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+++ Unforgiven but not Unknown +++


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Name: Gabriel

Age: 15

Country: US of A

Occupation: ANGEL OF DEATH!!

Time spent in hobby: bout 3 years of aimlessly switching armies XD

Armies collected: wayy to many and none seriously but DA is gonna be my first reall army

Make your mark: I WILL stay with this army I WILL!!

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Name: Known as "Person" to many since they tend to forget my name somehow! Its Nick btw.

Age: 18

Country/State: Ireland

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: About 3-4 years now

Armies collected: Tyranids at first but its Dark Angels now

Make your mark: I have enugh Dark Angels models to assemble about 2 armies. ^^

Also I had 2 carnifexes in close combat against Shrike, rolled nearly 20 dice to hit, 4 missed... all but 1 failed to wound and he killed them both in one assault phase! >.<

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Name: Chaplain Samayel

Age: 31

Country/State: US, Where depends on the day, but Home is Boston MA

Occupation: Vagabond, Troubadour, Stuntman

Time spent in hobby: 12 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels 10th Company (that's right. A scout army. We EAT Tyranids) Dark Angels 7th company, CSM (Void Ravens a DIY) Necromunda (House Orlock) Currently developing a homegrown SM chapter based on the Scots (because it will be fun to model kilts onto my marines)

Make your mark: I picked up my DA obsession poking around the internet when I was healing up from a broken back in 2 places and knee surgery. Came across some DA conversions and thought it would be fun to do my own Veteran conversions.

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Name: Russell's teapot

Age: Ufortunately in the 30-40 demographic now <_<

Country/State: Nottingham UK

Occupation: I sail upon the vast accountant-sea

Time spent in hobby: about 20 years now! I started seeing thee cool new models that were like the planes & tanks I built, but kewl & from the future, it took a couple of years to discover there were rules!

Armies collected: DeathWing, Space Marines, IG, GK, radical Deamon Hunters, Radical Witch Hunters

Make your mark: No.

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Name: Lord Lucius

Age: 26

Country/State: Canada/Ontario

Occupation: Finish Technician For Mobile Homes

Time spent in hobby: 13 years (yikes)

Armies collected: Angels of Caliban (successor chapter), Deathwing, Necrons, Daemons, and Dark Eldar. Imperial Fleet for BFG and Imperial Guard for Epic

Make your mark: I have been collecting my Angels since i started and have gone thru three complete rebuilds but now it is closing in to done again at a hefty 6000 or more points!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Brother-Captain Sharp (Yes I realize DA don't have Captains, it's a carry over from 40k forums) <_<

Age: 19

Country/State: Utah, USA

Occupation: Full-time student

Time spent in hobby: 1.5 Years

Armies collected: 2000 point DW, 1500 point Ravenwing, just shy of 5000 points DA Battle Companyb

Make your mark: I played DA Battle Company and Ravenwing avidly until two months ago, then I fell in love with Deathwing. Now I don't even touch my tactical marines. They're lonely. ;)

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Been on the forum for a while but never posted here


Name: Chris

Age: 19

Country/State: London UK

Occupation: Gap year student

Time spent in hobby: on and off 10 years

Armies collected: Too much 3rd Company DA; pre-hersy Luna Wolves, Bretonia, Khorne and Goblins in WFB

Make your mark: I'll add to this later donno what to put!

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Name: Tyler

Age: 22

Country/State: USA: FL/PA (during the summer)

Occupation: Student: Video Game Art and Design

Time spent in hobby: at this moment, about 2 weeks

Armies collected: traitor Dark Angels chapter, played as Chaos Space Marines

Make your mark: I am building a Codex:CSM army that uses no standard Chaos Marines (my only power armor units are Noise Marines, Raptors, and Bikers). However, I have yet to purchase a Raptor or a Noise marine, I have bought only Chaos Space Marines, Dark Angels, and Ravenwing Bikers. I am using those first two to convert into raptors and noise marines, making my own sonic weapons an jump packs. I guess I'm jumping in headfirst with some heavy conversions, and having a blast doing it.


