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Cosmic Space Knights (of doom)


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Thanks guys! :lol:


It cracks me up that the oven gloves idea went down so well! :lol:

It's the one conversion in the army so far I was a bit unsure of people actually finding funny, but I guess that it proves that the simplest ideas are often the best! ;)

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The oven mits have just cost yet another pair of power armoured trousers so that's now 3 people who me new pairs of power armoured trousers. I don't mind if they don't have mold lines on them though. :devil:


I can imagine this lot signing to the Monty Python Galaxy song about ancient terra. B)



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Thanks guys! B)




Ok so this is pretty rough at the moment but celebrates the CSK(od)'s glorious actions during the First Pan'zee War.





It's the first time that I've tried a standard in years so it's not great at the moment, I've just started blocking out the main colour blocks and will begin shading, highlighting and all the fancy stuff like lettering after that...






Seriously though you might want to look away if you are of a nervous disposition...








Last warning....









You're still reading this aren't you...







Last chance...









Well you were warned....
















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Thanks guys! :cry:


Brother Cambrius : Only Pan'Zee prisoners, the CSK(od) were runners up in the first war...


You've no idea how close I came to painting the toilet gold and calling it the "golden throne" but thought that might be going too far! :wub:

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Thanks guys! :wub:


Brother Cambrius : Only Pan'Zee prisoners, the CSK(od) were runners up in the first war...


You've no idea how close I came to painting the toilet gold and calling it the "golden throne" but thought that might be going too far! :lol:


Just as well then. :) I'd imagine a few of the more over zealous chapters and Inquisition would have your skulls for ornaments if you did make a golden throne (although I adives you to do it anyway :cry:)



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Brother Cambrius: :rolleyes:


One last quick update...


I've got a bit more done on the banner (...of doom), it's still rough but getting there.




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Thanks guys! :rolleyes:


Brother Cambrius : Only Pan'Zee prisoners, the CSK(od) were runners up in the first war...


You've no idea how close I came to painting the toilet gold and calling it the "golden throne" but thought that might be going too far! :rolleyes:







(Flush twice, it's a long way to the Eye of Terror...)



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HAHA that was damn funny, i know you said it would be funny Doghouse, but seriously there were almost tears here! I absolutely love this army, definately by far my favourite.



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Thanks guys! :tu:


Alex.ö: Fire Magnet will be getting some work done soon, I'm just hunting for parts at the moment. :)


Ekkanus: I thought I'd give people a warning this time around to avoid more monitors having beer/coffee/cola spat all over them. :tu:



Update time


Well, I've been hunting high and low for parts and finally came across a bunch of Dark Angel Veteran parts that I will be using to make the second tactical squad.

I'm still working out the finer points of the fluff details but they will represent a not so secret holy order within the chapter.

Pretty much everything I've done so far for this army has started out this way, I make something then rack my brains and write the background material after so they fit in. It's kind of a parody of the Inner Circle at the moment but more details on that later! :)




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Totally brilliant! :tu: all of them. Especially the fluff on Van Daamage. Every thing has me laugh and that's a good thing, not to mention the "pan-zee war" which cracked me up even more.


This topic makes my day even when the rest of it sucked :tu:

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:ph34r: OMG Doghouse you manic! ^_^


I've been laughing soo hard, so very hard...


Will there be an "epic" story of the Pan-Zee War? I'm much curious about it. Lol... "Kneel before the Throne Xenos Scum!"

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Thanks guys! :rolleyes:


esinhorn: You're not too far off the truth actually...


JoeneB: Then my work here is done... :lol:


Inquisitor =D=: There will definately be a full background write up on the Pan'Zee war as soon as I get the chance.



WIP Vulnerable Dreadnaught: Brother Hulk


This model is literally made from scraps from my various bits boxes and may get replaced by a proper version later at some point but for now he fits in with the general feel of the army. I've gone for a sort of pre-heresy style and he is made up from all sorts of stuff including chaos, Imperial Guard and some old adeptus titanicus bits. I've got some nifty ideas for the paintjob as well but don't want to give too much away at this point. ;)






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