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+++ Unforgiven but not Unknown +++


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Name: Qu1f

Age: 16

Country/State: Wales, UK

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: Nearly 8 years (yes I started when I was 8), though I have been on and off.

Armies collected: Dark Angels, A few of their succesors and general Space Marine goodness.

Make your mark: I love the modelling part of the hobby, im good at that, playings a different story however :wacko:.

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Name: Pete Rees (aka Taffeh)

Age: 25

Country/State: Welsh man living in England - Frequent the Reading, Manchester and Swansea stores around the UK

Occupation: Computer Programmer / Security type geek

Time spent in hobby: 2nd Ed. player back from the dead (call it lost in the warp if you want!)

Armies collected: DA mainly, then a little guard

Make your mark: DA fan from 2nd Edition back to play DA more and more.... No relation to Owen Rees - I think..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose I better sign in... I've lurked here long enough.


Name: Icehornet

Age: Changes each year, but currently 25

Country/State: Australia, Victoria

Occupation: Former RAN, now home Dad - Wife's a Chef in training so someone has to stay home with the 3yo :D

Time spent in hobby: 5 years

Armies collected: Imperial Fists and Dark Angels

Make your mark: I love to paint models, not armies. A bad habit of changing my mind as to which army I want to play this day/week/month. :P

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Name: Mad Parr (Andrew)

Age: 34

Country/State: CANADA, Ontario

Occupation: Information Technology

Time spent in hobby: 21 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Fallen, Orks, Zombie Pirates, Bretonnians

Make your mark: YARR!

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Name: Nuntius

Age: 33

Country/State: US/North Carolina

Occupation: US Army

Time spent in hobby: 2 years (Newbie)

Armies collected: Dark Angels and Skaven

Make your mark: Not much to tell. I started playing two years ago and started with the DA bcause I liked the Background. I am an avid painter but i lack in the arena. Always looking for play and composition tips.

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Name: Basilius (real name Barry)

Age: 31

Country/State: UK

Occupation: Salesman of extremely expensive beds (Hastens for you Swedes out there)

Time spent in hobby: I bought my first mini June 08

Armies collected: At the moment, I am collecting an all robed Guardians of the Covenant force. Interested in Raven Guard and Praetorian Imperial Guard as well, and have a few models of both.

Make your mark: I havent played table top other than an example game in a hobby centre in the early 90s. I just love the setting and the fluff and have finally overcome my phobia of painting and modelling - and I am having a blast.

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Name: Ryan/Shadow Nugz

Age: 15

Country/State: Iowa in the U.S.

Occupation: Field Tech

Time spent in hobby: 3+ years

Armies collected: Death Guard, traitor guard, Orks, and starting a Raven Wing

Make your mark: I got a Ravenwing upgrade set for some reason and I decided to redo my biker that was sitting around. As soon as I was done I realised... I love these guys!

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Name: Urial Grand Master of the Angles of Twilight Chapter (DA Succesor) / Kevin

Age: 33

Country/State: United States of America / Minnesota

Occupation: Letter Carrier / Weekend Warrior (Reserves)

Time spent in hobby: 10 years just collecting nothing serious until I received the Apocalypse book for X-mas...

Armies collected: Space Marines all flavors, IG,

Make your mark: Finish painting the whole 3rd Company of AoT (took 7 months but 95% finished) I really dig the whole DA theme. My goal is to make it to a Games Day and be a competitive player.

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Name: lhg033

Age: 26

Country/State: Uk, London

Occupation: IT support

Time spent in hobby: 14 years

Armies collected: dark angels, deathwing, ravenwing, chaos, daemons, orks, eldar, guard

Make your mark: dont play so much any more or have a lot of time to paint/convert stuff but still keep a hand in and remain interested. DA were the 2nd army i started with, after i collected my 3rd edition chaos army. keep meaning to ddo something with the master of the chapter boxed set.......