was that too extensive? sorry if it was :x

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Name: Steve

Age: 31

Country/State: Arizona, U.S.A

Occupation: Instructor

Time spent in hobby: since 1999

Armies collected: Angels of Wrath (DIY Dark Angels Successor), Deathwing, Necrons, Tau, Emerald Blades Space Marines

Make your mark: Currently, I have an entire Battle Company + of Dark Angels, although only about half are completely painted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Meliadis Miltiadis

Age: 24

Country/State: Greece, Thessaloniki

Occupation: Geographer

Time spent in hobby: 3 days per week

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Imperial Guard

Make your mark: I have a full battle company (the 4th) and I want to make the 1st and beloved one the Deathwing. I am new one here so in the future I will post some of my units. Hunt the Fallen for ever

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Name: Grand Master Othniel

Age: 40

Country/State: USA/Tennessee

Occupation: High School History/English Teacher aka Glutton for Punishment

Time spent in hobby: Since just before Armageddon

Armies collected: Played and traded everything but Sisters in 40k; started Blood Angels converted to Unforgiven; currently collecting an Unforgiven chapter I'm calling the Order of Arcturus, and a DE army called the Kabal of False Hope; played several WFB armies but am back to Dwarves; also have a decent WE army; also have a Chaos fleet for BFG, and various things for Mordheim

Make your mark: I'm trying to collect an entire 3rd company for my Order, and eventually an entire 1st Company. My 1st Company are called the Guardians, and my 2nd I'm tentatively calling the Eyes of the Bear [while nose maybe more appropriate, it just doesn't sound right :cry: ].

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Name: Chapter Master Dave

Age: 16

Country/State: ireland

Occupation: Angel of Death (but really working in my dads shop)

Time spent in hobby: oh eh...about 3 years now

Armies collected: Dark angels(again) ,Fallen (chaos :) )

Make your mark:Having fun kicking some chaos butt :yes:

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Name: Michael

Age: 23

Country/State: USA/Illinois

Occupation: Computer Tech

Time spent in hobby: 10-15 hr per week

Armies collected: 40K: Dark Angels and Tyranids Fantasy: Wood Elves and Lizardmen

Make your mark: 1850 of Deathwing, 1000 of Ravenwing, 3000+ of Dark Angel Space Marines

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Name: Emma

Age: 20

Country/State: Ipswich, UK

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: 2 Years before I stopped, just started again.

Armies collected: Lord of the Rings stuff mainly, like Urah Kais, Elves, Goblins. That kinda thing.

40K: First time with 40K.

Make your mark: Nothing at the moment, gimme time!

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Hi to all fellow unforgiven..


Name: Lance

Age: 38

Country/State: New Zealand

Occupation: Ex. Infantry, Ex. Feild Engineer, Currently a Fishery Surveillance Officer.

Time spent in hobby: When was RT?, spazmodically since then. Back into the hobby frequently now.

Armies collected:

Current: DIY SM TDA army (DAish icons) which by 2nd Ed became proper DW and GW, grew to DA 10k+, World eaters 4k, Khorne Daemons 3k, Deathwatch/Inq 1k,

Gone to rest: DE wyches 1k(old models-crap paintjobs), House Escher 12 chicks(Kids toys now), SoB 1k(given to a friend), Black legion 1k(given away too)

Make your mark: X, lol

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Name: Mike/ Company Master Castor Anariel

Age: 30

Country/State: Chester, England

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: 14 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels 3rd Battle Company, Deathwing, Cadian 506th Rifles, Cadian 23rd Mechanised, Hive Fleet Annydney, Raven Guard 3rd Battle Company

Make your mark: I almost got the Dark Angels chapter badge tattoed on my left shoulder but my wife assured me that i'd wake up missing several body parts if i did. Suffice to say i didn't do it, but i'm still tempted :)

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Name: jesse /commander saprox

Age: 18

Country/State: u.s. washington

Occupation: G.W.

