I go). It also required some dancing between running it under hot water and into the freezer so I could cut out the shape and get it thin enough. Here you can see the basic out lay of it, just to get the feel. So in this pic we have it next to Huron (who still after a year needs some tidying) which shows the termy scaling pretty well next to him. I've worked in major folds into the banner, but it will stil require more selective 'creasing' in areas tonight once the 'scaffold' of it has set. Anyway that's all I have to show at the moment, I'll be finishing another 5 veterans tonight so will get some pics up of them. Most of Byron's gear is on the way to him so we'll no doubt start to see his conversions cropping up soon (I'm looking quite forward to his basilisk and wyvern).
  4. So after quite a long hiatus, I'm back on the B&C. These days I paint and collect a lot of different Space Marines Chapters, so I figured that the Hall of Honour is probably the best place for me to show what I've been up to recently. To begin with, here's a small selection of some of my painted Space Marine models. Death Eagle Veteran, in the classic Rogue Trader colour scheme. Captain of the Golden Halos Chapter. Flesh Eaters Veteran Sergeant. Carcharadons Tactical Marine. Angels Porphyr Intercessor. Red Talons Tactical Marine. Void Scorpion (homebrew Chapter). Howling Griffons Tactical Marine. Brazen Claws Assault Intercessor. Golden Hands Tactical Marine (homebrew Chapter). Blood Drinkers Space Marine (based on Rogue Trader artwork/cover of White Dwarf 137).
  5. Hello Fraters! So, this is a bit of a one off, a build of my Player Character for @Black Cohort's ‘A Time of Reaving’ PBP Deathwatch rpg game. The game is set in the Horus Heresy in the aftermath of the Istvaan Massacre. My character is an Iron Hands Breacher (built from the Assault Marine archetype, for anyone who is interested!) called Elvrit Sharr. Elvrit wears MkIII armour and is supposed to be big and brutal, so I wanted to have a go at true-scaling him. Like many others I decided to use Cataphractii TDA legs as a starting point, because they have the segmented rear sections, but I also wanted to try to get closer to the classic frontal armour too. Here's how it’s gone: It was actually simpler than I thought! I started by filing down all of the detail on the front of the Cataphractii legs. Then I used a spare pair of knee pads cut out from the Intercessor greaves bit (though a cheaper method would be a blob of GS!) and stuck them on. The body is just a MkIII body front chopped apart and combined with an Intercessor rear torso for width. (The gap between the armour plates is a bit non-standard for MkIII, but I think the exposed tubes look like the Medusan Immortals torso, so it works for me!) Then I used 0.5mm plastic rod to create the trims and define the shape of the armour panels. Tip: cut the right length of rod, and use a paint brush to create a u-shaped bend in the middle. Then plastic glue them on at the center above/below the knee pad, then once it has set, bend the rod the rest of the way around the sides of the leg and glue it in place. It takes a bit of holding while it sets, but otherwise no problem! Finally, I took the same 0.5mm rod and cut off very thin circular cross sections, these were glued in place to make the rivets. And voila, plastic truescale MkIII with all the trims! (Shoulder pad details are just plasticard cut to shape, and the shield is a 3d print bought on Ebay) C+C very welcome as always, or if you have questions, feel free! Cheers for looking! Lysimachus
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