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Guest Azeikel

Name: Wulfi

Age: 14

Country/State: Australia

Occupation: N/A

Time spent in hobby: 2 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, first and only

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Name: Brother Trusk

Age: 28

Country/State: GER

Occupation: soon-to-be IT guy

Time spent in hobby: after playing the PC games (old and new) I've finally found some guys to play with, so: 1 year

Armies collected: Dark Angels, more to come

Make your mark: Do not ask, 'Why kill the alien?' rather, ask, 'Why not?'. (you just HAVE to love WH40k, don't you?)

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Name: Brother Horse

Age: 24

Country/State: From Wexford Ireland but living in Marietta, GA

Occupation: I own an internet cafe and Warhammer Gaming Store in Marietta ;)

Time spent in hobby: Nonstop the last 7 months

Armies collected: 5,000 point Dark Angels and soon starting a 40K Chaos Marines and Fantasy Empire

Make your mark: I have a gaming store in Marietta so I deal with 40K pretty much everyday, and I got to say, I've gotten pretty addicted to it since I started, loving the Angels quite a bit

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Name: Boreus Varden (real name Spencer)

Age: 16

Country/State: CA, USA

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: 5 years

Armies collected: Currently own a large Dark Angels army and I am starting an Ork army.

Make your mark: Love the Dark angels, mostly in the hobby for the painting and modelling. I love the specialized troops such as Deathwing and Ravenwing, and my army contains large elements of both. I am slowly teaching/mentoring my friends about the game, and they are enthusiastic about the hobby and gaming. Boreus Varden is the name of my prized Interrogator Chaplain model and I regularly try and field him to slay the filth that my opponents bring to the table. Mostly battle against Tzeentch Chaos Space Marines, Imperial Guard, and Space Wolves.


++Fixed bolding++

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Name: Munting

Age: 16

Country/State: Birmingham England

Occupation: Student.

Time spent in hobby: Been into the hobby for about 4 years, however two year sof these were spent just reading, and looking at the beautiful models on B and C. However I'm coming back into the hobby with a force of unforgiven!

Armies collected: Necromunda, Imperial Guard, Brettonians And Wood Elves.

Make your mark: Ilove writing background stories! And i one day want to write for black library or even white dwarf. We shall see!



Any one who lives in the birmingham area who can give painting lessons message me ;p

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Name: Scar_Weaver

Age: 29

Country/State: The US

Occupation: US DoD

Time spent in hobby: 5 years on and off...depending on the girl.

Armies collected: DA, Death Watch, Mantis Warriors, and a bunch of stuff planned.

Make your mark: I am a professional buyer of GW products. I have a stunning collection of boxed armies, unclipped spues, and based figs.

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Name: Vincent

Age: currently 19 =)

Country/State: Belgium (northern part)

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: something around 4 years or so xD first some WHFB but sold that army and moved on to 40K 3years ago

Armies collected: Dark Angels (making a DIY successor chapter) and i've got some deamons and other whfb chaos models :)

Make your mark: I'm currently working on some fluff for my DIY successors (Dark Vengeance)

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Name: Drakz - aka Gary or visa versa depending on your point of view and location

Age: 36

Country/State: USA California, Orange County

Occupation: Video Gaming Industry

Time spent in hobby: Since 1st Edtion.. since High School

Armies collected: DA (currently 15k + points in models ) RW, DW and a <DELETED BY THE INQUISITION> ton of standard DA guys, BaneBlade, some IG, some Space Pups

Make your mark: I mostly play in big games in the past, now mostly Apoc games, I have 5 LR's 40 Termi's, full company of DA's + Support, 8 Dreads, 4x Space Pups in drop Pods, Baneblade as the super heavy with IG escort ( Sentinels and some mech inf ) 5 Preds (new version) 3 Preds 1st version, vindi's, whirly's lion's tigers bears...oh my.... My biggest claim to fame are the 1st edition models in my collection.

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Hi all, I'm new here, just joined up, thought I'd paste some info and say hi!


Name: Brother Caedrius/ Marcus

Age: 34

Country/State: Cardiff, Wales, UK

Occupation: Artist, Teacher

Time spent in hobby: I started playing 40K in 1987, stopped for a LONG time and started again very recently, so you could say 21 years, or you could say 21 days!

