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  1. Welcome to another one of my Index Astartes. Having worked closely with TechCaptain on his Heralds of Ash I have had a niggling desire to try and create my own death cult chapter that is distintinctly different. In my opinion the only way to do that is to start with nailing down the homeworld, and for that I have tried to portray ancient Greece as a Death cult _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Index Astartes: Urn Keepers Origins ? Urn Keepers Armorial' Homeworld R ogus situated in the realm of Ultramar, was once a beautiful feudal world that has now become one large cemetery. It is not quite clear how this Imperial world came to be an Astartes homeworld. Between having incomplete and inconclusive founding records, and the bureaucratic labyrinth within the Administratum on Terra it is theorized that it is likely no more than a clerical error. An error with startling consequences, as Rogus has had a profound influence on the Urn Keepers to this day. Earliest records of Rogus point to a feudal planet with luscious forests and lakes, rugged mountains, and thousands of islands. The Ancient Rogusians were peaceful and enjoyed systematically studying subjects such as philosophy and history. They loved art, architecture and literature, and they created thousands of temples, statues, paintings and texts honouring the Emperor and the Imperium. The planetary governor would often be found visiting the leaders of the many city-states. Sitting within their symmetrical white stone-walled palaces with their tall, intricately carved columns, discussing and debating the day's topic. One incomplete record stated the Rogusians' most noteworthy custom was their dedication to caring for their dead. Every slain soldier and body carefully receive their three rites of passage. Beginning with the prothesis, the body is placed in public view to be mourned. Followed by the cremation upon an open funeral pyre, the ashes are transferred into an urn for their interment. That all changed when the Administratum charged them with handling the dead of the 35th Orcallian Astra Militarum Regiment from the Salt Desert Campaign at the beginning of the 40th millennium. An unfathomable amount of bodies were brought to the surface in necro freighters to be disposed of. Every resource available had to be directed to the effort. Nearly two thousand years later and the toll of the Administratum's decision, now known as 'The Thanatoring', has fundamentally changed Rogus, with Necro freighters from across the Imperium now delivering the slain to this once beautiful planet. Inside the once pristine white acropolises, the streets are lined with urns upon every surface. Once a symbol of the God-Emperor, the temples have given way to only honouring him in death. The theatres only show morbid performances. The public baths gave way to embalming, and the great artisans now left to only produce the endless demand for clay urns. The ancient forests and woodland have been torn down to fuel the endless pyres. The mountains stripped to become giant altars. The islands have become massive chimney stacks of smoke that can be seen from miles around, filling the sky with soot for it to rain down, turning everything on the planet black. Scavenging Avians float high above to only break cloud cover to get at what they can. The polar ice caps rapidly melt while used for the prothesis, with millions of mourners lighting candles and offering prayers to the deceased. The sub-zero temperatures battle to preserve the massive backlog of bodies to be cremated and the lakes have become liquid soot, with the seabeds becoming mass graves with stone urns piled on top of one another. There is great prestige in being cremated on Rogus. It draws cadavers from light-years around. Senior officers of the Imperial Guard, the Imperial Navy, members of Hive World noble houses, powerful merchant lords, Navigators, planetary nobility, and devout members of the Ecclesiarchy are to be cremated here. Some urns will be displayed, drawing pilgrims from all around in dire desperation to lay their eyes upon the resting spots of the great heroes and saints of the Imperium. The Rogusian underclass, who are mainly responsible for touching bodies, pay particular attention to these funerals as a surviving bone fragment can be enough to get out of this hellscape with them fetching high prices on the black market. What urns that can be exhumed from the planet are eventually shipped off the surface, but when handling the faceless mass of the Imperial Guard, whose bodies could never be identified, will remain sitting silently on Rogus for the rest of eternity. Chapter Cult and Belief System T he Urn Keepers believe that death underpins all of the Imperium's existence and that only through continued sacrifice in the face of such a hostile universe will the Imperium ever prevail. They liken their own sacrifice to the bodily sacrifice of the Emperor Himself. This belief eerily mirrors that of the Imperial Creed, and while they deviate