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+++ Unforgiven but not Unknown +++


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Name: Dan

Age: 31

Country/State: London, UK

Occupation: IT Monkey

Time spent in hobby: 15 years

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Deathwing, Ravenwing, considering pre-heresy Luna Wolves or World Eaters as my codex marines.

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Name: Desmond

Age: 29

Country/State: USA/ Michigan

Occupation: Retail Manager/ Student

Time spent in hobby: 11 years-ish

Armies collected: Dark Angels (Guardians of the Covenant); starting a Vanilla Marine (So I can paint Marines something other than Boltgun Metal... ;)); starting Steel Legions. Also Imperial Fleet for BFG and 'Marines' for Epic.

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Name: Captain Ultio of the Dark Angels

Age: 24

Country/State: England

Occupation: Web Designer

Time spent in hobby: 2 Months

Armies collected: Dark Angels

Make your mark: I enjoy reading, writing, designing websites, model painting and such

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Cyrox

Age: 30

Country/State: NW England

Occupation: IT Engineer

Time spent in hobby: 18 years on and off

Armies collected: DA, Crimson Fists, Started Imperial Fists & Aurora Chapter. Prior to that played Orks and SW

Make your mark: I enjoy many hobbies, like reading, Golf, Footie, and Military History (I'm a former soldier). Also a member of the 501st Legion :D - google it

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Name:Simoleo-Brother marine

Age: 14 (kinda young compared to other ppl on here)

Country/State: England/Warwickshire

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: 3 years

Armies collected: Some LOTR stuff which got boring and Dark Angels

Make your mark: I found this forum after looking at Isiah's website and thought, these guys look like they enjoy 40K as much as me so I joined. That, and I had nothing else to do this sunday afternoon. Currently modelling my angels to represent those who fight the Space Wolves in the novel 'Sons of Fenris'

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Name: Pyrowarrior

Age: 16

Country/State: Florida

Occupation: Student

Time spent in hobby: newbie:) 3 years

Armies collected: Tau(hence the name, firewarrior pyrowarrior get it) Dark Angels(favorite)

Make your mark: I have never lost to a necron or chaos space marine army :)

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Name: Rob

Age: 25

Country: UK

Occupation Central Government Administration

Time spent in hobby: 18 years (at least im not the only uber geek here :D)

Armies Collected: nuhgg.... ok here goes... Dark Angels, UltraMarines, Blood Angels, Crimison Fists, Black Templars, Space Wolves, White Scars, Slamanders, Grey Knights, Blood Ravens, Biel Tan, Ulthwaé, Saim Hain, Tau, Necron, Tyranid, Genestealer (pure strain and cult armies) Goff Orks, Kult of Speed Orks, Generic Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Chaos Space Marines (with deamon allies, older edition), Death Guard, Chaos Cult.... and thats just my 40K.... if you want I'll give you a list of the rest of my armies....

Make your mark: As if the above isn't good enough huh? Lol... ok check my sig for my 5th Ed 40K battles, not too shabby huh?

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Name: Louis

Age: 20

Country: Belgium

Occupation: unfortunatly non atm, hopefully soon to be many :D

Time spent in the hobby: 6 months

Armies collected: Dark Angels and Helluvian 66th (my own personal, converted Imperial Guard with fluff)

Make your mark: Killed a Necron Nightbringer with my one remaining scout (the Sarge at that) with sniper rifle (If it says wounds on a 4+ then it means wounds on a 4+)

And here he is, a real hero: http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg168/G...outsarg010b.jpg

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Name:commander alexander (middle name, always liked it, sounds cool, and historical refrence :D )

age: 16

Country-State: Oregon USA

Occupation:Student :D

Time in hobby: 2 years

Armies: Dark Angels / Space marines, And =][=

Make your mark: About time I updated this. Ive been playing tabletop strategy since I was 8 (anyone remember mech warrior :P , I did the highland clan) . This is continiung into my 2nd year of 40K. Ive been pulled in farther inot the hobby(damn all of you! :lol: ), and Ive gotten into the idea of Apocalypse, and designing units/making fluff. Ive gotten ,ore comfortable painting and modelling(thanks to all of you ;) ) Check out my signature or any articles you see I've made to checkout what I'm doing.

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Name:Iron Father Yaris

Age: 21

Country/State:Canada/British Columbia

Occupation: Chef

Time spent in hobby: 4 years

Armies collected: Iron Hands, World Eaters Chaos Space Marine, Dark Angels

Make your mark: I've been into the hobby since i found a WD magazine in my science class back in 2004 (still have the copy), and been playing ever since. I started out with the Iron Hands, and got attracted to the dark side of the universe and pledged allgiance with th followers of Khorne, the World Eaters I saw the errors of my ways and with the empeors help I joined the Dark Angel and been playing them ever since.