Armies collected: The Puritans - 1x Tactical Squad, 1x Veteran Tactical Sqaud, 1x Elite Terminator Squad, 1x Fast Attack Squad (comprising 6x Bikes, 1x Attack Bike, 1x Land Speeder), 1x Support Rhino, 1x Company Commander, 1x Command Squad,1x Interrogator Chaplain, 1x Chaplain, 1x Librarian, 4x Elite HQ (Chapter Masters set).....so far!

Make your mark: After a lengthy break I'm looking to get back in to playing, probably egged on by all the good things I've heard about the new 5th edition rulebook.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Lestat

Age: 25

Country/State: Great Britain

Occupation: Work for the Goverment

Time spent in hobby: At a rough guess, the last 14 years.........possibly.

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus

Make your mark: Been playing so long I can't remember exactly when i started. Over the years, the armies I have collected alongside my marines have been more along the lines of adding an "optional extra" to my Marines. For example, a few sacrificial Guardsmen platoons as part of a =I= contingent to soak up the charge of a few dozen xenos to allow an extra turn of rapid firing shooty bolter death! Or maybe a squad or two of power-weapon wielding shiny silvery daemon hunters teleporting into the middle of battle just when you need them.

Just got to disappear quickly before those pesky =I= start asking some very uncomfortable questions.................

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Name: Brother Sapphon

Age: 17

Country/State: MA, USA

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: Modelling/Painting - 2 to 3 months, interest in fluff - 4 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels - WIP

Make your mark: Have been very interested in 40k for a long time but never had any money to play. I have been playing Dawn of War since it came out which sparked my interest in the 40k universe, however, it was the Horus Heresy series that really made me want to go out and buy models. I finally got a bunch of models and am currently assembling a DA force but I am still a noob when it comes to playing (haven't really had a chance to settle into rules since I first bought the 4th edition rule book and then they announced the 5th was coming out lol). Also if you haven't noticed I LOVE the Dark Angels and their fluff.

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Name: Scura ;)

Age: 37

Country/State: Germany /near Kiel up up in the north

Occupation: I am a full time Father for my little 20 month old daughter. Elisabeth 's her name. And in Jan 2009 i am a Father of my son Alexander too, hopefully.

Time spent in hobby: 10 years by now. Tested quite a lot with Dark Eldar and Tyranids and Chaos SM...

Armies collected: whole 3rd Company of Dark Angels, 1500pts Deathwing building up, some 1000+ pts Blood Angels in Blood Ravens colors, plus some Chaos but tend to convert them into Dark Angels too.

Make your mark: I was lost the last 4 years with the crappy C:SM and it's §$"§% Traitsystem i only painted some Blood Raven and never really played much. But now is 5th Ed W40K and a new hope rising. I found my Chapter finally - I am a Dark Angel by heart and so i got back to the painting table right enthusiastic and already finished my LRC in Deathwing style and have one Tact Squad 80% done...painting...painting...PAINting...


With all this confusion about 5th C:SM around it's quite annoying to love DA once more and having people go all nuts ranting...but i hope for the best and will be proud to field my DA anyway. Playing W40K wasn't all for the winning for me till I started. The Hobby is so much more! And only fielding my wonderful minis having people asking me to look at them really makes up for the lack of winning games - I have the nicer Army :)

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Name: Dave S.

Age: 36

Country/State: WPAFB, Dayton, Oh

Occupation: TSgt in the USAFR

Time spent in hobby: 5 months

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Raven Guard, Ravenwing, Deathwing

Make your mark: Been a combat flight simmer for over 20 years. Just got into W40K in March of this year. Just got off 16 years 8 months of active duty in the USAF transferred to the USAFR in May where I am a C2 controller at the 445th AW. In my 16 years of active duty I was an ICBM maint tech, MTI, MTL, and C2 controller working AWAC's. Wife is active duty E-7 in the Army and is very supportive of my new hobby.

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Name: Brother Red

Age: 21

Country/State: Canada

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: 4 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, ]=[*xenos]=[*, Imperial Guard

Make your mark: I can usually win a game with just 15 Terminators.

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