Time spent in hobby: 3 years

Armies collected: ravenwing, deathwing, 3ed company, and half of 4th, tyranids(the great maw), and some tau crisis suits

Make your mark: love D.A. trying to get the entier chapter but also want to get the thunder hawk gunship very expensive i know :)

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Name: Timitrius

Age: 39

Country/State: USA - Texas

Occupation: Police Officer

Time spent in hobby: A little over one year

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Black Templars, Tau

Make your mark: I was introduced to the 40k universe by a co-worker when he let me read a book called "Horus Rising." (At that time, I had no idea that 40k was a game too!) I still remember how shocked I was when I researched "The Horus Heresy" on Wikipedia and found out that Hours turned into the bad guy. So far I've read around 30 Black Library 40k books and my favorite is the Gaunts Ghosts series.

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Name:Name is Calvin but I go by Mags, after my gamer tag for live or Zex after a Kh2 character

Age: 18

Country/State: San Francisco Ca.

Occupation: Future Game Developer and Designer/ Secret vigilante crime fighter/ninja

Time spent in hobby: approximately 4 1/2 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels 3rd, Raven Wing and Death Wing, Imperial Guard

Make your mark: I started playing 40k after a friend gave me battle for Macragge for my birthday. After that I was down at the local GW every day sinking my money into an un-named marine army until i got my first codex which was Black Templars left my mini's unpainted then. 1 because of my lack of paint and 2 because i still didn't know if i wanted to commit to the color scheme, but as soon as the Dark angels codex came out I immediately painted my army dark green. Been playing the dark angels ever since. I plan on one day owning and playing with the full chapter, including but not limited to full motor pool with thunder hawk transport and gun ships. A fully modeled terrain peice based on "The Rock" and a full space marine fleet. Call me crazy but I'll do it eventually.

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Name: Ben Taylor (Capt. Tates)

Age: 21.

Country/State: Peterborough, UK.

Occupation: Temporarily at McD'S

Time spent in hobby: Year or so but used to paint when i was younger.

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Black Templars(5 years ago)

Make your mark: My Neighbour introduced me into WH40K when i was about 13, i started painting and playing Black Templars but i gave it all up a couple of years later due to insufficient funds, i've been on and off since but recently started up again with a mate of mine, only played one game so far but i'm enjoying it so far.

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Name: Master Cypher

Age: 18

Country/State: Wisconsin, USA

Occupation: Student

Time Spent in Hobby: 4 Years

Armies Collected: Dark Angels 3rd Company

Make Your Mark: I started with W40K when my father bought me the "Macragge" boxed set. My army originally started off as Imperial Fists, but I felt that they lacked a certain "quality" to their Chapter, so I defected and became a Dark Angels player. I have a small army of 1,000 pts, but it's quite effective.

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Name: Christopher Chin

Age: 16

Country/State: USA/California

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: A lot..(in my eyes) maybe..3 years?

Armies collected: If you're really interested...read this. Tyranids, break for 2 years. DA (when they first came out), Tau, Tyranids, Space Marines again, Tau again, now DA again.

Make your mark: Started Tyranids when I got Macragge. Stopped for a couple of years. DA came out, got a WD and a MegaBattle force..one thing led to another, and I was down $200 from the start. Switched armies..and now I'm back. Rererunning a Full Deathwing company, with my Land Raider Exterminus at the lead.

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Name: Benedict Tan

Age: 26

Country: Malaysia

Occupation: Concept Artist/Game Designer (Video Games Industry)

Time spent in hobby: couple years in 2nd edition, a few months in the 5th. I miss overwatch.

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Goff Orks

Make your mark: Trying very hard to resist the temptation to drill every bolter barrel in my army out.

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Age: Older than I want to be. My Kids got me started on this hobby they stopped and Im still playing at 47.

Country/State: England

Occupation: Outdoor Pursuits

Time spent in hobby:8 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Demons, just starting Imperial Guard.

Make your mark: Painting and playing 40K is my way of relaxing after a hard weeks work,I collect what I like with no regard to how it plays which is why my army has more vehicles than an Imperial guard armoured division.Hoping to have A full 3rd company and a full Ravenwing Company before 2011 as I hope to field both companies in a apocalypse game. If my finances improve I hope to have a Deathwing company as well .

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