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Word Bearers


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Thanks for fast comments :).

@Captain Pugno

Yep, as Cultist Chalky answered, it indeed is Orc warboss banner. Your loyalists were saved by the bell from horrible slaughter by word bearers ;) .

@Cultist Chalky

Thanks for the advice, I removed the damn thing from the tabard :P .


Thanks man ;) .

As promised moar updates:


Other angle to show the right arm:


Wings and weapon shaft left to do, what do you think?

I swear each time you take a break and come back to your WB kik, the quality just jumps in leaps and bounds. Just the simple conversions and the paint work alone always impress me.


I'm quite liking the Sorcerer conversion, there is nothing there thus far that doesn't scream out, i'm in the wrong place.


I'm also liking how your red each time seems to just darken and really bring out the theme of the WB as well.


Keep up the great work :lol:

Stunning army you are collecting there, sir. Stunning.


How do you paint your reds, specifically the red on the Dark Apostle? My own Word Bearers are getting their first coats of paint now, and I wanted to paint them like yours, but I've found something else that works for me (sadly).


Oh wow, sorceror's that good? Thanks man :P .

@Brother Gothard

Thanks mate, my current red recipe goes like this:

-Black bascoat

-Scab Red / Chaos Black 50/50

-pure Scab Red

-Red Gore / Scab Red 50/50

-pure Red Gore

-thin layer of Red Ink

-wash Badab Black

Remember to leave some of previous layers showing to create depth.

Maybe I should do a tutorial, because so many people has asked how I paint red B) .

Ok, down to business.

Kikkala: Chaos Lord, I have some good new and bad news for you.


Chaos Lord: Yes?

Kikkala: Good news first, I'm giving you new set of weapons!


Chaos Lord: Swheeet! What about the bad news?

<Kikkala demotes Chaos Lord to regural Terminator>

Chaos Lord: WHAAAT!!!

Kikkala: And you'll be with the other terminators.


Chaos Lord: But they are all smaller than me, I'll look like some kindergarten teacher!!

Kikkala: Oh boohooo, get used to it.


Thanks man, Iron Hands will get more attention in the future, as Word Bearers are nearing completion, and it would be about time they'd be finished! :devil:



I have made tutorial how to paint WB.


What are ye waitin'? Go and check it out! :tu:

Easy indeed. Now where's my couple hundred (thousaand) points worth of Word Bearer, eh TAS? ;) ;)

Two marines more to squad #2 increasin' squads members to 10:


(Aaand some tiny progress with the ex-lord termie, so tiny I didn't bother to take pics :lol: .)

C&C is always welcome, as usual.

*Edit* Termie done, yeaah:


Wow, i just got through reading all of the posts on your army, and i have to say it is absolutely amazing!!!


I really like your painting style/technique/whatever you want to call it, it looks great in the photos and i think that it would look even better on the tabletop.


I assume that you paint on the black base coat, but how did you paint the face on the sorceror?


Keep up the great work man! That's one heck of an army you got there!



Edit: had a question/typos



Hehe, thanks :P . My current painted models should be around 1400-ish points, as I still need to paint 2nd obliterator, remove paint from defiler and rebuild it, same deal to dreadnought, scratchbuild 2 rhinos... oh man, I still have huge amount work to do :) .



<attacks lord_bunnys loyalist soul, and after sever beating gives some more to laugh for the chaos soul>

mwahahaaa :D , no but seriously: washes = pure awesome.


@Broodlord Steven

Thanks man ^_^ . Yep, even the skin is painted on black basecoat. Here's super duper secret for skin.... the skin was painted just like the bone, same colors and washes! :lol: :lol: Check my tutorial for bone(/skin) recipe.


Ok, no progress pics yet, I'll post them later tonight.

Ahem, sorry, the word bearer in me just gained control over me for sec :P .

Promised progress update.

Painted 1 terminator, so there are 4 completed out of 7 terminators:


2 terminators have just been inked, metallics will be painted tomorrow:


1 terminator need gap filling before I start paintin' him:


Continued paintin' rhino, where I discovered how hard it is to wash a vehicle, but it's ok, mistakes happen:


I'm having a 1000pts game next weekend, so I can test out terminator squad, and today's thursday, I need to be quick if want whole termie squad completed before the game B) .

Wow, i never would have guessed! (runs out to get desert yellow and snakebite leather).


I like how the terminators are turning out. id the freehand on there shoulders also painted like the bone in your tut?


If you don't mind me asking, what is your 1000 pt army list?





@Broodlord Steven

Freehands have the same recipe as bone and skin :tu: . Basically my 1000pts list has: 2 sorcerors, 7-man termie squad, 2 10-man chaos marine squads, one with plasmaguns and other with flamers, both with rhinos.

I don't know is it effective list or not, but I'll test the list out this weekend.


Thanks man :) .

Let's see, what did I promise yesterday? And what did I manage to do:


... I suck :tu: .

... I suck :) .

That's a lie! ;)

To have come this far and still be dishing out lovable minis every now and again is a feet not normally achievable by man.

But you're no man.

You are a God.... :P

Well done kikkala. I just hope I have the strength to get this far on my own chaos army B)



I'd hardly call the progress you've made a sign of "suckingness" kik. You've pumped out alot of fantastic looking minis, both with your own WB and your IH in a short period of time.


Always remember since day one you've been continuously making a steady and forward progress, unlike myself, since i feel like i'm regressing back into the stone age :D


Keep at the rate you are going at dude :Elite:

Thanks Tij and TAS :P . Your comments gave great boost for paintin' :P .

Terminator squad finished, boooyah!

The power fist and chainfist guys:


The average equipment guys:


The reaper autocannon and 3rd regural termies:


Note, that TRA termie has some freehand on his helmet, otherwise he would have been plain compared to others.

And big happy family photo:


Phew, what's next on the list... maybe finishin' that damn rhino :P .


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