from it, they embrace it more than many Astartes Chapters. Their discrepancies are overlooked by members of the Ecclesiarchy. Despite being situated within the realm of Ultramar and being embraced by the Ecclesiarchy, they attempt to remain relatively isolationist in nature. Just as those cremated give up the last of their earthy possessions, body, and soul, the Keepers seek to shed all Materium desires. Only in the state of nothingness can one ever truly gain the insight and strength to serve the will of the Imperium. This quiet, sombre, and melancholic Chapter worship every death, every shot, and cut in battle as an act for the survival of the Imperium. They hold no preference in whom they must sacrifice or kill in the name of the Imperium, Heretic or Xenos alike; all will be returned to nothing for the greatness of the Imperium. In the wake of any battle involving the Urn Keepers, witnesses will see armies of black tunic-wearing serfs covered in black and white ash-based body paint arrive. They assist the Astartes in preparing the bodies of their allies and their enemies for their rites of passage. Huge pyres will be lit, sermons said, and ashes recovered. Those who shed blood alongside them will be gifted the urns of their deceased so that their ashes may be returned home with them. If an Astartes from a Brother Chapter is among the fallen, the Urn Keepers would consider it a great honour if they were permitted to honour them in their customs. With the Progenoid glands recovered, they will be returned to Rogus for cremation alongside any of the Keepers' fallen. There, their bodies will be displayed for their prothesis, for all of Rogus's population to observe. As is the custom, they will be cremated with their sermon presided over by a high ranking member of the Reclusiam. Only after this will the urn of ashes belonging to their allied Chapter be permitted to find its way home, and the mutants, heretics, and Xenos' ashes from their victory will be displayed upon the slopes of Pax. Fortress Monastery ? Recruitment ? Gene-seed ? Organisation ?
  2. From the album: Miscellaneous

    A Chapter I invented as a cruel joke. Their entire existence makes the Lamenters look like the Emperor's chosen sons.
  3. My son has finally settled on an army for 40k! We've gone through Space Wolves, Black Legion to name a few! As I have got a playable force of Tyranids and a start to my Death Korps of Krieg it's time to put some time into my boy's Ultramarines. He's not really interested in the painting side of things so I have free reign over the artistic aspect of the force. I'm easing him into it slowly and have started the army with models he thinks are cool, which will hopefully keep his interest. With that in mind I thought I'd start him off with an HQ. I'll be using the colour scheme I used for my Horus Heresy Ultramarines. I have fond memories of those years so seemed a fitting place to begin. Ultramarines Indomitus Captain Ultramarines Indomitus Captain Ultramarines Indomitus Captain Ultramarines Indomitus Captain Ultramarines Indomitus Captain I've started this thread to gather my thoughts on this project and hope people with experience of getting their kids into 40k will offer constructive advice! Many thanks.
  4. I have always been fascinated by the Ultramarines form of governance and the 'Tetrarchy' of Ultramar. Having collected a Heresy Army, I am disappointed that FW hasn't brought out a Tetrarch Model like Eikos Lamaid or Valentus Dolar..yet. Having just read the novel Dark Imperium, I was really excited by the re-creation of the realm of Ultramr as an empire, once again ruled by its Tetrarchy. So in this new edition of 8th, I am going to embark on a New challenge, to create the 4 Tetrarchs of Ultramar. Below are my plans for these models: 1. Captain Decimus Felix - Tetrarch of Vestapor I am going to use the Dark Imperium model, as he's described in the book (of the same name): You can see my version in the image below supported by Lt. Irresso in the background. http://i.imgur.com/SR7fuoQl.jpg 2. Captain Severus Agemman - Tetrarch of Konor I have just purchased this model and I will update this thread with WIPs as I go along. 3. Captain Portan of the Genesis Chapter - Tetrarch of Andermung These next two models I have the greatest degree of freedom, I want something that speaks more than just 'line captain' but we'll see what bits I have to create him! I intend to paint him in Genesis Colours, following my recipe for Blood Angels (below) however I will incorporate the yellow trims as per the pics in the codex. http://i.imgur.com/bctKdWc.jpg 4. Captain Balthus of the Doom Eagles - Tetrarch of Protos Finally, Balthus, I know nothing about the Doom Eagles, except their 1st Chapter Master was on Calth. I have an idea for this guy as a Vanguard Veteran (blinged up) with a Massive Warhammer. Additionally, I intend to create Adjutants or Equerries to serve the Tetrachs, this will represent their delegation of their companies and as a battle field Lt for my lists. Thanks for ready and stay tuned for more....