"May we find the fallen and get redemption for our past sins"

Interogattor-Chaplain Ryuk

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Name: Cypher the Fallen

Age: 16

Country/State: U.S. Ca

Occupation: random crap

Time spent in hobby: 7 years

Armies collected: Dark Angel , Fallen Angels and now Death Guard with a Fallen attachment

Make your mark: I hold in my mind that onces a Dark Angel always a Dark Angel its in my blood to me and though I am fallen it is because I view myself as one of the order not an Angel after the coming of the emporor

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Apothete

Age: 27

Country/State: Unwillingly Below the Mason Dixon

Occupation: Marketing, Customer Service, Gallows Humor (unpaid volunteer)

Time spent in hobby: Just starting over with my first serious effort

Armies collected: Currently building a Dark Angels force, planning Witch Hunters and Tyranids to follow

Make your mark: I used to own two Games Workshop related products before I even knew who the company was (Hero Quest and Battle Masters), both of which left me with a taste for their artistic style. Being Zargon was probably my first taste of RPGs, an addictive habit that I've had ever since. I usually tend to underdogs, antiheroes, and the outright malicious or evil when given a choice, since I can't stand stories where nobody has dirt on them. If it's not there when I start, it'll be there by the time we're done.

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Name: Marcelis

Age: 27

Country/State: Australia/Sydney

Occupation: Cancer research/synthetic chemist

Time spent in hobby: 14ish years

Armies collected: Legion of the Damned, Dark Angels and Tyranids

Make your mark: My two camping mates who play Eldar and Space Wolves conned me into playing during 2nd Ed. They had the Angels of Death Codex, and as DA have such a rivalry against SW I had to go green. I quickly drew up a 3500 pt army on folded cardboard with blue pen and played a game every day for about 4 weeks. Much later I started collecting a Legion of the Damned army. My regular opponent (who played a Khorne Daemonworld army with two Bloodthirsters :devil: ) said it was too cheesy, so I used the DA green paint I had stashed to repaint them as Dark Angels.* I couldn't decide between DA and the Unforgiven Successors so I collected an Unforgiven Crusade army for a while. Early on in 3rd Ed. I unified the whole force under the DA paint scheme, though my tanks are still painted in a Angels of Redemption-esque scheme as they took too much effort originally to just paint over. I'll try and post some pics of my army soon.


*A few months later the Legion of the Damned army was published in a White Dwarf and it was far more cheesy than my DIY list. Ahhh well.

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Country/State:UK but currently working out of Germany


Time spent in hobby:16 years and still going

Armies collected:DA (natch) Black Templars, Tau and Eldar

Make Your Mark: Have been collecting Dark Angels since I started, git the Deathwing symbol tattoo'd on my arm (bit small, though, could've done with being bigger). Have a habit of selling my armies and starting from scratch, otherwise my army would prob be Chapter sized by now

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Name: Thibault

Age: 27

Country/State: France, Paris

Occupation: Quality Engineer

Time spent in hobby: since 1992, which make... already 16 years !

Armies collected: Dark Angels, Tyranids, Vostroya IG, Orks, Chaos, Eldars... well all but Tau.

Make your mark: back in 2nd Edition, I used to always equip one of my Space Marine Sergent with the "Frenzon" Wargear Card. Thus was born the Sgt Furius and after so many years he is still in first line of my battles !

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Name: Dodge

Age: Too old

Country/State: England

Occupation: Fiddle with databases

Time spent in hobby: A fair bit during 2nd Edition then started again 6 months ago

Armies collected: Dark Angels

Make your mark: I play for fun over anything else (another way of saying I lose an awful lot)

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Name: With an Iron Fist

Age: 27->28

Country/State: U.S.M.D.

Occupation: All and nothing.

Time spent in hobby: 15->16 years

Armies collected: Craftworld Ulthwé/Harlequin Co., 13th Co./"Grimnar's Retinue", DH: Grey Knights, ChaoSM, Tyranids, Tau, Necron, The Deathwing, Dark Angels 3rd w/ Ravenwing/Scout Co. adv.

Make your mark: I collected the Deathwing in 3e, complete with a land raider for each squad. It was quite heavy.

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Name: Octavulg (Simon)

Age: 21 (at the moment)

Country/State: New Brunswick (Canada)

Occupation: University Student, Double Major in History and Political Science.

Time spent in hobby: Seven years.

Armies collected: Ice Lords (DA succesor which has been subverted by reformed Fallen), Bronze Prophets (Cursed Founding DIY), Stone Hearts (Codex: Space Marines), Genestealers (Space Hulk made me do it), Eldar (slowly growing).

Make your mark: Well...I love me my Terminators. Hence my attraction to the Deathwing. Hence my prescence here. I also try to be quite active in the Liber Astartes, where I shred IAs routinely, for the betterment of mankind.

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Name: Ruben

Age: 22

Country/State: Valencia, Spain

Occupation: University Student/Waiter

Time spent in hobby: 7 years!

Armies collected: Black Templars, Dark Eldar, Tau, Tyranids and now Guardians of the Covenant

Make your mark: I always fail the Moral tests with Marines but I never fail them with any other army! :)

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