  5. *Caveat* If you don't like Ultramarines or feel Ultramar should have it's own supppement/Codex then this topic is not for you. Don't post if you are not happy about the concept. This is part wish listing, part home grown rules. Following the (surprising?) victory on Konor and the surrounding system, my brain started rolling... What would we like to see in a Codex Ultramar and how should such a Codex be formatted and balanced? I was thinking that a Codex Ultramar would have to have a new set of Stratagems that replace all Codex specific Stratagems unless specified otherwise, since the Codex could very well have units together from the wider Imperium in a single Detachment. Sure, Armies of the Imperium is a thing now but to benefit from Chapter Tactics and other faction specific special rules they have to be wholly in a single Detachment. This Codex should be about exhibiting the make up of Ultramar. To get the ball rolling, what do we consider is the likely make up of the armies of Ultramar that is practical on the table? (I have some ideas on how that can be implemented using the tried and tested technique of buying an HQ that grants X troops from that faction) Personally I think the core would be Space Marines from Guilliman's stock, Mortal troops representing the Auxiliary troops and possibly the Adeptus Mechanicus from Konor since we did just win a big campaign. The Mortal troops should be based on the Astra Millitarum but with some options for carapace armour (grenadiers), perhaps Ultramar specific combinations of weapons to reflect Guilliman's influence on technological innovation (i.e. none otherwise) and severe limitations. Maybe just use Tempestus Scions to represent a higher technological standard? Forge World units I'm fairly unsure of really. I'm worried about making it all too powerful really. Cherry picking the best of everything is something I do not like at all... what possible solutions do people suggest?
  6. I know everyone comes here for pictures.... so I'll keep the babble short. + I'm starting this thread with one or two pictures from my finished 40K Ultramarines' projects of the last 12 or so months. + The pictures and content in this thread is derived of content entirely from my long term Ultramarines thread which includes Fiction Reviews, WIP's/Projects, and most importantly... lots of Batreps with several of the Formations. You can check that out here: +LINK+ + If all you're here for is the pics, what I've done is take essentially one or two pics from last year of painting my Ultramarines to kick off this thread. Then I hope to add more later. Some of these older pics show how I've evolved my scheme over the last 12 months.... my first tactical squad: The Big Boys: Centurions Then I bought this big box set.... for the limited Captain. I had to have it. (Turns out the Strike Force Ultra in the new codex is a lot of fun btw). And from that, came the start of the something bigger... Then had to do a generic Captain dude: LIbCon seemed like a good idea to add... some Librarians: The new Assault Squad box really sparked my motivation. As with most things I paint, I was very inspired by the Black Library portrayal of Chaplain Sentina from the Orath Mini-series of Space Marine books: This was my take on him: My Strike Force Ultra Limited Captain finally was re-touched, and completed: And a few months ago I decided to take the plunge and try to finish my Battle Company, starting with vehicles... ugh. Lots of vehicles: Here's a better shot of the Razorkbacks, with the Anti-Air Defense Force in the back: Coming up.... Part 2:
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